Ttc #2

thanks slammer and rose. true c sections do have positives especially for those who love being able to plan everything like me but I would rather be able to give birth vaginally if I were able. so I'm jealous of you guys! it was a big disappointment when I had to have one for dd because I felt like I failed. my body didn't work like it should have. I've learned to get over that fact mostly because I have a healthy girl regardless of how she was born into the world...but I'd still would have liked the opportunity to have tried it the other way. recovery time is much quicker although I think I'm looking forward to dh pampering me for a few weeks lol.

rose I do hope baby girl comes soon for you! those kicks everywhere do hurt! I get them too lol. I never even thought of the whole don't wanna change the bedding due to water breaking. best to hold off I guess...yer so close might as well...I'd hate to have to change them twice in a row....have Doctors said you are dilated or effaced at all yet?
It can be tough either way. I had a traumatic experience with DD and am very anxious about how it will go this time. It's hard being a woman!
Hey ladies!

Shaele- yes glad you have a date of arrival for baby #2 but I would be scared of a c section too!

Rose- you ar so close! Any day now! I want to know all of the symptoms of when you go in to labor so I can know what to expect!

Slammer- I've just recently been feeling more kicks in the ribs and have been getting more uncomfortable. I started getting heartburn (which I never get) with anything I eat and have found out that I did not pull a muscle in my groin but that this pelvic pain is normal due to the muscles loosening and getting ready for baby! All new to me!

So question- have u guys packed a hospital bag yet? What do you put into yours?
Shaele don't be disappointed :hugs: the most important thing is that our babies come out healthy and safe, the rest really doesn't matter. I hate people who lecture others either way on natural/C section births. every birth is different and the end result is the same after all :)

So far I've had nothing! Maybe a bit more CM (a bit like ovulation) and a few more BH than normal. No real contractions yet though, and no plug. I am hoping to get to the weekend and then I'll be more than happy for her to come any time!!

I've mostly packed my bags - I have one for baby, with outfits nappies and cotton wool, one for during labour ie music CD, spare top, will also pack snacks and drinks nearer the time, and one for after with pads, breast pads, clothes, toiletries and I am waiting for some big black pants to arrive :haha: I am packing minimalistic as I overpacked last time but also missed some important things ie plenty of clothes. DH had to go home and get me more, and brought completely the wrong thing!! So I might have another bag at home ready just in case he does have to come and get me more bits
I haven't started packing a bag, but I've started a list. I'm going to try to keep to just a rolling carry-on bag. I brought a lot of crap to the birth center with DD, but I think the hospital is different. So far all I have on my list is toiletries, lol. Shampoo, some makeup basics, razor. I should really add other things to the list, but all that's really standing out to me from my time at the hospital after transferring from the birth center is that they only had this awful "no rinse" shampoo that didn't lather properly when I did finally take a shower and I felt so dirty until I could get a proper shower at home. I'm only bringing 1-2 outfits for baby. Maybe two pants for myself and a couple nursing tanks plus a cardigan or two.
DS had an unexpected lie in this morning, he didn't come in until 9am :D we skipped swimming lessons and he's spent the morning playing with a large box which arrived with a baby bath in it at 8am this morning. It was full of big plastic bubbles which he loves to pop and he's been jumping on them and roaring with laughter since :haha:

Today we are off to soft play and lunch with some friends :) time to offload some
Xmas presents!! Then we have an easy dinner as we went to Costco yesterday and bought some of their ready prepared shepherds pies and enchiladas - yummy!! Later I might put the rocker chair together if I get time.

I am hoping today will be a good day :) DS is at nursery all day tomorrow so I'm having my hair cut and highlighted - it has literally been years since I had my hair highlighted properly!
Sounds like a great day rose!

DD's sick. Very restless night on Sunday. Better last night but she had a couple coughing fits that lasted a while so I had to sit up and rub her back.

BSelck it's so funny that you are experiencing normal later pregnancy symptoms for the first time! Heartburn sucks. I'm struggling with it. Last night I was almost asleep when a mixture of heartburn, hunger, and needing to pee forced me out of bed.

I worked from home yesterday and DH let DD watch TV literally all day. I know he was tired from work, but come on dude. I turned the TV off after I was done work and had her help me wrap presents , do Christmas cards, take a shower, and painted her toenails. By then it was nearly bed time.
Oh no! Hope she is feeling better soon :( it's horrid when they're poorly, especially when that means they keep us up all night. That sounds like something my DH would do :haha:
I just hope she doesn't give it to me. That's the last thing I need - sickness on top of being so sick and tired of pregnancy already!

