Ttc #2

Bselk, again I'm sorry for what your going through but I am glad you've found a bit of hope in the TTC after loss.

Shaele, I'm sorry your DH did that. Sometimes men just don't understand. If I asked DH not to say anything and he did I would be the same as you. Also I really think that sometimes men just don't think/filter what they're saying.

Afm, according to FF I'm 7dpo and yesterday (6dpo) after a BM I had a big glob of cloudy ewcm. I don't think I've ever had it before - except maybe when I was pregnant with ds but I wasn't tracking O and I only remember having lots of ewcm all through the month. Also late last night I started having mild but annoying weird heavy/twingy kind of cramps that have continued on and off today. Anyone have any experience with it or similar?
BSelck, I'm glad you had an easy time of it physically, but I'm sure it's still hard emotionally. I haven't been through a miscarriage, but I'm so sorry. I know you'll get a rainbow baby!

Shaele, that really sucks that your DH couldn't keep things to himself. I understand. I wouldn't want to share TTC stuff with family either. It's too private and personal. I was upset with DH for telling his family when I was pregnant earlier than I wanted to, and then he told them the name we had picked, and I wanted it to be a surprise when she was born. Men just don't get how closely we like to hold certain things. I hope you guys can make up soon, but I would be very angry too. :hugs:

BabyDoll, I've heard there's an estrogen surge around the middle of LP which can cause you to get some EWCM and a temp drop, so that's not out of the norm. I know I had implantation cramps at 6 DPO with my daughter, but then I had a lot of cramping last cycle and didn't end up pregnant, so I dunno! Symptom spotting is a real b*tch that way, lol.
Hi ladies!

I took the weekend off of BNB but I did check out some of the TTC after loss forums which gave me hope as most of the people who started those threads now have their rainbow babies!

Compared to my prior miscarriages, honestly this one was easier. PHYSICALLY easier that is. Meaning I didn't really have any cramps (maybe like light AF type cramps) as compared to the straight contraction type pains from my 12 week mc. And my bleeding literally only lasted 2 days! With both of my previous miscarriages it last a week to 9 days.

But EMOTIONALLY, this still sucks :(. I'm so thankful I have you guys for support! I know I was very lucky (and thankful) to get my BFP the first cycle off of my Mirena, but it was kind of like once you know you're due date is November, now I'm so sad that I won't have a November baby :( now I won't have 2016 baby, and I start to question, what if that was the baby girl I wanted so badly :(

My dr sad miscarriages this early just mean that there was something within the cells that didn't come together correctly and it is our body saving us from an unhealthy pregnancy. She said there was nothing I did, or didn't do that would have changed the outcome. I really like my OB and she was super positive and caring.

I just have to make sure my HCG is back down to 0 by Friday (she said to just take a hpt and make sure it's negative) otherwise I have to come back and see her.

So, I am counting March 24th, my first day of bleeding as CD1 and am hopefully looking to O on April 6th. So I'm going to try and BD the same days we did last month and hope that my cycle resumes normally and I O the month straight after my mc.

Did I miss anything or any other BFPs!?

How are you ladies and who is testing next?

Nevergivingup- how's that baby bean of yours doing and when is your next scan!?

Bselk I can totally understand taking a break, I had to too when my AF was just to much. I love your OB to explain that to you, letting you know it wasn't your fault...but I can understand the this year baby thing...but it's ok January is just as Great!!! A new year baby is refreshing!! I know it's hard though but with time it'll get better...I came from the TTCAL forum, I figured since I finally had my rainbow baby I can start off with this forum but I still peek over there from time to time. I do hope you feel better nothing will take the place of the pos. Hpt but once you get that BFP hopefully it'll ease your mind some.

AFM: scared every second.. My sore boobs kindve left me so I'm worrying ab that. My m/s kindve went down so I'm nervous about that. I was playing to rough with my DS yesterday lifting him on my legs and I think I over did that. I'm just a mess. I'm hoping for the best but Bc I found out so early it seems to be going to slow. My first doc appt. tomorrow just to draw lab work I don't think an u/s just yet.
But in just praying for the best!!!
Thanks guys!

