TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Feel like I've not been on in ages. Just been so busy with Rex & Leo & other things.

Sorry to hear about baby's kidneys, Kyles. I agree with Sarah. I don't think it can be anything to worry about if the tech didn't seem concerned. :hugs: Can't believe you can see the hair! Madness!

How you getting on, Sarah? Are things still better with the new latch technique?

I'm pretty sure Leo is having his 4-6 week growth spurt. He used to sleep soundly after his post-bath feed until his late feed as long as he was asleep on one of us. Now he doesn't & wakes very frequently for feeding. It's almost like cluster feeding but with slightly longer breaks. He's also getting very difficult to put down after his night feeds. He just wants to be with me all the time. Lovely in a way but soooo tiring :(
Things are not a great deal better here yet. Getting Wesley latched on properly has sorted out his gas problem but it's an uphill struggle getting him latched in the first place. It must be uncomfortable for him to open his mouth that wide because he constantly slips back into a shallower latch. My nipples are more sore now than they were to begin with. Wesley is super fussy when he feeds now too, presumably because he's annoyed with me removing him and reattaching him all the time. I've asked for a referral to get his tongue tie snipped as I'm at the end of my rope with it now. To make things worse, Olivia and DH both have stinking colds, I've started getting a sore throat and Wesley has taken up screaming as his new favourite pastime between feeds so I'm thinking he's probably caught cold too :dohh: :hissy:

On the plus side, he is starting to space out his feedings a tiny bit. (Not massively, but he will sit on his play mat for 10-15 minutes without crying for more milk) I'll take that as progress!

Definitely sounds like Leo is growth spurting, hopefully it won't last long. The 6 week growth spurt is supposedly the worst then it starts to get better, a few more days and Leo should hopefully start to settle a bit. Wesley hasn't started his yet, we have only just come out the other side of his 2-3 week one. He is doing a little bit better at night now, still can't get him out of our bed but he is back to sleeping 3-4 hours at the start of the night, then he's up for feeds at 1am and 3am. After that it all goes tits up though. Every morning he wakes up at 4-5am and fusses for an hour or so before finally settling back down -often on my chest so I can't go back to sleep.
I'm stuck with Leo on bed with me at the minute too, Sarah. The past 3 nights he's been in for the majority of the night. Last night, at long last, I managed to master feeding him lying down :happydance: so I got some decent sleep at last. I hope you're right & this really is the worst one & he'll settle more after it. I need to get him sleeping in his basket!

I feel like Leo & Rex are conspiring against me! Leo's been up to feed around 4.30 the past 2 nights & I've literally just settled him back to sleep in our bed when Rex barges in, wide awake :wacko: I tried Rex's old GroBlind back at up at his window last night, wondering if the light mornings were causing him to wake so early but :nope: he was still up at 5.40 :wacko:

The past few days have been tough on my nipples too :( It's the cluster feeding that's done it. A friend brought me her leftover breast healing compresses. They're called Multi Mam compresses & it's just a gel that you apply. They're great. Cooling & speed up healing :thumbup: She got given them by a friend's OH who works in medical supplies so not sure where you can but them but is recommend them, Sarah.

Hope you hear back from the tongue snipping people soon so things get better for you both.
In a way I'm glad we're not the only ones not able to get LO into their own bed. Its so weird to think we never had a problem getting Olivia into her own bed. She hated being in our bed with a passion, so I've absolutely no idea how to deal with it now. Congratulations on mastering the art of feeding lying down! :happydance: its SOOOO much easier when you can feed and snooze at the same time :D

Oh how awful Rex is getting up so early :( they just know don't they!

Olivia fell down the stairs today :( she's been wanting to play up in her room lately and has learned how to climb over the baby gate so we thought we'd just leave the gate open as its safer than her climbing over. She was getting really confident going up and down the stairs so we thought we'd trust in her ability. Big mistake! She tumbled down from the top :cry: thankfully she only has a bruise on her shoulder and a scratch on her arm but I feel so awful :nope: don't know what to do now because she climbs the gate. I just hope she's had a big enough scare to make her be more careful coming down.
Oh no, poor Olivia :( I'm sure she'll be more careful from now on. I'd leave them open. We got rid of our's when Rex was a similar age cos he started climbing them or pulling on them :dohh: Not looking forward to them going back up cos they're such a pain!

