TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

:rofl: A hickey!!

I've survived my fourth day with the both of them all day. Finding my feet a bit more & Leo will sleep in the swing now which helps massively.

Don't know what wrong with Leo today. He won't latch properly onto the right hand side at all :shrug: It's hurting me again :cry:
That's great you're starting to get the hang of it with the two of them. I'm doing OK too, although we do better when I can get out and about with them than when we stay home, otherwise olivia is hard work and will keep waking the baby up :dohh:

Oh dear, I wondering what's going on with Leo. I've heard of babies preferring one side but I can't remember why it happens. I hope he sorts himself out soon. It's such a worry isn't it! :hugs:

I've had a crazy busy day today. DH went into hospital for a little operation on his ear so I've had to do everything both of us normally do. I had to go grocery shopping by myself with the two of them, then come home and unpack shopping, make dinner and clean up while entertaining both of them. I've only just sat down now.

Wesley was wide awake after his feed this evening so I thought I'd do a bit of baby massage on him. He loved it! And then of course Olivia said she wanted one too so I ended up doing baby massage on an almost 3 year old :haha: it was quite good fun actually because you can really get into it without having to worry about hurting fragile little arms and legs on a chunky toddler :)
You must be exhausted, Sarah! :hugs: Hope your DH has a speedy recovery.

I'm the same. It's much easier when you get out & about. Rex plays up at home too.

I've done the tummy massage on Leo to make him pass wind or poo but not a full one yet. Glad Wesley enjoyed it :) Did it send him to sleep? Very cute of Olivia wanting one too :haha:

I've braved a solo trip to my mum's today. We're staying til Sunday. We had a smooth drive up, thankfully :) Getting my hair done tomorrow. It'll be first time I've left Leo at all but I know he's in safe hands with my parents. Bet I miss him & I'll only be gone 3 hours. I know my mum will love feeding him too. Pumped a bit over the passed few days to leave a bottle for him while I'm gone.
Nah, didn't send him to sleep but he chilled out for ages afterwards then when he was ready I gave him another feed and he was out like a light :)

Ooh nice! Hope you have a nice relaxing time getting your hair done tomorrow :thumbup: how much do you pump for his bottle?

I haven't got a pump, I had my eye on a medela swing on Amazon for just £85 but by the time i got paid it had gone up to £130 and I just couldn't justify that much money when I don't even know if he'll take a bottle. I'm going to have a go at hand expressing and see if he'll take the bottle before having another think about buying it.
I'll have 5oz in total. That's two pumping sessions with 15mins on each boob. I never get much when I pump. Never did with Rex either. I treated mysekf to a Medela Swing when they were on offer at John Lewis for £70ish. :thumbup: I had a cheaper electric one last time & it wasn't great so decided it was something worth splashing out on. I try to pump once a day to build a freezer stash or so DH can give Leo a bottle to give me a bit of a break. I have Leo a bottle at 4 weeks old just be sure he'd take one as heard too many stories from my friends of bottle refusal when they've left it until returning to work. I like having the option to go somewhere without Leo or for DH to have him for a while :)
I had a tommee tipee one when Olivia was a baby but I didn't like it. I sold it at a car boot sale and got something ridiculous like £5 for it :dohh: at that point I thought I'd never breastfeed again after the nightmare I'd had with Olivia so I thought it didn't matter.

I'm absolutely gutted I missed out on the £85 offer. Its not like I didn't have the money in savings either, I just thought it was always that price and could wait till pay day :dohh::dohh: I've seen it on eBay supposedly new for about £70 but I don't really trust eBay...

I was never able to pump much either, another reason I'm reluctant to spend £130 on a pump. I remember once with Olivia I pumped half an hour each side and got Olivia a 5oz bottle only to have her down the whole thing in 2 minutes flat and then cry for more. It was absolutely heartbreaking :haha: I'm guessing she was in the midst of a growth spurt at the time.