I can't believe we're getting so close to Christmas already. Time is flying in some ways.
It's my due date today!! No signs of her yet. I've been stupidly emotional the last couple of days though and sleeping worse than ever so maybe that's the hormones ramping up ready to get things going.

We are going to a Christmas party at DH's older brothers this evening and then lunch with some friends tomorrow. Those are my last plans!!

I feel really unconnected with DH at the moment. He never wants to cuddle and the only kiss I get is when he leaves for work in the morning. I think it's because he doesn't like the feeling of being squashed by my big bump. He was driving me mad last night but I think it's because I'm overly emotional. I cried because he made a jokey comment about me only putting one piece of cauliflower on his plate :haha: he must think I've gone insane. Everything feels like an attack and I am struggling to keep things in perspective!! I hope that once she's here, he will want to be more cuddly again as I do miss cuddling up at night. To be honest I wouldn't even be able to sleep near him at the moment, I like to lie on my side and I get too hot if i try to cuddle up, but I do miss it.

How are you all?
happy due date rose! sorry baby girl doesn't seem to agree...hope she realizes it soon for you though! Sorry dh is seeming disconnected...i know how that feels. I've been witnessing a little of it with my own dh too. I too only get a kiss goodbye when he goes to work. and i mention this to him and he gets all defensive or crap like I'm tired and just want to relax. well sorrrrrryyyy, its not like I'm carrying a watermelon constantly im not tired either nope. the other day he remembered though but i also have been so emotional i just started wtf. he's doing what i wanted so i cry? reading your post was like reading my own past few days rose. so i think this is all normal stuff. sleeping has been so awful...i just toss and turn. get up to pee. toss and turn some more. repeat. i hope you start to feel better! I'm afraid this will last for me until baby arrives but i hope not. have a great time at your christmas party! my in laws are having one today but im just not in the mood to party...they understand.

slammerkin sorry to hear dd is sick. i agree with you not wanting to contract anything. being pregnant and sick is the worst combo. i hope she is feeling better by now. and i hope you were able to avoid it!

so as far as packing i haven't done any of that yet lol. i have made a list though! i'm planning on doing it later today when dd goes down for a nap. i should have gotten to it sooner but blah. i have so much to pack too! since dd will be staying with my parents while dh and i are at hospital for a few days i have to pack her a bag plus me and some clothes for new baby. hoping dh packs his own bag. i also plan on doing laundry today so dh doesn't have to worry about that right away.

d day is fast approaching i can't believe it. i had my last doc app this past thursday and baby FINALLY has engaged and I've started dilating. not that that matters at all whatsoever in my case but it was still really cool to hear. I guess that's why i've been feeling like such crap lately. all hormonal and junk. it's the worst.

we just had our first "snow storm" last night into today. just a few inches but now it's turned to freezing rain and everything outside is slushy mess. hoping it doesn't turn to ice overnight. another reason i dont' want to go traveling anywhere today. anyway hope everyone else is doing good!
Sorry baby girl is reluctant to make her appearance rose! Hopefully any day now.

Shaele when is your section? This week, right?

I'm hit or miss with DH. We actually had sex the other day for the first time in months. He was shocked when I suggested it. He found it a bit weird. I figured I should get a shag or two in before birth in case it's many months again before I'm able to do it afterward. But then he annoys the crap out of me other times and I can't stand him.

DD still has a runny nose but is fine otherwise. Back to sleeping like normal. I'm not sick yet, so fingers crossed.

I had a scan the other day to check my placenta to see if there was any sign of it being too deeply embedded like with DD. It seemed to be fine. It was cool to see baby boy (and confirm again he's a boy lol). I never had a late scan with DD.
yup slammerkin! wednesday! AHHHHHH! nervous and excited. glad to hear everything went well with your scan!
I can't believe how close we all are to having our babies!

rose - happy due date!! I am SO with you on the hormones! I've been an emotional wreck throughout the whole pregnancy, but even more so lately. I cry at least once a day and was sobbing at my last day at work on Thursday :dohh: Sorry you feel so disconnected from your husband. I am sure things will slot back into place soon. My husband annoys the hell out of me when he says how tired he is and how his back aches..... he sat on his bum on the sofa yesterday watching me sit on the floor wrapping Christmas presents for over an hour and didnt offer to help. My back and tummy were killing after :growlmad:

shaele - I cant believe how close you are!! Wow! How are you feeling about it all? Make sure you come back on and update us with everything, including pics.

slammer - go you and your husband getting it on!! My husband tried so hard the other night and I literally couldn't stand the thought of it. I am glad your daughter is getting better.