I thought I'd try feeding Leo in our room tonight to see if that made him sleep better at this time again. Massive fail to far :dohh: he's just laid on our bed staring around at the world :haha:

I feel a bit lost too, Sarah. At this point we had zero routine with Rex which was fine cos he was the only one. I thought we had it sussed with Leo. He'd feed after bath time, sleep on one of us til we woke him for another feed then he'd go down til his next feed, eat then down again. But it's all gone to pot & I don't know what to do :cry:
I Think a routine's just not going to work at this age. Wesley just does his own thing aswell, apart from the annoying things like waking up and fussing every single morning at the crack of dawn, grumping for an hour and then going back to sleep just before olivia gets up. That, you can set your watch by :dohh:

He was up 5 times last night. Now he's up again fussing and I can't for the life of me get him to settle :nope:
Yay saz, I've I've just noticed you've added your first BF blinkie to your signature! :) I'm counting down the days till I can put one on my sig. I never got to with olivia because I was supplementing her with formula from day 2 and didn't think I deserved a badge :dohh: :haha:

I never did get Wesley to settle back down this morning so we've been up since 5am :dohh: I think his morning "fussy time" might actually be him trying to get up for the day and that's why I can't re-settle him, and when I finally do manage to settle him, that's actually his first nap of the day!

He did sit quietly in his cot long enough to let me get a bath this morning though, so I'll let him off the early morning...this time! :)
I have got my first blinkie :) I know it's stupid but I likes seeing them go up the numbers! I felt like I was getting somewhere towards my 6 month goal last time :thumbup: And I feel proud of every new one :blush:

I know they're young for routine but it would make leaving the house so much easier if I could predict rough feed times. We're going out for the day tomorrow & are trying to leave at 9am but who knows if Leo will want feeding then. It's so hard!

5am starts are tough. Hope you have a better night tonight. Rex actually slept past 6am this morning. Never thought I'd be happy about that time! :dohh: Yay got getting a bath, Sarah :happydance: Small things! :haha:
Definitely something to be proud of! :thumbup: I get my first blinkie tomorrow :happydance:

Wouldn't it be great if we could predict feedings. I hope you get away on time this morning. Wesley is STILL pretty much feeding around the clock and only stops for naps. So in a way that is predictable :haha:

We had another difficult night last night. Wesley has caught olivia's cold so he's hot, snuffly and miserable. He went to sleep at 8pm but woke up at 9pm and cried till midnight. He slept till 3am then woke for a feed and slept till 6am when DH's alarm clock woke him up :dohh: then he's been grumpy all morning.

I still haven't heard back from the BF lady about referring him for his tongue tie. I tried calling and emailing her and no reply :( so going to take him back to the children's centre this morning
We made it out on time :happydance: Bur only cos Leo didn't wake up til 8.15. The lazy bum! So I got up & ready before he woke then fed him & got him dressed while DH sorted Rex out. Currently typing from the feeding room at Eureka museum :haha: So far this week, I've already fed Leo in IKEA, the National Railway Museum & now here. He gets his booby in all sorts of places compared to what Rex did! Staying at home just isn't an option so needs must!
Morning ladies! HOpe you had a nice weekend!
So sorry about Olivia falling down the stairs, That must have been VERY scary! :/

We keep two gates on the stairs because Kyle climbs and climbs. Let's hope Olivia learned her lesson. We do let him upstairs but not without us.

I was having so many pains in my stomach last night that I was crying. I think the baby was either turning again or going through a growth spurt :X Either way OWE!!!!!!!!

Today is better. I still feel like a whale and we leave for Vacation this weekend. I have my doc appt tomorrow to see what they say about me flying !!!! They better let me go because the plane tickets were non refundable.
Nights are awful anymore. This belly is just getting in the way of normal function!

hooray for the 1 month milestones on BF!!!! I so hope to be there.
My girlfriend gave me a breast feeding book this past weekend and some cooling pads for the Nips after each feed. Let's hope i can make this happen round 2!!!!!!!!
Hooray for getting away on time, saz! :) I wonder if Leo's lie-in means his growth spurt is coming to an end??

I've been breastfeeding all over the place due to wesley's constant nursing. No way am I going to stay house-bound so I just force myself to do it. So far I've BF in the soft play centre, the garden centre cafe, asda (in their feeding room), in the fitting room at New Look, and my bravest feed so far: sitting on a park bench :) I never NIP with olivia because she caused such a scene when she fed that I ended up sitting at home all day every day for 4 months so this time I'm just throwing myself into it. I'm finding it's quite an empowering feeling actually :)

Kyles, sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable. Third tri is hard-going :hugs: not much longer to go now though. Just think, you'll be full term in 4 weeks! :happydance:

I really hope your doctor gives you the all clear to fly. I should think he will as yours sounds to be a very normal healthy pregnancy. I also think he would have already said no the last time you asked him if he thought there was a problem.