It is a worry that they might refuse a bottle if it's left too late. But then there's the whole nipple confusion thing to worry about too, its hard to know what to do for the best. I need to get Wesley to try one soon or I might miss my window I think. He takes a dummy sometimes so I'm hoping that will give him a bit of familiarity for when he tries the bottle.
I'd definitely try a bottle sooner rather than later. Leo has done great switching between bottles & breast. He has a dummy for falling asleep too so I think that probably does help, you're right.

I'm sat under the heater at the hairdressers. Just had a hot cuppa too! It's amazing what excites you when you have a newborn! :haha: Apparently the boys are being good for my mum & dad :)
That sounds lovely! I know what you mean, I'd give anything for an afternoon off. I'd love to spend an hour or two on a sunny day sitting in the beer garden with an ice cold glass of fruity cider. Mmmmmm! :)

I gave in and bought the breast pump :) its a nearly new one and only cost £55 so can't complain at that.

We've made Olivia a rewards chart today. We've given her 4 tasks: stay in bed all night, eat all her dinner, be quiet when baby's asleep and tidy up her toys. She gets a sticker every time she does one and once she has 10 stickers against one of them she gets a reward. There's going swimming, sleep over at grandma's, go to the seaside and go to the zoo. I think I'm more excited for her to get one than she is, especially going the zoo! :)
Glad you got a bargain on the pump. Hope it's in good nick when it arrives!

A reward chart is a great idea :) And they're fab rewards you've thought of too! Has she got any stickers yet?

We had a busy weekend at my mum's & I bathed the boys & came home with them ready for bed last night. It wasn't exactly a success :( Leo started screaming about halfway home & I had to stop twice to put his dummy back in but it didn't work either time. Rex was sparko in the car & DH transferred him to bed when we got home after he briefly woke but then he kept getting up :dohh: DH ended up sleeping in his bed with him last night cos he was so unsettled :( Don't think I'll be trying the technique of coming home on an evening again!

It's rained here since mid morning til just recently & we've had some wicked thunder & lightening (turns out Rex is a bit scared of lightening :( ) We ventured to the park this morning but had to cut our visit short cos it started to rain. So it's just been a day in the house for us. I've been googling today & found a Monday morning play group that I think I'll try next week cos play centres haven't been all that successful with Rex begging me to play with him.

We're starting to get Leo's room ready for him to sleep in. We need to get a latch high up on the door so Rex doesn't go on in the night. We're a floor up from them so he'd get there quicker than us! I also need to order another thicker black out blind. He's not sleeping brilliantly in his Moses basket anymore & I think DH's snoring & faffing with & charging various gadgets that light up, is affecting Leo's sleep. Hoping once he's in his own room, he might start to go down earlier & earlier on an evening. Rex was about this age when we moved him & his bedtime started to get a little earlier from now. Leo still don't go down for the night before 11.30/midnight so I need to do something before I keel over with exhaustion!
So far she has 2 stickers against "stay in bed all night" and 1 against "eat all dinner" the one I think she's really going to struggle with is "quiet while baby's sleeping" :haha:

Aww sorry you had a nightmare night last night. DH ends up in Olivia's bed at least once a week too. It's such a pain isn't it!

It was lovely and sunny this morning so I had a walk into town with Olivia in the pushchair and wesley in the sling. We got some new wellies for Olivia (exactly the same ones she already has in a bigger size, there was no convincing her to get different ones!) Then afterwards we went to the park, followed by Costa coffee for lunch where I got a right mucky look from an old lady for BF wesley :haha:
Thankfully we had just got home when the heavens opened up! No thunder here though. Olivia loves lightning, last time there was a storm she begged me to turn it back on after it had finished :haha:

Play group sounds like a good idea, I don't know about you but I find that Olivia is so much easier to handle in the afternoons when she's been to toddler group/nursery in the morning. Our library has a sing along story time on a Tuesday that I think I'm going to take her to.

