TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Everything will be fine, I promise. :hugs:

Have you finished work yet?
:hugs: Kyles. I'm sure everything will be fine too. Try not to worry. Although I know that's not easy.

Sorry you girls are having a tough time with potty training :( It'll be worth it in the end. Rex now used the toilet completely by himself. All I have to do is wipe his bum after a no. 2 :haha:

I'm so tired today :( Pretty much had a 4.30 start this morning. Leo woke up to feed at that time & I'd just settled him in bed with me when Rex barged in at 5.20 :wacko: Could've cried tbh!! Think I'm taking Leo to bed once Rex is in bed, leaving DH to watch the footy in peace!
So sorry saz talk about an early start sheesh!!! I would have cried too!

I am stil working till.this baby arrives and decides to come out.

I have been contracting again today for the past 4 hrs consistent 1.5 min apart. I know baby is not ready yet. And they hurt oweeee

Ugh. I really dont know how i am going to make it to the end if im contracting this much now.
Saz, we had near enough the same thing happen to us this morning. Wesley was up at 4 and wouldn't settle for ages, then in comes Olivia at 5:45 waving a party ring biscuit in my face of all things. I asked her where she got it and she said "in my bed". We last had party ring biscuits well over a week ago ago :sick:

Aww kyles :hugs: Are you sure its not early/slow labour? I remember a girl from the third trimester forum when saz and I were in there who started contracting around 35/36 weeks but they eventually stopped and she went on to deliver at near enough 40 weeks I think so you might be the same.
I have a poorly littlest man :cry: He was a bit snotty yesterday & sneezing loads but just assumed he was suffering with a bit of hayfever like the rest of his family with the pollen count being so high. But over night he's had a bit of a temp & startle coughing. Even his little cry is all croaky this morning :( I can't even give him Calpol cos he's not quite 2 months old. Managed to get him in at the docs for 10.20 so hoping for some advice on what he can have. As a result of being ill, he wouldn't settle anywhere but on me. He wouldn't even settle for DH. I've had very little sleep cos I'd settle him then try to roll over put him in bed next to me & he'd wake up :( I'm so tired, I feel hungover!

We were just 5 minutes in front of you this morning. 5.40 Rex can bounding in :dohh: I can't wait for winter & the dark mornings! He has 2 blackout blinds & curtains! I can only think it's the light coming in round his door that's waking him :shrug: Even worse, I tried his Groclock again last night so when he came in this morning, I told him the sun wasn't up on his clock & be said it was broken. Turned out the little pest had only bloody unplugged the clock cos the sun wouldn't come on (I'd put the child lock on it cos he soon sussed how to make the sun reappear!) :dohh: I mean, seriously, how am I meant to deal with him doing that?! He's too bloody clever for his own good! :dohh:
aww Sarah sorry for your early start :( 4 am is WAY to early!
Saz i hope the baby is going to be ok and the docs give you some relief on what he has :( Hard to see them ill at such a young age!
Rex is way clever. Smart boy! You are in trouble. That story made me laugh!

Still having contractions randomly now. I really don't want to have these and still wait till 40 weeks. I won't have any energy to push by that time :(

Started getting cramps too :( I feel the baby movement has gone down some so i just chugged a glass of OJ to get this baby geared in kicking mode.

I think I am just not used to the contractions because Kyle was breech and when i had contractions the same as these they just cut him out the next morning.... I was also at 40 weeks.......


IDK this seems like early labor. no bloody shows yet or anything, some days i get a little more mucus down there than others but that's about it. :SIGH:
The doctor we saw today was lovely. She used to work in paediatrics at the hospital so was very thorough. Leo's chest is clear. It's just all the mucous from his cold making him cough. We got some paracetamol suspension & saline drops on prescription so at least can give done relief. After a dose of each at lunchtime, he had a nice long nap which he needed. I also had a sneaky snooze on the sofa seems Rex was at the CM :) Bliss!

Aw, Kyles, you poor thing. There's no way you can keep it up til 40 weeks :nope: I think the mucous is normal though. :hugs:
glad he is doing ok! What a relief!
Lots of cuddles :) And hooray for a nap!!!!!!!!
Oh no poor little Leo! :( I'm glad you've both had some relief in the end

Lol at Rex faking the time on his gro clock :haha:

Kyles :hugs: I'm sorry you're still in pain :( I really hope they stop soon. Surely it won't continue to 40 weeks. I'm so surprised the doctors let that happen :(

I stood on a wasp with my bare foot today :( It was so painful! I was rushing around trying to get dinner on and the wasp was on the kitchen floor. Poor Olivia thought I was dying I think :haha: I was screaming "owee owee owee" and clawing my way up the stairs to get my sting relief pen with Olivia trailing after me almost in tears saying "what's the matter mummy?" and me still unable to say anything other than "owee owee owee!" Nightmare lol

