Ttc #2

Rose- I have heard so many good things about reflexology!! I bet u will get your BFP soon!!

I'm currently breaking out bad on my chin and I am wondering if this is a new symptom of O!? Do u ever breakout with acne around O?

EVERYTIME!!! It never fails!!! Hope this is it for you!!
Rose - I started looking at reflexology when you mentioned it on here a few weeks back... but that's as far as I got. I may have to think about it again. Anything to help!

slammerkin -Yes I have heard of vitex and I actually have some in my cupboard. I have taken it inconsistently over the past few months, but never given it a good or or been on it for more than a month. Perhaps it's time to revisit it and up the dosage.

Bselck - You may not always get ovary twinges? Either way, it seems like ovulation has either happened or is about too. I've read after mc you can be super fertile. I hope you manage to fall quickly again :hugs:
And yes, you're right, it is good the Dr's can see nothing wrong with me. However, it is super frustrating when I feel I am not being taken seriously. I am 99% sure my lp is stopping me from falling preggo, but she is refusing to accept that :(

Shaele - unfortunately with the NHS, you get who you're given. The only way I can seek a second opinion is by going private and funding it myself. I will try and give vitex and possibly soy and progesterone cream a go, but if still no luck, I will enquire at a private clinic.
Sorry your hormones results are not ideal. Try not to be too down about it. Once they are recognised, at least you will be able to get some help to get things moving in the right direction. It sounds as if your Dr is proactive, which is great in itself.

As for me - well I have really sore boobs. This normally indicates the witch is on the way. I really hope not as I am only 4DPO and CD25!! I doubt it's an early pregnancy sign, seeing as I am only just past ovulation. I hope this doesnt mean yet another short luteal phase. I'll find out in the next few days, but I really am not hopeful as my boobs really are tender and that's my classic pre-AF sign. I also had a temp dip this morning (below cover line) although when I took it again a minute later it went from 36.01 to 36.38 (below to above cover line). How is that even possible?!
Pompey it might be an issue with your thermometer. Sometimes when mine is very cold I have to take my temperature twice as it doesn't warm up quickly enough to be accurate for the first temp.

Thanks BSelck I hope so. It would be nice to finally be done with TTC!
Rose- I have heard so many good things about reflexology!! I bet u will get your BFP soon!!

I'm currently breaking out bad on my chin and I am wondering if this is a new symptom of O!? Do u ever breakout with acne around O?

i do too bselck! been getting it since i actually started tracking and ttc for sure. love them hormones....:nope: hope its a good sign of o for you!

rose- im so glad that reflexology has been helping you out! i hope that it will lead to a bfp this time.

pompey-really hoping that isnt your af coming but an early pregnancy sign! also sorry about having to fund a second opinion yourself =/ im hoping your other remedies will do the trick so you can avoid that.

nevergivingup-thanks for the cheering! how are you? when is your next doc app? did you decide to try out your own personal doppler to help ease your anxiety?

velathria-i really hope that giant temp spike means you o'd! you should get your cross lines as soon as you have 3 high temps which will indicate it. but just so you know i used the same digital opks you are using 2 months ago and i got 8 days of "high" fertility (the flashing smiley face) before i got my peak solid smiley. so it can mean you havent o'd yet but the temps will definitely confirm. since it was so aggravating to see and wait that long for a peak i went back to using just the ones that give solid smiley face when it detects your surge instead of both that and rise in estrogen. i dont have to start testing until later in cycle. they are also a bit cheaper.

afm you are all pretty much over the fact that theres a problem and am looking forward to the new information each test brings. its the card ive been dealt. gotta keep positive cause i know im not the only one who has to ask for help in this area. i have the lovely support from all you amazing ladies which i adore and i feel everything will be ok. oh and still waiting on sa results lol. i called the office monday and they were like yes we have the prescription and the lab has the sample and they will send the results to my doc. thats all i time frame or anything. at least i know they are testing it for the right reason this time haha.
Bselck - yes, in the TWW, but we avoided trying this month, so I'm just waiting for a new cycle to start so I we can try again right before our vacation.

rose - I have high hopes for you this cycle!

AFM, was gonna try to DTD for fun last night, but was sooo sleepy when I got in bed, so nope! Tonight for sure!
Thanks Slammerkin :) DH wanted to bd for fun this morning, I was too tired and then luckily DS walked in to break up the party :haha:
Glad to know some of you breakout during O too! It was really bad Sunday/Monday so hopefully I O'd yesterday or today!

Pompey! Sore boobs was a sign for me last cycle when I got my BFP and I had them early on in the TWW and it never stopped!

My little man has his 15 month shots today :( wish him luck!
velathria-i really hope that giant temp spike means you o'd! you should get your cross lines as soon as you have 3 high temps which will indicate it. but just so you know i used the same digital opks you are using 2 months ago and i got 8 days of "high" fertility (the flashing smiley face) before i got my peak solid smiley. so it can mean you havent o'd yet but the temps will definitely confirm. since it was so aggravating to see and wait that long for a peak i went back to using just the ones that give solid smiley face when it detects your surge instead of both that and rise in estrogen. i dont have to start testing until later in cycle. they are also a bit cheaper.

