TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

I considered going longer when I was pregnant with Leo to save on formula plus all the washing & sterilising. But I'm back at work, he'd have to have a bottle on an afternoon anyway so I'd only be doing the morning & bedtime feed 3 days a week so not sure if my supply would keep up. Plus, like you, I'm not sure about how I feel about teeth & a mobile baby feeding from me. He night just climb up & latch on :haha: I think I'll do 6 months again to make things fair between the two of them!

Edit: Should have also said, that I soothed him into his next sleep cycle by putting my hand on him & patting him before he stirred until he's gone into the next sleep cycle. Will do the same tonight & hopefully he'll eventually learn to do it for himself.
That's a good point, wesley will only be 10 months when I go back to work. Maybe I'll continue to BF but just on a night and FF in the day time. We'll see how it goes.

I might try the soothing into the next sleep cycle when he's in his crib, he goes for about half an hour in it which is one sleep cycle isn't it. Its worth a go.. :)
I eventually got Leo down about 9 & he's still asleep. Not sure if it will last over the next few nights but I hope I've cracked the evenings. Please, Leo!

I think Leo might be prepping me for his next growth spurt cos he has fed for aaaaaages at every feed today. He fed for an hour & half at MIL's after Sunday lunch today. 90 mins!! Really, Leo?! My poor nipples are feeling it tonight :haha:

Eurgh, Sarah, just looked on my Wonder Weeks app & you're right. Only 5 days til the next leap :wacko: I feel like it's only 5 mins since the last one!

Definitely give the soothing to the next sleep cycle a go. I wait til 25 mins have passed then lay my hand on his chest & pat when he starts to stir then just sit with my hand on him until he drifts back off :thumbup:
Well I didn't even get a chance to try your method last night, saz. I had a rotten time putting them to bed :( Olivia fell asleep coming home from MILs yesterday and we stupidly let her nap again so at bed time she wasn't tired. Wesley had had barely any naps yesterday so when he finally fell asleep at 5pm I didn't want to wake him for his bath. DH held him while i put olivia to bed and thats where it all went wrong. Olivia wanted stories and to play jigsaws with me and it was about half an hour before I could get away.Wesley woke up then and I fed him back to sleep and was just settling him down when Olivia started kicking off shouting for me. I had to put wesley down to go to Olivia and asked DH to bounce him in his chair as he wasn't quite in a deep enough sleep to be left on his own yet. He didn't. He thought he'd go and make himself a coffee first instead so wesley woke up. Olivia insisted I sat with her till she fell asleep, it took till 9pm, then I had to go downstairs and start on wesley. He didn't go to sleep till 10:30 and didn't do his big sleep again. Both kids were still up at 5:30 this morning :( so now I have 2 grumpy kids and a banging headache :(

How did Leo get on last night?
Hi ladies,

I haven't had much time to read up on your stories. I am training my temporary replacement this week for work (finally my boss hired someone)
I do apologize for not getting on here much.
Kyle has been very sick and FINALLY after 3 days broke his fever this morning.

What a whiney little boy :)

I did read some about breast feeding. Are you really planning to stop! I said the other day i want to go for a year lol. I wish!
I think its fantastic you both made it to 2 months!

Glad Leo slept well last night. Sorry for the not so great night Sarah :(

We had Kyle in our bed every night this past weekend. Oh having a kid with a foot in your boob sideways in your bed is NOT fun :) DH slept on the couch all weekend lol.

I will try to stay as updated as possible. Still pregnant (BLAH) one week to go and I just know I am going to be overdue :( Doctor's appointment is on Wednesday this week :)
Aw kyles, when we didn't hear from you for a couple of days I thought maybe the baby was coming. No such luck! :( I hope you don't go overdue, it really sucks! Surely the odds are against all 3 of us going overdue, you'd think at least one of us would have their baby early! Same goes for gender, you'd think at least one of us would have a girl :haha:

Poor little kyle doesn't have much luck either, bless his little heart. How is he managing with his arm? Is he getting used to it now?

Your poor DH getting cast out of the bed :haha: just wait till baby arrives. I think since Wesley arrived, DH spends more time either on the sofa or in olivia's bed than he does in his own bed :)

OMG I just had to stop typing there to go and check on Olivia, she was upstairs screaming her head off and I got such a fright - went upstairs expecting the worst, only to find her on her bed, not screaming with fright but screaming with laughter rolling her toy cars off the bed into her toy box! Little weirdo lol :wacko:

Well, touch wood, Wesley is having his first nap in his swing in ages, for the past week or two I've not been able to put him down but he's finally let me. I'm now enjoying a nice baby and toddler free sit down with a coffee right now, it's great :)
I came on earlier when Leo was asleep on me while me & Rex were watching a film but then I took too long typing & the page expired & I lost it all :dohh: Feeding Leo in the hope of him going down so have time to do it again!

