Ttc #2

Hey ladies how is everyone? I am coming up to ovulation again. ^^ had a hectic week. Been looking at houses because we want to move. Our house is too small and our landlord refuses to fix things that need to be fixed so we are moving. Had a pretty heated argument with the landlord. And also had my sons birthday party on saturday. That was so much fun and it was great to see him so happy. :)

Hunni- how is your daughter feeling? Hope everything is alright. Thinking of you. :hugs:
Velathria I'll be thinking of you this week!!

As for me, I hit a HUGE milestone... I made it to third tri!! First time ever!! Had a growth scan yesterday and baby was measuring 30 weeks 1 day (so 2 weeks and 2 days ahead)!! My belly was measuring normal at 28 weeks so she said it is just going to be a big baby! He is weighing in at the 91st percentile at 3lbs :happydance: Literally double what my son weighed when he was born! It was an amazing day yesterday and I'm getting so excited!

Thinking of everyone!!
Good luck with this cycle velathria! I hope you find a nice new place to live. A bad landlord is a real pain in the butt.

Bselck, awesome! What a great milestone! I feel like this baby might be massive, but who knows. I won't be getting any scans as far as I know.

I feel pretty sure this baby won't make it to 40 weeks. DD came at 38+6. I'd be happy with another 38-39 week delivery. I'm so small I don't want to have a huge baby. DD's 7.5 lbs was hard enough!

Squatted down last night a d did something to throw off my pelvis. Was in serious pain for the rest of the evening. It's better this morning but still not great. I hate feeling so fragile.
Hi everyone!

Wow congrats BSelck on reaching third trimester! You must be so over the moon. It's crazy that your unborn baby's estimated weight is double that of your firsts when he was born!

slammer - sorry you're feeling so fragile :( I don't think this pregnancy has been too easy on you has it! I hope your boy arrives early for you.

Vel - I hope this is your month :hugs: And sorry you're having troubles with your landlord. I hope you find somewhere suitable soon.

hunni - I hope little A'mouri is doing OK. Please update us.

As for me.... tiredness is starting to kick in more and it's not being helped by working and travelling 4 HOURS per day to work and back :( I finish work 4 weeks tomorrow and seriously cannot wait! I feel fine in myself though , although I am definitely bigger this time round. This baby moves a lot more than my daughter did, so I wonder if that's a sign of things to come? My daughter is still very chilled and low maintenance! I have another growth scan next Wednesday. Last time he was on the bigger side, so I hope he doesnt go off the charts!
It's just harder second time around balancing it all. Before DD I used to think I'd be all "pregnant goddess" really into the miracle of life happening inside me. But I'm totally not like that, lol. I just want to fast forward and be done. And I'm not built for childbearing! I swear if I lived in a time when women had no birth control and just had baby after baby I wouldn't make it.

Oh man, that commute sounds brutal! Mine is about 55 mins each way and that's plenty. I hope the weeks fly until you're finished working. I'll be working until the bitter end, but will probably go full time remote in the last couple weeks. I'm thankful I even have the opportunity to do that.
good luck velathria! ill be thinking of you and sending good vibes! try not to let the house hunt stress you out.

congratulations bselck! im so glad this pregnancy is going better for you. hope it continues!

slammerkin i hope baby boy wont be too big for you but i understand how you keep telling me mine will probably be around dd's birth weight or more. dd was 8lbs 5oz. im having a c section so it isnt that big of a worry but still. heres hoping he will come early for you and time flies until then! and yes i IS harder second time around. i feel more tired and kinda "pathetic" lol. cant do things i normally can without getting winded or sore. im totally ready to have him.

pompey so sorry your commute is so long! thats harsh by itself let alone when pregnant. i understand how you feel about worrying if this baby will be "massive" lol. i have a growth scan next tuesday because docs think mine will be big too. i sure hope not!

hunni how is your daughter doing?

as for me i had a bit of a scare the past couple days. had blood or what i think to be blood in my urine but no pain like a uti. then the next morning i had some spotting. so i called doc and went in for an examination. fortunately baby and i are both fine. doc said my cervix is completely closed and hard so its not coming from there but he didnt see where it would be. so sent urine for analysis and im waiting for results. blood has ceased in urine so who knows. maybe i drank food dye or something lmao. man id feel like an idiot if it actually isnt blood. we shall see! hope everyone is doing awesomely!
Slammer- I'm not the smallest girl so I feel like I can handle a bigger baby BUT in saying that, I have no practice as I pushed my son out at 1lb 8oz! (I still had to push but he came right out after a few!). So I don't want any humongous baby, but my doctor laughs at me because she said I'm one of her only patients who is excited for baby to be big lol

Pompey- I am with you on the tiredness! And slammer I don't know if I feel fragile or rather weak, but I get exhausted so quickly and get a backache (randomly only on my left side) anytime I over exert myself.

