hey there ^^
rose- true.. it does only take one sperm yet i feel like it just didn't happen this time ^^ am having typical PMS symptoms... feeling exhausted, sore bbs, actually not as agitated though as usual but i'd say thats still coming and acne.. yay for spots.. -.-
but i guess i will still see ^^ and i might test early this time around just to know in advance to expect AF. I'm glad you found that relaxation and got rid of the whole ttc stress ^^ maybe i will try out the refloxology ^^ we actually have a place not to far from our house that does it. ^^ Hope you caught the egg and it is implanting ^^ or already has.
Bselck- ^^ thrush isn't a uti.. its a yeast infection.. i think i've eating too much sugary stuff with easter and all. but back to eating healthy.. gonna buy a probiotic to kinda regulate it. I always have problems with that since i was young due to my candida. i actually really had it under control the last few years but now it came back because i've been relaxed with my eating habit.. need to be more strict about sugary stuff -.- Organic yogurt all the way XD
But your symptoms sound good with the nausea.. you could still have that ovulation nausea after ovulation.. maybe you had a really strong one so it was kinda like a post-O thing. '

hopefully it was a good sign. We are both on the same boat.. our Bd'ing i think has been off too and i don't really know when i ovulated.. Still hoping for my crosshairs but FF is yet to give them to me.

Hopefully next cycle will look better. FX you caught the egg though and get that bfp
Pompey- Sorry your temp dropped but i hope it isnt AF coming.. FX she stays away ^^
shaele- YAY for ewcm.. I understand how that feels not getting it.. It's almost like you are pregnant XD i still haven't gotten any ewcm.. Now i had some kinda of white snot like little blip of cm in my panties but that isn't good enough i think so still waiting for that. and yeah the opks suck for me.. if i actually would get a bfp on my opk then i'd probably go crazy yet but i'm so happy that you got a positive!!

hope the hsg goes well ^^ and it gets you pregnant finally ^^
keep us updated