TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Hi :waves: welcome!

Aww congrats on ttc#2!!! very exciting and scary :)

My thyroid issue is under control as long as I get blood work done every 6-8 weeks. I did go up in the dosage once I became pregnant. So once you do get that BFP go to the doc for blood work so they can check your dosage :)

They didn't do an internal check this week ( i was so upset) LOL I wanted to see how dilated i am :( Now i have to wait till July 3rd heheh.

Also the doc said "he" sounds great (during heart check) GUTTED...... I really hope he doesn't know if the baby is a he or she. I lasted 37 and a half weeks NOT knowing.

He did tell me prior that they just call all babies HE and they don't know what we are having unless we say so. I know he never looked at the computer either. So i honestly don't think the doctor knew what we were having. Still sucks!

I have Kyle's appointment for his arm in an hour (FINGERS CROSSED) that the cast comes off. We shall see.....
Thanks kylesmom....Yea....I am checking every month. ... I am on 100mg... how much do you take.....

Sarah- thanks... I will be needing tips from you and kylesmom....
Pre pregnancy i was only on 50mg. When i found out they upped my dosage to 75mg.

I am sure after the pregnancy I am going to be a roller coaster :)

I have been on 75 mg the whole time and going good!

RESULTS ARE IN: Doc appointment for Kyle...........................

He broke his ELBOW!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

3 more weeks in the cast. Poor peanut :(
He will be holding his new brother/sister while in a cast :( So upsetting but we hope JUST three weeks. We are getting one of those pump casts covers so he can at least try to swim :)

Lesson learned- when toddler wakes up in the morning GET OUT OF THE SHOWER AS FAST AS YOU CAN lolol.
Lol kyles, I'm sure the doc didn't actually think your baby is a boy, and even of he did he doesn't know for sure. I was told boy and girl by various midwives throughout my pregnancy. One even told me it sounded "like a girl with a bit of boy thrown in" :haha:

Aww poor kyle :( at least he will still be able to swim though x
yea i hope he didn't ruin the surprise with only 2 weeks left to go!!!!!! LOL

I would be happy either way though.

Yea Kyle is a trooper but i feel sooooooo bad its my fault he's in a cast lol

How is Wesley doing? And Olivia?
I'm back!!! :D Had a lovely break in Center Parcs but I am bloody exhausted now! All the activities took it out of me & it was hard going without having DH with us. Even though my parents were there & were great, it's not the same as having DH.

I've missed a lot!

Kyles, gutted on the lack of internal. I'm positive the contractions will have done some good work for you though. And poor Kyle :cry: Stuck in pot for another 3 weeks :( Bless him. I'm sure the extra sound tech wasn't revealing the gender. I'm excited to find out! I know you want a girl but you need a boy to go with Leo & Wesley now :haha:

Oh, Sarah :hugs: I'm sure there's no murmur there if so many people have checked him over but it's worrying nonetheless :( Good news on the tongue tie snip not being needed though :thumbup:

:wave: Hi Shradha! Good luck with TTC! And welcome!
Welcome back! Glad the trip.was fun!!!! Rest up! Is DH home with you now?

Thanks for the positive vibes :)
Aww kyles, its not your fault he's in a cast. It could have happened to any of us. I leave olivia out of my sight all the time when I need to get things done. Sometimes it just can't be helped. You were just unlucky :hugs:

The little and large monsters are both doing well. We had a really great day today actually. Olivia has been so naughty lately, she's going through a bit of a threenager phase at the moment and she's just absolutely horrid but today she was in a really good mood and I had my lovely little girl back for the first time in ages. And Wesley, bless him, slept most of the day away after having his jabs yesterday :)

Welcome back saz! I'm glad you had a good time.

You are so wrong about the gender though, kyles needs a little girl because olivia is massively outnumbered at the minute :winkwink:

Thanks for the hugs. I'm really not that concerned for the time being. Its like you say, he's had so many checks, one of which was a scan done by a heart specialist who signed us off as low risk.
Yeah, Kyles, DH is at home with us. He couldn't come last week cos due to be being a teacher he can't take holiday during term time & the schools here don't break up for the summer til the end of July.