Sorry to hear about your bad evening last night, Sarah. Been there! Total nightmare :( Rex was also up at 5.30 if that makes you feel any better :wacko:

The car thing is just like something I'd find Rex doing. Toddlers are mad!! :haha:

How did the swing nap go, Sarah? Despite starting to sleep soundly on an evening (well, a whole 2 nights!) Leo still will only do 30 mins exactly in his swing in the day. It's driving me nuts. To get him to have a half decent nap, one of us has to hold him. Lovely & great for resting but not so great for playing with Rex or getting stuff done around the house :wacko: I tried his Moses basket upstairs in the dark with white noise at lunchtime today after topping him up a bit to help him sleep. But :nope: still woke up crying after 30 mins. I can't sit with him in the day like I can on an evening to help soothe him into the next sleep cycle so I have no idea how I'm ever gonna get this child to sleep longer.

Kyles, I have to admit that I thought the same as Sarah - that maybe baby was on its way. Gutted it's not! Hope it's good news at your appointment later in the week.

Poor Kyle :( Good to hear he's on the up now. He's needs to be fighting fit to meet his new sibling.

I'm having another 'I want to quit BF' days :( I'm sore from all the feeding yesterday & now thinking he maybe doesn't sleep soundly cos he's hungry. I know I'd be annoyed with myself for quitting & it's not fair on Leo when I fed Rex much longer. And Leo's sleep would still probably be crap in the day if I bottle fed. But it's just one of those days. I've been thinking today I'll stop at 3 months then maybe 4. I have to get to 6!
Nah, I spoke too soon earlier. He woke up about 2 minutes after I wrote my last post. :dohh: he's exactly the same as Leo, saz. He only sleeps well if he's being held by someone. He sleeps in the sling and the pushchair too but that doesn't help me get anything done. It does my head in. And guaranteed minutes after I've settled him and sat down with him, Olivia will ask for something. (Even though I always ask her if she wants anything before I start on Wesley) :growlmad:

I must admit I have occasional doubts about BF but what does help keep me going is to bear in mind that moving Olivia to formula made no difference to her sleep-wise. But then she was a much much more difficult baby all round. She used to sit calmly and drink her bed time bottle while I read her a story, she'd get all sleepy like she was about to go down, then she'd finish her bottle, wake up and scream the house down for half an hour to an hour while I rocked her to sleep. Then I'd have to sit and hold her for half an hour before I could put her down otherwise she'd wake up and I'd have to start all over again. She was god awful! :haha: what really annoys me though is the fact that she was like that as a baby but now when she falls asleep she's dead to the world. A tornado could pass through the house and she'd sleep through it! :dohh:
Oh, Wesley!!! I literally get 30 mins exactly during the day when he's in the swing or buggy. Only cuddled up will he sleep longer :wacko: Luckily it doesn't matter who on so at least if DH is home or family are round/ we're at family's houses, there's plenty of willing bodies :haha: Rex did the waking after 30 min too but not in his swing. He'd nap for ages in there. Why Leo can't do it is beyond me. It does my head in too!!!

I managed to get Leo down upstairs at 8.40 last night. It's getting slightly earlier! :) Just doing the mammoth feed now so fingers crossed it's the same time or a little earlier tonight. It's DH's footy night tonight so I'm going to get into bed once Leo is down cos there's no point me staying up all alone. I bet he knows mummy has a shot at a few extra hours sleep & won't go down tonight after 3 night being good :wacko: You just watch!!

Had a day shopping with my sister today with a coffee & lunch thrown in :) The difference between Leo & my niece is amazing to says it's only 7 weeks. She's starting to roll & grasping & shaking toys. It's amazing how quickly they pick things up.

Got Leo's passport photos done today. Can't remember if I told you but we've booked Disneyland Paris for 3 night the first week in September before DH is back at work :) His pictures are soooooo bloody cute! The lad that did them was so good with him, doing faces & noises to make him look at the camera. It's ridiculous that he'll have that pic til he's 5 though!!
wow Saz that sounds amazing! so Jealous! I hope you have an amazing time!

