TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Oh kyles, that's awful! Huge :hugs:to you. How scary that must have been :( I hope it isn't a fracture.

Toddlers are terrible for climbing, I'm always catching Olivia trying to climb. She once hit her head on the fire place after she'd dragged a chair over to stand on so she could climb up to reach something off the top. So it happens to all of us at some point.

He will heal in no time :hugs:
Oh, Kyles :cry: That's awful. Poor Kyle & poor you :( Sarah's right though. He will heal in no time. And I bet he adapts to having the pot on in no time. Toddlers are a nightmare. You can't turn your back on them for one second. I actually take Rex in the shower with me now! He loves playing in the shower & often wants to stay in on e I'm done so I finish getting ready in the bathroom them get him out. Much less stressful :haha:

Wow, Sarah! That really does sound like rolling. Go Wesley!! Rex didn't roll back to front til he was 5 months :haha: And the first time he did it was at the end of a nap & he screamed so I went up to him to find him looking all scared that he was on his front :rofl:

It sounds like Leo & Wesley are definitely going through the same phase. What you described about Wesley & his naps is exactly what Leo has been like. In fact he's asleep on me right now :wacko: I'm trying sooooo hard to savour the snuggles but it's tough when I have things to do. And some things you just can't do with the wrap on, like empty the dishwasher with all the bending.

It's not what Leo's doing on a night that makes me want to FF, it's the whole bedtime period. I literally need to split myself in 2 :( Obviously Leo needs feeding which takes at least 30 minutes plus settling him. But then Rex will only go to sleep for me. He just plays DH up. I have to leave Rex up later which turns him into a monster! But DH can't feed Leo. So I was thinking if DH could feed Leo, I could get Rex to bed. Ideally I'd give him EBM but I just can't pump enough most days with everything else going on. If I didn't have Rex at home on some days & literally didn't leave the house, there'd be a possibility I could pump that much but that's not realistic.

Is CMPI genetic then? How did you find out Olivia had it? Do they not react to BM if they've got it? Did she go on a special formula then? Hopefully Wesley won't have it.
No more rolling attempts today thankfully, hopefully yesterday was just a one off! I shall have to push him back the other way if he tries to do it again! :haha:
Ha ha that's hilarious about Rex's first roll! :)

Wesley has been an absolute nightmare today. He's spent near enough the whole day sleeping on me, whenever I try to feed him he just sucks for a few minutes then zonks out fast asleep. So I've no idea if he's eaten enough today. Every time he wakes up he just screams and screams till I manage to get him to sleep again. Then the cycle begins again.

DH and I have fallen out because he just never helps me out with him. He won't take him off me to give me a rest and on the odd occasion that I manage to get him to try settling him, he just jiggles him about for a couple of minutes, concludes that he can't settle him and therefore he must be hungry so he gives him back to me. I feel like I'm doing it all on my own. Don't get me wrong, he really does help out with Olivia at the weekends but she's not a 24hr job like Wesley is. And he totally cops out of doing any of the early mornings at the weekend. We used to always take it in turns for a lie in at the weekend but now that we have Wesley and he's up at 5:30 every day he thinks its perfectly alright to just let me look after both of them until he rolls out of bed at 9:00 rather than getting up a bit earlier and helping out with Olivia. Today he said that I should "just stop this breastfeeding crap" and put him on the special milk Olivia had for her CMPI. He's convinced his behaviour is all down to his tummy troubles.