I swear Leo has forgotten our house by being away 5 days :haha: He's been staring around & cooing away at everything today, like he's never seen it all. Bless him!

He did another 11-5 sleep last night :happydance:

I went & joined Weight Watchers today. God, I'm fat!!! I was sure I hadn't put on as much weight as with Rex but I weigh more now than when I went after having Rex :dohh: I did the start the pregnancy 12lb heavier but I'm 6lb heavier now so I only put on 6lb less :cry: Aw well, I had fun eating what I wanted for the last time! We're deffo not having any more so this is it now. Get back into dieting & exercising & get my body back into some kind of shape!
Aww saz im sure u look amazing.this will be our last as well. I really hope breast feeding will help me lose the weight some but i will be trying hard to get my weight down as much as possible.

Weight watchers is amazing. Just stay on target! You can do it!

We had a 5 am start time. Really Kyle!!!!!

I had my nieces bday party today solo with Kyle while dh worked. Omg awful is all i can say. Overtired 2 year old who was sooooo bad and bit icing off of 5 cupcakes. Tirned lights on and offran mad and refused to eat anything non sugar coated all while not getting a nap . I was exhausted and we were only there 2 hrs!!!!! Of course the second we got in the car he was passed out!

We are going to our yearly town fair tonight. Lets hope i can get some actual food in his body that isnt candy coated.......
Aww bless little Leo, I guess his memory isn't all that great just yet :haha: and well done little man for sleeping 11:00 till 5:00 that's fantastic! :) Wesley slept from 7:30 till nearly 1am last night so he's on the right track too.

I've got him in his crib tonight, normally he starts off the night in his bouncy chair then goes into his crib after his first feed, then into my bed after his second feed. But I'm finding that he's only in his crib for an hour before he's up again so hardly spends any time in it and I'm worried that he might reject the crib altogether before too long. So he's gone in it straight away tonight for his big sleep. I also hope that if I do that every night, as his big sleep gets bigger and bigger, we should hopefully get to the point where he's in the crib the majority of the night and just getting into my bed for the last couple of hours. (Or that's the plan at least!) Unfortunately the baby monitor isn't charged so I'm stuck in bed next to him lol

Wesley had his first bottle of EBM today :happydance: I was so worried we'd left it too late to try the bottle but he was absolutely fine and chugged it like a champ! We went to the swimming baths (because olivia has managed to get all 10 "stay in your bed all night" stickers for her reward chart) I took olivia in the pool while DH sat in the viewing gallery with Wesley. He slept most of the time we were there but just as olivia and I finished and went to get DH, he woke up for a feed so we arrived just in time to see him having his first ever bottle. He was falling asleep on it and everything :) so I feel much happier now knowing that I can leave him for short periods and he will get fed OK. And have the opportunity to have a bit of freedom now and again.... I might even be able to get my hair done! :)

Ugh, don't talk to me about dieting. I'm the same, I tried so hard not to put on weight this time and I did so well until the last couple of months when I gave in to my chocolate and peanut butter cravings, and that week when I went overdue, well I just went absolutely nuts comfort eating. I did think I'd overall done better than last time but I weigh exactly the same as I did after having olivia, which is 2 stone too much :( I started back on my fitness pal last week...and lasted 4 days :dohh: I did lose 2lbs in those 4 days though so I know its going to fall off when I finally set my mind to it....but I just can't seem to do just that :( I have major chocolate abuse issues at the moment, I'm eating a big bar or bag of minstrels nearly every day and its getting to the point where I'm craving it like some kind of minstrel addict. The thing is its my only pleasure in life at the moment. I can't drink because I BF and co-sleep, I don't smoke, I've cut right back on my beloved coffee to just one cup every morning, I don't go anywhere or see anyone, DH is hogging the telly for the football so when I get the kids off to bed on a night, the only thing I have to help me wind down is my lovely chocolate. If I could just ditch the chocolate, I probably wouldn't need to diet.
Hi Kyles! It took me so long to write that essay that I missed your post :dohh: :haha:

5am, kyle what are you playing at?! Poor mummy!