I love when you find someone god at taking pics of kids shows real compassion.

So I am STILL pregnant......

This baby is NEVER coming out :( I know I know i still have 6 days till due day! But I want to be done :)
I hope Leo gives you another good night! Wesley has been naughty again tonight, I suspect he and Leo have traded places because I couldn't get him down until going on 10:00 again tonight. Even now I can hear him scratting about in his sleep so doubt it'll be long before he's up again. The trouble with wesley is that when he goes to sleep late he doesn't do his big chunk of sleep, he just wakes up at all his usual times, even if the first time happens to only be an hour after he fell asleep :(

Your shopping day sounds nice, saz. It is amazing how quick they change isn't it. I have a friend from work whose little girl is only a month older and she's doing all sorts - rolling, sitting in her bumbo, grabbing things it's amazing to think Wesley could be doing the same in 4 weeks' time. I don't want him to grow up! :(

Oh wow, Disney land will be fantastic, they will absolutely love it! Definitely beats our trip to butlins :haha:

Aww kyles, I know exactly how that feels :( sending you lots of labour dust :dust: hopefully it won't be much longer :hugs:

Well, we did something really brave tonight, we had a meal out WITH the kids! :shock: my mum and step dad came to visit and we we all went to the pub in a nearby village who do early bird specials we got there for 5:30 and were home again by 7:00 so able to more or less stick to their usual routines. They were both good as gold. Wesley slept in the pram most of the time (probs why he wouldn't go to sleep till late tonight actually) and although Olivia had her moments, on the whole she was really well behaved. I think we could very well do it again regularly. Plus the meal was cheaper because we went early so bonus! :)
That was brave Sarah! :haha: Glad it was a success :) Rex is getting better at eating out now. For the while year he was 2, we did everything we could to avoid it :haha: He was a total nightmare. I'm hoping Leo will never be that bad as he'll see his big brother sitting down & eating. I can dream!!

Did you night get any better? Leo went down at 8.40 again last night. Must be some kind of magic time! So I dived into bed at that time. DH woke me for the last feed at just after 11 when he came to bed after the footy. Leo woke at 4.10 after that but I popped his dummy in & he went back to sleep til 5.20. Couldn't believe it when I looked at the time! Quick feed on one side then I put him bed with me & he slept there until I was up, showered & ready :thumbup:

Leo has his medical & first lot of injections this afternoon :( We're a couple of weeks behind due to our trip to Center Parcs. Hope they don't affect him too much. Rex was always ok so fingers crossed for Leo being the same.
Wesley actually slept quite well in the end. He slept till 1:30 then went in his crib for an hour before coming into our bed. He must've woken up for one more feed at some point in the night, I can't remember it at all but when we woke up at 7am Wesley and I had switched sides so he must have been feeding and I'd swapped him onto the other boob. Bit scary how I can do all that and then not remember in the morning! :wacko:

Today has been absolutely horrible so far, my poor little girl has had a really rotten time. We usually go to toddler group on a Wednesday morning but at 9:00 my friend turned up with her little girl. Olivia and my friends daughter go to nursery and are usually best of friends but today she was in a really weird mood and kept lashing out at olivia. She kicked her, pushed her down and then kept shouting at Olivia saying she didn't want to be friends anymore, then running away and closing the doors behind her so olivia couldn't follow her. Olivia just didn't understand what was happening and kept looking at us all sad and asking us to make her friend play with her. My heart just broke for her :cry: in the end my friend had to take her home kicking and screaming. God knows what was up with her, they're normally so happy to see each other :shrug:

Then, feeling sorry for olivia, I suggested we make pancakes for lunch which should've been a really nice fun thing to do together. But then Wesley screamed the whole way through making them and it ruined our fun. By the end I was in such a bad mood that I kept snapping at her so when they were ready she wouldn't eat them. :cry: then I had to go try and calm Wesley down and she wouldn't come and sit down with her food so I shouted at her that "it wasn't the Olivia show and Wesley needs attention too". I feel so awful for losing it with her when she'd already had a crap morning :cry: :cry:

She's OK now but I feel awful :(

I hope Leo is OK after his jabs. Wesley was a bit grumpy and sleepy andbwebhad a few interesting nappies! But on the whole he was fine.
Oh poor Olivia :( I can just imagine her little face when her friend was being awful to her :cry: Your heart just breaks for them doesn't it :(

Don't worry about snapping at her. I do the same with Rex when I get stressed with the two of them. He never holds a grudge!