Getting Leo into his own room might help. It doesn't take much to disturb their sleep. If your DH is snoring or the light's too bright it probably is causing him to wake more often. I didn't realise he went down that late, what a pain. I hope you can get his bedtime moved a bit earlier :hugs: I have the opposite problem, Wesley goes down at 8pm but gets up at 5am :dohh:

Wes is getting better at staying for his crib lately. On Saturday night he stayed there unti 3am and last night he stayed there till 4am! :happydance: now if only I could get him to sleep past 5am we'd be sorted!
Hello ladies! :wave: I am officially back!

I just caught up reading all your stories since I left. :hugs: to both of you! Seems breast feeding and gas issues are a bit of an issue the past weeks. HORRAY FOR baby smiles :) So awesome when that happens!

Trip was great. Kyle did amazing on the airplane. He wanted to play with the seat belt the entire time! Kept him occupied for sure. The weather was sunny 85 and gorgeous. We went to the beach almost every day, Kyle would go waist high and dodge the waves this momma was impressed big time. Dug in the sand, played mini golf, went on a go kart race with his dad went to a petting zoo where we got to hold kangaroos and lemurs a python and an alligator, rode trains and danced at the wedding.

I was good on the plane too. They made me go through the metal detector instead of getting pat downs which pissed me off. I requested a pat down at both airports and they refused! Said i was safe to go through the metal detector. I sure hope i was. I will be fuming if i wasn't supposed to. Very strange.

The flight home was AWFUL! We got to the airport early, 2pm flight was at 4:30 so we had a late lunch there.(NO NAP) Then the flight was delayed till 7:15pm. Kyle finally passed out while we were landing of all times..... and then we hit MAJOR traffic on the way home.....didn't walk in my home till 3am Sunday....

All in all it was a great trip. I loved seeing my family that I rarely ever see. We had a blast, Kyle was exhausted EVERY day and we enjoyed it!

I am getting LARGER and more and more uncomfortable. Ankles are swelling every day now. There is a butt in my rib cage for sure! And my belly button popped :(

5 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!
Yay kyles you're back! :)

Glad you had a good time. Kyle did very well on the plane, Olivia was a nightmare on the plane to Ibiza last year, she hated the seatbelt and I ended up sitting her on my knee for take off and landing when the cabin crew weren't looking :haha:

Your holiday sounds lovely too, bless kyle having fun in the water, and waist deep too! - those swimming lessons have paid off :)

Glad you were fine on the plane. I don't think the metal detector would cause a problem, ast least I've never heard of it being as problem for pregnant women.

Oh no, not the belly button pop! :( I can't believe you're due in just 5 weeks, time is flying! Those last few weeks are a pain aren't they, I hope you're not too uncomfortable :hugs:
Thanks it was lovely.
i am getting very uncomfortable now because there just isnt anymore room! My ankles look like elephant trunks lol. Trying to relax the rest of the night with my feet up!
Oh no! There has to be a little bit more room in there? You still got another 5 weeks! :) actually baby's growth should start to slow down a bit soon so it might not get too much more uncomfortable for you, hopefully.

Wesley had a rotten night last night. He was up pretty much every hour and did his fussy thing again for over 2 hours in the night. But even after I settled him back down after his fussy time, he was back up again feeding less than an hour later. He's spent all morning attached to me as well. I thought his fussy behaviour last week was his 6 week growth spurt but it so wasn't. This without a doubt is the 6 week growth spurt and it sucks :dohh: but supposedly this is the hump we need to get over then things might settle down.

I'm reading the wonder weeks on my kindle at the minute and I'm convinced last week was wesley's wonder week 5. Do you guys believe wonder weeks are real? Olivia seemed to suffer bang on the right weeks so I'm convinced they exist, hence why I bought the book this time :)
Yay, Kyles! You're back! :happydance: So glad to hear you had a great holiday. It sounds amazing :) And it's lovely that Kyle was so well behaved. Sorry the guys at the airport were funny about the security checks & the journey home was so long.

