Ttc #2

I don't know about my lp.. haven't really been able to pinpoint my ovulation or if I even am. The IC opks I got were never clear positives.. the test line was always too light which is why I'm trying the digi opk which makes me wonder now that maybe my lp is actually quite short. . I'm on CD 16 now and still only high.. no peak so hopefully I'll be O'Ing tomorrow.
And no my iud had no hormones. I want allowed because of a benign tumor in liver which is gone now thank god but back then there was the worry that the hormones might make my tumor grow and become dangerous. So yeah Def 100% copper.
hey all!

nevergivingup- aww thank make everything sound so good positive. i hope you are right. i have not heard of geritol. i might ask my doc about that see if she thinks its useful after my results get back from second test and dh's sa. thanks for the tip!

velathria-so glad you enjoyed animecon! definitely deserved. also i forget if you mentioned but what did you get your blood tested for? you got your results back. i am curious because like you im getting tested and want to know about the different ones i can look into. make sure everything is in tact☺.

rose-wow what a great way to spend the day. sounds really relaxing and just plain fun. my aunt has horses that i used to ride when i was younger. i enjoyed it a lot. they are such smart animals. hoping that your peaceful and at ease mindset for ttc!

babydoll- yay no af yet! hoping it stays far away for you!

nothing new here but in case anyone was wondering (i know someone had asked before) my blood test result numbers which came back normal are as follows. fsh (follicle stimulating hormone) is 7.3 mIU/mL and estradiol is 28.43 pg/mL. on cd 5. this is different measurement units i believe than they use in the uk....because the us likes to ill post what they are once i get results back from cd10 test too.
I don't know about my lp.. haven't really been able to pinpoint my ovulation or if I even am. The IC opks I got were never clear positives.. the test line was always too light which is why I'm trying the digi opk which makes me wonder now that maybe my lp is actually quite short. . I'm on CD 16 now and still only high.. no peak so hopefully I'll be O'Ing tomorrow.
And no my iud had no hormones. I want allowed because of a benign tumor in liver which is gone now thank god but back then there was the worry that the hormones might make my tumor grow and become dangerous. So yeah Def 100% copper.

Sorry I've been mia for a while.

How long are your cycles normally?

I got my first positive opk yesterday morning on cd 17. Before that all the lines were super light and I didn't think I was going to O either. BUT, if I have a 31-32 day cycle, that will still be plenty of time to implant should I catch that eggy.
Babydoll- I think that makes sense about your uterine lining needing time to thicken once off of the Mirena since your periods needed some time coming back as well.

Velathria- glad you had fun at animecon! Is there any test your dr can do to see if you are ovulating?

Hi Mod! Are you doing Clomid this time around?

AFM, I'm in my fertile window and although Fertility Friend thinks I will O on Tuesday the 5th, I think I will O on Wednesday the 6th. So we have DTD Fri, Sat and today and then I plan to DTD Monday and Tuesday, skip Wednesday and do Thursday just in case :)

I have read some TTC after mc stories that say they O'd later than normal on their first cycle after mc, but since my mc was so early it will be interesting to see if my O date stays the same- I will keep u guys updated!

My step daughter starts her first day of school living with us tomorrow and I am so excited for her! She is still in the stage of loving school so she already has her outfit picked out and lunch packed and is so ready lol

Talk to you all soon!
Velathria that rise and your cm a few days ago indicates to me that you may have Od in the last couple of days - so perfect timing for all that BD! If your temp stays up for a couple more days, you will get crosshairs which means Ff has detected ovulation. If this is the case you may have missed the surge with the OPKs, maybe try testing more often next cycle (unless you're pregnant then!! :)) or maybe you just don't get on with that brand. Interestingly I usually have 2 days of positives but this cycle I got an only just positive once, so it seems my surge was shorter than normal this cycle
Can't wait to see your next two temps Velathria to see if you get high ones to confirm O - looks like you O'd CD17.

BabyDoll - any news? I see your temps are still high, but spotting today?

Shaele - I'm not familiar with the blood tests, but hope your numbers are where they should be!