DH took Rex out in the car after dinner tonight to take him to the naughty boys home :haha: He throw one of his trains (metal) across the room in a fit of rage because I wouldn't carry a big pile of them upstairs for him to play with in the bath. Unfortunately for Rex, the train skimmed Leo's head :( Poor Leo had been happily kicking & cooing away on his play mat & started screaming with real tears. Not what poor Leo needs after also having his jabs today. We've told Rex a million times to be careful around Leo as he's delicate so to show him we were serious, the trip to the naughty boys home occurred. DH said he was distraught in the car at the thought of not living yet us anymore & unprompted, promised to never throw his trains again so DH drove them back.

Leo was really hot at dinner time so I stripped him off to his nappy. I assume it just be the jabs :( I've given him some Calpol after his bath just to keep his temp down overnight.

My left nipple is so sore today that I could cry :cry: Leo had taken a dislike to it for some reason & I just can't get him to latch properly on it at all :shrug: Hoping it passes soon. Even Lansinoh hasn't helped today :cry: This is enough to make me want to quit!!
This afternoon was much better than this morning. I asked Olivia what she would like to do and she said grandma's house. So I was straight on the phone to MIL to see if she was home! she had a really nice afternoon with her grandma and uncle, looking at the fish in granddad's pond and getting a peppa pig ice cream :)

Oh dear, poor Leo getting hit by the train! I hope Rex has learnt how lesson after nearly being taken to the naughty boys home :haha: my friend regularly takes her kids to the "police station" when they're naughty, it works a trick!

I hope Leo is feeling OK after his jabs. Wesley was the same after his and I had to give him a dose of calpol. We had some very interesting nappies for a week or so afterwards too! It doesn't help that its so hot here at the moment either like.

Ouch! Your chewed up nipple sounds awful. What is he doing? Slipping off and chomping on the end? Wesley has just started doing this weird thing where he kind of braces himself against me when he's feeding. He balls up his little fist, presses it really hard into my breastbone and pushes away. Sometimes he pushes so hard he un-latches himself. It really hurts cos he does it right on the bone. They are such strange little creatures aren't they!
Leo does that too! It's like he doesn't like it sometimes :( He's just slipping off mid feed. Probably being lazy really. But all the slipping & relatching has taken is toll on my poor nipple :cry: I'm pumping now & it feels fine :shrug:

Glad you had a better afternoon :thumbup:

Has Wesley gone down for his long sleep tonight?

I got Leo down at 8.15! :happydance: A new record! I've sussed that the way to keep him asleep is to put him down when he's full but still awake. Then I pat his chest until he drifts off. Hopefully I won't have to pat him for ever more. It takes about 10 mins for him to settle which I don't think is bad.
Hi girls

Poor Olivia getting beat down by a mean girl. That would break my heart to see :( i hope she is ok.

Poor Leo. getting sluggered by a train ouch! Kids :) how is he doing now after the shots?

Had my doc appointment today. 1cm dilated....sigh. 1 cm boo hooo
this baby is never coming out and the worst part is because its a vbac i have to do it naturally. If the baby refuses to budge then another c-section it is. Gotta start hopping around to get this bugger out.

Doctor said the head is still floating around lol. My next appointment is Monday, my due date. Fingers crossed girls. Im so tired of training this temp assistant already that I want to be done with work!
Saz, that's fantastic Leo is finally starting to bring his bed time forward :happydance:

We had a great night last night, wesley went down at about 8:00 and didn't wake up until 1:00! That's the longest he's ever slept in one go! He then went into his crib for an hour before coming into our bed and sleeping till 7:00!

Aww kyles, that sucks :hugs: how long overdue will they let you go if necessary?
Great news on both boys starting to sleep longer!!!! So exciting!

I have my next appointment on my due date. I think we will discuss options then. I figure if I don't have this baby by next Friday i will schedule the c-section for that day. It will be the day after Kyle's cast comes off!!! I know they can't induce me or help me move things along because of the previous c-section. So if by Friday no baby then I will go for another C-section :( or at least that is what I plan to ask for lol. Due date is the 14th (Monday) my ticker looks off.
Right, so we have 8 days to WILL that baby out of you!

Come one saz, let's do our baby dances for kyles!!!

:headspin: :loopy: :holly:

That should about do it, you'll be having that baby by tomorrow! :D

LOL my pregnancy ticker was never right either, I could never be bothered to fix it so it stayed wrong till Wesley was born :haha:

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