Ttc #2

Hi everyone...can I join?

Was super active on here years again when I was pregnant with #1 and then through his baby time then kind of faded off.

Currently suspecting I am 2 days late for AF...tested last night on a FRER and bfn. Only been off the pill for 2 months and not really tracking my cycles.

Dec 5 period
Jan1 period

This is driving me crazy lol!
Slammerkin; I too haven't made much. I've made 2 beanies, got 3/4 through a baby blanket for ds but then decided I didn't like it and pulled it apart :dohh: I then made a c2c baby blanket for him which he plays with a bit atm since its summer here and it's too hot to have blankets on. Now I'm making my first ever granny square blanket which I didn't think I'd enjoy as much as I am.

5/6 DPO today and I'm really impatient today lucky I'm off to work soon It might help keep my mind off it :haha:

How's everyone going?
Hi everyone...can I join?

Was super active on here years again when I was pregnant with #1 and then through his baby time then kind of faded off.

Currently suspecting I am 2 days late for AF...tested last night on a FRER and bfn. Only been off the pill for 2 months and not really tracking my cycles.

Dec 5 period
Jan1 period

This is driving me crazy lol!

hey brunette&bubs! yes please join us! I've heard sometimes it takes some women quite a few days after they are officially late to get a bfp so don't lose hope. do you know what you ovulated? it could be that you did later than normal which pushes back everything else. or your hormones are still trying to get back to work from no more pill. either way you aren't out until she shows up! lol.

thanks for all your nice comments about my music past time. Music is my life, besides my baby of course lol. i majored in it in college...although it was my passion it unfortunately was not a good idea for getting a career. so past time it stays.

babydoll- that's so exciting!!! I know it's super hard to not test...are you having any symptoms?

went to the doctor with my daughter today and found out she has croup so today hasn't been easy. I'm starting to feel this annoying tickle in my throat so I'm hoping I'm not getting sick. that's all my body would need the week before I'm suppose to'd be like hey...I'm all run down from fighting off a disease for you and now you want to get pregnant? plus who wants to BD when they are sick?
Hello Ladies!!!!

I just finish reading every page. Can i join btw?!!! I have a 35 month old :haha: (still counting by months it's definitely time to have another one) and me and DH are ready to try again for A November baby!!! My AF just went off On Jan. 23rd so im getting impatient for the next 2-3 wks. so I just calculated based on my regular cycle rhythm. This time around I don't want to be stress out this time with opks and hpt I just want to let it happen and be ok if it doesn't. But it's really hard when all my friends are pregnant and I'm not. me n DH had a hard time conceiving and holding on onto our babies last time So I'm thinking positive this time in hopes that we'll conceive this cycle and pray the baby sticks with us for the long run!!
Good luck ladies!!!

Thanks Bselck24 for inviting me here!! Seems like a bunch of sweet mommies!!!

P.s: 2 1/2 years back I would never thought I would be posting in this thread as TTC #2!! Wow how times fly and Great God is!!! :cloud9:

Yay you made it!! And I just noticed your profile pic... Dreaming of being pregnant!! These ladies are great! And God is so good :happydance:

I think I'm officially down to 3 weeks left before I can start TTC!! Woo hoo!!

For you ladies on CD7, are you going to start OPKs on CD10 or CD12? And will you be testing once in the AM and once in the PM? (For those of you who are testing that is :flower:)

Hi nevergivingup! welcome! I hope that you get a sticky bean this time! I am sorry that is has been difficult for you.

slammerkin- that's such an interesting idea about the jewelry...i never even thought of it when i was pregnant and my hands swelled up a lot...(i ended up having symptoms of preeclampsia near the end of term) so i couldn't wear my rings at all. that sounds fun...i think i will check into that lol. Me I've been thinking about some melodies that i can turn into a lullaby. I like to compose music and I wrote a lullaby for my daughter. it's simple but i think its pretty. its hard to practice with a toddler in the house though. i either have to keep one eye on her and one eye on the piano or risk the chance of waking her up when she naps.

babydoll- i literally lol when i read that. tmi or dirty doesn't bother me. im pretty open about stuff...esp after having a baby...bye bye morals. That's great you've started a blanket. I wish i knew how to knit or crochet. I got a lot of homemade blankets made for my daughter from friends and family and they are always so pretty.

Slammerkin; I too haven't made much. I've made 2 beanies, got 3/4 through a baby blanket for ds but then decided I didn't like it and pulled it apart :dohh: I then made a c2c baby blanket for him which he plays with a bit atm since its summer here and it's too hot to have blankets on. Now I'm making my first ever granny square blanket which I didn't think I'd enjoy as much as I am.