Babydoll- I think that sounds promising! I think why ever it's there, ewcm can always be a good thing lol

Shaele- I totally understand being upset with your DH but I'm going to play devils advocate and give some different ways of looking at it to ease your mind! Yes our families are always poking, prodding and giving unwarranted advice, but also remember that your MIL could be happy and even PROUD of you for seeking help from your doctors! You are ahead of the game (since you've only been trying for 6 months or so) and she could look at you as being RESPONSIBLE and handling this situation very maturely!

Secondly, yes our husbands are so naive to our feelings sometimes, but let your husband know that it is due to our own insecurities as to why we don't want others to know when we're struggling. That is why it is such a big deal to keep it private, because we feel inadequate or broken. BUT REMEMBER- you are an amazing mom! You have control of your future and YOU are making the right decisions for your family! There is nothing wrong with you, you are simply looking for advice on how to speed up the process or tweak the process so you can create a larger family!

It sucks that your MIL knows about the testing when you didn't want her to, but be confident and say you are covering all bases and just preparing for baby #2!! 💋💋💋

Nevergivingup- glad you have your first appt even if it's just a blood test!
Keep us updated and I know your baby is doing great! Thank you guys for all the kind words and I can't wait for my rainbow baby like you!
glad im not the only one who would have been mad at dh. he made me feel so irrational. we made up but he also said his mom told him to keep her updated after he told her of our predicament. he said he wouldnt say any more but im like shes actually going to just give up asking you how we are doing in that area if you keep ignoring her. i dont think so....i mean look how she reacted to your doc appointment announcement! Ugh. trying not to focus on it because whats done is done and i just have to deal.

bselck-thats a good way to think of it. i suppose i can try to be more positive. dh knows how i feel insecure, he said he just didnt think it would be a big deal if his mom knew because he knows that wouldnt change her opinion of me. that she knows im still a good person and mom. that wasnt the problem for me though. the problem was i didnt want her knowing about my health specifics. thats why doc patient confidentiality exists. but again whats done is done and i cant stay upset forever lol. how are you feeling?

babydoll-im sorry, i havent experienced your symptoms so i dont have too much input personally but i have heard ewcm is a positive sign....and since you said your last pregnancy had it all month id take that as a good thing! hoping for you!

slammerkin-im sorry your dh did that to be mad too! we agreed we would tell people about getting pregnant and the name together at same time. in fact we took everyone out to dinner to announce it. (close family that is) and the rest found out on facebook lol. but yeah so dunno why dh decided to tell his mom this then after all that. at least we can empathize with each other...

nevergivingup-awww you need to calm down! stressing out isnt going to help. and although im sure you realize that i also know thats easier said than done. try not thinking so much about it. do things you normally do during your day or take up a new hobby. i started painting when i got pregnant although i didnt have a toddler then. you could maybe get your own doppler machine thing to listen to babys heart beat whenever you get worried for peace of mind instead of waiting for next doc app. just believe in your body and its job doing what it was made to do. trust its ability and youll be fine! no more worrying *hug* let us know how everything at doc goes...

afm not much to report. yesterday got my blood drawn to test follicle stimulating hormone and estrigol (sp) levels. and friday i go again for same test. they said they should have results by hoping for results sooner though. really hoping its something easy to fix if theres a problem at all. forgot to ask if i go for cd 21 test to confirm o. gonna ask that friday. slow least af is gone.
Bselck- i'm sorry about everything that happened but i'm glad that you got some comfort from the other forums. I have to say bnb is amazing. I've had pretty bad moments when AF came and everyone on here is amazing and makes me feel better ^^ so i'm glad you feel better. And i bet you'll have that beautiful egg nested nice and tight real soon ^^

Shelly- Sorry about your DH.. men can drive us insane. Mine is making me pretty frustrated lately. He isn't sleeping well and is letting it out on us.. Our son doesnt even know what's wrong.. One day he is cuddling with him and playing happily and the next he just gets angry at anything jsut because he is in a bad mood. I got mad at him too and shouted at him.. So i think i would've blown up at mine too.
Now i don't have a problem with his mother knowing because she is quite understanding and supportive but my mother is judgey Mcjudgerson... She is the worst. Which is why i won't tell her until we actually are pregnant for the full 3 months.
So i know where you're coming from ^^ hope you guys make up again soon though ^^

babydoll- hope that big glob of ewcm is a good sign and that this cycle is it for you ^^

Nevergivingup- Try not too worry too much.. My bbs didn't hurt as much either in my first pregnancy.. all they did was grow big. Lol and nothing like bouncing your DS will change what's happening to your egg in there.

