TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Ha ha yes we did get out in the end, but it was not quite the lovely relaxing afternoon I'd hoped it would be! It started off really well, we got parked right outside the park and olivia enjoyed the aviary and the play park. Then it looked like it might rain so I managed to entice her away from the swings with promises of ice cream! The ice cream man had Zaps! (remember zaps?) If not, they're ice lollies made of that not quite ice cream stuff that mini milks are made from but it's toffee flavour and multicoloured. They're so yummy! :) anyway, I got myself a zap and olivia a mini milk. It was all going so well until olivia dropped her lolly and insisted I give her my ice cream. Gutted. :( Olivia likes zaps too it turns out.

Shopping was STRESSFUL! Its not a supermarket I normally go to so it took me ages to find everything and Olivia was whining that she wanted to go home. It took us 2 hours and by the end Wesley was wanting a feed again, stupidly I thought he'd sleep on the way home but he didn't. He cried all the way home! :(

That's great Leo is going 3 hours between feeds. It sounds about right for his age, Wesley now goes about 2-3 hours between feeds too, unless its a hot day then he "snacks" a lot more.

Good luck with operation evening sleep! :thumbup: :haha:

Kyles, not long to go now! Hang in there! :) come on baby!!!!

Aww that's so cute kyle got all excited about winning his fish :) do you already have a tank for the fish or did you end up having to buy everything for them?

Oh dear, your friend sounds very draining :( I have a friend like that too. She's not single but always complains that she's the only one not married and without kids. Kinda makes me feel guilty for being married with kids :dohh:
Aw, sorry your afternoon wasn't as great as you hoped, Sarah :( Shopping sounds like a nightmare. Get online & have it delivered. It's the way forward, I'm telling you! :haha:

Well, operation evening sleep was a complete & utter fail :dohh: Leo would not go down no matter what I did. He'd either wake up as soon as I put him down or woke up wriggling like 5 mins later :( I gave up at 9.30 & brought him back downstairs to sleep on DH while I had a bit of a break. He bloody well slept just fine then didn't he!! I honestly am lost for what to try. Rex always, always fed to sleep so I'm not very skilled in the getting-babies-to-sleep department! Why Leo doesn't fall asleep on the boob is a mystery to me :( Maybe it's cos we don't have the luxury of just sitting & feeding for hours like Rex did :shrug: Because of his weight issues, I've been waking him to feed him at 10.30/11 before I go to bed & he goes straight down after that, self-settles & sleeps for 5-6 hours. Why can't he do it earlier?! I honestly feel like he's never going to do to bed when Rex does :(

Rex came into our room at 2.30 this morning asking for his iPad :haha: I think he thought it was morning, bless him! DH had to get in bed with him to settle him again. Why can't my children sleep?!

I really need Leo to be good this morning. I'm at the dentist at 11 to have a chipped molar repaired. (The dentist wouldn't do it when I was pregnant for some reason.) So I really need him to either sleep or let in his pram contentedly while I'm in the chair. If he screams, I'll just have to rearrange I guess. Just wish I had someone who could have him for an hour for me but I don't :(

Weigh in for Leo this aft so I'll let you know how that goes. He had a really fussy, non-hungry day yesterday so not expecting great news if I'm honest.
Sarah sorry Shopping was a nightmare! I hate taking whinny toddlers to the grocery store. People stare LOL

Saz what a terrible night :( Don't worry things will get better. He is still little 5-6 hrs of sleep is a great thing right now! Don't stress to much.

I hope your dentist appointment goes well with Rex there :/ Good luck at the weigh in today!!!

I am getting major cramping down low, real bad lower back pain and i feel like this baby will fall out lol.
I need to keep this little one in till July 5th. I have a lot going on with our schedules that I need this baby to stay put for 4 days!!!!!! I don't think that is going to happen though. The contractions are all the time as well. Not intense yet but things are working........
Leo was an angel at the dentist :D Woo'd all the dental nurses & receptionists & laid happy in his pram, staring at his favourite patterned toy while they fixed my tooth. My anaesthetic has only just worn off. After 4 hours!!! How much did he put in?!