5/6 DPO today and I'm really impatient today lucky I'm off to work soon It might help keep my mind off it :haha:

How's everyone going?

Hi everyone...can I join?

Was super active on here years again when I was pregnant with #1 and then through his baby time then kind of faded off.

Currently suspecting I am 2 days late for AF...tested last night on a FRER and bfn. Only been off the pill for 2 months and not really tracking my cycles.

Dec 5 period
Jan1 period

This is driving me crazy lol!

hey brunette&bubs! yes please join us! I've heard sometimes it takes some women quite a few days after they are officially late to get a bfp so don't lose hope. do you know what you ovulated? it could be that you did later than normal which pushes back everything else. or your hormones are still trying to get back to work from no more pill. either way you aren't out until she shows up! lol.

thanks for all your nice comments about my music past time. Music is my life, besides my baby of course lol. i majored in it in college...although it was my passion it unfortunately was not a good idea for getting a career. so past time it stays.

babydoll- that's so exciting!!! I know it's super hard to not test...are you having any symptoms?

went to the doctor with my daughter today and found out she has croup so today hasn't been easy. I'm starting to feel this annoying tickle in my throat so I'm hoping I'm not getting sick. that's all my body would need the week before I'm suppose to'd be like hey...I'm all run down from fighting off a disease for you and now you want to get pregnant? plus who wants to BD when they are sick?

Sorry for all the multi quotes but my mind is currently being invaded by my studies....and I don't think it can remember or hold anything else without it blowing. Which is what keep me busy until I get head stay in books all day long...that truly keeps my mind busy and I think I enjoy it...although I'm so ready to be done with it already.

Music is rehabilitating....I wish I could listen to more but with my 2 year old all we watch and listen too is children I'm really out of date with the new music....:dohh: but I'm ok with that. I giggled at your comment about who wants to BD while being sick....:haha: currently I'm battling a sinus infection....:dohh:

I have a doctor appt. next week but I'm terrified of going Bc I haven't told my doctor that I started TTC...and she may give me some antibiotic that may compromise my chances and may hurt the little sperm babies. I know I have to get this infection taken care of but I so want to conceive and have a baby in this year....Lord willing of course. So I giggled because I seriously have to drag myself and get mentally ready to BD with my DH and all I want to do is take some antibiotics and lay in bed all day and sleep. I dread these next coming DH is enjoying it Bc we're BD every other day to make sure I catch the eggie and hopefully get lucky with twins as I had last time. I said I didn't want to opk this time BUT I think I need too....

Babydoll: I hope you caught the eggie!!! Any symptoms?

Bselck24: the time is almost here!!!! I know you are excited now Bc it's coming so fast but not fast enough, least that's how I feel being that me And DH starting TTC 2 days ago....I just want to be Ovulating already and get the sperm babies to the egg so I can be in TTW by now....patience is no longer a goal for me....:haha: are you plan on opk'ing?

I have a question ladies: has anyone had a c-section and looking into a Vbac this time around? I am one of them but want to know what I should look forward too when trying to have a vbac...
Thanks Shaele and Nevergivingup. I'm having a few symptoms but not sure if they're "normal" for me at this stage in my cycle and some I can almost find other reasons for them. But to list them, I have had a major skin break out for the past 2 days, low energy levels, trouble staying asleep and I can't sleep/lay on my stomach with out getting pains, cramps which have just been uncomfortable until tonight where they feel like AF will be here any minute and I've been quite short tempered.

Sorry Nevergiveup I narrowly missed a c-sec so can't help with the vbac question.
I hope you both feel better soon and Shaele I hope your dd gets better really quick.

BFN this morning... I'm not gonna test at all this weekend. I'm wondering if maybe my cycle is a little off. Who knows.

No AF...No AF symptoms.

Probably one of the longest cycles I've ever had...I tend to have shorter cycles. 3 days late today for AF technically. Although I could not be late at all.
Shaele and nevergivingup - hope you all feel better soon!

Brunette - are you going to start temping? That must be so frustrating to not know exactly where you are in your cycle - but you could still be preg and come up BFP in a couple days!

Enjoyed our BD yesterday :sex:, though DH pulled out super quick afterward and kind of pulled a bunch of his, ahem, fluid with him, lol. Need to use a bit more delicacy on the exit next time. :haha:
slammerkin-- I don't think I will try temping. I did it my cycle I got pregnant with son along with vitamin b and preseed and it just all felt like too much and a lot of stress.

