TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

That sounds nice, I wish we had more indoor places round here to take little ones. We have a soft play place but we've been there so many times recently that Olivia is starting to get bored of it. We pay a fiver to get in and after half an hour she's asking to go home.

How was your night last night? Wesley was fantastic last night. I couldn't get him in the crib at all so he spent the whole night in our bed. He got up maybe 2 or 3 times but I barely knew it, he did all his feeds lying down while I snoozed and he went straight back to sleep after each one, no fussing whatsoever. He did get me up at 5:30 again but I can live with that! :) 2 decent nights in a row, I feel blessed! I'm expecting that 6 week growth spurt any day now, though so I know it will all go horribly wrong soon!
We have so many play centres round us. Think I'll just rotate round them on Mondays until the summer hold when DH is off again! We've come to one this morning that do a meal deal entry price too so treating Rexy to lunch out. Saves me cleaning up! :haha: Leo is sleeping through it all, as usual! Why do babies sleep whoever you're out but are wide awake at home?!

Sounds like you got some good sleep in last night :thumbup:

We had a weird night. Leo wouldn't settle after his feed at 11. He was wide awake! So I put him in bed with me & he eventually dozed off. I must've too cos next time u woke it was 1.30 so I transferred him to his basket & he slept til gone 4.30. Couldn't believe it when I saw the time! He went over 5 hours between feeds! After a quick feed he went straight back down too until I got up to get ready before DH left.
Yay, great news you had a better night at last :)

We've been busy busy today. We went to the garden centre and got Olivia some seeds and plants then we painted the pots and planted the seeds. Then after lunch we went to get ice cream with MIL. Olivia is thoroughly tired out now and is sitting quietly watching Ben and holly while I have a nice coffee and feed Wesley :)
We are also sat feeding & watching Nick Jr :haha: Need to get done dinner on once Leo has finished.
Ha ha coincidence :)

The quiet didn't last long, when Ben and holly finished Olivia started kicking off because she didn't like the show that came on next :dohh: then Wesley got grumpy so I had to take them both out for a walk.

I (stupidly) thought I might try and tackle roast dinner tonight. What on earth was I thinking??!
What WERE you thinking Sarah?! :haha: A roast is a little adventurous with a newborn & toddler to contend with single handed! We just had spag bol. Nice & quick!

Luckily for me, Rex loves Dinosaur Train so I got a bit more peace than you!

Leo has been a real sleepy boy again today. Trying to wake him now for bath time. Might have to resort to stripping him off in a minute! Apart from first thing this morning when he was awake for nearly 2 hours, he's only woken up for an hour at a time! Bad night coming our way I think! :wacko:
Roast dinner turned out alright in the end. DH did all the veg for me when he got home so basically my only input into it was putting the meat in the oven :)

Lol lucky you, Olivia hates dinosaur train. She bust into tears last night just because she didn't want to watch it :dohh: in her defence she was a bit tired lol

Wesley was a bit grumpy all day yesterday. If I wasn't holding him, he was crying. I thought we'd hit that dreaded 6 week growth spurt but no, we had another really great night last night. I'm dreading the growth spurt after having so many good nights, its going to hit me like a ton of bricks :wacko: I bet it happens next week when DH is away!
Glad you had another good night :)

We had a bad one here :( Due to bottom wind. The start of the night went well as Leo settled himself to sleep as he came round a bit when I put him down but I just kept patting him & he drifted off :D But it went down hill from there. We both woke up at 2.30 due to him trumping! He woke fully so I gave him a full feed but then he wouldn't settle at all due to the wind. I put him in bed with me but we both only managed to doze until Rex came in at 6.45. I was sooo tired this morning that when Leo started getting ready for his morning nap we both went back to bed :blush: I feel a bit more human now! Thankfully it's one of Rex's childminder day. I dread a day with both of them & no sleep :(

Baby clinic this afternoon for the weekly weigh in. Hope it's good! He's starting to feel a big more chunky in my arms but idk if that's a real feeling or not :shrug:
Aw sorry about your rotten night. Thank goodness Rex was at the child minder today! :)

Wesley gets a lot of bottom wind too, its a nightmare. His tends to be worse in the late afternoon/early evening though.

