Hi ladies!
I took the weekend off of BNB but I did check out some of the TTC after loss forums which gave me hope as most of the people who started those threads now have their rainbow babies!
Compared to my prior miscarriages, honestly this one was easier. PHYSICALLY easier that is. Meaning I didn't really have any cramps (maybe like light AF type cramps) as compared to the straight contraction type pains from my 12 week mc. And my bleeding literally only lasted 2 days! With both of my previous miscarriages it last a week to 9 days.
But EMOTIONALLY, this still sucks

. I'm so thankful I have you guys for support! I know I was very lucky (and thankful) to get my BFP the first cycle off of my Mirena, but it was kind of like once you know you're due date is November, now I'm so sad that I won't have a November baby

now I won't have 2016 baby, and I start to question, what if that was the baby girl I wanted so badly
My dr sad miscarriages this early just mean that there was something within the cells that didn't come together correctly and it is our body saving us from an unhealthy pregnancy. She said there was nothing I did, or didn't do that would have changed the outcome. I really like my OB and she was super positive and caring.
I just have to make sure my HCG is back down to 0 by Friday (she said to just take a hpt and make sure it's negative) otherwise I have to come back and see her.
So, I am counting March 24th, my first day of bleeding as CD1 and am hopefully looking to O on April 6th. So I'm going to try and BD the same days we did last month and hope that my cycle resumes normally and I O the month straight after my mc.
Did I miss anything or any other BFPs!?
How are you ladies and who is testing next?
Nevergivingup- how's that baby bean of yours doing and when is your next scan!?