TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Wow ladies you have been updating like crazy!
Sorry I haven't been on.. Super busy preparing to finalize work and get ready for vaca.

Sitting up in the crib WOW!!!!!!!! That's impressive :)

Hope you both have wonderful nights tonight and all 4 of the babies sleep peacefully :)

The weight on both those little boys sounds awesome!!!!! Good work mama's!

You are both doing so well I am very proud :)

I have my doc appointment in a couple hours to disucss the plane, the kidneys and a check up. OYE fingers crossed all positive reports :)

I just got my compression socks and my belly bands in the mail yesterday too yahoo! the bands are awkward on my hips in the back but eh they will do. Need to start wearing the socks as my feet swell every now and then :(
Yahoo! Doc said I am clear for take off. She was not worried at all. Thank goodness!
Yay, kyles that's great news! Now you can relax and enjoy your holiday :happydance:

I hope those compression socks give you some relief, there's nothing fun about swollen feet!

Saz, hope you have/had a better night, and a nice day tomorrow.

Wesley has only been up twice tonight, once at midnight and again for his usual grumpy McFusspot hour at 3am. I did better this time, he woke up and fed at 3am and when he was finished and wide awake, I put him in his crib with music on where he stayed for 15 minutes before getting fussy again so I brought him out and fed him again. Once full he started to cry so I rocked him for a bit and off he went to sleep! Just waiting to put him down now and jobs a good 'un. Definitely beats an hour of screaming!

DH on the other hand, has drawn the short straw tonight. Olivia has been up in the night and its taken him 2 hours to settle her. She broke her night light the other day and she's upset because it's dark. Poor DH has work tomorrow too. :dohh:
Hooray for Wesley getting down a bit easier last night... It looks like he is heading in the right direction.

Oh Olivia :( Poor thing:( And poor husband. I hope he drinks lots of coffee :)

I still have to pack for this vacation and i probably won't be on here much this coming week.

I am so busy finalizing work and trying to pack. Luckily I am off tomorrow and will get everything I need DONE then.

Just feels like the clock has ticked down and i am NO WHERE NEAR READY!

I am just so relieved the doctor said all was A-ok to fly :) Made this whole trip more exciting. Still nervous about sleeping a 2 1/2 year old in a house wiht 25 other LOUD adults. This is going to be one crazy upcoming week!

I hope when I return that both Leo and Wesley are sleeping a min of 6 hrs at night :)
Wishful thinking i know :)
6 hours? How long are you going away for exactly? :haha: oh how I long for a 6 hour sleep! That would be heavenly :)

I totally spoke too soon in my post last night. Wesley woke up again at 4:45 with lots of bottom wind :( it took him another hour to go back to sleep and then I had to get up with Olivia at 6:30. So essentially I've been up since 3am :(

Here's to a very productive day, packing and organising for your trip :thumbup: you'll get there :)

Saz, bit of a silly question but what does Leo do between feeds? Does he mostly sleep or does he send lots of time awake? Just because it seems that wesley s finally starting to space out his feeds and it's freakng me out! Where before he basically fed all day every day apart from the odd nap, now he seems to spend most of the day asleep and wake for a feed every couple of hours. I'm worried that he should be awake more and maybe he's sleeping because he's not well or something. He's not taking as long to feed anymore either. Yes, I know I'm a total worrywart!
Great news on the green light to fly, Kyles :thumbup: Your holiday sounds like it'll be hectic with 25 people in one house! Have fun! :D

6 hours sleep?! I can only dream!! That won't happen for a looooong time here if Rex is anything to go off.

Sorry your night turned crap, Sarah :( We had a bad night too cos of Leo's cold. He slept 3 hours at first but then just couldn't settle after the next feed as he was all snotty so ended up in with me but was still unsettled :( Wish I could make him better :(

Errrm, in between feeds is totally different here. No pattern yet. He still sleeps from feed to feed a couple of times a day. Others he'll have alert time after the feed and be happy m on his play mat or in his chair for a while then get tired & need gelling to sleep. Other times he'll doze after his feed then have awake time after a little snooze. In terms of feeds, I don't let him go more than 3 hours with his slow weight gain but I think he would actually go more than that at certain points but I won't let him yet. No help at all is that really! Sorry!
Another bad night last night. I feel like a zombie :(

He woke at midnight for a feed and did his fussy thing afterwards. It took until 3am to get him back to sleep. He was up every hour after that until 6am

Today Olivia has gone to nursery but naughty wesley will only sleep on me so no nap for me :cry:

I've started writing down what he's doing in terms of feeds, naps and awake time and actually he's not that different to Leo, just that I don't always notice how much time has gone by between feeds etc.
:hugs: Sarah. I felt like a zombie first thing too.

With Leo's snotty nose, we had a really bad night. Couldn't get him to go down til 2.30. It was just feed, cuddle, feed, cuddle til then. Then he only did 2 hours & wanted feeding again. Then he wouldn't go down at all so ended up in with me at 4.30 & he dozed til 7.30 but kept waking up & whinging so I got hardly any sleep.

