TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Let me know if the book gets any better Sarah. Won't pay for it if it's not worth it :haha:

Leo weighs 11lb now. That's 2lb 11oz about his birth weight :thumbup: He's back up on the 50th centile now but as he was between the 50th & 75th when he was born, they still want me to go again next week :wacko: Feel like we're never going to be left alone :(

Glad Wesley is piling on weight for you, Sarah :) Were you seeing the BF lady about his tongue tie again?

At long last, Leo poo'd tonight! :happydance: He was soooo happy afterwards, bless him :haha: I think a nice warm bath & doing an extra long tummy massage eventually got things moving. It was HUGE!! Once he started going I laid him straight on his changing mat so there was no leakage! :haha:

Need to go Father's Day shopping tomorrow. Seriously struggling for ideas :dohh: My mushy sleep deprived brain isn't helping. I usually get DH chocolate treats but he's doing that Herbalife diet so chocolate's a no-no. I've got him a pint glass saying 'Best Dad' or something from Leo cos he's always complaining about us not having enough pint glasses left since I've broken them all (not my fault! I drop them on the kitchen tiles when unloading the dishwasher!!). No idea what to get him from Rex though :shrug:
Sounds like Leo is doing great, I can't believe they want him back again next week! Wesley has gained 2lb 2oz and is only 25th percent in and my HV isn't the slightest bit worried. I don't get why yours is being so anal :shrug:

Yes we went to see about his tongue tie again. We still haven't heard a word from the hospital about getting it fixed so I wanted to make sure she knew we were still waiting. :(

lol well done Leo for the big poo at last! I love those first few chilled out hours after they've done one :haha:

Oh god, I hadn't evening thought about father's day yet :dohh: I don't have a clue what to get him! Men are so hard to buy for! I will have to go shopping while Olivia is var nursery on Thursday.

So tonight is my first night at home alone with the two of them. DH is working away till Thursday night. Olivia was a nightmare at bath time but at least she's slept well so far tonight. Wes slept from 8:00 till 12:30 - the longest he's ever slept in one go! Then he stayed in his crib till 3:00! :happydance: I thought he was going to do his fussy thing just now but he appears to have gone back to sleep....
Idk why she's being so anal either. I swear she thinks I don't feed him or something!

Hope you get a referral for his tongue really soon. It's such a pain waiting. I remember how frustrating it was with Rex's.

We went shopping first thing & just got home now. I got him a tshirt with a retro picture of the 1966 World Cup team. Figured he can wear it over the next few weeks. He's so blooming excited about the World Cup :wacko: Suppose I better get used to it with 2 boys. Men are indeed impossible to buy for. And I'm gonna have this issue every Christmas & birthday forever more with living with 3 men! :dohh:

The start of your night sounds like it went well, Sarah. Good work! And well done Wesley for sleeping a good long stint for mummy! Hope the rest of it was good too. What do you do with Wesley while you settle Olivia in bed? This is something I'm struggling with on my solo bath time nights. You're so brave doing it all alone for a few days. I'm also jealous that you have your evenings free. I can't wait for that again but Mr Leo has other plans :dohh:
I suppose the good thing about having all boys and being into football is that before too long daddy will want to take them to football matches on a Saturday and you will get the house all to yourself all day long! :)

The rest of last night was good too. After his 3am get up I put him in my bed and he slept till 5, had another feed then slept till 6:30 :happydance:

Um, well, when I put Olivia to bed last night I took wesley with me, still attached to my boob :rofl: then I sat on her bed still feeding him while I read her a story, then when he finished feeding I just laid him on the bed next to us till story time was finished. It is a bit fiddly trying to make her cup of milk to take to bed while holding and feeding wesley but less stressful than trying to put him down mid-feed :haha:
glad your nights are getting better.
I can't believe you are getting a hard time on the weight!

Sarah i hope the tongue tie gets fixed soon.

Good luck being on your own tonight :/ stressful!

I haven't thought of father's day at all :( I have to get a card, prob just get something cheesy for DH. Chocolate is a good idea :)

Starting to get ligament pains more and more, breast tenderness is starting again and my ankle swelling is getting ridiculous!

Is it over yet :)

My sister is coming over tomorrow night to help me finish the baby room. I haven't even started on that.... Everything is downstairs in the room but i NEED to wash/and clean the room. Energy come back!!!!!! Now that vacation is over i am full swing into getting this baby room ready for the arrival.
I still have to pack my overnight bag as well once my parents get back from vacation next week. We threw a bunch of kyle's stuff and our bathroom bag in their car for our vacation last week since we flew, they drove. They stayed down longer than us.
:hugs: for the pains Kyles. You are deffo nesting if you feel the urge to get everything sorted out!