I am certain you will succeed with BF this time. You have more knowledge and experience this time around, all you need is the determination to power through it. Not to mention Saz and I will keep you right :)
I never stayed at home with Rex but I'd only go places that I knew had nursing rooms. This time I bought a nursing shawl & it's been very well used already! I know what you mean, Sarah. It is empowering. I'm dying for someone to say something horrible to me about it. I'll let them have it!! :haha:

I'm sure you'll be fine to fly, Kyles, don't worry :thumbup: And I agree with Sarah. I bet you find BF much easier this time. You'll be more confident as a momma if nothing else. The end of the the pregnancy is in sight. Home stretch now! You can do it! (Although the end of third tri does suck!)

Having the evening from hell. As usual, Leo won't settle anywhere but on me, as is the norm in the evening. But Rex won't go to bed cos he fell asleep in the car on the way home today :dohh: And it's DH's five-a-side night :( So I'm sat on the sofa with Leo on my chest & Rex next to me on his iPad with headphones. Argh!!! I just would like 15 mins to myself. Is that so much to ask?!
AW Saz, that sucks. I hope you managed to get them into bed in the end :hugs: olivia is a pain for falling asleep in the car too. And there's just non waking the little monkey when she does!

We had a slightly better start to the night. Wesley went to sleep in his bouncy chair at 8:00 and slept till 11:00. He was then up for a half hour feed and down again till 3:00. But then it all went wrong and he was up again for his nightly hour-long fuss session. He's only just fallen asleep again now and I daren't put him down yet :haha:

Its really weird how he keeps doing this every night. He wakes up for a feed but when he's had his fill he's just not sleepy and when I try to settle him he screams. I found the last couple of nights that if I just put him down in his crib he stops crying. He doesn't go to sleep but he just sits quietly and looks around then gives me a shout when he's had enough and that's when he finally let's me feed him to sleep. Maybe that's it and all he wants is a little chill out sesh. I'm going to try putting him straight into his crib tomorrow night and see what happens...
Yay for the blinkie, Sarah! :happydance:

The car is the only place Rex will fall asleep these days. But like Olivia, there's no waking him once he's gone :dohh: He finally went to bed at 10.30pm :wacko: Today is going to be great fun with a tired toddler :(

Wesley sits in his crib?! Wow!! He's very advanced!! :rofl: :haha:

A bad night here :( Leo only slept 2 hours at a time. I think he's caught the cold we all have, poor thing. He's snuffily but not too bad. I think he's got a slight eye infection too so I've rubbing milk into his eye after feeds & that seems to be working.

After some busy days, we're having a lazy day at home today. Very glad! Just going to potter about in my slob & spend some time with my boys.
:rofl: yes, he sits in his crib and sometimes he even dances the cha cha and sings Elvis songs. Don't all babies do that??? Lol silly me! :haha:

I put my blinkie on at 4am when I was up with Wesley. It was the highlight of my night :D

Aww, I hope you're not too tired after your bad night. Poor little Leo, i hope he's feeling better soon. We all have colds too. Funilly enough Wesley and I seem to have only caught it very mildly whereas DH and olivia have been really bad with it. Must be all those lovely antibodies I'm giving to Wesley :thumbup:
Leo only has our cold mildly too. It must be the antibodies :)

Leo was weighed again today. He's 9lb 12oz now. He's put on 10oz in a week which the HV was pleased with :) So she's stoping visiting & we have to go to clinic instead. Still weekly for the time being but that's ok as it's on at the same time as a breastfeeding chat & play group we've been going to.

Having such a lovely lazy afternoon. Even Rex is being good which is amazing considering he hardly slept last night.
Wesley got weighed today as well and he's put on 3.5oz :) there is a toddler stay and play group at the same time as the baby weigh clinic here too. Olivia had a lovely time and she was so cute going off and doing her own thing but looking over and waving or blowing kisses to me every few minutes. She didn't want to go home afterwards lol

We've had a great afternoon too. Wes has been lovely and chilled out and olivia has been good as gold :happydance:

Here's hoping we both have a good night too.....!
Fingers crossed for a good night after our nice afternoons :D

We're off to visit DH's gran in Keighley tomorrow. She hasn't met Leo yet & will dote on him. We named Rex after her late husband so think she has a little soft spot for our boys :)

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