TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

I put them in together. Rex loved it, bless him. He was so careful & gentle when he helped to wash him. And Leo was absolutely beaming away at his big brother :cloud9:

That's bath time sorted & way less stressful. Just got to crack the actual bedtime now :wacko: Rex is pretty good but Leo is another story. Same problem tonight. He went down great. For all of 30 bloody minutes. Then that was it. He's fidgeting & fighting sleep. Argh!!! I neeeeeed some time in the evening just to chill out. It's really getting me down now, 10 weeks in :cry:
It makes bath time soooo much easier when you put them in together doesn't it? :) that's so sweet Rex was really gentle with his little brother, bless him!

Aww sorry you're still struggling with bed time :( naughty Leo. I wish I knew what else to suggest :hugs:

Wesley hasn't slept very well all day and I thought we were in for a repeat of last night but he's gone down now thankfully. He's in his bouncy chair and keeps stirring every few minutes so god knows if he'll stay down.

Babies man!!
Thats wonderdul about bath time with the boys. So glad Rex was gentle :)

I hope both babies settle somewhat for the night for you both :/
Thanks kyles, he slept till 11:30 in the end which is his normal routine, then refused the crib and got into my bed as usual.

Hey guess what I've just noticed, there's almost the same age gap between all our older kids.
3 months 2 weeks between Rex and Olivia; and 3 months 3 weeks between Olivia and Kyle. How cool is that!

Saz, as the only York native I know, what is Selby like? I'm starting to look at houses down there as I want to be moved by the time I go back to work and there's a huge difference in house prices between York and Selby. Is there a reason for that or is it just because its further away? There's some lovely houses there in our price range whereas if we bought something in York we'd have to compromise hugely :(
Sorry Sarah ONE DAY That baby will sleep in his crib :)

That is neat the age gaps. Didn't even realize it :)

Still no change on my end:( Cramps down low baby isn't moving as much because there is NO ROOM!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like i have more mucus than normal these days. All good signs.
Oh, Kyles! Baby is too comfy :hugs:

That is cool about the age gap, Sarah :) Have you started to think about Olivia's bday yet? Is she having a party? What are you getting her? I'm already starting to think of Christmas ideas :haha: God knows what I can but Leo though! He has all Rex's old toys :(

Selby is ok. Nowhere near as nice as York obviously! We used to go to the pool there all the time when we were kids as it had slides :haha: But I would say that traffic on the A19 getting into York from Selby on a morning is really awful. All York traffic is pretty bad but that route gets pretty clogged with it being single carriageway the whole way. Not sure how regular the trains are but think they're pretty frequent. The villages on the A19 into York like Riccall & Escrick are nicer than Selby itself I'd say but I imagine they're pricey too?
Aww kyles, that naughty baby needs to be evicted! I actually can't wait for you to have him/her, the time is really dragging now.

I'm really excited for olivia's birthday, its 5 weeks away and I've got it all planned out already :) I've booked her a bouncy castle party at our local community centre and we're going to invite all her little friends from nursery and all our friends' kids. Its going to be epic! :) she's never had a birthday party before, we've only ever had the family round so it will be all new to her. MIL is going to make her a peppa pig cake :) Wesley will get to enjoy himself too as we'll have about 5 babies coming and I'm going to set up a baby play area in the corner :)

Presents-wise we bought her a toy supermarket about 5 moths ago when it was on offer on groupon, £30 down from £80! Its been sitting in a big box in the corner of our living room ever since and Olivia knows its for her but doesn't know what it is lol. My mum is getting her a slide for the garden and I think FIL is looking at trampolines (to keep at their house hopefully!)

I know what you mean about struggling to think of things to get the baby. I almost begrudge buying new things for him but as a second child myself I know how annoying it is only ever getting hand-me-downs. At least they won't notice for the first couple of years!

Will have to have a good think about where to move to. There's pros and cons to both living in York or further away. I have seen a couple of houses in riccall over the last few months. There was a nice one in Huntington too at one point -apparently their school is really good? I'll have to keep an eye out for new ones coming up.
Aww that party sounds like it is going to be a blast! I bet you cant wait to see her reaction to the present in the box :)

I am at the doc now for my 38 week check. This week is an internal yahoo. Lets hope we have more than 1/2cm dilation!!!!
Well this baby is too comfortable. No dilation and 50% effaced. Staying high and staying put (sigh) i was hoping for 6 cm and head to L&D lol. Wishful thinking....
Aww kyles that sucks :(

It's just like I was, at 38 weeks I was convinced the baby was coming any minute and then he outwitted me. Anything can happen though, look at saz, she went for her sweep and was not dilated at all then like 12 hours later Leo was here!
Yes, exactly! Don't lose hope, Kyles! I was totally fed up after my sweep & there was no progress then 9 hours later, Leo was here! :D

That party sounds amazing, Sarah! Can we come?! :haha: That's the bonus of summer bdays. You can have outdoor things like bouncy castles!