Glad you had a good night, Sarah. Hope this evening has gone well too.

What you do with Wesley is what I do with Leo. But I'm already stressing about what to do once Leo goes to bed earlier!

After writing my last post, I thought 'enough is enough, I want some evening time back'! So after bath time, I went upstairs to feed Leo & he's now asleep in his basket :happydance: Who knows if or how long it'll last but they're both in bed!! :D I'm gonna watch OBEM!
Definitely nesting kyles!

Saz, I hope Leo gave you some time to yourself tonight. I was going to watch OBEM but DH has set 2 of his programs to record at the same time :growlmad:

Today has been an absolute nightmare :( Olivia has been such hard work all day and we fell out big style at bed time. She'd emptied her dressing up box all over the bedroom floor and when I asked her to pick them up she said no because she had a cough (she always says she's ill when I ask her to tidy up) so I put her in time out. She cried and cried and shouted that she wanted her daddy. It was awful. God knows what the neighbours thought! Anyway I finally calmed her down, she picked up her toys and we carried on with bedtime. I read her a story then left her to go downstairs and start trying to get an overtired Wesley to sleep. Next thing I know Olivia is at the top of the stairs crying. Turns out she really was ill because she'd thrown up all over her bed :(

I had to change her bed while Wesley was left to cry :cry: I put her to bed again, went back downstairs and started on Wesley again. The minute he was back asleep Olivia was back at the top of the stairs crying. So I brought her downstairs. I then spent an hour juggling the two of them, trying to get Wesley down and then cuddling Olivia, then Wesley would wake up and I'd have to start again. And the whole time this was going on the phone kept ringing with nobody on the other end - turns out it was one of those stupid sales calls from India :growlmad:

DH was meant to be away till tomorrow night but he's on his way home now because I couldn't cope. I feel like such a failure :cry:
Oh god, Sarah. Massive, massive :hugs: You are not a failure at all! You're bloody amazing for coping for so long on your own. And don't ever doubt that! You seriously had the evening from hell :cry: Why are they always, always sick in bed or in the car seat?! (Rex is anyway!) You deserve a stiff drink for dealing with all that! Hope today has been better :hugs:

I've had a difficult day here (but not a patch on your night last night)! It's boiling hot here today so thought it'd be great just to get stuff out in the garden for Rex to let him play. But he's been whingey & wanting me to do every little thing with him. Wanting attention, obviously. Leo has also been clingy & crying everytime I put him down. Finally figured out he was hot :dohh: so he's laid on his play mat in just his nappy now & is happy as Larry! :dohh: And just to top it off, the pollen count is very high so I'm absolutely streaming with hay fever & worn out from sneezing :( Can't take anything due to BF so just have to suffer :(

On a lighter note, Leo stayed in his Moses basket from just after 8 til we woke him for his last feed when we went up to bed. Unfortunately he didn't settle back to sleep after his night feed :( Think it might just be a nappy & sleeping bag for bed tonight. He might've been hot thinking about it.
Thanks saz, I needed that :hugs: it totally always is either in bed or the car seat. The same rule goes for accidental milk spilling too :dohh:

I got them both into bed for about 9:00 last night and there was only one time before DH got home where Olivia woke up and needed resettling, other than that they both slept. DH got home about midnight and shortly afterwards Olivia woke up again so DH got into bed with her. Little Wes slept until 1am and stayed in his crib till 2am bless him then we all slept in till 7am :)

Oh saz, I'm sorry you've had a crappy day too :hugs: the heat makes them cranky I'm sure. How awful you can't take any allergy medicine :( poor Leo overheating, they can't tell us what they want! Wesley loves to kick about on his mat in just a nappy too. Sometimes he just likes to get his feet out of the babygrow even.

no nursery for Olivia today but DH was off so he offered to watch her while Wesley and I went for a lovely relaxing coffee (2 coffees and a muffin actually!) at café Nero with MIL followed by a walk around the shops. Wesley slept the whole 3 hours we were out apart from a brief 10 minute feed he had just before we left Nero's. It was exactly what I needed :)

Wes has been unbelievably settled today, he's either slept, fed or smiled all day with no sign of a bad tummy. I think its because I cut right back on dairy yesterday to see if it made a difference. Olivia was cow's milk protein intolerant so I wondered if he might be the same. Thing is I'm now really going to miss my morning cereal and even more so my chocolate! :( if cutting out the dairy means he will be like this every day, he might not need his tongue tie correcting after all.

