Shaele- omg that is so horrible. Your poor dh's uncle. I don't know what I would do without my DF... makes me wanna cry. I hope they find out what happened.
Hope your DH is ok.. and then the crap with the SA. Jesus they should be closed if they can't do their job decently.
Why couldn't they just check the SA there as an apology for the inconvenience. I'd wanna go in and slap them all silly.
Nevergivingup- don't try to overhung it too much. Twinges and cramps are normal. It's just your uterus getting stretched out. ^^ it's probably nothing. Unless it keeps going and gets stronger. And the part with your sister, that's just annoying but I understand you. My older sister has always been very competitive so when I told everyone I was preg with my son, she became really vicious and mean. And we'll I get why because she can never have babies due to a decease but still why couldn't she be happy..

I hated it. And I bet this time wont be different. And then yours being like your best friend is even worse.
I hope she ends up being happy for you ^^
Babydoll-isn't amazing when your men give is a surprise. It's so special in my mind.. mine never does stuff like that much so when he does I love it. ^^
Hope it's something nice ^^
Bselck- im sorry about your best friend. She should keep her jealousy and thoughts to herself and just be happy for you.. I hate people like that. I was also envious when I found out an old friend just got pregnant but at least I was nice and happy for her too. It's not her fault that it's not happening for us yet.
Hunni- I get how your are very cautious abut it meaning pregnancy but it is very common getting slight positives around AF time BUT they are usually lighter not that strong. Just best to just take a HPT and then you'll know for sure. ^^
When is AF due?
AFM actually not minding the temping quite like it ^^ second day taking temp and they are pretty good ^^
AF is almost over and I am now on CD 4 I think so can't wait for O-day ^^