Huntington is lovely. My dance classes were there, my ex lived there & my cousin now lives there with his family. The comp is one of the best schools in York. :thumbup:

I had the evening from hell last night. I ended up in tears in front of Rex :blush: DH was out on his department's end of year meal so it was solo bath & bed time for me. Bath time was great then I brought them back downstairs to feed Leo while Rex had his milk while playing on the iPad. He was practically drifting off at this point but Leo took a while to feed & wouldn't settle afterwards. By the time I'd got Leo to settle in his swing, Rex had got a second wind & wouldn't let me read him a bedtime story & wouldn't lay down with me. He was over tired & hyper. He bit, hit & kicked me :( Then Leo started crying so I had to come downstairs to settle him & Rex them got up and was charging around upstairs & in his play room. It was ping pong them between them both. In the end I gave up on Rex & just concentrated on settling an upset Leo. Rex came downstairs & I just ignored him. He asked for his tele on but I said no so he sat on the sofa watching recorded Coro with me. He knelt up & I thought he was going to start again but he flopped on his front on a cushion & passed out!! This was 9.30 :( DH got in at 11 by which time I'd managed to carry Rex up to bed (not an easy task! He's so heavy!) so all looked calm to him. Don't think he knew what to do when I burst into tears!! Luckily, DH has an INSET day today where he doesn't have to go in so I've had a lie in with Leo til 8.30 & feel better now. Just wish my kids would sleep :cry:
Kyesmom- you are sooo close.... Must be waiting to hold your LO........

Sarah- the party sounds cool.... I am sure olivia is going to have a blast...I wish I was staying next to your place....:winkwink:

Sazzle- sad to know you had a rough night..... So kids are generally naughty....I always used to think my LO gives me tough time....but I guess the story is all the when I think about it....what is going to happen when I have another will be tough..:hugs:Hope today is a better day for you.....
Thanks girls!

Oh Saz what a night from hell. That sounds awful :( i sure hope dh helps you out today!

Well ladies Kyle has a fever and has since last night. He seems fine for the most part. More mellow than normal. Round the clock meds to keep the fever down. Now i need to keep this bay in till after he gets better. I hope i dont get it too. I think he got it from the bday party last weekend or the fair. Sigh.
Saz, what an awful time you had last night :( :hugs: you're not alone, I've cried in front of Olivia a few times when I've been struggling with the two of them. What makes it worse is that olivia will then come and put a hand on my leg and say its alright mummy :( I hope things are going better for you tonight

lol yes you can come to olivia's party, and shradha you can come too :haha: its not an out door party the bouncy castle will be inside :D

Aww poor Kyle, bless him! I hope he's better soon and doesn't give you too much grief :hugs:

Well I went to my local sling library today to get them to show me how to use that damn Moby. It was a bit scary, I was supposed to go with a friend from my breastfeeding group but she got caught up in town and didn't make it and I had to go in on my own! I thought it was going to be full of "crunchy earth mommas" with dreadlocks and hairy armpits but actually everyone was just normal, there were loads of squidgy newborns there :) and lots of new mums with no baby wearing experience just coming to have a look. The lady who ran it was lovely and she taught me how to put Wesley in with his legs dangling and he felt so cumfy and supported in it! She had a 2 year old little girl and she took a woven wrap out and just tied her up onto her back and carried on as if she didn't weigh anything. Amazing!
How's Kyle today? Hope he's feeling better. He's need to be healthy before you go into labour!

Glad you've sussed the Moby, Sarah :thumbup: I need to play with the legs out position cos Leo is so long he doesn't really fit in the newborn position very well anymore. I used the wrap loads at Center Parcs last week & he did look a bit short of space sometimes!

Rex has been on one today. Absolutely hyper :wacko: He was up at 5.45 too :(

I'm still trying to get Leo down on an evening. Tonight I'm trying staying in the bedroom with him & timing 25 mins after I put him down to see if I can help him into his next sleep cycle without him fully waking up. I'm starting to panic that he's only managing to sleep for 30 mins at a time through the day & on an evening cos he's hungry. Everything I read about babies waking after 30 mins says to firstly check whether they're hungry, wet, cold etc. I'm know it's probably paranoia but I'm wondering whether he's not feeding right. I know the weight gain is ok & we're getting loads of big, wet nappies but I've just got this nagging feeling. Especially when I can only eversmshr to pump a few ounces at a time. If only we could see what comes out of our boobs!
I actually found the legs out position much easier to do than legs in. Its basically tied the same way except instead of inserting their feet into the fold of the fabric you put their feet through both layers of the fabric, pull it up over their bum on either side then pull the "seatbelt" bit up as usual.