I'm sure there's more room in there somewhere, don't panic! The last few weeks are awful but you're so very nearly there now! Baby will be here in no time :D

Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday, Sarah. Much nicer than our's! Sorry you had a bad night :hugs: Definitely sounds like the growth spurt. I think I got off pretty lightly with that. He fed 2 hourly one day then has been quite sleepy in the day but that's it.

I completely believe in the wonder weeks. Rex was always a handful at the right times. I should download the book to read too. It might give me some tips on how to deal with the fussy times.

We had a good night last night. At last! He went down at 11.30 & slept right til 4.45 :happydance: The only downside is by the time I'd fed him & settled him, it was only another hour til Rex was up :dohh: But that long stretch of sleep felt amazing!!

It's a childminder day for Rex today so just me & Leo. We've had a lovely calm morning & I'm taking him for his weekly weigh in this afternoon & then to the BF chat & play. Hopefully they'll let us go fortnightly after this week if he has another good gain.

Leo hasn't poo'd since Sunday morning!! I'm awaiting a huge explosion. He seems a bit uncomfortable at times but I know it's normal for BF to go infrequently. He's only been going once a day for the past week or so. I event tried a tummy massage last night but nothing yet.

I had his letter for his 8 week immunisations & check up yesterday so made an appointment. Our doctors only do a baby clinic every other Wednesday. The one he should go to is the week we're away in Center Parcs then it's another 2 weeks so he'll actually be nearly 11 weeks when he eventually gets them! Oooops! But I can't help being away. I didn't know what date he was going to appear!
Aww sorry for such a crappy night :( Sounds like a growth spurt for sure.

Have a great play date day today Saz.
Hope the poo comes soon and isn't awfully massive :HEHE:

I had the a crazy dream last night that I went into labor and my father had to deliver my baby lol

Only it wasn't one baby, I had twins. Two girls. Then names came out : Jen and Mary. I wouldn't name a girl either of those names......
I was shocked and floored that i had twins and they were BOTH 9 lbs......I think this baby needs to come out already lol

I have a doctor appt check up tomorrow. I think this one is internal :(
Need some advice :(
Saturday after going to the bathroom (#2) i saw red blood when i wiped. Assuming i have a Hemorrhoid. Then today i haven't gone (#2) but everytime i go to the bathroom and wipe there is blood each time.....
I know you will say call the doc call the doc. But i have an appointment tomorrow night. Think its ok to just wait it out? Or should i call the doc :(
Definitely sounds like dreaded piles to me :( I'm sure you'll be fine to wait until tomorrow :hugs:
He he welcome to the wonderful world of piles! :haha: it is definitely bleeding from the back isn't it?

What a strange dream. One of my friends is a twin and her mum didn't know there were 2 of them until they were born! In fact, she didn't even know she was pregnant until 6 months along! :wacko: I wouldn't worry too much though, remember that dream I had when I was pregnant that I had a little girl who was as hairy as a monkey?! :)

The wonder weeks book is a good read so far in terms of it helping identify behaviour as typical for that particular time, but as far as suggesting ways to cope with it (also the reason I downloaded the book), its all a bit common sensey really, stuff that I already do. I've still got loads more of it to read though so it might still be worth it.

Yay for your good night last night, saz! :happydance: how did Leo get on at weigh-in? I normally get wesley weighed at Wednesday clinic/toddler group but I snuck him on the scales while I was there to see the BF lady yesterday and he's put on another 5oz since last Wednesday! he's now 2lbs 2oz over his birth weight :)

Ha ha I hope Leo had some relief today! Wesley did his first poo in 3 days yesterday and he was really squirmy beforehand :haha:

He'll be fine going for his checkup at 11 weeks, he doesn't have any issues so I'm sure he'll be OK. Wesley is going two weeks on Thursday I think.

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