AFM - 5 DPO and it's nice to just be cruising through without wondering if I'm pregnant. I mean there's a remote possibility due to one unprotected BD at CD7, but very very unlikely. Looking forward to moving on to next cycle and trying again.

Annoyed that I keep O'ing on Wednesdays! It means that I'm cranky as hell on the weekend after O and very impatient with DD. This one wasn't as bad as the last two, but still annoying.

I think I mentioned a while back that it was getting really old to have DH be my daughter's favorite - it had been almost 10 months of her wanting him to do everything for her. Things seem to have finally shifted and she wants me all the time now. It's a little nice, but an adjustment! I'm realizing how nice it was for him to be the fav, haha! She apparently cried for a while after I left for a brunch yesterday.
Aww Slammerkin my son is always clingy with me! He loves his daddy but usually wants me. It can be frustrating at times, but also quite nice :)
Hey Bsleck, nope no clomid this cycle. I'm due in June for my yearly and will ask for it then if no luck in the mean time. I plan on going in, opk charts in hand, to fight my case lol. Last time I had to document for 2 months before she would give it to me. Now that I'm 30, I'm hoping that she'll give it to me 6 months ofor trying...may be stretching the truth a tad.

And I just read through a fewhile posts...I'm so sorry about your loss! I was so excited for you that you got it on the first try. :hugs:
I've very much been reading this thread, but not posting.

Good luck in your fertile window, BSelck. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Your chart looks great BabyDoll. Fingers crossed this is it for you!

Velathria - I reckon you ovulated a few days ago. Around ovulation time, I recommend you use OPK's every few hours to catch your surge. I have a very very short surge (like a couple of hours) and if I didn't POAS Friday afternoon, I would have missed my surge and positive OPK. The one in the morning was negative and the one in the evening was negative too. No idea if that's a good thing or not! BD timing was great though, so hopefully you're in with a good chance this month.

I am glad all your blood test results have come back normal , Shaele :)


As for me - I got my first ever crosshairs on FF today!! I am temping for the first ever time and today after three elevated temps, it looks like I ovulated Friday. Friday was the only day I had a positive OPK - my surge was so short, I was lucky to catch it. We only BD on Friday, so not sure we've done enough to be in with a chance this month. However, I am interested to see if my luteal phase is any longer given I have upped my dose of B6.

I also had a fertility appointment today at the hospital. The consultant had all my test results and basically said everything is fine. I no longer have PCOS (at least not at the moment, it can come and go) based on the fact I am ovulating (the scan of my ovaries showed a mature follicle about to release an egg), my ovaries look normal and healthy, my fallopian tubes are clear, my hormones are normal and blood tests are normal. My husband's SA is also normal. I mentioned the short luteal phase and she basically rubbished it, saying there is no evidence to back my theory, even though it is practically impossible for me to conceive right now. She just wasn't having it!! I've read about this attitude a lot that other people encounter during my many hours of research online and it seems the NHS just will not accept this is an issue. Therefore she basically said she can't help me, there is now no reason why I shouldn't fall pregnant and to basically keep on trying. She wished me luck, said if I wanted further help (like IVF or IUI etc), then I have to go private as NHS only fund these treatments if you are childless. And that was that

How incredibly annoying! I am already taking vitamin B6 and B complex to try and lengthen my luteal phase and my next steps are going to be soy isoflavones and progesterone cream. But I will be doing this all on my own. How on earth I conceived Anabella so quickly and easily I will never know as I wasn't tracking my cycles back then. Either I was able to conceive her on a 7 day luteal phase (this is possible, but difficult) or my luteal phase back then was longer. I will never, ever know.

In the meantime, I have to face up to the fact we may never have another child. I won't give up just yet, but I feel it is becoming more and more unlikely. I am ever so grateful and blessed to have Anabella and if we don't have any more, it was meant to me. I am more shocked that the consultant would not accept a short lp could hamper my chances getting pregnant. I will try all my vitamins and supplements, but if still no change, I may make an appointment privately to see if they can do anything which doesn't involved invasive treatment like IVF , as we just don't have the money for that.