I would like to not temp if I can. This is only month #2 and I guess I'm not out yet. Keep bracing myself each time I go to the bathroom and just still seeing creamy CM. I guess I could've o'd recently but since I don't know it is all a guessing game.
Thanks ladies.
Baby doll those symptoms sounds promising... FX hopefully AF won't show up!!
Yay you made it!! And I just noticed your profile pic... Dreaming of being pregnant!! These ladies are great! And God is so good :happydance:

I think I'm officially down to 3 weeks left before I can start TTC!! Woo hoo!!

For you ladies on CD7, are you going to start OPKs on CD10 or CD12? And will you be testing once in the AM and once in the PM? (For those of you who are testing that is :flower:)[/QUOTE]

Bselck- I probably won't be starting to test until CD14. I ovulate usually on CD 19 or 20. Later than most but consistent =) I am temping this month too just to be sure I actually am ovulating...although i don't see why i wouldn't be if i keep getting positive opks around the same time each month and also get AF same time each month but hey...gotta check everything.

nevergivingup- I hope you feel better soon! Sinus infections are the worst. Props to you for even dragging yourself into bed for your DH! I'd be like...Get Off. haha. Anyway, I had a c-section. not by choice but because i wouldn't dilate past 5 cm. its a long story..i was in hospital twice (a week apart) trying to have my daughter. they broke my water the second time so i obviously wasn't going home until i had her that day. my body started to respond to that and i started having contractions and then they pushed the epidural really hard. i didn't know what to think. i was scared. and put my trust in the doctors so i finally was like ok i'll have it. once i got the epidural contractions stopped and so did the dilating. if i could redo it i would hold off on the epidural. anyway, to answer your question i would like to do a vbac....but i dunno if id be a good candidate...since my body didn't want to work properly at the important moment lol. I'm gonna probably think about it more once i actually get pregnant again. Talk to my doctor etc. You said you had a c section...what are your thoughts?

babydoll- those are some really promising symptoms! I really hope this is your month! Thanks for the get well wishes. my daughter seemed to be feeling better today. put a humidifier in her room last night and that helped a lot. I'm feeling worse today though of course lol. This morning I couldn't even talk. Been downing lots of vitamin C. That's what I get for asking my daughter for kisses even though her nose is running like a faucet...ewwww lol.

slammerkin-thanks for get well wishes too! Glad you had a good BD. Fortunately this was just a practice round so he can be as undelicate as he wants! I always tell my husband when he has to start really being serious about BDing. Or else I lose all his good swimmers to him masturbating :dohh: I swear he's addicted. Ah well...

Good luck to everyone!
Hi all, hope its OK to join in!!! I am also TTC #2 my daughter turned 9 in December and have been trying since she was 1!! Last night I experienced cramp pains that lasted from early evening right till I fell asleep, I have had ovulation pains in the past but they are very rare. My period is due for a week and a half!!
Ds has been sleeping really poorly these last 3-4 days as his 2yr molars are starting to cut through so I haven't been sleeping well either as a result. Yesterday I was feeling really nauseous ALL day which I'm thinking was more from lack of sleep. If it hangs around a few more days I'll count it as a symptom lol.

7/8 DPO here today and I'm stating to think I won't be lucky this cycle but only time will tell.

Has anyone tested yet?
Hey ladies!!

Welcome Kpnuts and brunettes&bubs!! So exciting that you are late B&B!! Also frustrating I know! Kpnuts the light cramping sounds like a great sign around this time of your cycle!! Sending prayers to both of you for your BFPs!!!

As for me, my MIL is in town this weekend and I love her so that has been fun :). Buuuut it also limits the amount of BDing lol I'm ok with that as I plan to go all out this month once we start TTC!!

Shaele how cool you compose music!! I've never known anyone to do that!

Can't remember who asked but yes I will be using OPKs starting this month (even though we won't start trying until after my next AF) just to see where I'm at ovulation wise- I won't however be temping as I don't wake up at the same time everyday due to my son :) I've tried doing that in the past and it just didn't work for me so I'm not going to stress myself out with it

Thinking of you ladies!! :hugs:
Thank you Bselck24!! Can someone tell me all the abbreviations as don't understand them all!!
Thank you Bselck24!! Can someone tell me all the abbreviations as don't understand them all!!

Yes!! Well for my post-

BFP = Big Fat Positive
MIL = Mother in Law
OPK = Ovulation predictor Kit
AF = Aunt flow (period)
BD = Baby Dance (having sex)
And TTC = Trying to Concieve!

There are a ton more but that's all I have for now! Oh and some people use DTD for BD which means "doing the deed" or "doing the dance" lol
Hi all, hope its OK to join in!!! I am also TTC #2 my daughter turned 9 in December and have been trying since she was 1!! Last night I experienced cramp pains that lasted from early evening right till I fell asleep, I have had ovulation pains in the past but they are very rare. My period is due for a week and a half!!

