Ttc #2

Hi, can I join in? We are TTC number 2, our son is 3.5 :) I'm on CD1 of month 2! Going to start using OPKs this month and we're going to do the sperm meets egg plan! So fingers crossed for a successful month :)
Hi, can I join in? We are TTC number 2, our son is 3.5 :) I'm on CD1 of month 2! Going to start using OPKs this month and we're going to do the sperm meets egg plan! So fingers crossed for a successful month :)

hi KittieB! welcome! that sounds like a great plan. i use opks every month too and it's always exciting to see the positive show up. it's like ok yep it's now time to get down to business...shit just got real! good luck to you!

BSelck-thank you, i hope you are right. just gotta be more patient I guess. it's just super hard. but i don't have to tell you ladies that. I'm glad to hear you moved up your doc app! time will be here before you know it! to answer your question i've been taking just a regular prenatal vitamin. same one i took while i was pregnant with my daughter. i figured id be pregnant by now but looks like i'll have to buy another bottle! woo...

I'm feeling a bit better about not succeeding this month as AF is just about over and getting geared up again for trying next month. I dunno how I manage to still get excited to try it all over each time but i do. i've noticed that during the time when i am most fertile i don't notice that much ewcm...i think i might try preseed next time around...heard so many good things about that. could be my problem in the first place. we shall see.

How is everyone else doing? glong anymore symptoms?
So far I'm 2 DPO and as much as I like knowing when I O'd with the OPK's it's already making the tww hard :dohh:
Unless I can find something to take my mind off of it all, I think it's going to be a long 10-12 days.
Oh Babydoll how exciting though!! TWW sucks but honestly I am jealous you're in it already!! Are you going to stay strong and not test until AF is due? or do you think you will cave? lol

I cannot wait until we all get our BFP's!! My husband's co-worker announced she was pregnant today so now I am really really really ready to start trying! lol We knew she was trying a few months ago, and she kept bugging my husband to go for a second kid so that was nice :) but now that shes pregnant, I'm ready to be there with her!

How is everyone else doing in their cycle? Is everyone using OPK's? I'm going to this month even before we start trying just to see and make sure I know when I ovulate. I usually can feel it, but I want to double check.

And then when we start trying, I think were going to start with the SMEP every other day BD plan and then 3 days in a row once you O.

We shall see!!

Baby dust to everyone! :baby::baby::baby:
Hi all, can I join? :) we are on cycle 5 of TTC 2. Our son is almost 3 and keeps saying he wants a brother or sister! Using conceive plus and pregnacare conception this cycle, which I used when we got pregnant with my son, so hoping they will be lucky for us again!
So far I'm 2 DPO and as much as I like knowing when I O'd with the OPK's it's already making the tww hard :dohh:
Unless I can find something to take my mind off of it all, I think it's going to be a long 10-12 days.

jealous! the beginning of the ttw is always my favorite because that's when i have the most hope. but then i also hate it because the days seem to go by so slow to test. we've all been there and know what you're going through...they need to come out with something that is just like oh you had sex last night let me scan you for pregnancy...yup! you're pregnant! and no more waiting...*sigh* good luck babydoll...i'm pulling for ya!

bselck-i know the feeling of wanting to be pregnant even more when people around you start getting pregnant too. one of my friends just messaged me who just recently got pregnant and she's like is your daughter going to have a sister or brother? and im like well...we are trying...just taking a bit longer than anticipated...she's also due around the same time as my daughter's bday so i'm like ugh...i was pregnant at this time 2 years ago wahhhhhhh....your time will come tho bselck! that sounds like a good plan too...i might copy that next time...last day of AF for me...begin testing with opk next week..probably around feb 1st or 2nd. fun times.

hey there rose! welcome! that's so sweet that your son is as excited about having another baby in the house as you are! if you don't mind what is conceive plus and pregnacare conception? i am not familiar with these...
Oh I feel for those who have been trying a while and struggling. I haven't been through it, but know a lot of people who have. Hugs to you all.

CD7 here. I haven't used OPKs. Just temping and tracking CM, but this is also going to be our first month trying, so who knows what I'll do if it doesn't happen quickly.
Welcome Rose! :flower:

Slammerkin how amazing would it be to get pregnant your first month trying! I am thinking of you this next week!!