Thankfully DH is on half term so we went to bed at 12 & Leo slept for 2.5 hours so I feel waaaay more human now. Having Chinese take away tonight as can't be bothered to cook! Although one of us will probably end up eating it with Leo asleep on us :dohh:
Oh saz, how awful your night was too! :hugs: that's good you managed to get a little sleep in today though. I completely forgot how difficult the first few weeks with a newborn are. They suck.

Mmmmm Chinese! We had takeaway pizza last night for exactly the same reason. I ended up eating mine one handed with Wesley sleeping on me. Luckily it's easy to eat pizza and chips without a knife and fork, not like the steak and jacket potato we had for dinner last week! Quite often these days DH has to cut up my food for me so I can eat one handed :haha:

Tonight DH is out with his work mates for someone's leaving do and OMG its been hard with the two of them. Olivia has had wheatabix for dinner because I couldn't get dinner cooked in time. I tried to do their baths separately but olivia was being a pain so they ended up in the bath together (actually olivia was really good in the bath with him, apart from constantly trying to grab his willy :haha:)
But then I got him out to get dried while Olivia played, my back was turned for 5 seconds, next thing I turn around and Olivia is standing up on the side of the bath trying to climb out! I nearly had a heart attack.
Then after that it was into the bedroom for stories and a BF for Wesley. Sounds nice and relaxing doesn't it? It wasn't. It all went horribly wrong due to Olivia being hyper and not wanting to listen to the story, instead she was running around, jumping on the bed and laughing at me when I told her off. Meanwhile Wesley decided he didn't want a feed and screamed non-stop no matter what I did. Olivia went in time out for jumping the bed and she started crying too. OMG it was like the crying was in surround sound!
It got better when we went downstairs. Wesley decided he was happy to have a feed at last so he stopped crying and Olivia has plonked herself in front of the telly. Order has been restored. Just 10 more minutes and she's going to bed :happydance:

DH is going away with work for 3 days in a few weeks time. How the heck am I going to cope?!
They do suck! I'm already eagerly awaiting the days when both boys are in bed after their baths & we get our evenings back. At least this time I truly know that time will come whereas with Rex I thought I'd never get a night in peace ever again.

I do bath time alone on Sundays when DH goes to play football & they are very difficult so you have my sympathy, Sarah :hugs: I only get through it by letting Rex have the iPad :blush: I wouldn't worry about Olivia's dinner either. Rex often had Weetabix when he's point blank refused to eat dinner :dohh:

I don't know how you'll manage those 3 days but you will! I'd be asking my mum to come to stay :haha: Is there anyone who could help you out at teatime/bath time for a couple of hours? They're the worst times.
Oh yes that will be lovely when they both go down and stay down for the night!

Tea time and bath time are definitely the worst! No, I don't have any family nearby other than MIL who lives about 10 miles away but doesn't drive :(
Oh no :( That's rubbish. I think you'll just have to eat from the freezer for 3 days & face it that bath/bedtime might go to pot until DH is back. You'll middle through though. Us mummies always do!

I've managed to make myself paranoid about Leo's weight again :( I looked Rex's red book tonight & at 6 weeks, he was 2.5lb above his birth weight. Even if Leo puts on 10oz again this week (which I doubt he will after a few days with a cold so struggling to latch well), he'll only have put 2lb on. Really thinking my milk supply isn't as good as with Rex. From 12 weeks, Rex had a formula feed at his late feed (to try & get him to sleep longer; his sleep was baaaaad) & I was going to do the same with Leo. But now I'm thinking I should start it earlier to get some weight on Leo. Idk :shrug: His weight is always niggling at the bak of my mind :(
Us new mums don't half worry, every other post on here one of us is freaking out about something!

Firstly, is your HV worried about Leo's weight in any way? If not, I really don't think its anything to worry about. He put on 10oz this week which is absolutely fantastic, and 2lb by 6 weeks seems OK to me. Wesley has only put on 1lb 3oz so far and only gained 3oz last week. Really speaking, there's only been that one incident with the midwife who weighed Leo wrong that put the whole weight issue into your mind. If that hadn't have happened I don't think they ever would have thought his weight to be a problem?
Secondly, don't compare him to Rex. They're different babies and grow at their own rate.
I'm not sure a formula feed will help with weight gain. My BF group leader (the one that's referring us for his tongue tie who really knows her stuff) said that formula actually has fewer calories in than breast milk, and it fills them up longer meaning it would be longer before he wanted his next BF so even fewer calories taken in.
Thanks, Sarah :) You've been the rational voice I needed :thumbup: You're totally right in everything you say. That's really interesting about formula vs. BM. I always thought formula was fattier for some reason.

I thought Wesley had gained a lot more than that tbh. That makes me feel better! You're right, we do freak out about every little thing :dohh:

How was your night?

Another rough one here but better than the night before. He slept until 2.45 then was awake til 5 :wacko: I just couldn't settle him. It took 3 boobs and 2 poos! :haha: Then Rex bounded in & had a screaming fit cos I wouldn't let him touch a sleeping Leo & he woke him up anyway :( Thankfully he went straight back to sleep after a good feed so I sneaked back into bed too. Feel much better now!