Hi and welcome Kpnuts! Bselck has gone over all the abbreviations that I can think of right now...(don't worry i had to look them up too when i started reading these blogs) there are still some i don't know! but if you aren't sure what we mean don't hesitate to ask! oh just remembered some...DH=dear husband DS=dear son, DD=dear daughter. O=ovulatioin. DPO=days past ovulation. CD=cycle day. CM=cervical mucous. hope that helps...

babydoll-hope your son starts feeling better. and you get some sleep! darn necessary overrated...GETTING CLOSE TO TESTING TIME WOOOOOO! :happydance:

I am so anxious for O time...just want to start trying already. but i also don't want to stress myself out for it. my DH is ready for another baby. he jokes saying its cause he gets 12 weeks paid paternity leave. I broke a nail today and had no idea where it went. But that's ok cause my daughter found it. and I found it in her mouth -.- I'm like really? REALLY? she eats anything she can find on the floor it drives me nuts. Especially now we just had a snowstorm and i put salt on our front porch. it naturally finds its way into the house. I'm constantly trying to vacuum it up but she finds it and eats it. this past fall it was warm out and i took her outside she tried eating every acorn she could find. It's like...i feed you...really i do. can't wait until she's out of that stage. I'm always taking things out of her mouth.
Hi all, hope its OK to join in!!! I am also TTC #2 my daughter turned 9 in December and have been trying since she was 1!! Last night I experienced cramp pains that lasted from early evening right till I fell asleep, I have had ovulation pains in the past but they are very rare. My period is due for a week and a half!!

Hi and welcome Kpnuts! Bselck has gone over all the abbreviations that I can think of right now...(don't worry i had to look them up too when i started reading these blogs) there are still some i don't know! but if you aren't sure what we mean don't hesitate to ask! oh just remembered some...DH=dear husband DS=dear son, DD=dear daughter. O=ovulatioin. DPO=days past ovulation. CD=cycle day. CM=cervical mucous. hope that helps...

babydoll-hope your son starts feeling better. and you get some sleep! darn necessary overrated...GETTING CLOSE TO TESTING TIME WOOOOOO! :happydance:

I am so anxious for O time...just want to start trying already. but i also don't want to stress myself out for it. my DH is ready for another baby. he jokes saying its cause he gets 12 weeks paid paternity leave. I broke a nail today and had no idea where it went. But that's ok cause my daughter found it. and I found it in her mouth -.- I'm like really? REALLY? she eats anything she can find on the floor it drives me nuts. Especially now we just had a snowstorm and i put salt on our front porch. it naturally finds its way into the house. I'm constantly trying to vacuum it up but she finds it and eats it. this past fall it was warm out and i took her outside she tried eating every acorn she could find. It's like...i feed you...really i do. can't wait until she's out of that stage. I'm always taking things out of her mouth.

Hi shaele, that is a problem with youngsters than can drive you nuts but they soon grow out of it. My DD was a very good child in respects but when I do have another I can guarantee it will be a little terror!!
Thanks Shaele. He was much better today and tonight so hopefully we all get some much needed sleep.
My ds puts most things in his mouth as well. I'm forever asking him what he has and almost prying his mouth open to see. He has gotten a lot better so hopefully he's starting to grow out of it.

I've had bad cramps and nausea today (actually vomited around 10am) but I'm more leaning that towards very little sleep and the cramps make me feel that I may be out. But I guess time will tell.

Is anyone else due to test this week?
Hi again!

Babydoll007: Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

I'm finally in O week. I actually started testing CD6 just to be sure I don't miss it. Last time I got pregnant we BD:d CD5 (!!) even though I had a 28-day cycle. I haven't had a positive test yet though, CD10 today, so I'll just keep testing and BD:ing until it comes. Busy week and then the dreaded wait begins. Anyone else about to start TWW?
Jennys - I should O tomorrow, so I'll be in the TWW soon!

Shaele - I'm so glad to be out of that phase of everything going in the mouth! How old is she again? Now I just struggle with entertaining my daughter. 28 months and stuck inside due to cold, snowy weather - ugh! At least during the summer I would take her on walks and to playgrounds all the time. Oh, and her preference for Dada is really kind of getting old too. She's been obsessed with him for probably 6 months now. She wants him to do everything. The most annoying part is when she wakes from a nap, and I'm the only one around, she's super pissed that it's not him (even the times when it was ME who put her to sleep!). Tantrums always ensue. :dohh: :nope: :growlmad: :cry:

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