Leo now weighs 12lb 9oz. Still just above the 50th & following his line nicely. We're officially off weekly weigh ins :happydance: Have to just go once a month like normal now. They did all his measurements today ready for his medical & jabs next week. He's 91st for length & head!!! He's obviously going to be tall & skinny like his grandad (my dad). And hopefully have lots of brains :haha:

Kyles, it seriously sounds like baby is getting ready to enter the world. I think you'll be (un?)lucky to see the 5th still pregnant by the sounds of it!
HOORAY!!!!!!!! So glad the dentist went well! And fantastic news for Leo!!!!!!! Porking up nicely :)
Oh saz, I'm sorry little Leo is giving you a hard time in the evenings :hugs: I can't believe he doesn't feed to sleep, what's that all about! I'd be in a right mess if Wesley wouldn't feed to sleep, on the odd occasion where he's tired but too full to feed he's an absolute nightmare. Literally nothing works. My heart goes out to you :(

LOL at Rex coming into your room in the night asking for the iPad! :haha: I can relate, a few weeks ago Olivia came trotting into our room at 3am asking for me to read her superworm book to her! :haha:

That's fantastic Leo has gained weight again, and what a little champ being good for you at the dentist too! I'm impressed :) I have to go for a filling on the 11th too, MIL said she'll have Wesley for me, although her health is not great, she's ill in bed at least twice a week so I could very well end up in the same situation :-/

Kyles, it sounds as though that baby of yours is ready to make an appearance! I hope its not too much longer for you (but after the 5th lol)

We had a much better night last night, and today went much smoother than yesterday too :) we had a walk into town, I was so impressed Olivia managed most of the walk, 15 minutes to the shops and then all the way up the high Street and back, then on the way home she asked to go on the buggy board. But its definitely the furthest she's ever walked :)
Oh I forgot to say we have wesley's heart appointment now, its not until the 19th August. I guess its not that serious!
great news Sarah!!!! That's great about the walk and Wesley's heart :)

Glad things are going well sleeping too!!

Can't believe you both have 2 month olds already!!!!!!! Time surely flies!

I stood up a bit ago and had MAJOR pelvic pain. MAJOR. Could barely walk. Someone is wanting out and possibly sooner than later.........
Come on baby Kyles!! Make an entrance!!

Glad you had a better day, Sarah :thumbup: Good on Olivia for walking all that way, bless her. Rex walks on the school run with his CM these days & it's a fair walk there & back twice a day. They are capable of more than you think!

Great news on the appointment. I agree. It totally can't be urgent if it's so far away. That's reassuring.

I don't why Leo doesn't feed to sleep. He never has. He'll
Sometimes have a post-boobie snooze but wakes up as soon as you move him. Tbh I'm starting to wonder if I have an overactive let down :shrug: He's a fussy feeder & really windy. He often pulls off at the start of a feed, especially on a morning when my I have fuller breasts. When he does pull off I can see the streams of milk coming out of my nipple & both our clothes end up soaked. And he never comfort sucks. All these things are signs. He's also a quick feeder compared to Rex. :shrug: I suppose he'll just adapt.

I managed to get him down in his basket at 7.30 tonight & he was completely sparko. Arms & legs out, the lot. He woke up after 30 mins :dohh: DH settled him but he only stayed asleep for 10 minutes & was screaming :( Why won't he sleep?!!! So he's now laid across my knee with his head resting on a sofa cushion cos he doesn't want to be cuddled but won't let me put him down either. Argh!!!! It's driving me mad!!! I neeeeeeed sons down time :cry:
Perhaps "sleeping well" is a little too strong a phrase, when I say we had a much better night, I mean up 3 times for a feed and up for the day at 7:00 as opposed to 5 or 6 times and up for the day at 5:30 :haha:

Ouch! That sounds painful! I think baby is getting ready! :)
Oh what a nightmare, saz! I know how you feel unfortunately, Wesley is being a pain in the arse tonight too :( he's normally soundo by now but he's still wide awake. DH is currently bouncing him in his bouncy chair but its really not helping. He had a 4 hour sleep this morning while we went round the shops and then was up all afternoon from 1:00 till 5:00 then had just a tiny sleep so he's obviously overtired. I have no idea what to try now :(
I guess i spoke to soon :( i really hope these little boys give you mommas a break soon! Could be a growth spurt perhaps?
Its 10:45 and he's only just fallen asleep. I daren't put him down now! :(

I was thinking growth spurt too because whenever he's been on the boob tonight he's been sucking ferociously and clawing at me with his hands as if to try and make the milk come quicker. But he's not due a growth spurt as far as I'm aware and there's no wonder week due either :shrug: so the only other thing I can think of is over tiredness.
Well i hope he stays asleep and you get some peace and quiet :) its only 7pm here
No such luck! I kind of hoped that with him going down at nearly 11:00 last night he would have his big sleep and not get up until maybe 3 or 4 am. No such luck. He still got up at all his usual times starting from 12:00 then got me up for the day at 6am :dohh: he's still feeding like he's ravenous now. I wonder if its due to his decrease in appetite after his injections last week and now he's having to rebuild my supply?

