TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Aww kyles, I know exactly what you mean. Those last few weeks are so uncomfortable :hugs: let's hope for a slightly early baby, say, in 2 or 3 weeks' time :)
I'm exactly the same with HVs, Sarah :haha: DH thinks I'm nuts!

Glad your contractions have gone, Kyles. Keep resting & cooking that baby!

Another good weigh in. Hes 11lb 9oz now. But we still have to go weekly until his 8 week medical, which actually isn't until 9th July due to our holiday next week. Why can't they leave us alone?!

I think Leo is getting into a pattern of having a long nap around this time. Not ideal!
Thanks girls! Let's hope in a couple weeks we are cooked enough! Between the heartburn and the summer swelling I'm done!

Hooray for an awesome weigh in :)
You do get a lot of them..

Over here usually its the first couple weeks then it goes monthly, then every 3 months....
Ha ha I'm glad it's not just me then! :)

Yay, well done again Leo! :thumbup: I can't believe they will want you to go weekly what percentile is he? Wesley is only the 25th and HVs don't mind at all how often he gets weighed, I only weigh him weekly because we're there for olivia's play group and I can't resist the call of those scales!

Wesley hasn't napped all afternoon he feels a bit hot too so I think he might be coming down with olivia's latest cold :( I've finally gotten him off to sleep but don't know how long for
Kyles, I'm only having to have him weighed so often cos of his slow weight gain at the beginning. It's a pain :( I can't wait to get to monthly weigh ins!

He's just about the 50th centile now, Sarah. Bit because he was smack bang between the 50th & 75th at birth, he's still being monitored to make sure he keeps gaining & following a line :dohh:

Oh no, poor Wesley :( Hope he fights it off quickly such the help of mummy milk.

Leo wouldn't go down yet again so he's snoozing downstairs with us until his next feed in half an hour or so. I just want an evening again!
We've been a stay & play session at Rex's foundation class this afternoon. Can't believe he starts 'school' in September! He had a blast & is now telling me he's tired so looking forward to some quiet evenings come the autumn when he's going every afternoon! :haha: It should wear him out! Leo was a little star while we were there too & just slept the whole time in the wrap :) I was boiling carrying him round though! But Leo never felt hot. Not quite sure how that works!!
Aww that's lovely Rex had such a nice time. Will he go in on his own in September or do you go with him then too?

Well done Leo being a good boy too :) I've completely had it with the Moby wrap, I just cannot for the life of me put it on so that he feels secure in it. Last time I tried I ended up launching it across the room :haha: I've given up on the mei thai as well for the same reason. I bought a baby bjorn a few weeks ago which I really like but it does get really hot. I took it with me to toddler group this morning and was able to run around after madam while Wesley slept so it does the trick :)

I might try the Moby again when he's a bit bigger though because it was only the fact that I didn't feel like his head was supported. It doesn't get as hot as the Bjorn.
No, he'll go on his own in September. It's just afternoons. 3 hours a day to use his free childcare entitlement. I'll be doing the school run everyday for the first term til back at work in January. That's madness that I have a child going to schoo!!

:haha: I have to say I've only mastered the Moby with Leo. I always felt like it was too loose with Rex so ikwym! I've found it helps to put it on really quite high so the tag is above your belly button. Then once baby is in, pull the shoulder parts quite wide so they go over your shoulders. So the fabric goes from your collar home right over to the top of your arm if that makes sense. Give it a go! I now have to remember how you put them in with their legs out!
Yeah, that's the other thing, they say you aren't supposed to sit them on their feet so I was paranoid about that too in case I hadn't positioned him right. I'll have to have a go at a feet out position..

I've got one REALLY sore boob today. Wesley was feeding in bed this morning while I was still sleeping and he slipped off and chomped away for god knows how long before I woke up and realised :haha: I'm really glad my nipples are all toughened up now! :haha:
Ouchy! :hugs: I've days where I've had a sore side again due to a bad feed. It makes you wonder how the hell you coped in the early days :(
I know, it would've been scabs galore if he'd done that a few weeks ago!
Hooray for school. Crazy isnt it. Kyle will be going to school in September too! 3 hrs poss two to three days a week. So sad about it. I need him to get potty trained but they will still take him if he is in diapers.

Girls you are making me scared to breast feed lol. Woke up to chomping ouchie!!!!!!!

Just had ultrasound. Left kidney still enlarged. :sigh: nothing i can do about it...
the woman said i have extra fluid around my cervix and may need a non stress test...??!?!?!? What is that! Then she came back in and said i was borderline... so now i have to wait to see what the doc says or wants me to do. She said it may be from contracting or something. Well i have been contracting since sunday!

