Ttc #2

Just now


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just a quick update on showed up. not surprised. only sad for several min this time....looking forward now to getting blood drawn and tests done to hopefully figure out if theres a problem. will be doing that monday. very crampy today which is the worst part. tomorrow is the memorial service for my dh aunt. she ended up having a heart attack which is what caused her death and most likely caused her to fall. hope to hold it together tomorrow but im already extra emotional. hope everyone is doing well...hugs to all.
I am so sorry Shae...if it helps. I had an hsg done even though it was normal i think it cleared out cobwebs. My hsg was done 03/08/16..positive opk 03/13/16..and bfp 03/22/16
Congrats again hunni!

Sorry AF showed Shaele, but I'm glad you have a plan of action. Condolences again on the loss of DH's aunt. :hugs:

AFM, CD9 here, and DH and I happened to have some great BD the last two nights, hehe. We used protection last night though because when I said I didn't want to get pregnant this cycle I really meant it. Not just NTNP, but actually avoiding. DH was bummed about not getting to go completely au naturale anymore, lol. But I use a diaphragm, so not as bad as condoms.
Hey ladies looks like I'm back with you 😢

I had a couple of red spots when I wiped yesterday which turned brown but this morning I woke up to full bleeding :( I will wait until next week to go into the dr to be sure all has cleared out but today is a really sad day 😢 Trying to stay positive but I really wanted this baby! My bloated stomach now feels flat and it's such a sad feeling :(

Wanted to update you ladies first
O noooo, Sorry Bselk!!!! :cry: that is scariest thing to see and hardest thing to endure. I know how you feel.....Again so sorry that you have to go through this. "Thinking of you"
Shaele: Sorry about AF showing. It's ok to take a minute, it's ok to take as long as you need but as soon as AF leave and you still have the mindset to TTC, clear your mind and get yourself ready for a BFP!! My fx for you always!!

AFM: I'm trying to stay positive no matter what the outcome is for me or anyone else. Thinking of all us ladies!!
bselck nuuuuuuuu!!!!! im so so very sorry to hear this news. *hug* i wish there was something we could do or say to make it all better =/ i hope you can get another bfp just as easily and sticks for good. youre in my thoughts as you muster through this disappointing and tragic event.

nevergivingup- thank you! im trying to stay positive...but im really terrified of secondary infertility and that nothing can be done to help. im grateful for having my dd but im scared of not being able to give her a sibling. i am an only child and i am terrified of being left all alone. i am fortunate enough that both my parents are still alive and love them so much but when they do go there will be no one left but me to remember them as parents. no one to talk to about them or say hey dont you miss mom or dad? it scares me and i dont want that for my dd. so i will try my hardest to prevent the loneliness i am destined for. lots of kids will help me too lol. glad to hear you are still doing well.

how is everyone else?

tonight was dh aunts memorial service. was nice to see so many people come...just too bad it was for this. it really hasnt sunk in for any of us yet i think. i know everyone grieves differently but even her husband was making jokes and laughing....i think he was just trying to avoid the topic at all costs.

anyone have any fun easter plans? i think next year ill take dd on an egg hunt. i dont think she would understand this year that much. same with coloring eggs.
I'm so sorry BSelck :hugs: hoping that the bleeding stops and your little bean hangs on in there. Thinking of you!

I'm hoping to O next weekend so just trying to BD every 2 or 3 days for now to keep DHs supply nice and fresh. Feeling very relaxed about it all, which is good - I've been super busy with work and that will continue next week so time is passing quite quickly!
Nevergivingup- im glad I could help ^^ and I made you fee a bit less worrisome ^^ just remember to not overthink it. ^^ that's the most important.
Sounds like your still doing good I'm happy ^^

Bselck- awww nooo!! I was so happy for you.. I'm sorry that happened. Hopefully the little egg held on tight. Did you have cramping with it?any pain?

It might have just been break through bleeding.. some women have that. You should really go to the doc sooner... hope everything will be ok. And that you still get good news.:hugs:

Hunni-don't Wanna say I told ya so xD CONGRATS hunni!!! <3 wish you a healthy 9 months ^^

Shelly- sorry your AF showed and I know how you feel. I never thought I'd be having problems after I had my son so easily. It was first month trying that we fell pregnant. Now I'm worried that my son won't have any siblings and he is so good with little children.I can see he'd love a sibling and it breaks my heart that I just can't do it :(
Hopefully the doc's can help ^^

AFM still temping and seems to work out. My temp is dropping already ... do you think I'm going into fertile window or have any of you had temp drop right AF.
FF is also telling me that I should be ovulating in a few days.. can't believe I'll be ovulating so early.
Am having more cm this time around thank god ^^ hopefully this month is it
Shaele: so sorry that you're going through this emotional roller coaster with your body. I can't imagine being the only child. I know it has to be lonely esp. if you're like me, stay to myself. O Shaele I hope the infertility is not the case, I'm just hoping this is a hiccup in the road. Bc I stay to myself I say I want a bunch of kids too, my own little army!!