Fingers crossed for more weight gain today! We go tomorrow and I'm a bit anxious tbh. Wesley just doesn't seem to be feeding as much as before. He doesn't want to feed as often which is fine as I know that's normal for this age but when he does have a feed it doesn't feel like he's eating much as he only actively sucks for a couple of minutes then he starts snoozing and comfort sucking. Quite often when he pulls off I can still hand express from that boob. I get lots of wet nappies out of him but I need to check his weight gain before I can stop worrying about it :)
Leo is 10lb 6oz now :) 2lb above his birth weight at last! He's just starting to need 0-3 sleep suits & vests but his newborn separates still fit him. I'm going to have to go but size 2 nappies as well as we've had a few leaks recently. He's eventually growing! But it still just over a lb lighter than Rex was. Leo's gonna have to be strong cos Rex is clearly going to be a lot bigger than him!

Don't worry about Wesley's weigh in Sarah. Like you say, he's having plenty of wet nappies which is a great sign. Leo is a much faster feeder than Rex was. He finished a boob in 10-15 mins now & I try to coax him back on but he don't have it so must've finished. I don't think being able to express milk after a feed is necessarily a bad sign cos they always produce milk. I often use a few drops of milk after a feed if my nipples are a bit sore.

Feeling productive! Rex isn't back from the school run with the CM yet so I've prepped dinner all ready to put on in an hour or so. Now I'm having a sneaky cuppa!
Woohoo! Well done Leo! :happydance: he's bigger than wesley, he was 8lb 13oz at last week's weigh-in. We will be needing the 0-3 sleepsuits soon too, there's still plenty of room in the newborn ones except for the feet, he has huge feet! :haha:

Thanks, saz I feel a bit more reassured about his feeding now. He does feel a bit chunkier too I think so hopefully all will be OK at weigh-in tomorrow.

Well done you getting dinner ready. We're having stir-fry for tea tonight so no prep work needed :)
How's your day been, Sarah? Did you have a good night?

Another poor night here. Leo decided to have a happy awake hour in the middle of the night :dohh: It was cute, him cooing away at the wallpaper but not at 1.30am :wacko:

I've had a day out shopping with my sis & the babies to spend some of the vouchers I asked for for my bday. It's nice to have some new clothes even if I am about 2 sizes bigger at the minute :blush: Just can't get my head round dieting at the minute & sugar gives me the boost I need in the afternoons/evenings. Around both babies' feeds & changes plus lunch, we only managed about 3 shops all day :haha:
We had another good night last night. Well, when I say "good" it doesn't mean he's sleeping lots, he's up for a feed 4 times a night :haha: but by "good" I mean not up fussing for an hour like he was every night last week, and me being able to do all his feeds lying down snoozing :) that's really cute Leo being up cooing at the wallpaper :) very annoying though!

Today was not such a good day for me. We went to toddler group/weigh clinic this morning and I had a bit of a melt down about his feeding :blush:

He's become REALLY fussy in the last few days, I thought it was his 6 week growth spurt starting but I don't think it is because he hasn't started feeding round the clock. He just keeps latching on, pulling off then crying over and over again and screaming when I stop trying to feed him. Olivia used to do the same thing and it was what ultimately led to me quitting BF so when Wesley does the same thing it brings all those feelings flooding back. He was doing it at the centre this morning and my friend who works there came over and offered to hold him for me and I just burst into tears. :dohh:

So they took me into a room, gave me coffee and I had a chat with the BF mentor. We think his behaviour is down to his tongue tie. She checked up on my referral to the hospital for getting him snipped and it turns out they haven't received it. :growlmad:

Totally embarrassing. And its not the first time I've had a melt down in there, I had a similar one in there when olivia was a baby. They must think I'm a complete basket case. And worst of all, I've now got the piggin health visitor coming to my house to check up on me tomorrow. I feel so silly!

The afternoon wasn't great, Wesley didn't get much sleep at all, every time he dropped off he got woken up one way if another, so he was a miserable overtired mess. I took them for a drive in the end and both of them fell asleep. Wesley slept for 4 hours, (why can't he sleep 4 hours at night?!) And he's only just woken up now. God knows what time he'll be up in the morning now!