Sorry rant over, just needed to let off some steam there :)

How about you try delaying Leo's last feed a bit? I've been giving Wesley a feed at about 5:30 (just after dinner), then at 6:15 I take them both upstairs and do their baths and get them into their PJs. That takes us up to about 7:00 and by that time Wesley is starting to think about his last feed but Olivia doesn't go to bed till 7:30 so I delay him, firstly by giving him a nice massage, then I leave him on the mat while I talk to him and keep him entertained till Olivia goes to bed then after that I start his last feed. Its then usually about 8:30-9:00 by the time Wesley is all settled. Or you could do what I did last week and carry Leo upstairs attached to the boob while you put Rex to bed :rofl: seriously though, its no biggie giving him a FF if it will help you get a bit of sanity back. :hugs:

I totally believe the CMPI is genetic. DH and his brother both had it as babies and had to be put on soya milk.
Seriously, Sarah, I could've written that exact post today. Leo has been identical to Wesley. He's not left my arms aside from when I went to get ready this morning. And he's snoozed all day but not really had a long nap cos he's been restless. He's also not fed properly cos he just goes back to sleep. So I'm already stressing about Tuesday's weekly weigh in :(

I could've also written the same about DH. I literally have to beg him to even change a nappy & if he's held Leo while I get dressed or whatever then that's it for the day & he's like 'but I had him this morning' :wacko: Likewise, DH has been fab with Rex since Leo arrived but it's not as intense. Rex hardly gets up in the night anymore for example.

I can't believe your DH said that about BF though :( You're doing amazingly & it's such a good thing for Wesley. My DH is the opposite. He doesn't want me quit at all cos it's the best thing & cos I did it for Rex so it wouldn't be fair.

I will try to delay his feed but he just screams if he's hungry. I've just finished feeding him now so hopefully he'll last a bit longer. But we do bath time at 7 cos Rex won't settle til 8. I'm thinking I maybe need to bath Leo earlier on his own. Idk! :shrug: Finding something that works is a nightmare! And you know it'll all change as they get older too :wacko: Why did we think 2 was a good idea again?!
Ha ha I never thought 2 was going to be a good idea, I was in more of a "let's get the baby stage over with so I can enjoy having 2 kids" frame of mind :rofl: I hope you can find a routine that works for you. Its all just trial and error at this point really.

That's crazy stuff that Leo and Wesley have had almost identical days. It must be WW8! DH took Wesley for a drive in the end and he's been asleep in his car seat for ages now. He's messed up my routine and I bet he will be up most of the night now :dohh: on the plus side I've just managed to get my first good pumping session in :happydance: only did one side though in case he wakes up and only managed to get 2oz but its a start! My new pump is way better than my old one, it took 10 minutes to get what would've taken twice as long with the old one.

I was also able to have a really good play with Olivia while Wesley was soundo. We did 3 jigsaws, built a huge tower with mega blocks and read 3 stories before bedtime :) I miss being able to spend that much time with her.

Sorry your DH is a pain as well :( I think they are scared of newborns or something. Once they get to a "fun" age its fine but ask them to settle a baby and they're useless. I don't know why mine thinks formula will help. It made things worse with Olivia because it took away the whole feeding to sleep option. And actually DH was the same with Olivia even when she was on formula. If I'd been struggling to get her back to sleep in the night he would "help" by rocking her for 5 minutes before getting fed up and just putting her down in her cot, slamming her door and going back to bed ignoring the crying.
I am definitely in the looking forward to having 2 kids camp! No more babies, no more toddlers, just lovely children who do things for themselves & play with each other. Bliss! In 3 years, we'll be there! Just gotta get through those next 3 years now :wacko:

Leo has totally poo-poo'd my attempt at routine at bedtime. He went down great but woke up after 30 mins & wouldn't go down again, even with more boobie. He's now asleep on DH :wacko: I really hope this is WW8 & not Leo's personality. I can't wait for the sunshine!

Good luck for tonight! Think we both need it. It's like going into battle :haha:
Yep, just 3 years and we'll be livin the dream :haha:

Ha ha, no such luck with bedtime here! Wesley slept for 4 hours after his car ride at 5pm so basically at 9pm when I'm normally just thinking about going to bed, he was waking up after his big sleep of the night. :( he was wide awake for nearly 2 hours after that and when I finally got him down he only stayed down for half an hour.
Sorry for the rough night, Sarah :( Did it get any better after you posted?