It's still too small to be hurt by anything like that. I know it's easier said then done but try to get your mind of of it and just enjoy your pregnancy and think positive. ^^ FX for your appt ^^ and that the blood work looks good. :)

AFM i am super confused about my chart XD it just keeps going up and down.. Nothing looks like i am ovulating.. and ofc for some reason my opks still haven't come in the mail.. Really tempted to just go to the store and buy some cheapies to see if i am ovulating..
I am finally having CM though^^ and ovulation cramps :dappydance: that's more then i've had for the last 7 months. so yay for that. Going to the Animecon on saturday so really looking forward to that. ^^

Hope everyone had a nice easter weekend ^^ I feel like my ds is about to turn into a chocolate egg himself XD XD
Shaele: Thanks! O Nooo, I'm so sorry I missed your talking about your DH telling your MIL, I had to go back and read Bc I was so lost...Wowsers!! I can totally understand you being mad at DH, Bc that is a personal and very sensitive situation for us as women. Unfortunately men don't look at TTC situations like we do, to us or rather me, I felt like a failure when I kept having m/c's. And after my 1st one being broadcast DH and I realized no one will never know again!! Bc it literally killed something inside of me as a woman TTC and the thought that I just couldn't get it right!! :thumbup:
But I agree with Bselk, don't be to hard on him, he don't think as deeply of it as we do. And like you say it's done now, all you both can do now is give her general answers if she asks, not to specific or detailed Bc it's really none of her business and I agree that's way to much pressure knowing she's at home thinking about you n DH BD'ing...and you hoping you get it Bc your MIL knows y'all are trying. O my gosh...what a headache, trust me I've been there...matter fact once I had my DS and didn't have another one yet everyone from the pastor was asking us what are we waiting for....ugh ...."for y'all to get out of our business and our bed!" And then all our friends started having #2 and we didn't even have a baby bump yet....It gotten to the point where we excluded ourselves from friends and just focused on our little family of 3...But didn't mean to go on about me, but it's ok Shaele, hope you're feeling better about the situation, just think she'll be the happiest person ever when you get that BFP Bc y'all shared that personal info with her!!! FX for you hunni!!!

Bselk: Thanks!! Hope these days are going fast for you Bc April 6 is almost here, that's O day right?!!

Velathria: Thanks! O no sorry about the opks!! I would personally go to the store and get some just to cover my bases. But CM is always a good Ovulation sign!!! Hopefully you're getting lots of BD in. And ESP have fun at the Animecon to help take your mind off TTC for a minute and just enjoy yourself!! Have fun!!

AFM: Thanks Ladies!!! Thanks Ladies! Y'all are so awesome!!! I can always talk to you ladies and feel better Bc you all know just what to say Bc we're all in this together and understand the struggle!! Thank you all so much!! I needed to hear every word you all encouraged me with!! :hugs:
My first doc appt was nothing unexpected. I waited for 30 mins. to finally get to the back to get my pregnancy packets and birthing classes info. And then 25 more minutes finally to get labs drawn. The Great thing is is that I don't have to keep calling for my levels, I can go online and see them for myself!! And hopefully my levels are good!! Unfortunately I have to wait 72 hours to see them Bc I ordered extra labs to be drawn like the progesterone. But I really felt good after that appt. BUT WHAT SUCKS is they only do 2 U/S throughout the whole pregnancy :growlmad: so my first U/s will be at 10wks which is 4 weeks away on April 25th.. WOWSERS!!! That's crazy to me!!! ESP. being that I'm a high risk but again I did mentioned I hate this OB/GYN office! My last OB/GYN I had an u/s at 6/7wks, then one at 10wks, then one at 15wks, then another one at 20ish weeks. I felt important there, here I felt like a number....but AGAIN I just need to be grateful for this experience again.

It's so hard to stop worrying but I will do my best! Thanks ladies!