Im just done! Get this baby out lets fix these issues. Talk about stress
Heart rate was 146. Baby is looking like 36+2 daysand is 6.3lbs. My cervix still looks long which means no baby anytime soon whahhhhh. Now I am waiting at the doc appointment....
How old is Kyle now? Your ticker is still at his birthday! :haha: Is he showing signs of wanting to potty train?

:hugs: for the scan results. Have they said if baby will need any tests on its kidneys when he/she arrives? Rubbish that there's no shortening of your cervix. But there's still time for that :) Baby is going to be a good size if it's over 6lb already!
Kyle is 2 1/2 now

He has been good at potty training but is back tracking... hit or miss with this kid hehe.

The doc is going to let me know if i need a non stress test tomorrow.

The kidney check will be done after the baby is born. They will do an ultrasound in the hospital. Cant do much since its still inside :) fingers crossed this baby will be ok.
Huge :hugs: kyles. sorry you're going through this, it must be very worrying :(

I'm really surprised your doctor hasn't explained the non stress test to you? Its nothing to worry about, basically (assuming its the same where you are), they strap you up to a heart monitor and listen to the baby's heart beat while he/she's resting and again while he/she's active and compare the difference. If baby's heart rate increases during activity its fine. If it doesn't or if they think the heart rate is too slow in general they could decide to induce you. It may involve you lying on a bed strapped up for an hour or two (so go to the toilet first!) But otherwise its completely non invasive.

I hope everything goes OK today, let us know how you get on x

Olivia is 3 in august and still nowhere near potty trained. She wants to do it and often asks for pants on or takes her nappy off but then she refuses to use the potty and ends up peeing on the floor :(
I think I was really lucky with Rex & potty training. He was 2yrs 3mths when I did it. I started when I had a period of 5 days off with him & we just went for it! No bottoms & the potty went in every room with us. From then I didn't ever put a nappy or a pull up on him in the day ever again. Even if we went out, I put a cushion under him in the car seat & buggy & took a whole kitchen roll & numerous changes of clothes everywhere! I honestly think that it confuses them switching between nappies & pants. Day 1 of training was horrendous. He hardly used the potty & I wanted to pack it in! Day 2 was 50/50 accidents vs. potty. Then all of a sudden on day 3, it just clicked when he woke up. He's been dry on a night for about 9 months now too.
Thanks girls I did of course Google NST test. Scared me a bit.... But hopefully all will be ok with the baby.

After the doc appointment she said the reason i am probably contracting is the extra fluid. Which i guess makes sense...

She said after the c-section i have the scar stretching and everything is just expanding possibly further than normal because it was stitched up.

Hopefully i get the call today with the results that all is ok :)

Wow Rex has been potty trained for that long!!!!!!!! I am so jealous. I was always told "boys take longer" You are so lucky Saz!

Olivia is the same as Kyle hit or miss, do you wanna go potty? NO! OYE!!!!

I think having the 5 day stretch was a good deal to potty train. My plan is to get this kid potty trained while i am on maternity leave. If that will even be possible with a newborn lol. Super mom to the rescue!!!! I may need buckets of coffee hahaah
Thanks girls I did of course Google NST test. Scared me a bit.... But hopefully all will be ok with the baby.

After the doc appointment she said the reason i am probably contracting is the extra fluid. Which i guess makes sense...

She said after the c-section i have the scar stretching and everything is just expanding possibly further than normal because it was stitched up.

Hopefully i get the call today with the results that all is ok :)

Wow Rex has been potty trained for that long!!!!!!!! I am so jealous. I was always told "boys take longer" You are so lucky Saz!

Olivia is the same as Kyle hit or miss, do you wanna go potty? NO! OYE!!!!

I think having the 5 day stretch was a good deal to potty train. My plan is to get this kid potty trained while i am on maternity leave. If that will even be possible with a newborn lol. Super mom to the rescue!!!! I may need buckets of coffee hahaah
I'm very jealous of saz too! :winkwink: potty training for us went the exact opposite way. We had no accidents at all on the first day and maybe just one or two on the second and she really enjoyed it, she was even just quietly taking herself off to the potty whenever she needed to go. But after the first couple of days the novelty wore off and she completely turned against it. She started getting annoyed with me for nagging her and just kind of rebelled against it. I'd ask her if she needed to go and she would shout "No!" at me...then pee all over the floor 2 minutes later :dohh: she would ask for her big girl pants on but then pee in them as though they were a nappy. :dohh::dohh:

I'd planned to have another go with her whilst on maternity leave too but god knows when because she still gets really upset when I suggest having a go :(

Kyles, fingers crossed you get good news from the docs later. And STOP GOOGLING STUFF!!! :haha: :winkwink:
Oh Sarah Olivia and Kyle are the exact same!

Potty training sucks! LOL

Yes i will STOP googling because that stuff is so scary.......

I just wish we can cook a bit more and be done and all will be ok!

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