Well done Leo staying in his basket :) I'd definitely go just nappy and sleeping bag. Wesley is just in one layer at night with a cellular blanket that goes on if it starts to get cold.
Hugs to both of you.

Sarah that is awful :( What a stressful night you had! Poor Olivia and you!!!!!

Hugs all around.

I wish it was on the hotter side here. This week it has been non stop RAIN every day :( It is awful and muggy..

My doc appointment went well. I do have what you call (piles)? Just one. Lucky me. This would be my first one ever.... Sigh......

All signs are good. Did you notice extra "leaking" at this stage? I may scroll back to your previous threads to find out. Man on man i leak a lot more than i used to LOLOL
Thanks kyles :hugs:

That sucks you don't have any sunshine over there. Mind you, it never lasts over here either. No doubt it will be raining again by the weekend.

Ha ha you don't call them piles over there? :haha: They are the absolute pits. I got them after having Olivia but they're worse this time :blush: my mum says drinking lots of water helps as they're worse when you're a bit dehydrated. Not sure if that really does help though.

How do you mean "leaking"? I found I was getting a lot of watery cm towards the end. So much so I ended up wearing panty liners every day because I just felt gross otherwise.
I was the same as Sarah. Had to wear panty liners everyday for the last 6 weeks or so. Think it's perfectly normal.

That would be great if Wesley didn't need his tongue snipping. But cutting out dairy is rubbish for you, Sarah :(

A pretty good night here. Leo went down early again after a couple of trips back to him just after putting him down. He woke at 3.30 for a feed & did a poo :dohh: He settled back to sleep about 4.30 & I got another 2 hours :D

Hope the pollen count is lower today :( Fed up!
I think yesterday may have just been a fluke. Wesley is back to being gassy and grumpy today :( well at least I can still have my chocolate lol

That's great you had another good night. There's nothing more frustrating than a night time poo :haha: our night wasn't too bad, wesley was down at about 8:30 and slept till 12:00 I think he would've slept longer if Olivia hadn't been so noisy - she's still not very well and was coughing and crying a lot. Wes then up just 2 more times in the night. Poor DH on the other hand had a rough night with Olivia :(

One of the times wesley woke up last night he was screaming and when I went to him I found he had managed to get his leg stuck between the bars of his crib :( I'm not sure how to stop it happening again. He's still too small for his sleeping bags so I've got him in just a babygrow. I had his blanket over his bottom half and tucked under the mattress but he wriggled his legs out and got them stuck between the bars :dohh:

I hope you get some hay fever relief soon, Saz. That must be such a pain :(
Oh no! Poor Wesley :( Could you tie a cot bumper to the outside of the bars? Then he wouldn't be in danger from the bumper suffocating him if he managed to roll over to it but it might be a barrier to a protruding limb? Might be too flimsy so might not work but can't really think of anything else!

I've got a gassy & grumpy baby here today too. He's only napped for 2x 30 mins in his swing :wacko: and the rest of the time he's wanted to be held :( Its my day without Rex today too so had loads of jobs I wanted to get done :dohh:
I was thinking cot bumper on the outside too. Not sure if I dare though. Might see if I can tuck his blanket down a bit tighter to begin with and see how that goes

Aww poor Leo. Will he sleep in the Moby? I do find its a bit of a pain trying to do housework with a wriggly baby attached to me like, especially when I need to bend down for stuff. Bad baby tummies are no fun. Is he due a poo? Wesley hasn't done one since Monday so I'm expecting a grumpy day soon!

Olivia was home sick again today. She's loads better tonight though. Trust her to be sick on her two nursery days. I didn't get any housework done either!

My breast pump arrived today :happydance: its in great condition. Just one thing though. do you find that you can't pump in the same room as Leo? Every time I try Wesley wakes up and cries. I'm wondering if he can smell the milk and its like the baby equivalent of being woken up by someone frying bacon.... :haha:
Argh!!! I don't know what is wrong with the boys tonight. Neither of them would settle to sleep. DH is in the car with both of them now driving around to try & get them to sleep. I give up on bedtime :cry: . I don't know how to make it work & have 2 happy sleeping boys. It'd be so much easier if Leo was having a bottle & DH could settle him. :cry: And the way he's been fighting me at feeds today, I'm starting to think a bottle might be better :cry: I don't know what's wrong with Leo today. He's had 2 periods of being happy & alert but aside from that, he's been miserable all day. Fighting feeds & fighting sleep. No idea what's wrong :cry: Feel like a complete failure today.