Feeling totally fed up now to be honest.
Slammerkin - yes I started spotting yesterday after lunch which turned into a light flow by dinner with excruciating cramps that really really reminded me of when I've had ovarian cysts rupture. Today the cramps aren't too bad and AF is still going. As bummed as I am to have AF I'm trying to see a positive and at least now I can have my MRI tomorrow to check on my pituitary adenoma to see if that's the cause of my increasingly painful migraines.

Good luck with O Bselk and fx Velathria that you caught that egg.

Pompey - woohoo for crosshairs!! I'm sorry the consultant wouldn't help you with your short LP. Glad to hear everything else came back normal and that you can lengthen it your self. But how annoying! I hate it when dr's and specialists won't listen and help with our concerns.
Sorry Pompey: Thinking of you!! That's a hard pill to swallow and to accept that but know we're always rooting for you. It takes some women longer the 2nd go round but it can happen just not always in our timing.:hugs:
Babydoll- I think that makes sense about your uterine lining needing time to thicken once off of the Mirena since your periods needed some time coming back as well.

Velathria- glad you had fun at animecon! Is there any test your dr can do to see if you are ovulating?

Hi Mod! Are you doing Clomid this time around?

AFM, I'm in my fertile window and although Fertility Friend thinks I will O on Tuesday the 5th, I think I will O on Wednesday the 6th. So we have DTD Fri, Sat and today and then I plan to DTD Monday and Tuesday, skip Wednesday and do Thursday just in case :)

I have read some TTC after mc stories that say they O'd later than
normal on their first cycle after mc, but since my mc was so early it will be interesting to see if my O date stays the same- I will keep u guys updated!

My step daughter starts her first day of school living with us tomorrow and I am so excited for her! She is still in the stage of loving school so she already has her outfit picked out and lunch packed and is so ready lol

Talk to you all soon!

yay bselck for fertile week! hope you are busy busy! fingers crossed you catch a nice sticky egg just as quick as before!

mod19-welcome back! hopefully you wont need clomid this time and will have a beautiful little bump by the time june gets here!

slammerkin-awww im glad dd is wanting her mommy...makes us feel so important and loved when our babies do that. hows she doing with potty training? my dd is starting to tell us when she is poopy and my friends are like thats when you know its time to start potty training. im like really? shes only 20 months...and she doesnt say when she has to go...only that she did go...meh i dunno. i feel like theres still time to not worry about that just yet.

pompey-oh dear...not a fun time at all with the doc. definitely dont give up yet. you have at least a few plans you are going to try on your own which is great. i really hope they work! in the meantime though is it possible for you to go and get a second opinion elsewhere? this person didnt seem like she even wanted to help. im sure you can find someone else who isnt ready to give up on you so easily...esp with knowing you have a short lp. ive read many articles saying short lp are a real problem...even if your doc doesnt think so i mean why not try to solve it anyway just to prove her point? i cant see it hurting anything. chin up :hugs: keep trying!

babydoll-so very sorry af showed =/ i hope your mri comes back with some answers to help your migraines! those are never fun....good luck!

afm-doc called today to give me results from fridays blood test. not as good as the results were from monday =/ she said my numbers didnt increase as much as she would have hoped so i have to go back and get the same test done again on wednesday. i dont have access yet to those numbers but will post them when they show up in my online folder. i have the mixed feelings again. on one hand im totally bummed. things arent working as they should be in my body it seems...and this test is just proving it. its really scary and depressing having to admit that to yourself. and on the other hand maybe this will help lead to the problem and be able to fix which will ultimately lead to another pregnancy. which of course is yay. so i really dont know how to feel right now. am i just having too much pride that im sad i have to ask for help? should i just get over it and deal? probably.
Hey there ^^ so still don't know I have ovulated.. although I think I mightve on Saturday ofcourse silly me forgot my thermometer at home at the hotel.. so I couldnt check on Sunday and then this morning I totally forgot to do it because I over slept and had to get my son ready ready for playschool. So hopefully ff can still pinpoint ovulation the next few days.