Ha ha nothing worse than a hyperactive toddler at a birthday party without a nap! Reminds me of the Halloween party I took olivia to last year. It was from 4pm till 6pm and straight after nursery so she was already tired when she got there. We could see her and her little friends getting worse and worse and WORSE as they got more and more tired and ate more sweets. She was an absolute overtired grumpy mess by home time :dohh:

I hope you enjoy the fair and get kyle fed :)
How did it go in the crib, Sarah? I STILL can't get Leo to go down in his basket before his last feed :dohh: Gonna try & crack it this week!

Yay to the bottle! Leo had a couple of EBM bottles when we were away last week when went for a massage one day then for a spa afternoon. It's so nice knowing you have the option :)

Sarah, I was exactly the same with food before something clicked in my head last week & I'm now in the zone :haha: It was probably spending so much time in a swimming costume tbh! I'm convinced BF makes you crane sweet stuff cos I was also eating stupid amounts of chocolate as my only pleasure. Pretty sure I was eating my feelings :dohh: But you've only got 2st to lose! You'll easily do that! I have 3st to lose :blush: to get back to my pre-Leo weight & 4st to my pre-Rex weight. That's BAD!!! But I'm determined now. Let's see how it lasts!

Kyles, that is a nightmare party :( Especially when so heavily pregnant. :hugs: When Rex is tired, he also gets in a big fat mood & will demand sweet things to eat which then makes the tantrums worse when I refuse :dohh: He's been sleeping pretty well recently *touches wood*

Back to normality tomorrow with both the boys on my own :( Got serious post hol blues this weekend after all the people & activities of last week.
The crib did not go down very well at all last night :( he woke up pretty much as soon as I'd finished writing my last post on here last night and I fed him, put him back in his crib and he slept only until midnight then refused to go back in the crib. He came into my bed after that but was restless all night. He's back in his bouncy chair tonight needless to say. I think he just plain doesn't like the crib :(

It is nice to know i have the option of giving a bottle but I'm really struggling to pump a decent amount of milk. I have been pumping every night after he goes to sleep but I'm only getting an ounce or two. Will the amount I can pump increase if I keep doing it at the same time every night?

Ha ha congratulations on getting into the zone! :) I wish I was. I'm really good at dieting once I get in the zone but getting there is a real problem for me. I really miss keeping fit too. I used to do 5 classes a week but now I just can't get away to do them. Plus my 2 favourite classes, step aerobics and total body workout fall right on Wesley and Olivia's bath/bed time routine and no way could DH cope with that on his own at this stage :(

I definitely think BF makes you crave sweet stuff too. I feel as though I need calories fast a lot of the time so I snack on junk. 4 Stone, ouch! Weight watchers is really good though, I bet you lose the first couple of stone really quickly :)

Aw :hugs: for the holiday blues. I'm on my own with the monkeys tomorrow as well and I'm really struggling to think of something to do with them. Olivia is a pain in the bum if I don't get her out and about doing things but I'm starting to run out of new ideas already.
Oh no :( That's a shame about the crib. He's stuck downstairs for a while longer then! Just like Leo :dohh: I keep thinking about moving Leo out of our room into his cot but then I get cold feet about him waking Rex up or the other way around. Decided to move him after our holiday to Cornwall at the end of July cos he'll be in with us then anyway.

I just want him to go down somewhere in the evenings!! Starting to work on that tomorrow. Like you, I'd like to have some time to go swimming & back to the gym but at the minute I can't cos I'm needed for 'resettling with boob' duties :haha: Until I know he goes down & stays down until the last feed, I just can't get away :( I loved going to the gym twice a week while DH did bath & bedtime after my days at home with Rex. That was my break! And I'd love to do it again. One day!! Think I might have to dust off some fitness DVDs until then but it's not the same. But like you say, it's not fair to leave DH to battle bath & bedtime alone just yet.