AFM - I have finished work now, yay!! I also had a midwife appt yesterday. Everything is fine. Baby is head down but not engaged at all which is why I can still feel him SO high up. I have a scan on Wednesday which will be the last one where I will find out the plan of action. I've decided to go for an elective section as opposed an induction at 40 weeks if his growth is still as big as they are predicting. I am hoping his growth has slowed down so I can go natural, but I bet that won't be the case.
Aw Shaele I'm sorry you're feeling crappy about everything too. It sounds like these are normal things this late in pregnancy. :hugs: wont be long and we can both try to get back to normal a bit!! (As normal as you can with a newborn anyway). I'm so excited that Wednesday is fast approaching for you. I think your baby might be born before mine!

Slammerkin glad the scan was good. I've never had a late scan either it must have been cool to see everything so detailed. I really want to try and have sex tomorrow to try and get things going but I don't know if I will be in the mood :haha: I expect DH will though as he often is at the weekend if he's not working, and we haven't done it for a good few weeks. It would be nice to feel close to him even though I'd much rather just have a good cuddle :haha:

Pompey glad you've finished work. It's such a relief isn't it! Hope the scan goes well and helps your plan of action.
Definitely let us know how you are all doing as soon as you can shaele - so excited for you!

Pompey that's great you've finished work. It will be awesome to relax until baby comes. I'm going to telework the rest of the time, except maybe go in one or two days to prep my backups for while I'm out. Let us know how the scan goes. At mine they estimated his weight as 6 lbs 2 oz, but his head was measuring two weeks ahead! Not too hung up on their estimates though.

Good luck with potentially DTD rose, lol. I dunno if I'll be up for it again before baby comes, by we'll see.
Oh Rose!! Happy due date! She will be here soon!

And Shaele! Wednesday is coming so quickly!! So excited for you both!

Pompey! So glad youve made it to the point where you are off work! Onto the home stretch now!

As for me, I have started to ask my aunts for help with my other children when I head to the hospital in labor. I hadn't even thought about it until we took our labor and delivery tour!! So I'm having the older girls pack an overnight bag just in case I need someone to take them to and from school and I'm having a diaper bag and toy bag packed for my 2 year old.

I'm so happy to hit 33 weeks in a couple days and my next goal for myself will be to hit 35 weeks :)

Pompey- how big did th estimate your son in order to suggest a c section? My son is measuring big as well but I want to try natural first just in case they're wrong!
OH and here is my 32 week bump!


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Cute bump BSelck :) sounds like baby is very happy in there! I'm sure you will get to 35 weeks.

I'm off to have a sweep this morning. I am quite nervous as I have not had one before, and poor DS has to come as I have nobody about to look after him. I hope it won't take too long. Will be interesting to see if I'm at all dilated etc, even if the sweep itself doesn't work! Last night I had a weird spurt of energy and tidied up loads, washed pillows etc. I wondered if baby might come in the night but she didn't.
Yes, BSelck, sounds like this baby is much happier to stay cooking than your first! I bet you will make it full-term!

Good luck with the sweep Rose. I've never had that done either. That sucks that you have to take DS to an appointment like that. I hope it goes OK.

I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow. Feeling occasional pelvic pressure I guess and stabby cervix pains. I am tempted to check my cervix myself (not that I know what a dilated or effaced cervix feels like!) and even had a dream last night that I checked. But I'm too scared to do it, lol. I remember feeling the same with DD. I might still muster up the courage just out of curiosity.

DH's work (he's a bartender) had a customer appreciation day yesterday with Santa and free food. It's the kind of thing I feel obligated to go to, and DD loved seeing Santa last year. I brought my parents this time because it gets very crowded and I didn't think I could handle it alone (it was too much for me even last year when I wasn't pregnant!) DD had a great time and we got some pics of her pouring a pint behind the bar with DH, so it was worth it.

Now I think hibernation mode until this baby comes. I wasn't sure what we were going to do for Christmas, but my parents were asking last night, saying one of my sisters invited them up for Christmas if I was going to be staying home (we usually gather at my parents' house). I said to go ahead and take their offer and DH, DD, and I will just have our own little Christmas at home. Hopefully my sisters will make it down to see me the following weekend.

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