My belly is definitely getting big already and this baby moves ALL the time!! Like there is no rest period!! lol my next growth scan will be at 32 weeks so we'll see if he evens out a bit more in weight then.

Shaele- how scary with the the blood! But glad u got checked out right away and everything was fine so far!

My cousin just had her baby yesterday and 35 weeks 3 days! Early but not too surprising because she went into early labor at 26 weeks and has been on meds to calm her uterus and stop contractions since then. So with all considering, she made it pretty far! The baby was breech so she had a c section (but was prepared for it) and the baby has to stay in the NICU for 1-3 weeks so hopefully she gets to come home soon! Her name is Saylor Marie and she weighed 5lbs 13oz :happydance:
My third tri belly bump!


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Lovely bump BSelck :D congratulations on the birth of your cousins baby! Was that one of the ladies in the photo of 3 of you before?

Shaele hope the blood turns out either to be nothing or just one of those random pregnancy things, and it doesn't happen again!

Slammerkin I know exactly what you mean. I enjoyed DS' pregnancy a lot more than this one. I'm not sure if it's a combination of having worse hips, being more uncomfortable at night, dealing with a million things this time (extension, doing more admin for DH's work, having DS to look after and my own job too, DH not being thrilled at the idea of a second etc etc) or if the pregnancy is actually harder but I just feel so ready for this baby to come out. I am excited to meet her but mainly looking forward to the pregnancy being over so I can try to get myself back to normal!! Sometimes by the evening I can barely get up from the sofa without being stiff and in crippling pain like an old woman!! It's a nightmare. I am lucky that I can manage most of the day without as much pain - I still get achy etc but the stiffness mainly
Comes after doing too much during the day.

Pompey your commute sounds awful! I actually find my car seat really comfy so I don't mind mine, but it's nowhere near as long as yours. Do you have to do it every day? When do you finish work?

AFM, we are starting to dig this weekend for our foundations and the digger is coming today. It's going to be a very messy weekend I am dreading the mud already!! I have done most of my Xmas shopping and wrapping so I'm feeling a lot more ready for baby now. I have packed her hospital bag and some of my things. I just need to pack clothes and birth stuff.
Looking good BSelck!

Shaele, any update on the blood in your urine? I hope everything is just fine. I almost wish I was having a C-section. It would take some anxiety away about how this birth will go. But I don't really want to go for an elective one. I'll just keep hoping this birth goes better than DD's.

Rose you have a lot going on! Sounds exhausting to me too. I hope things settle down a bit before the birth.

I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. I'll worry about it after Thanksgiving.

We're getting the carpets cleaned on Weds (day before Thanksgiving - not the best timing, but whatever). I'm so excited to have them done. They are serious gross. Waiting on ordering DD's new bed until after that's done.
And now the boiler has broken down �� Luckily we have a log burner in the living room so we have some heat, but the rest of the house is freezing. Especially not what we need when the doors are going to be open and shut all weekend while the digging goes on. Why do these things always happen at the worst times?!

I'm a bit jealous of your carpets getting cleaned :haha: I've been meaning to get ours done for ages. The living room one especially gets so full of dog hair and I'm sure it's filthy, as the dog is always coming in when still damp after walks. It's brown so hides the dirt well but I bet if we had it cleaned it would look completely different!!
Oh no, that's terrible timing about the boiler! So sorry hon. I hope you can get it fixed quickly. We have all electric heat and no fireplace or stove, so we'd be screwed if the heat went out.

Don't go getting the impression I keep the carpets clean on a regular basis, cause I surely do NOT, lol. I have never kept up with vacuuming in this house and now the carpets are horrible. I got a quote for cleaning a year ago and never got it done! Finally following up about it now, lol. Maybe I'll try to keep up a bit more after they're properly cleaned. :p
so sorry to hear about your heat rose =( i hope it gets fixed soon! i dunno how weather is where you are but the past few days have been in the 60's which isnt too bad without heat but sunday its suppose to only be in 40's...that probably means nothing to you since we dont share the same unit of temperature measurement but that would be cold without heat!

slammerkin havent heard anything back from doc yet...and considering he said i would hear from them in 2 days im guessing no news is good news? dh wants me to call tomorrow and ask. good luck with getting carpets cleaned! we have mostly hardwood in this house but before we moved it was all carpet and i totally understand about wanting to get them professionally cleaned. was a major reason hardwood was a must when we moved lol. we do have a few squishy area rugs around though for that warm homey feel.

afm not a lot new. ordered just about everyones xmas gifts online and they are starting to trickle in....gonna try to do some wrapping tomorrow so as not to get overwhelmed when everything is all here taking room on my dining table. maybe ill put some xmas music on to get me in the mood too.
@Vel: Good luck this cycle. I am rooting for you! I never understood why become a landlord if you dont want to fix on your property!