Shaele thanks for the kind words and support! So happy to have this thread :hugs: Keep me updated when you guys get into the TWW!
Oh Babydoll how exciting though!! TWW sucks but honestly I am jealous you're in it already!! Are you going to stay strong and not test until AF is due? or do you think you will cave

I'll more than likely cave and test early. I have 18 IC to tempt me. I'm just trying to hold out until 10 DPO lol. Hopefully your next cycle will fly past so that you can start TTC too.

So far I'm 2 DPO and as much as I like knowing when I O'd with the OPK's it's already making the tww hard :dohh:
Unless I can find something to take my mind off of it all, I think it's going to be a long 10-12 days.

jealous! the beginning of the ttw is always my favorite because that's when i have the most hope. but then i also hate it because the days seem to go by so slow to test. we've all been there and know what you're going through...they need to come out with something that is just like oh you had sex last night let me scan you for pregnancy...yup! you're pregnant! and no more waiting...*sigh* good luck babydoll...i'm pulling for ya!

..last day of AF for me...begin testing with opk next week..probably around feb 1st or 2nd. fun times.

The tww does give you the most hope but I don't think it's my favorite because there's nothing we can do to change the out come. Yes! Almost like a little light or something so there's no waiting or speculating lol. Thanks. I didn't tell DH when I was ovulating, he likes the more relaxed approach so I'm hoping that has helped too.

Almost time to start BD for you :happydance: I hope you get it this cycle!
So far I'm 2 DPO and as much as I like knowing when I O'd with the OPK's it's already making the tww hard :dohh:
Unless I can find something to take my mind off of it all, I think it's going to be a long 10-12 days.

jealous! the beginning of the ttw is always my favorite because that's when i have the most hope. but then i also hate it because the days seem to go by so slow to test. we've all been there and know what you're going through...they need to come out with something that is just like oh you had sex last night let me scan you for pregnancy...yup! you're pregnant! and no more waiting...*sigh* good luck babydoll...i'm pulling for ya!

bselck-i know the feeling of wanting to be pregnant even more when people around you start getting pregnant too. one of my friends just messaged me who just recently got pregnant and she's like is your daughter going to have a sister or brother? and im like well...we are trying...just taking a bit longer than anticipated...she's also due around the same time as my daughter's bday so i'm like ugh...i was pregnant at this time 2 years ago wahhhhhhh....your time will come tho bselck! that sounds like a good plan too...i might copy that next time...last day of AF for me...begin testing with opk next week..probably around feb 1st or 2nd. fun times.

hey there rose! welcome! that's so sweet that your son is as excited about having another baby in the house as you are! if you don't mind what is conceive plus and pregnacare conception? i am not familiar with these...

Conceive plus is a lubricant like preseed but it's much easier to get hold of in the UK than preseed is. Pregnacare conception is just a vitamin especially for people TTC. I am not a big believer in vitamins but I used them the cycle I got pregnant with my son so thought it was worth another go.
Hi! Can I join you ladies? I have a daughter that is 26 months and we have just started trying for #2. I had a nexplanon implant removed a month ago and was going to wait for first AF until we started really trying. About a week after the removal we had sex and the next day i could feel I was ovulating. Five days later I got cramps and when they lasted more than a week I was really thinking I was pregnant and got really excited. Unfortunately I tested negative on 2 early tests and then i got AF. I was sooo disappointed! Now I am waiting to start OPK testing just to make sure I know when I'm ovulating and give it a go again. I'm dreading TWW though. The last three weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions and we've almost barely started! Our first daughter wasn't planned so I haven't gone through this before. And oh, my husband is the kind that gets stressed easily and wan't everything to happen "naturally" so I'm not keeping him in the loop when it comes to testing just yet. A big reason why I need to vent here:)
Hi! Can I join you ladies? I have a daughter that is 26 months and we have just started trying for #2. I had a nexplanon implant removed a month ago and was going to wait for first AF until we started really trying. About a week after the removal we had sex and the next day i could feel I was ovulating. Five days later I got cramps and when they lasted more than a week I was really thinking I was pregnant and got really excited. Unfortunately I tested negative on 2 early tests and then i got AF. I was sooo disappointed! Now I am waiting to start OPK testing just to make sure I know when I'm ovulating and give it a go again. I'm dreading TWW though. The last three weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions and we've almost barely started! Our first daughter wasn't planned so I haven't gone through this before. And oh, my husband is the kind that gets stressed easily and wan't everything to happen "naturally" so I'm not keeping him in the loop when it comes to testing just yet. A big reason why I need to vent here:)