FX for all you ladies!!
Slammerkin; I agree that symptom spotting is a real b**ch. I've been pretty good with not doing it but when I got that ewcm and then weird cramps I don't remember ever having before it made me excited. I am now thinking it's like you said and can be pretty normal and almost feeling like I'm out.

BSelck; I too think ewcm is a good sign no matter what.

Shaele; I'm not 100% sure if I had ewcm after I O'd the cycle I fell with ds but I know I had it lots that cycle. Hoping all goes well with your tests!

Velathria; I'm still very new to temp charts so I'm sorry I'm not any help there. I would be very tempted to buy some cheap OPK's in the mean time though. Hopefully someone else can help you.

Nevergivingup; I'm glad to hear your appt went well. I'd love to be able to check the levels online myself. I think here in Aus were still a little behind that though. Wow about only having 2 u/s. Can you book a private one or is that too costly there? Here we usually have an u/s at 6-8w, 12w, 16w, 20w and sometimes around 30w and 34-36w depending how big your bump measures. But on top of them a private one starts around $50. I also agree as scary as it is after a m/c you need to *try* and relax and push those thoughts out of mind. Oh and a Doppler at home can really ease your mind. I loved mine.
Bselk, again I'm sorry for what your going through but I am glad you've found a bit of hope in the TTC after loss.

Shaele, I'm sorry your DH did that. Sometimes men just don't understand. If I asked DH not to say anything and he did I would be the same as you. Also I really think that sometimes men just don't think/filter what they're saying.

Afm, according to FF I'm 7dpo and yesterday (6dpo) after a BM I had a big glob of cloudy ewcm. I don't think I've ever had it before - except maybe when I was pregnant with ds but I wasn't tracking O and I only remember having lots of ewcm all through the month. Also late last night I started having mild but annoying weird heavy/twingy kind of cramps that have continued on and off today. Anyone have any experience with it or similar?

Hey, yes, I experienced this wgen I was around 5/6 DPO minus the big glob of ewcm, but it was a bit much and exciting!! Bc Dr. Google says ewcm is a great thing after ovulation so my fx for you!!! I know 2 u/s are horrible!! What Doppler did you have?
I got ewcm for like 4 days after ovulation as well.
Velathria- yay O is near! Glad you're feeling the ovulation symptoms since sometimes we just simply cannot rely on charts or OPKs! Trust your body!

AFM, yes I should be ovulating around the 6th! My step daughter flies in tonight with my dad and then hubby and I will be in baby dance mode starting this Saturday for the fertile window :happydance:

Nevergivingup- I too LOVE that we can get our results online now! I just got my last HCG blood draw and it was 3 so I never thought I would be so happy to "not" be pregnant anymore. As I'm not waiting, and just continuing to TTC, I have been slightly drawn to taking certain herbs or vitamins that thicken your uterus lining. BBBUUUTTT, I also read that you shouldn't take anything that will mess with your cycle or fertility, especially when you've just proven that your body is ready to be pregnant without it.

So I will stick to what I did last month and then if I need to make changes in the future I will.

Babydoll, any update on what that ewcm meant?

Shaele- thinking of you! Let us know when you get your results from the 2nd test- what are they looking for or what should the numbers be?

Nevergivingup and hunni- how are u guys feeling!?
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been around much this week, I've had a super busy week at work and have been doing lots of overtime including working from home in the evenings, so I havent had time to do anything much to be honest!

BSelck I'm glad the Mc was a little less traumatic. Hopefully you get your rainbow BFP very soon :)

Shaele I completely understand you being mad at your husband. I would hate for many people to know that we're trying especially people who I feel are interfering. Men just don't think about things the same as we do - I am sure if my DH was in the same situation he would just have come out with it too!

Afm, I'm waiting to O - going by past cycles it should be sunday but I've been having a lot of ewcm the last couple of days - much more than normal. I'm hoping that this is a good sign I'm getting ready to release a nice healthy egg :) I had my third reflexology session on Tuesday so we will see if it makes a difference. I think this is the most EWCM ive had so im hoping it's the reflexology doing some good!