4st m, I know, ouch indeed :blush: Deep down I know I'll probably never realistically get down to my pre-Rex weight but I'd like 3.5st off for definite. I lost 2.5st on WW after having Rex then another half a stone by low carbing so I know I can do it. It's just sticking to it long term that's the trouble. Might have to get a weight loss ticker so everyone can see on here how I'm doing & shame me into it :haha:

I'm struggling to think of something to do tomorrow as well :( Will wait & see what the weather is doing in the morning. Got my Tesco shop coming first thing & I need to go post some letters but that won't be enough to occupy Rex!
Well, we had another horrible night with Wesley again last night! Perhaps the crib wasn't to blame the other night. I wonder if its to do with the jabs that he got last week. He's had a bad tummy ever since he had them done :(

It took until olivia was nearly a year old before I was able to leave DH to do her bed time routine because she was such a nightmare to settle. I hope I don't have to wait that long again to get back to the gym. There's no way I can get to my pre-baby weight without exercise as well, its just not sustainable with the amount of food I like to eat :haha:

I have a plan for something to do today! I need to go and do a food shop and there's a big Morrison's about 15 miles away in Darlington, and nearby there's a big play park with gardens and an aviary with parrots, peacocks etc and a little ice cream shop. We'll go there first and morrisons on the way home. And wesley can have a sleep in the car on the way there and back. Sorted! I'm just tanking Wesley up with a big feed now and then we'll set off :)
Sorry you had another bad night :( Lep did his (current) usual but tonight the feat of getting him down earlier begins! Even it means I end up laid in bed next to him! :haha:

That sounds like a fab day out, Sarah :thumbup: I seriously couldn't face food shopping with the kids! Don't know how you do it. Ever since Rex learned to crawl & hated being sat in the trolley, I've done mine online. I usually get it delivered on a Monday morning :)

We've come to the local play centre. When I asked Rex what he wanted to do today that's what he said & a little girl from our street is here so it's been lovely so far as Rex has just been off playing with her! Getting to feed Leo on peace right now! Think this afternoon we'll walk to the post box & back via the park. Hopefully Leo will sleep on the way home from here so I can get lunch made & dinner prepped.
These babies have a mind of their own don't they! Hopefully we will get them sorted before too long!

Aww sounds like Rex is having a nice time :) we're still stuck at home lol! Wesley took such a long time to have his feed that I thought we might as well wait till after lunch otherwise olivia would be complaining of hunger the minute we got there. Now just waiting for her to finish her sandwiches. Seriously, how long does it take a toddler to eat 2 little sandwiches and a handful of cherry tomatoes?! :dohh:

The supermarket isn't all that bad for us. Wesley goes in the carrier so he's no bother. olivia is a bit more hit and miss. Sometimes she sits in the trolley and (apart from a bit of whining which is usually quite easily ignored), she's happy as long as I give her something to hold and let her put things on the conveyor belt at the end. Other times she wants out of the trolley and then she can be a bit of a menace! But even then she's not entirely unbearable. I do a shop every week so it never takes longer than maybe 3 quarters of an hour tops so I think that helps.

Hope you got out in the end, Sarah! Toddlers are sooo slow when it comes to food!

We've had a calm afternoon here :) Leo had a long nap in his car seat which let me prepare dinner & play with Rex. I actually had to wake him to feed in the end! He's definitely having a non hungry day. He's gone more than 3 hours between all his feeds today. I'd like to think it's that he's taking more so able to go longer but it's probably just a fluke!

Operation evening sleep begins in earnest tonight :haha: I won't get a look in with the geek thanks to DH watching the ruddy World Cup so I'll stay upstairs all evening if I have to!!
Hi ladies sorry for the bad night Sarah :(
Hope it goes well tonight.

Good luck saz on the sleeping tonight!

Fingers crossed these boys get into a routine!! And let you momma's sleep :)

All is the same here. No baby yet :/ Lots of movement WAY WAY far down.
38 weeks today........ COME ON BABY!

Lots of back aches and i really feel like there is a watermelon in between my legs mostly LOL

We had an eventful busy weekend. From the bday party to the fair on Saturday. Kyle won 2 fish throwing balls into these little bowls it was pretty cool to see him so excited.

I had a bridal shower for a friend yesterday and i went together with a mutual friend who is single. She did NOTHIING but complain how she hates being single. (she has high standards) and she goes on free dating sites thinking "The one" will be on there. Drained my Sunday listening to it OVER and OVer lol

Hope you both had nice weekends.

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