Afterwards when I was finally able to talk again I explained to Olivia that the very naughty wasp had stung mummy's foot but it was OK now because mummy had accidentally squished the wasp in the process of being stung so it can't sting anyone else. She made me better with her doctor's kit and then we looked at the wasp in her animals picture book :)
Owwwww, Sarah!! That must've killed!! I hate, hate, hate wasps :( So cute of Olivia making you all better :)

Leo is slightly better today. Thank goodness! I was worried he'd still be bad on Monday when we go away to Center Parcs but think he'll be ok now. Must be the magic milk helping him get better so quickly :)

I've just had an hour to myself. Went for a pedicure :) My work friends got me some vouchers for my bday so thought they needed using! Left DH some pumped milk for Leo so didn't even feel like I had to rush back. Lovely feeling!
Glad Leo is feeling better. :thumbup: That breast milk is a wonderful thing :) Olivia had a rotten cold last week and I don't know how many times I had to tell her off for going near the baby, yet apart from a tiny bit of a temperature the other day he's escaped completely unscathed :)

Ooh your morning sounds lovely and relaxing :) I've had the exact opposite kind of morning lol my best friend came over with her almost 2 year old son to play with Olivia, but while she was here she was telling me that she's just got a date for moving to her new house and its next week, so I said we'd look after her little boy for a couple of hours while she runs off to organise things.

So DH and I have had 2 toddlers and a baby between us since lunch time :wacko: its been surprisingly easy so far actually! I decorated cup cakes with the toddlers first while DH held Wesley for a nap, then Wesley woke up wanting a feed so we've swapped and now I'm feeding Wesley while DH plays with the toddlers :)

Edit: Oh guess what else, we finally got an appointment for wesley's tongue tie. Its next Saturday
Yay for the appointment. At last!

You brave people having 2 toddlers! You're amazing friends!

DH has got Leo asleep on him now while I've whizzed round sorting some stuff out for Center Parcs. We need so much :wacko: God knows how it's all gonna fit in the car!
Brave or stupid? Lol :)

We got off very lightly I think, all 3 kids were good as gold, and the best thing was that I was just gearing up to change my friend's little boy's poopy nappy when she turned up to get him. Talk about great timing! :haha:

Which centre parcs is it you're going to? I've never been to centre parcs, is it good? To be honest we've never really been UK holiday people but now we have kids its so much less hassle than going abroad. We've booked to go to butlins at skeggy this year lol it's one of those "just for tots" 4 night breaks where everything is aimed at the under 5s. Fireman Sam and bob the builder are going to be there so Olivia is over the moon :haha: every time the butlins advert comes on telly she says that's my holiday! :)
I've seen those breaks advertised. They look good. You can't a bit of Skegvegas! :haha:

I love Center Parcs! We went quite a bit as kids then I went when I was at uni with the girls for a 21st. So when it was my 30th last year, I said I wanted to go again & we had a great time :) It's pretty pricey in school hols so I'm fully taking advantage of being on mat leave! Rex had a ball last year & I think he'll get even more out of it this year now he's a bit older. The swimming 'paradise' is all free & it's great. We'll be going everyday! There's loads of other stuff to do as well. I've booked Rex into a football school for 3 mornings just for an hour & there's a couple of big play parks & a soft play area. Me & my sis are also off for a massage & spa session which I can't wait for! The trusty pump will have to come to allow for that! It's just lovely being in the woods with all the wildlife. Rex loved the squirrels & ducks on our patio :) There's no cars allowed so it's great to let the littlies run around or take a scooter. The accommodation is nice too & there's a really well equipped kitchen so we take food with us to cut down on costs. We usually eat out maybe once but you don't have to. I'd thoroughly recommend it! As you can tell, I'm a fan :haha:
Ha ha yes I can tell :) it sounds really good. I always thought centre parcs looked more for older kids because on the advert it looks like its all horse riding and zip lining but actually it sounds as though its great for little kiddies too :)
:rofl: It's one of the nearest seaside resorts to here & that's what they all call it round here :haha:
Our nearest one is Scarborough and we call it scarbados :)
They call it that in York as well! :haha: .Many a day trip & night out had in Scarborough! Some very funny memories of night outs staying in £10 a night dodgey B&Bs! :haha:

Yet another failed night of putting Leo down in the evening. Giving up til we're back from Center Parcs now. There's plenty of bodies for him to sleep on there! I'd really like to have cracked it by the time we go to Cornwall at the end of July though. That gives me 3 weeks when we're back. :wacko:
£10 a night B&B?? lol I've been to a couple of £20ish a night ones in Blackpool which were pretty grim I can only imagine what the £10 version would be like :rofl:

Aww come on Leo, you can do it! :)

Wesley has been grumpy most of this weekend :( he is really fussy when he feeds and fighting sleep All.The.Time :( Apart from a 20 minute car ride, he didn't sleep at all yesterday afternoon. I finally got him off to sleep at about 7:30 by feeding him while standing up rocking him with the hair dryer on! :haha:

This morning he's grumpy again :( he's sleeping on me at the moment and I can't put him down. We have to go to MILs soon and they're all going to be commenting on how clingy he is :dohh:

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