Leo did go down after his last feed pretty easily. Only had to pick him back up once & he then did his long stretch, fed & back to sleep but only in bed with me. He even stayed asleep when I crept out of bed for a shower. DH didn't have such a good night with Rex either. Rex randomly got up & wouldn't settle so DH ended up in bed with him. Serves him right for being lazy yesterday! :haha:

I downloaded the Wonder Week app this morning. It's only £1.49 & is pretty good. It gives you a personalised calendar. Our boys are firmly in a stormy period. The stuff it said about this patterns leap totally matches Leo's behaviour too eg. he's starting to bat at toys & stare at his hands. Only 12 days of storms left apparently. Brilliant :cry:
:hugs: to both of you ;(
Stupid DH's! Why can't they just pick up the slack! That would aggravate me so much and I would probably have a melt down :(

Sarah I hope you were able to get so R&R last night. Or at least in the AM.

Great news about Leo's stretch Saz! Very exciting.

I hope the next 12 days get easier in this milestone :)

Kyle is doing well with his arm so far. It goes past his elbow so it is very difficult for him to do things especially as INDEPENDENT as he wants to be... I can do it mommy i can do it. Bless his heart :(

I started having contractions yesterday around 3pm and they lasted till about 5, within 5 min apart. So i called the doc and went to the hospital. When i got in they were 2-3 min apart. Pumped some saline in me through an IV was checked and only at 1/2 cm dilated. Walked the halls for an hour to either start labor and was re-checked an hour later and no change :( Sent me home :( Sigh i wasn't ready to have the baby yet but now i am having contractions all day and night grrrrrr.. Braxton Hicks curse you! LOL.

This has been a rough weekend :)


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Aaawww, bless Kyle. What a cutey with his pot on. Glad to hear he's doing ok with it on.

But woah, Kyles! I was totally not expecting to read news of contractions! I'd say it's exciting but only if it leads to something & really baby could do to cook for another week yet. I hope the contractions let up soon so you can rest. Take it easy, lady :hugs:

I'm sat feeding Leo & the doorbell has gone twice in the last 15 mins while I've been feeding. Seriously?! Leave us alone! I'm feeding my baby! I answers both times with Leo still latched on & the guy from the local hospice who was selling lottery tickets couldn't get away quick enough :haha:
Thanks :)

Yes they are awfully painful :( And i am feeling more and more pressure down low. Still need some time to cook this baby!

don't you hate when people come to the door when you are super busy or god forbid its NAP TIME!!!!!! GRRRR

After our long exhausting day at the doc for Kyle's arm i just wanted some R&R for the night, DH got pizza and the door knocked. It was our neighbors checking on Kyle which was sweet but I was hungry :( Pizza got cold quick cause they stayed for an hr : (

I feel your pain!!!!! Post a sign up that says Do Not Disturb baby sleeping.

That will keep those buggers away!
:haha: a sign isn't a bad idea!

That sucks that they're painful :( Pressure sounds like things may be moving though! Eeeeeek! You could have a baby soon! At 36 weeks, baby will be just fine, I'm sure. Hope you manage to get some rest with the pains :hugs:
I don't know if we might be over the worst of WW8. Leo has just had a monster nap. On his own in his vibrating chair :happydance: He was asleep for nearly 3.5 hours! My boobs were desperate for him to wake up!! I can only assume he needed a long sleep to assimilate all the changes in his world cos he's never napped for that long in his life!
My goodness kyles, you're having contractions! Take it easy and keep us updated xx

Aww poor kyle! Bless him, it must be so frustrating not being able to use that arm when he is so independent. But what a little cutie he is! :)

Saz, I absolutely love that you answered the door with a baby attached to your boob :rofl: that's the funniest thing I've heard all day! :D

Yes, I believe Wesley might be over the worst of WW8 now too. He's allowed me to put him down on his mat a couple of times today and just chilled out while I ran around and did stuff :)
Hooray for slowly getting past WW8! I do not want to jinx it though :)

3.5 Hours WOW that is a NICE stretch! I bet your BB's were DYING Lololol

Contractions are still constant all day today... Not so painful but constant constant constant. I am assuming they are braxton hicks :sigh:

I have a doc appointment Wednesday evening so we will see if we have any progress (Fingers crossed for some movement!)
Are they regular, Kyles? If they are, there's no way they're BH. Fingers crossed for some dilation news on Wednesday.