Been doing opk's though twice a day.. once with FMU and the in the afternoon with holding pee... still only high though. No peak yet and on Saturday there wasn't a peak either.. :(

So don't know if maybe the digi can't detect or I don't know. On another note .. yesterday I had a few big creamy gooey cm in my panties.. so hoping that that means that ovulation happened or is immenent ^^
Hey there ^^ so still don't know I have ovulated.. although I think I mightve on Saturday ofcourse silly me forgot my thermometer at home at the hotel.. so I couldnt check on Sunday and then this morning I totally forgot to do it because I over slept and had to get my son ready ready for playschool. So hopefully ff can still pinpoint ovulation the next few days.

Been doing opk's though twice a day.. once with FMU and the in the afternoon with holding pee... still only high though. No peak yet and on Saturday there wasn't a peak either.. :(

So don't know if maybe the digi can't detect or I don't know. On another note .. yesterday I had a few big creamy gooey cm in my panties.. so hoping that that means that ovulation happened or is immenent ^^

I know it's mind boggling trying to figure out and not actually knowing if you did! But you did everything right! So don't think about beating yourself up, now it's your bodies time to do its part and from the sound of the gooey cm, sounds like it is!!! Fx hun!!
Babydoll- I think that makes sense about your uterine lining needing time to thicken once off of the Mirena since your periods needed some time coming back as well.

Velathria- glad you had fun at animecon! Is there any test your dr can do to see if you are ovulating?

Hi Mod! Are you doing Clomid this time around?

AFM, I'm in my fertile window and although Fertility Friend thinks I will O on Tuesday the 5th, I think I will O on Wednesday the 6th. So we have DTD Fri, Sat and today and then I plan to DTD Monday and Tuesday, skip Wednesday and do Thursday just in case :)

I have read some TTC after mc stories that say they O'd later than
normal on their first cycle after mc, but since my mc was so early it will be interesting to see if my O date stays the same- I will keep u guys updated!

My step daughter starts her first day of school living with us tomorrow and I am so excited for her! She is still in the stage of loving school so she already has her outfit picked out and lunch packed and is so ready lol

Talk to you all soon!

yay bselck for fertile week! hope you are busy busy! fingers crossed you catch a nice sticky egg just as quick as before!

mod19-welcome back! hopefully you wont need clomid this time and will have a beautiful little bump by the time june gets here!

slammerkin-awww im glad dd is wanting her mommy...makes us feel so important and loved when our babies do that. hows she doing with potty training? my dd is starting to tell us when she is poopy and my friends are like thats when you know its time to start potty training. im like really? shes only 20 months...and she doesnt say when she has to go...only that she did go...meh i dunno. i feel like theres still time to not worry about that just yet.

pompey-oh dear...not a fun time at all with the doc. definitely dont give up yet. you have at least a few plans you are going to try on your own which is great. i really hope they work! in the meantime though is it possible for you to go and get a second opinion elsewhere? this person didnt seem like she even wanted to help. im sure you can find someone else who isnt ready to give up on you so easily...esp with knowing you have a short lp. ive read many articles saying short lp are a real problem...even if your doc doesnt think so i mean why not try to solve it anyway just to prove her point? i cant see it hurting anything. chin up :hugs: keep trying!

babydoll-so very sorry af showed =/ i hope your mri comes back with some answers to help your migraines! those are never fun....good luck!

afm-doc called today to give me results from fridays blood test. not as good as the results were from monday =/ she said my numbers didnt increase as much as she would have hoped so i have to go back and get the same test done again on wednesday. i dont have access yet to those numbers but will post them when they show up in my online folder. i have the mixed feelings again. on one hand im totally bummed. things arent working as they should be in my body it seems...and this test is just proving it. its really scary and depressing having to admit that to yourself. and on the other hand maybe this will help lead to the problem and be able to fix which will ultimately lead to another pregnancy. which of course is yay. so i really dont know how to feel right now. am i just having too much pride that im sad i have to ask for help? should i just get over it and deal? probably.