Hi Jenny!! Yes! I think keeping things between us ladies (and giving our husbands a break) is the best thing lol And I totally understand that the craving to become pregnant increases even more once you've already gone through the thought that you were pregnant!! I still have my Mirena IUD in and even I swear I'm pregnant sometimes! lol Glad to have more ladies to chat with and join in the journey to our BFPs!!
Oh I feel for those who have been trying a while and struggling. I haven't been through it, but know a lot of people who have. Hugs to you all.

CD7 here. I haven't used OPKs. Just temping and tracking CM, but this is also going to be our first month trying, so who knows what I'll do if it doesn't happen quickly.

hey slammerkin i dunno if we had realized this before but you are very close with my cycle. I am on cycle day 7 today. you're ahead of me by only one day. that's pretty neat. maybe we can be tww buddies...depending on when you ovulate lol.

Rose- ok thanks! i was going to say maybe it was a UK thing but i wanted to be sure. sounds good though. I'm going to try the preseed version this time and see what happens. i hope it works for you!

bselck- I'm glad you are here too! I'm glad for all you ladies. I was worried at first making this thread that I wouldn't get many but it has attracted lots of wonderful people which is a real help to me personally as I struggle with each month. Really happy with how it's turning out. We keep getting more every day and speaking of....

Jennys! welcome! sorry you got a negative last time...i know the feeling of getting my hopes up and symptom spotting only to get that bfn in the end. it really is disappointing esp when you feel so sure you're pregnant! i think that's a good idea just to keep dh out of the loop for now. he doesn't need to know exactly everything that's happening with your body...only when his services are needed lol. i think it will probably keep you less stressed if you aren't worrying about if he's getting stressed too. win all around. you are always welcome to vent here! i know i sure do!
Hello Ladies!!!!

I just finish reading every page. Can i join btw?!!! I have a 35 month old :haha: (still counting by months it's definitely time to have another one) and me and DH are ready to try again for A November baby!!! My AF just went off On Jan. 23rd so im getting impatient for the next 2-3 wks. so I just calculated based on my regular cycle rhythm. This time around I don't want to be stress out this time with opks and hpt I just want to let it happen and be ok if it doesn't. But it's really hard when all my friends are pregnant and I'm not. me n DH had a hard time conceiving and holding on onto our babies last time So I'm thinking positive this time in hopes that we'll conceive this cycle and pray the baby sticks with us for the long run!!
Good luck ladies!!!

Thanks Bselck24 for inviting me here!! Seems like a bunch of sweet mommies!!!

P.s: 2 1/2 years back I would never thought I would be posting in this thread as TTC #2!! Wow how times fly and Great God is!!! :cloud9:
Jennys and BSelck - I agree with not involving DH in all the nitty-gritty, at least most of the time at the start. It's interesting to us as women, but I think the men's eyes just kind of glaze over, lol.

Shaele - yay for cycle buddies!

nevergivingup - welcome! I hope you get a quick sticky baby!

Anybody have random things they are entertaining themselves with at the moment? I'm really into jewelry, so I'm spending my time browsing silver/CZ wedding sets to wear when my fingers swell too much for my real rings. I bought a couple big bling sets last time I was pregnant and am excited for some new ones, hehe.
I also agree with not involving DH with all the information. I don't tell DH when I O, he knows when AF is due and that O happens around 2 weeks after. He doesn't want to be stressed and wants the more "when it happens" approach but is always saying how much he wants another and wants me to be pregnant now. He also made me giggle the other day by saying that (maybe tmi and a bit dirty) his testicals needed a massage because they've been hard producing lots of swimmers for me.. :dohh: :haha:

I've started to crochet a blanket - will either be a cot size or bigger depends how bored I get with it lol.
Hi nevergivingup! welcome! I hope that you get a sticky bean this time! I am sorry that is has been difficult for you.