Oh poor you having a hyper toddler, there's nothing worse! Hopefully he will have tired himself out and will sleep in for you tomorrow :thumbup:

Good luck with Leo tonight. I don't know about the hungry thing, I guess its possible he's not tanking himself up enough before his early sleep. Does he feed right before he goes down? And do you let him have both boobs? You could always try that formula feed, you were planning to at 3 months anyway, its only a few weeks early and it might just help.

I know what you mean about the breastfeeding paranoia. I'm always stressing about it, especially when he keeps stretching his feeds further and further apart. He's now only having something like 5 feeds in the day and 3 during the night which totally freaks me out he's gone 4 hours between some feeds a few times this week :-/ but like you say, plenty of wet nappies and weight gain is all you need to know.

On a slightly lighter note, I joked about it a few weeks ago and we all laughed, but last night it actually happened.....Wesley has given me a boob hickey :rofl: I woke up this morning and DH said "woah you've hurt your nipple" and there it was in all its hickey-ish glory! He must've tried to latch himself on in the night and missed :dohh:
I don't want to jinx it but Leo's been asleep upstairs in his Moses basket for just over a hour :happydance: A few more nights of this technique & he might get into the habit of sleeping longer.

Yes, Sarah, he does feed right before he sleeps but is often about fussy cos he's tired so I don't think he's feeding as well as he could. Still considering the formula feed so will see how things go.

BF paranoia is the worst! Everything you've just said is what is constantly going through my head. Leo only feeds 7 times in 24 hours now. When he wakes, mid morning some point, after lunch, tea time, before (what I'd like to be) bedtime, before I go to bed & early morning (about 5ish at the minute). At times over the past couple of weeks, he's also started to go 4 hours, especially between the first two or the mid morning & after lunch one if he's sleeping on me so slept a long time. Rex did the same & he gained weight like a trooper but with all the weigh ins with Leo, I can't help but worry about him doing it.

My sister gave her LG her first taste of baby rice today. It's really not all that long & we'll be thinking of weaning. I weaned Rex early. He was 4 months when we started but he was huge & showing all the signs. I think Leo will be later but I better dig out my books cos I can't remember a thing about what to do :haha: I just take it for granted now that Rex eats normal food & have forgotten the journey there!!
Wow I can't believe your sister's LO is weaning already, where has the time gone?! I've already had an invite to the weaning class at my local sure start centre. Don't think I'll bother going though. I didn't bother when Olivia was a baby and managed just fine. I weaned Olivia at 5 months. I hadn't meant to, I just bought a packet of baby rice because MIL had been banging on about it for weeks and I wanted to prove to her that Olivia wasn't ready but when I tried it she ate it all :dohh: I really enjoyed weaning last time, I got one of those beba baby food makers and made everything myself.

This time I'm torn between doing that again or giving the BLW a go. It seems to be becoming a lot more mainstream now whereas when Olivia was a baby it just seemed to be a bit of a fad to me. I'm even finding that the HVs are recommending we skip the purées and they're usually WAY behind! I might have a read of the book and just see what's what.
I know, time has flown by! Think I'll do traditional weaning again. I looked into both last time & chose that cos I knew I wanted to stop BF at 6 months so wanted Rex to be eating a decent amount of home made, organic food & not just having tonnes of formula. He had finger foods from 6 months obviously. It worked well for us so will do the same with Leo I think.

Last night was a success! Leo slept upstairs until I woke him for his late feed :happydance: And it didn't affect his later sleep either. Fingers crossed it wasn't a fluke & I can do the same with him tonight :D
Oh well done Leo! Did he try to wake up after 30 minutes and you have to ease him back into another sleep cycle? Or did he just sleep?

Wesley had a good night last night, he slept in his bouncy chair from 8-12, had a feed but then wouldn't go in the crib so he came into my bed, he woke for a feed at 4 then was up for the day at 6, so basically only up for 2 feeds all night! If I could just get him into that damn crib we'd be sorted!

Daytimes are not so great for us, however. He's been so grumpy the past week! He wants to be held all the time and fights his naps. He's basically screamed at me all morning today and I've had to resort to the Moby and even then he's still not happy, but at least my hands are free. He's flaked out on me now but he keeps waking up and crying till I rock him back to sleep. I wonder if he's got a pain or something. Poor baby :cry:

I think they're due another wonder week next week aren't they? :-/

I'm still undecided about weaning. Like I said, I really enjoyed TW last time, especially inventing all my own recipes and seeing her enjoying it, I feel as though I'd miss out on all that with the BLW. I'm undecided about how long I plan to BF as well. I want to make it to 6 months and then see how I feel then. Ideally I'd love to make it to a year so i don't have to spend money on formula, but I don't know how I'll feel about him having teeth or if I could get my head around breastfeeding what is essentially a small toddler. I will just play it by ear I think and base the weaning around whatever I decide.

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