On a lighter note, Wesley has gained 8oz in a week! :) and I finally got some baby smiles today! Lots and lots of them :happydance:

I'm a size or two bigger at the moment too. I thought I'd done so well keeping the weight off during pregnancy but I've made up for it since. I'm the same as you for wanting a sugary energy boost all the time. It's usually chocolate and biscuits. I'm such a pig. I had to buy a whole load of new clothes in a size up the other week :(

I wonder how kyles' holiday is going. I hope she's having a nice relaxing time.
Oh, Sarah. Massive :hugs: Don't feel silly at all. I'm pretty sure they're completely used to seeing mums in tears in a children's centre! Hope you get a nice HV come to see you. What are they playing at with your referral?! I'd be fuming too.

I've often resorted to the car for nap times! It's a god send at times. That was one monster nap from Wesley :thumbup: Hope it doesn't affect your night tonight.

I'm currently trying a new tactic of feeding Leo in the dark to see if that helps him resettle to sleep. It's here latching him with only the light of my phone though! :haha:
Oh, Sarah. Massive :hugs: Don't feel silly at all. I'm pretty sure they're completely used to seeing mums in tears in a children's centre! Hope you get a nice HV come to see you. What are they playing at with your referral?! I'd be fuming too.

I've often resorted to the car for nap times! It's a god send at times. That was one monster nap from Wesley :thumbup: Hope it doesn't affect your night tonight.

I'm currently trying a new tactic of feeding Leo in the dark to see if that helps him resettle to sleep. It's hard latching him with only the light of my phone though! :haha:
I hope feeding in the dark helps. I only ever have a night light on, except for bum changes when I need the big light on so I can watch out for pee and poo eruptions. :haha:

My friend from the children's centre told me that mums break down in there all the time lol still embarrassing though!

The 4 hour nap perhaps wasn't the best idea. Wesley's been awake for about an hour now. I think I've broken him :dohh: he's not grumpy though, just wide awake. I'm now attempting to feed him to sleep

Olivia is wide awake too, she hasn't been into our room but I can hear her in the next room playing songs on her my pal violet toy. She's been playing it non stop for about half an hour now! Really hope she puts herself back to sleep when she's done and not just appear in our room. My fault again, I let her sleep for 2 hours after our car ride this afternoon. I know I shouldn't have but it was just so damn peaceful! Oh well, she's nursery's problem tomorrow :rofl:
Feeding in the dark was a success :happydance: He went straight back into his Moses basket after the feed at 12.30! I forget that when I had Rex we had a dimmable lamp which I used. The bedside lamp now must be too bright. I'm sure it was the darkness that helped too.

I'm also guilty of letting Rex sleep in the day just for some peace & quiet :haha: You always regret it later but that precious bit of oeace is so worth it! I can't let him nap at all these days otherwise he won't go to bed but if we do long car journeys, he falls asleep & I'm tempted to carry him in the house & let him sleep!
That's great Leo did better feeding in the dark :happydance:

We had a rough night, we woke every hour after his 3am feed and fussed every time. Olivia was up for an hour playing her music, every now and again it would go quiet and just as I was starting to think she'd fallen asleep another verse of old MacDonald had a farm would ring out :rofl:

Wesley was up for the day at 5:30.

I've definitely learnt my lesson, I will not be putting my kids in the car for an enforced nap after 2pm ever again! :haha:

Oh I've just remembered something totally cute from last night, I woke up to find Wesley trying to latch himself on. In fact, I reckon if it hadn't been for my nightie he might not have been far off doing it properly all by himself! Bless :)
:hugs: for the bad night :( Olivia was very well behaved to not get out of bed when she woke up. Rex would've been straight into our bed!

That's very clever of Wesley! Bless him! Maybe you should sleep topless & you wouldn't even have to wake up to feed him :haha:
Yes, it was a bit out of character for olivia to stay in bed like that really. She did actually come into our room at one point just for a few seconds then ran out again back to her room. Maybe she was checking we were still there or looking to see if we were awake. Little weirdo! :haha:

Hmm, I'm not so sure about the going topless in bed thing, he would probably give me a hickey! :haha:

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