slammerkin- that's such an interesting idea about the jewelry...i never even thought of it when i was pregnant and my hands swelled up a lot...(i ended up having symptoms of preeclampsia near the end of term) so i couldn't wear my rings at all. that sounds fun...i think i will check into that lol. Me I've been thinking about some melodies that i can turn into a lullaby. I like to compose music and I wrote a lullaby for my daughter. it's simple but i think its pretty. its hard to practice with a toddler in the house though. i either have to keep one eye on her and one eye on the piano or risk the chance of waking her up when she naps.

babydoll- i literally lol when i read that. tmi or dirty doesn't bother me. im pretty open about stuff...esp after having a baby...bye bye morals. That's great you've started a blanket. I wish i knew how to knit or crochet. I got a lot of homemade blankets made for my daughter from friends and family and they are always so pretty.
I didn't think most here would mind. My sister taught me to crochet when I was pregnant with my son but I haven't made much and have just really gotten into it now.
I'd love to be able to play the piano. The composing sounds like fun!
Hello Ladies!!!!

I just finish reading every page. Can i join btw?!!! I have a 35 month old :haha: (still counting by months it's definitely time to have another one) and me and DH are ready to try again for A November baby!!! My AF just went off On Jan. 23rd so im getting impatient for the next 2-3 wks. so I just calculated based on my regular cycle rhythm. This time around I don't want to be stress out this time with opks and hpt I just want to let it happen and be ok if it doesn't. But it's really hard when all my friends are pregnant and I'm not. me n DH had a hard time conceiving and holding on onto our babies last time So I'm thinking positive this time in hopes that we'll conceive this cycle and pray the baby sticks with us for the long run!!
Good luck ladies!!!

Thanks Bselck24 for inviting me here!! Seems like a bunch of sweet mommies!!!

P.s: 2 1/2 years back I would never thought I would be posting in this thread as TTC #2!! Wow how times fly and Great God is!!! :cloud9:

Yay you made it!! And I just noticed your profile pic... Dreaming of being pregnant!! These ladies are great! And God is so good :happydance:

I think I'm officially down to 3 weeks left before I can start TTC!! Woo hoo!!

For you ladies on CD7, are you going to start OPKs on CD10 or CD12? And will you be testing once in the AM and once in the PM? (For those of you who are testing that is :flower:)
I also agree with not involving DH with all the information. I don't tell DH when I O, he knows when AF is due and that O happens around 2 weeks after. He doesn't want to be stressed and wants the more "when it happens" approach but is always saying how much he wants another and wants me to be pregnant now. He also made me giggle the other day by saying that (maybe tmi and a bit dirty) his testicals needed a massage because they've been hard producing lots of swimmers for me.. :dohh: :haha:

I've started to crochet a blanket - will either be a cot size or bigger depends how bored I get with it lol.

Hehe at your DH! So, despite my saying that I agree with leaving the details out for DH, last night he was checking with me on when we need to be getting busy, and he said we could do it tomorrow (now today) since we were both going to be home...I was like "well, I'll have to check my cervical mucous tomorrow, but sure we can do it either way" and he was like "ok, you can keep that to yourself, and just let me know if we need to do it" HAHAHA.

I crochet too! I'm ashamed I still have never crocheted anything for my DD. :blush: Maybe I'll do something for the next one. I crocheted two blankets for Christmas gifts, and recently started working on a couple doilies for fun.

I also like cross-stitch, but that's just too hard to do with a toddler around. It takes too much concentration. Even during the rare moments when I'm on my own I can't psych myself up for it.

slammerkin- that's such an interesting idea about the jewelry...i never even thought of it when i was pregnant and my hands swelled up a lot...(i ended up having symptoms of preeclampsia near the end of term) so i couldn't wear my rings at all. that sounds fun...i think i will check into that lol. Me I've been thinking about some melodies that i can turn into a lullaby. I like to compose music and I wrote a lullaby for my daughter. it's simple but i think its pretty. its hard to practice with a toddler in the house though. i either have to keep one eye on her and one eye on the piano or risk the chance of waking her up when she naps.

I hated to be without some sort of ring. I mostly wore a silver claddagh ring at the end, but I just love bling, lol.

That's so cool that you compose music! My husband plays several instruments and can sing reasonably well, but I can't even stay in the right key when I sing. :blush:

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