No beating yourself up for something that's out of your control that's unfair to you and to your maker. You are perfectly made in Gods eyesight and I'm sure in your hubby eyesight too! It's a minor set yet, yes but to a great beautiful blessing that you want and deserve, and you come so far to even learn why this is happening and you did, you did found the answer so rejoice yes!! Bc you hadn't gave up Bc you want it this bad!!! It's a roller coaster of emotions, don't quit yourself of feelings sad but once you're finish feeling down think about what is to come!! We all have to ask for help in different ways in our lifetime, your time is now, my time was 9wks ago and plenty more before that! I'm rooting for ya, don't hold your head down too are perfectly made :hugs: no mistake, no failure!!
Bselk: YAYYY FOR OVULATION!!! Wow that came fast!!! See how time is flying you'll be prego in no time!!! Fx!!
Babydoll that sucks! Stupid AF. But glad you can have your MRI.

Pompey I wouldn't give up hope yet. I think lots of people lengthen their LPs successfully. Have you heard of Vitex? I think some people take that and it helps. I don't know that much about supplements though to be honest, but I'm sure you've done a lot of research yourself. :hugs:

Shaele I would be sad too if I found out things weren't working properly. It's ok to feel down about that. But it's also right to feel hopeful that you can resolve any issues and get a baby! DD is doing well with potty-training still. Diapers only at nap and bedtime. She occasionally leaks in her underwear, but not very often. Pooping has gotten better too. It's usually less than an hour of hopping on and off the potty before it happens - big improvement from, like, a half a day that it used to take. But she only wants to poop on the freestanding little potty rather than the big toilet, so it's pretty gross having to dump and clean that each time! But she's only pooping every other day, so I can't really complain. 20 months sounds early, but it's possible. But don't stress yourself out about training. Wait until you both feel ready. DD was 28 months when I did it.
Hey Bsleck, nope no clomid this cycle. I'm due in June for my yearly and will ask for it then if no luck in the mean time. I plan on going in, opk charts in hand, to fight my case lol. Last time I had to document for 2 months before she would give it to me. Now that I'm 30, I'm hoping that she'll give it to me 6 months ofor trying...may be stretching the truth a tad.

And I just read through a fewhile posts...I'm so sorry about your loss! I was so excited for you that you got it on the first try. :hugs:

Thanks Mod! I am staying hopeful it will happen again quickly! I hope you don't even need the Clomid, but if you do- I hope the dr gives it to you quickly as obviously it worked last time!

Pompey! I wouldn't be so down! Your appointment sounds like it actually went really well! You and hubby are good to go and you are doing some great natural things to increase your LP! It's up to you of course, but I would wait a bit for IVF or things like that because it sounds like your body can do it on its own!

Shaele- bummer your tests didn't come back as good the second time around but your attitude is great and keep thinking this is just the journey to fixing it! Also, could those results just be a fluke? Since they're making you do them again? Happy you are finding answers- keep us updated!!

Bselk: YAYYY FOR OVULATION!!! Wow that came fast!!! See how time is flying you'll be prego in no time!!! Fx!!

Thanks Nevergivingup!! :hugs:

Babydoll- did I miss that AF arrived for you!? Ugh!

Slammer- that's awesome about the potty training! I am nervous when that time comes for me! How are you? Are you in the TWW?

Velathria- glad you had an awesome weekend! It sounds like most of the girls think you have ovulated so you could be in the TWW already!

AFM- fertility friend says today is O day but I feel no ovary twinges what so ever so hopefully it will be tomorrow like I thought! But time is truly flying by, especially with my step daughter here! My husband had a four day weekend so that was great for BDing during my fertile window. I hope I ovulate this cycle, but I'm not feeling any cramps so idk!!

Good luck ladies! Thinking of you!
wow lots to catch up on! :)

Shaele and Pompey, :hugs: sorry the docs aren't being helpful Pompey, I haven't even been to the drs yet as I know they will be unwilling to help. If you havent already considered it I would recommend trying a few sessions of reflexology. This cycle is my first since starting (my fourth session is tomorrow) and this cycle I had more ewcm than usual and ovulated earlier - I have yet to see whether it will stop my mid cycle spotting but I'm feeling positive. Maybe it could help you too?

Shaele in a way I think it's better if there is a bit of a hormone issue as at least it explains why you have been trying a while and you can do something to correct it :)
Rose- I have heard so many good things about reflexology!! I bet u will get your BFP soon!!

I'm currently breaking out bad on my chin and I am wondering if this is a new symptom of O!? Do u ever breakout with acne around O?

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