Yeah i did have giant temp spike but sadly i totally forgot to take my temp on monday and then only the one from yesterday and today, so i hope the one tomorrow will show that my temp is still up. that would be the only indication that i O'd.. because the stupid Clearblue digi one is only showing me a blinking smiley all the time.. I am CD 20 now and was hoping it show up. And i've been doing them up to 3 times a day so i wouldn't miss the surge.. :( i just hope my temp is still high tomorrow and that i get my crosshairs.
Also i guess i will see what the midcycle bloodtest has to say. :)
hey all quick update...dh sa came back all normal. which is good cause that means theres more of a chance to fix probs. but that now means i have to go for a hsg test. not happy about this....dont like invasive tests. have to wait until next cycle to do it though because apparently it needs to be done within first 10 days of the cycle after af is done...and im on cd 15 now. uggghhhhhhh.....

good luck with shots bselck....its so hard watching them get them but they forget and will be better in the end for them. hes a strong baby though obviously from birth. he will do fine ☺
beselck- aww poor little guy.. i always hated when my son got his shots... He'd cry so much and then especially the ones that make them sick after..

Hope everything goes well ^^
BSelck - hope little man takes the shots well! I hate taking DD to the doctor. She is SO scared of strangers and of course when they hurt you it's even worse!

Velathria - sorry you're so confused with these OPKs! Ugh.

Shaele - that's great DH's SA came back normal! I understand not liking invasive tests. That sucks it's too late to do it this cycle!
Shaele - I've had an HSG completed in November. I didn't know what to expect as I didn't want to scare myself by reading horror stories. However, it was absolutely fine. I bit uncomfortable, but nothing I couldnt handle and I have a very low pain threshold. It's very much like a prolonged smear test. Afterwards it's a biy mucky with all the dye dripping out of you (sorry TMI!), but same feeling as when you're having a period. It needs to be done in the first 10 days of your cycle because you absolutely cannot have any chance of being pregnant due to the invasive nature of it as it would probably end an early pregnancy. Good luck with it, you'll be fine. And it's great news on hubby's SA :)

I hope you get your cross hairs tomorrow Velathria :hugs:

I hate injection time for our little ones Bselck. Hope he was OK :)

AFM - sore boobs have gone, but temp up nice and high this morning which was good, but then I'm only 5 DPO. Sore boobs coming and going before AF is the norm for me, so highly doubt I'm pregnant.
Bselk: Hope it won't be too bad, hopefully it'll go quick to where he barely even notices it.

Shaele: YAYYY for sa results being good!! Now unfortunately sorry you have to wait again to do the test but it'll be worth it in the end I'm sure!!

AFM: convinced my doctor to let me come in for an earlier u/s then waiting til April 25th at 10wks. Bc of my hx O'd m/c's he agreed so my first u/s will be next week Tues. April 12th at 2:30 at 8wks. Pls wish me luck ladies!
thanks pompey that helps put my mind at ease at least for now. no use getting worked up over it now anyway....since i have to wait almost a month. hoping and praying things go right with this cycle so i dont have to worry about it at all but i doubt it. anyway for anyone interested i got my numbers from my cd 10 blood test....which if you remember the doc said didnt rise as much as she hoped to see. so for the fsh it went from 7.3 mIU/mL on cd 5 to 7.2 cd 10 and estradiol went from 28.43 pg/mL to 35.07. tried looking online to see what the numbers should have been but cant seem to find that information anywhere esp on cd 10 since its not a normal testing day i think. oh well. went and got test done again today and we shall see what happens.

good luck nevergivingup! im sure everything will be just fine. relax and enjoy your pregnancy! no stress ��

velathria-hoping you o'd! keep temping ��
Nevergivingup- I'm so happy you got an earlier u/s appt. ^^ I bet everything will be fine but it's nice to be able to have a look at your baby earlier ^^
Shaele- I have heard about that hsg and some good things too. apparently alot of women suddenly got pregnant after it so maybe you'll get lucky too ^^
pompey- I have heard a lot of women having AF like symptoms and then they were pregnant so your not out until the witch appears but i guess its not too bad to not get your hopes up too much atleast then if AF does come you won't be as disappointed ^^ FX she stays away though ^^

AFM so given up on the stupid opks because i think i did ovulate yet they didn't pick it up.. My chart looks like i did yet ff hasn't given me my crosshairs yet.. but think i am officially in the tww. ^^ so i'm just gonna keep temping and hope for the best and then if it doesnt happen this month atleast i'll know what to look for on my chart for next cycle ^^
Velathria- I'm right there with you! 1dpo today!! Can't wait for this TWW to be over so I can test!

Shaele- the first time I ever got pregnant was right after a HSG test! They said my tubes were clear and everything was fine, but I believe that dye test cleared something and it was great! Im excited for you!

I didn't have any clear ovulation symptoms this cycle other than acne on my chin. We will see if that means something soon. Maybe for me to get pregnant I need to feel the ovarian twinges or cramps I felt last month? Who knows! I will keep u guys updated!
Bselck- Woho for being tww buddies XD i have had all day some strange really sharp stabbing feeling in my uterus.. It made me literally jump or crumble together in pain. But as quick as it came it went again.. so hopefully that's a good sign ^^
Keep us updated with hopefully the same symptoms so you know ^^
YAYYY BSELK AND VELATHRIA!!! TWW!!! Hope it goes by fast for y'all ESP since y'all have each other to reference too!!!

VELATHRIA: don't fret too much about the opks...As long as you covered your bases those opks won't matter much. And your positive spirit says it all for next cycle but hoping this is it this cycle!!!

Shaele: Thinking of you Hun!! 1 day gone that you're getting closer and closer to a BFP!! ~positive vibes here~

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