Rose - I started looking at reflexology when you mentioned it on here a few weeks back... but that's as far as I got. I may have to think about it again. Anything to help!
slammerkin -Yes I have heard of vitex and I actually have some in my cupboard. I have taken it inconsistently over the past few months, but never given it a good or or been on it for more than a month. Perhaps it's time to revisit it and up the dosage.
Bselck - You may not always get ovary twinges? Either way, it seems like ovulation has either happened or is about too. I've read after mc you can be super fertile. I hope you manage to fall quickly again

And yes, you're right, it is good the Dr's can see nothing wrong with me. However, it is super frustrating when I feel I am not being taken seriously. I am 99% sure my lp is stopping me from falling preggo, but she is refusing to accept that
Shaele - unfortunately with the NHS, you get who you're given. The only way I can seek a second opinion is by going private and funding it myself. I will try and give vitex and possibly soy and progesterone cream a go, but if still no luck, I will enquire at a private clinic.
Sorry your hormones results are not ideal. Try not to be too down about it. Once they are recognised, at least you will be able to get some help to get things moving in the right direction. It sounds as if your Dr is proactive, which is great in itself.
As for me - well I have really sore boobs. This normally indicates the witch is on the way. I really hope not as I am only 4DPO and CD25!! I doubt it's an early pregnancy sign, seeing as I am only just past ovulation. I hope this doesnt mean yet another short luteal phase. I'll find out in the next few days, but I really am not hopeful as my boobs really are tender and that's my classic pre-AF sign. I also had a temp dip this morning (below cover line) although when I took it again a minute later it went from 36.01 to 36.38 (below to above cover line). How is that even possible?!