Glad Wesley has been less needy today as well, Sarah. It's such a relief isn't it!

Midway through battle of bedtime here. One down, one to go! And it's the difficult one who's down already so hoping Leo feeds to sleep nicely & I can have some time with DH (and the footy :wacko: I need some free time to get the laptop out to write a letter for our childminder about our thoughts about her & her setting cos she's getting Ofsted'd this week. Poor thing! It's bad enough in a school when you're one of many. I'd hate to be alone with the inspector!
:hugs: kyles, I hope its not too painful for you and you get some relief one way or the other soon. Does your doctor have a plan, like will they induce you if it goes on for too long o something? Surely they wouldn't just leave out in pain for days on end would they? :(

Well you won't believe this but little Wesley has just slept for 5 hours! :happydance: DH came to bed at 1:00 and I woke up in a daze and was like OMG where's Wesley? Is he still breathing?! Lol he's just woken up for a feed now bless him.:)

Saz, fingers crossed Leo went down OK and you got some quality time in with your DH (and the footy) :haha:
Woo hoo! Go Wesley! :D Bet you fee amazing today! Hope the rest of the night went just as well.

Leo refused to go down last night until after his next feed :( At least it's getting slowly earlier. 11.15 last night rather than midnight which it was a few weeks ago. He'll only sleep on one of us between (what I'd like to be!) bedtime & his last feed. Don't know why when he can go down brilliantly later on & sleep a really good 5 hour stretch :shrug:

Weigh in again this afternoon :( I get nervous every Tuesday!!
He did great last night. After his 5 hour sleep he went back down in his crib for an hour before coming into our bed and sleeping till 6. It was by far the best night we've ever had with him! :)

This morning he's had a 2 hour nap in his swing so I've had time to run around tidying up, doing laundry and even reorganised a couple of the kitchen cupboards! Olivia now has her very own kitchen cupboard, full of all the things she needs for baking :)

Aww sorry you had a bad night with Leo :hugs: I think they just have a time of day when they like to do their long stretch of sleep. On sunday we accidentally moved wesley's big sleep to 5pm. He was really grumpy so DH took him for a drive then he slept for 4 hours in his car seat. So it is possible to move their big sleep earlier. maybe just keep trying to move his bed time back bit by bit.

Good luck with weigh in today. The HV came to the house this morning to do wesley's weight, head circumference and length. I completely forgot she was coming, it was so lucky that Wesley went down for that big nap so I had time to tidy up! I was just finishing my housework and making myself a very well deserved coffee when she arrived. I don't know why but I'm really paranoid about but he HV coming round and finding the house a mess in case she thinks I'm a bad mum or reports me for living in squalor! :wacko: I'd only just managed to get olivia dressed before the HV came too. Before that she'd been strutting around the house butt naked! :dohh: anyway, the upshot was Wesley is all in proportion and has gained another 10oz. The little porker! :haha:
wow a 5 hr stretch thats fantastic!!!!!!!

Amazing how much you can get done with an extra hour of sleep :)

Glad to hear he is doing well.

Saz sorry your night was awful :( I agree with Sarah push the long sleep stretch back and back if possible. they are babies though we will be working around their schedules lol

I hope the weigh in goes great! Fingers crossed!

I am doing good. I am Large and very very uncomfortable. I feel like there is no way this stomach can get bigger and i still have a long way to go. I really hope this baby comes early..... Keeping up with Myself let alone Kyle is so tiring!
The contractions slowed down and all in all stopped. Only get them here and there now. Thankfully!

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