Velathria: Thanks!! Dont know too much about tempting but cm is sounding good to me!!! Ff was right on it this time for me. Hope you catch the eggie!!!
Velathria my temp normally drops just before O. It gradually goes down for about a week before O. Don't worry too much about one days temp especially on your first cycle of temping - once you have a complete chart its easier to see the pattern as temps can be rocky sometimes.
Bselk, I'm so sorry!! I know there's no words anyone can say that will take the pain away but we all have you in our prayers and thinking of you.

Hunni, Congratulations!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!

Shaele, I'm sorry AF showed. Hopefully you get some answers soon.

DH booked us into a winery tour and tasting which I've always wanted to do.
Easter, I'm hosting a family lunch and I have some big plastic eggs that I'll attempt an egg hunt with ds. I've also gotten him an Easter coloring book to scribble in.
Hi ladies!

I took the weekend off of BNB but I did check out some of the TTC after loss forums which gave me hope as most of the people who started those threads now have their rainbow babies!

Compared to my prior miscarriages, honestly this one was easier. PHYSICALLY easier that is. Meaning I didn't really have any cramps (maybe like light AF type cramps) as compared to the straight contraction type pains from my 12 week mc. And my bleeding literally only lasted 2 days! With both of my previous miscarriages it last a week to 9 days.

But EMOTIONALLY, this still sucks :(. I'm so thankful I have you guys for support! I know I was very lucky (and thankful) to get my BFP the first cycle off of my Mirena, but it was kind of like once you know you're due date is November, now I'm so sad that I won't have a November baby :( now I won't have 2016 baby, and I start to question, what if that was the baby girl I wanted so badly :(

My dr sad miscarriages this early just mean that there was something within the cells that didn't come together correctly and it is our body saving us from an unhealthy pregnancy. She said there was nothing I did, or didn't do that would have changed the outcome. I really like my OB and she was super positive and caring.

I just have to make sure my HCG is back down to 0 by Friday (she said to just take a hpt and make sure it's negative) otherwise I have to come back and see her.

So, I am counting March 24th, my first day of bleeding as CD1 and am hopefully looking to O on April 6th. So I'm going to try and BD the same days we did last month and hope that my cycle resumes normally and I O the month straight after my mc.

Did I miss anything or any other BFPs!?

How are you ladies and who is testing next?

Nevergivingup- how's that baby bean of yours doing and when is your next scan!?
hey ladies...

sorry again bselck for your loss but your doctor is probably right. i have heard the same thing she said about your body saving itself. you must remember it was not your fault. totally out of your hands. and although maybe difficult to admit your body and baby would be better off this way. unfortunate things like this have to occur but i guess thats just nature and your body making sure survival of the fittest. im sure you will have no problem snagging another bean. try not to dwell on what might have been. i understand its hard but you dont want to stress yourself out thinking about things you cant control. and time to look forward to trying again =)

afm im pretty upset at my dh. today me, dd, dh, his mom, and his sister went out to hibachi for dinner. near the end dh mentioned he had a doc app this coming friday (which is the day he goes to give his sample for his SA.) and being a curious caring mother his mom goes oh what for? mind you all i didnt tell anyone we are ttc except talking on here. i dont want anyone knowing. i dont want people to know im having problems. i feel like ill get looked at differently. they will try to give me advice i dont want. now they will be expecting me to give updates on how im doing and what ive tried and what i havent tried. who knows what they will be thinking. i wanted to stay away from that. its none of their business. its just a private matter. between me dh and our docs. i dont want the added pressure. thats one of the major reasons i signed up this site so i could vent and not feel so alone and still be fairly anonymous. i dont know if thats just me but dh didnt understand that. so he responds id rather not say. so later on in the evening his mom now worried over that response texts him demanding to know why hes going to see a doc. and he told her everything. that its for a sa because we are having trouble ttc. i completely broke down. i screamed at him he had no right telling her and that it was private. i didnt even tell my own mom let alone my mother in law. and he knew i wanted it kept private because i got mad at him for telling his friend that we were trying for a baby again a few months ago. im like you couldnt have said its for a check up???? im absolutely crushed and i feel just betrayed. cant do anything about her knowing now but it just sucks. im so aggravated. i was bawling before. dh trying to calm me down but every time i looked at him i wanted to scream at him how could you. anyway...tomorrow going for blood draws...gonna ask some questions like...what exactly is this testing and do i have to come in again and what would those tests be for etc. goodnight. hugs to all.

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