I didn't try the Moby today cos I needed to clean & do things that didn't like to do with Leo in close proximity.

I've only pumped a few times with Leo in the room but come to think of it, he did wake up every time! Maybe you're right :haha: I tend to pump once he's asleep on an evening & DH is around to watch Leo. But the problem with that is I only get a couple of ounces at most so it's going to take a long while to build a freezer stash up :(

Hope Olivia feels better soon. It's awful when they're ill :(
I bet its wonder week 8. It goes by due date so our LOs would have been 8 weeks on Tuesday. My book says this:

"Between 7 and 9 weeks, you may notice your baby starting to show some of the following behaviours. They are probably signs that he is ready to make the next leap, when the world of patterns will open up to him.
- cries more often
- wants you to keep him busy
- loses appetite
- is more shy with strangers
- clings more
- sleeps poorly
- sucks his thumb"

Wesley is behaving similarly actually, come to think of it. He's always been a fussy feeder but now he wants to be held for his naps, and fights sleep like I don't know what! It has to be WW8.

I'm sorry you're having a hard time :hugs: it makes it so much worse when the older one is playing up too :( you know what, it really wouldn't be the end of the world if you decided to give him a FF before bed on a can only spread yourself so thinly before something has to give. :hugs:

I've not had a chance to pump properly yet either. He either wakes up or if its after he's gone to bed, he's just had a mega feed and there's nothing left to pump :dohh:
Thanks Sarah. Once again, you're the voice of reason! WW8 would make sense. I remember my sisters LG behaving in the same way around this age. I remember her being fussy at feeds, windy, only sleeping for 30 mins at a time & clingy. I know it won't last long but it's bloody hard!

I really think we might have to consider a FF at bedtime. We did it with Rex from 12 weeks in a bid to try & get him to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. I wanted to wait until the same age with Leo but I'm not sure I can wait another 5 weeks with the way things are going :( Hate to treat them unequally.

DH is off to the pub tonight to watch footy but he's going out at 7 :wacko: Luckily my best friend has come up for the weekend so at least I have a spare pair of hands for bath time.
It is really hard, Wesley has fought all his naps again today. We went to soft play this morning with some friends and their children. We were there for 3 hours and Wesley wouldn't sleep at all the whole time we were there. He was a right grumpy mess by the time we left. He fell asleep in the car on the way home and woke up again the second I turned off the engine :dohh: all his naps this afternoon have been either laid across my knee on a cushion or attached to the boob, comfort sucking. Its quite sweet really, but annoying too :haha:

What is he doing on a night that's driving you to do a FF? I thought he tended to do a long stretch initially? Or has that stopped now? If its going to give you some relief do it. I would do the same if it wasn't for the fact that Olivia was CMPI and I'm terrified of finding out the hard way that Wesley is as well!

Stupid football, I'm fed up of it already! At least your DH is going out to watch it, mine has been hogging the TV all day :growlmad: he was watching a match this afternoon and Olivia came in asking for peppa pig on and he gave her my tablet to watch it on, I was like, well what am I going to do??!

I might be going mad but I think Wesley is trying to roll :wacko: I put him on his play mat tonight and he started bringing his legs up and turning his body to one side. Does that mean he's trying to roll? I don't want him to roll because our bed isn't mobile baby safe and I'll have to stop co-sleeping :cry:I'm sure Olivia was something like 4 months when she first rolled over so surely this is way too early??
Hugs girls sounds like ww8

My Friday was AWFUL. Kyle is in a cast on his left arm :(

I was in the shower getting ready for work and he fell from the dresser I assume. He always tries to climb from the nightstand in our room to the ling dresser to get change out of it when there isnt any. I heard thump and he ran into the bathroom screaming. After that he refused to use his left arm. X rays showed no break and doc tried to.manipulate it thinking it was dislocated but we ended up atan ortho doc and he is in a cast past his elbow :( his elbow was all swollen i felt so bad and guilty . He is doing better today thankfulp but ugh my poor baby is in a cast!!!!

I will post a picture on Monday to show you. I fel so scared to shower anymore if he isnt in the bathroom with me now ughhh. Talk about feeling like a terrible mom :(

Seeing him struggle using one hand is so hard but he is slowly adjusting and starting to use the broken one a little bit more today.

The doc wants x rays in a wek in a half said it may be a hairline fracture that hasnt shown up in x ray yet because they take 24 hrs befote showing up. If there is nothing there the cast can come off in 2 weeks but i am almost certain it is fractured. :SIGH:

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