Olivia has been at it again too. She woke up crying at 3am and when DH went to settle her she carried on screaming for me. I had to go in and trybto settle her she quietened down but wouldn't fall asleep. Then Wesley started crying so I had to leave her to go and feed him. DH took over again and she screamed the house down and started hitting DH! She was like something possessed. In the end DH went to sleep in her bed and I brought her into bed with me and Wesley.

The thing is that she's meant to be going for a picnic in the park with her little friend today and in the middle of it last night DH said she can't go so now I'm having to decide whether she goes or not. I've told her she has to be on her best behaviour all morning. I think she's started telling lies too because she said DH told her she can go this morning and that he already called her friend's mum and told her yes so I can't say no. But DH said its up to me and he was still very angry with her when he left for work. I can't believe it, she's only been able to talk for like 3 months and she's lying already! :cry:
:hugs: Sarah. That is one rough night. That's a tough call on the picnic. Do what feels right to you. Think I'd be tempted to let Rex go if it was me but I can be a bit soft :haha:

Leo & I ended up napping on the sofa while DH was out playing footy. He woke me when he got in but then I drifted back off & he woke me at the end of the USA footy match so I assumed it was 11pm, not realising it'd gone into extra time! It was a late, late feed for Leo! He slept til 5.30 then though with a little dummy popping in at 4 :)

A quiet day for us today. Going to go get Leo a bath seat so he can go in the big bath. He's getting too long for the baby bath now & keeps kicking off the end & jerking backwards :wacko: It'll be nice to have both hands free for bath time too :)
I'm a bit too soft too lol. I've let her sweat all morning and just told her now that her friend can come to play. Its been a good bribe to get her to do things for me all day actually, "tidy up your toys or I'm going to call T's mummy and tell her she can't come " :) to be fair, I don't actually have her mummy's phone number so I couldn't have cancelled if I'd wanted to but she doesn't know that :haha:

That's great you guys had a better sleep last night :) we seem to alternate between us :haha:

I've had Wesley in his (bright pink!) Bath seat in the big bath since birth. I don't like holding him with one hand while trying to bath him with the other, I'm scared I'll drop him!
Do you put them in the bath together, Sarah? Think I'm going to cos I think Rex'll love it! :) We had a foam wedge thing with Rex from 3 months but had to chuck it once he could confidently sit up cos it went all manky with the water. This is a Summer one from Asda. Got him blue! After using my sister's LG's pink one the same in Center Parcs last week :haha:
:hugs: sarah. Sorry you had an awfully rough night!
I would let Kyle have the play date as well (softy) but i would use a million bribes as well hehehehe

Still no baby yet :(
Yes they've been going in the bath together for about a month now. I started off bathing them separately, Wesley first and Olivia would help then I'd get him out and wrapped in a towel and let him kick about on the changing mat while I did olivia's bath - sounds great in theory but the reality of it was very different! She would spend his bath time complaining that she wanted to get in and then he would scream all the way through her bath

So now they go in together, Olivia sits in the bath and helps bath Wesley, then I wash her and do her teeth. When wesley's all clean I get him out and dried while Olivia plays a bit longer then DH comes to get Wesley while I play with Olivia and then get her dried. It works really well for us. She's actually really gentle in the bath with him, apart from her obsession of poking him in the willy :dohh: poor little thing! :haha:

Aww still no baby :( we're into the big wait now!

We went to the park for their picnic in the end. It was nice to see her having so much fun. We've told her she can go swimming with her friend if she stays in her bed every night and gets 8 more stickers for her chart. Hopefully that will stop her doing it again. Honestly, I never thought I'd be one of those parents who had to bribe my kid to behave! :blush: :haha:

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