DH has taken Rex to the cinema to see the Postman Pat film. A bit of a gamble but hopefully it'll be a success. Just me & Leo at home. It's so peaceful!
No problem, I'm good at rational thinking.... If only I could apply it to my own constant freak outs! :haha: :dohh:

Yeah, now that you mention it I'm starting to doubt what the BF group leader was saying about the calorie content of BM vs FM. I'm going to Google it tonight when I'm up feeding at 2am with nothing better to do :)

My night was better but still rough as well. He went down at 7:30 but stupid me thought I'd watch some telly when I really should have been going to bed. I went to bed at 9:00 but had this crazy overtired thing going on and couldn't sleep (who knew that could happen to adults too?!) So when he woke up at 9:45 I hadn't had any sleep. He had a very quick feed and went down in his crib for 2 whole hours! :happydance: then he came into my bed and did his fussy time until 2am. It wasn't as bad as usual though, a lot of it was spent either feeding or just lying awake but not crying. Then he slept till 5:30.

Its been a pretty stressful day here unfortunately :( stupid DH has been hungover and has spent the day complaining about how tired he is because he only got 6 hours sleep :growlmad: Olivia has been playing up because she's bored and DH hasn't wanted to do anything with her. He is making dinner though so that's something at least...
Oh just the 6 hours of sleep?! How did he cope?! :dohh: My DH is the same when it comes to hangovers. No matter how many times I tell him to not get stupidly drunk cos he'll regret it the next day with Rex to look after, he doesn't listen & is a bigger kid than Rex the day after a drinking session. Even MIL tells him to grow up but it makes no difference!

We've been out with SIL & her family this afternoon. Was lovely to catch up with them. But Leo slept the whole time we were our except even I woke him to feed so I'm not expecting a good night. He's asleep on me right now. Love the cuddles but wish he'd go down on a night now so we can have a little bit of chill time.
My BF advisor was right, BM has more calories: I'm impressed by that :)

Here's a bit of info about increasing weight gain in BF babies, but as I said earlier, I really don't think Leo has a problem :flower:

DH really can't take his booze, it only takes a couple of pints and he's throwing up all night. He was only supposed to go for one pint on his way home last night and ended up getting in at midnight :wacko: I don't begrudge him going out at all, just his complaining the next day! :haha:

I hope your night isn't too bad after all that sleeping. At least you thought ton wake him for his feeds so he won't be trying too hard to make up for it tonight.

Olivia was a pain at bedtime tonight. She has about 5 soft rabbits that she takes to bed with her and one of them went missing tonight. She refused to go to bed without it :dohh: DH and I spent the best part of an hour looking for the damn thing before it finally turned up in her wardrobe!

Well I don't want to jinx it but Wesley appears to have missed his fussy hour tonight. He got annoyed feeding lying down so I sat up properly to fed him and he's fallen asleep rather than doing his hour long fuss afterwards. Fingers crossed he won't wake up when I put him down.....
Thanks for the links, Sarah. Had a good read & it's put my mind at rest :)

Uh oh! Glad the missing rabbit was found! We've so whole managed to lose the stuffed giraffe Rex sleeps with recently but thankfully he just replaced it with a huge George Pig! :haha:

I'm sooooo tired today. I feel like it's catching up on me :( Leo was up for nearly 2 hours in the night again :dohh: Then woke about 7.30 due to wind. He did some very trumps, bless him :haha: I need a nice long stretch of sleep so desperately. It's these exhausted days that really make me want to formula feed :(

DH is back to work tomorrow so back to me & the boys tomorrow. Hoping to get slightly more of a routine going for us in the next few weeks. We'll see how that goes!
Ha ha that's great Rex just replaced his giraffe with something else. I fear for my life the day olivia's favourite rabbit goes missing. She was inconsolable yesterday and it was only "blue one rabbit" (olivia's very imaginative in naming her toys, she has "big rabbit", "brown one rabbit", " blue one rabbit", "small rabbit", and "baby rabbit") :) "big rabbit" is her favourite.

I know just how you feel, I had a day like yours yesterday. We had a much better night last night, he was up 3 times but only for half an hour each time, so I feel much more alive today. I hope you have a better night soon too :hugs:

I'm all alone with the pair of them tomorrow too. Its meant to rain here tomorrow so its going to be a nightmare finding things to keep madam occupied!

Guess what, wesley hit s first official milestone today, he started smiling :) great except he's smiled at everyone except me :( he smiled at DH,MIL and even at Olivia, but not mummy! I wonder if he only sees me as a walking boob and a cushion to sleep on rather than someone who's fun to be with. :shrug:
We're forecast rain tomorrow too. I'm hoping to go to a play centre once my good shopping has been dropped off. Set my alarm for 6.30 to get up, showered & ready before DH leaves. Hopefully Leo will stay asleep.

Yay to smiles! :D I got my first ones on Thursday. Only had a couple a day since then though.

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