We have been BDing every couple of days, hoping we will keep that up until O.
Hey, yes, I experienced this wgen I was around 5/6 DPO minus the big glob of ewcm, but it was a bit much and exciting!! Bc Dr. Google says ewcm is a great thing after ovulation so my fx for you!!! I know 2 u/s are horrible!! What Doppler did you have?

Thank you.
This is the Doppler I have. I've kept it for the next pregnancy.


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Good luck to all that are near O.

BSelck; still not 100% sure what the weird cm was/is but I had more but slightly different cm yesterday which was ewcm consistency- thin, watery, stretchy, etc but it was white! From what dr Google says it can be a good thing but can also be a sign of AF.

Rose; glad to see your back. Hoping work settles down a little for you soon.
Bsleck- currently dealing with the stomach flu. It has been spreading like wildfire down here. How are you?
Velathria- yay O is near! Glad you're feeling the ovulation symptoms since sometimes we just simply cannot rely on charts or OPKs! Trust your body!

AFM, yes I should be ovulating around the 6th! My step daughter flies in tonight with my dad and then hubby and I will be in baby dance mode starting this Saturday for the fertile window :happydance:

Nevergivingup- I too LOVE that we can get our results online now! I just got my last HCG blood draw and it was 3 so I never thought I would be so happy to "not" be pregnant anymore. As I'm not waiting, and just continuing to TTC, I have been slightly drawn to taking certain herbs or vitamins that thicken your uterus lining. BBBUUUTTT, I also read that you shouldn't take anything that will mess with your cycle or fertility, especially when you've just proven that your body is ready to be pregnant without it.

So I will stick to what I did last month and then if I need to make changes in the future I will.

Babydoll, any update on what that ewcm meant?

Shaele- thinking of you! Let us know when you get your results from the 2nd test- what are they looking for or what should the numbers be?

Nevergivingup and hunni- how are u guys feeling!?

I agree Bselk!! If your body conceived on its own then I certainly wouldn't add anything to it! Bc nothing is wrong with your body more then likely it was just the chromosome of the sperm.,YAYYY FOR UPCOMING Ovulation!!! I know exactly how you feel about those hcg going bk down ESP when you're ready to start TTC right away!!! Fx that you catch the eggie and that it's a sticky bean!!!!!
Hey, yes, I experienced this wgen I was around 5/6 DPO minus the big glob of ewcm, but it was a bit much and exciting!! Bc Dr. Google says ewcm is a great thing after ovulation so my fx for you!!! I know 2 u/s are horrible!! What Doppler did you have?

Thank you.
This is the Doppler I have. I've kept it for the next pregnancy.

Thanks!! How soon did you hear the HB on it?
Hey, yes, I experienced this wgen I was around 5/6 DPO minus the big glob of ewcm, but it was a bit much and exciting!! Bc Dr. Google says ewcm is a great thing after ovulation so my fx for you!!! I know 2 u/s are horrible!! What Doppler did you have?

Thank you.
This is the Doppler I have. I've kept it for the next pregnancy.

Thanks!! How soon did you hear the HB on it?

Your welcome. I heard ds heart beat at 7.5weeks on it - the first time I used it. It was before I went in for my 8w dating scan and it brought so much relief as I m/c the pregnancy prior at 8w.

You just have to be patient and remember that you might not hear the heart beat due to how much room they have to run away from you.
I am so glad i didn't go out and buy those cheapie Opks yesterday because this morning the digis finally came in the mail ^^ did one right away with FMU.. But it showed low.. So no smiley face yet.. now i am thinking that the whole few months me and DH have been BDing at the wrong time. Maybe i ovulate really late which is why my IC's opks never showed any progression around that time.

Well gonna keep doing my digis and who knows maybe animecon will be when we conceive because we'll have the whole night just for us. ;)
lots and lots of :sex: :rofl:

anywho FX for everyone who is going to O soon ^^
Velathria - I think late afternoon is the best time to use OPKs, right? Test again later! I hope you get your BD timing just right this month! Temping should really tell you when O happens. I know yours are up and down right now, but hopefully you'll see a big spike when O happens.

I got my temp spike today actually, though FF did something weird and put in dotted cross hairs at CD10. I think it will correct itself after two more high temps. I completely forgot about even using OPKs this month! But I'm glad to be moving along through this cycle so we can get back to trying next month right before our trip.

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