@Bsleck: You look good!!! I be wanting to cry every time I see your milestones. I am so happy for you. Seems like those painful ass shots are working haha.

@Pompey: that tiredness was kicking my ass, but I couldnt sleep really because of I was up peeing a million times at night.

@Shaele: Sorry to hear about the scare but glad to know you and baby are fine.

@Rose: sorry to hear about the boiler issue. It hasnt even gotten cold down here yet!

Just checking in...A'mouri is doing a bit better. She was switched over to Enfamil AR formula which is thicker to keep her from refluxing. Her umblical stump fell out at 2 weeks, but was infected so they had to put silver nitrate in it. I am having post partum after birth side effects...sweating more at night, switching in between constipated and having diarhhea, but my bleeding has slowed down ALOT. Rj is still going through jealously faze, and I be feeling so guilty.
Hunni sorry to hear you're having a tough time. You must be exhausted. Do you have family and friends to offer support and help with RJ? I am hoping DS won't be too jealous when baby arrives but no doubt he will be jealous at times.

the weather here isn't freezing but we have had a frost a couple of mornings. Luckily the log burner is keeping us warm enough, have had it on all day today. I am getting fed up of waiting for the boiler to be fixed though so I might just call out an engineer tomorrow if DH hasn't come up with any ideas!! If the weather suddenly gets colder or baby comes early we will be in trouble otherwise.
Velathria- what is your countdown to testing! I can't wait!

Rose- happy 36 weeks!! So close!!

Shaele- any updates on the blood? How are u feeling?

Pompey- that is a crazy commute!! How much longer do you have to do it?

Hunni- thank you so much for caring about the small milestones that I celebrate everyday!! Sorry you've been having such a hard few weeks with Amouri, but I'm glad she's on the right track! I'm so interested to see if my son gets jealous like RJ- I know I will be feeling guilty too :( hoping your side effects start to die down soon!!
Thank you :) it totally hasn't sunk in yet that I'm due to give birth in less than a month!!!

since yesterday I've been having lightning crotch a lot - I can feel baby pressing her head down very low, it's so uncomfortable when it happens. Hopefully she's getting in position for a speedy escape (although not too speedy - I don't finish work until 7th!!!)
Hunni - I'm glad A'mouri is doing better on a new formula. I can imagine it's very hard right now with her having problems, you being postpartum, and RJ having jealousy. Take care of yourself too.

Shaele - well at least hopefully it's nothing serious if they didn't get back to you!

Rose - we had a big weather shift here yesterday and it was COLD. Glad your log burner is keeping you warm at least. Can't believe you're so close to baby being here!

Just struggling along over here. Crappy night's sleep last night. I was having pain in my rib cage that kept me from falling asleep until nearly midnight, then pain my hip while sleeping. Up at 5:00 for work. :'( Taking DD for another trip to the dermatologist tomorrow for this diaper rash from hell that refuses to die. My 32-week appt is later in the day too.

Ordered a new bed for DD but it won't come until next week. Need to order linens and such. We're getting some Peppa Pig things, since that's her favorite show, to try and make the move to a new room and bed exciting for her.
hey everyone just a quick update....had a doc and my growth scan. first i asked about the blood in urine thing cause i never got a response and he said yeah they detected blood but no infection so no need to worry. i was like know better than me but still isnt normal for that to happen. i dunno. had my strep test today. baby is measuring at 6lbs 5oz right now. doc said thats a bit big. otherwise everything else is measuring perfectly! cept he has a large head hahaha. i blame that on dh! according to the percentiles dd also has a larger than average head. i tease dh about it. hes very sensitive about his huge noggin but i tell him its just cause you are very intelligent and have a big brain!

happy thanksgiving to all those celebrating it tomorrow!
I am glad the growth scan and urine test came back fine Shaele. 6lb 5oz does seem big based on your gestation, but as long as he is healthy that 's the main thing :)

I hope the bed and room transition goes well for your daughter slammer. I've decided to co sleep with both of them when he arrives, but no idea if it'll work or not! Sorry you're still struggling :hugs:

rose - I finish a week after you! Ouch for lightening crouch, I've never had that thankfully!

BSelck - I am working until 15th Dec, so 3 weeks tomorrow. Work have allowed me to base myself 1 day a week closer to home (I only work 3 days a week) from this week, so that is a massive help!

I am glad A'mouri is doing a bit better hunni :hugs:

I had a growth scan today... baby is measuring big!! His tummy is off the charts and he femur length and head circumference is large. Estimated weight at this stage is 5lb 1oz. Consultant talked to me today about being induced or having an elective section between 39-40 weeks due to his size as they are worried he will be too big for a vaginal birth if I go over due date. I have another scan at 36 weeks and we will make a final decision then. I am unsure what to think really... my daughter was estimated big (not this big mind!) and she was born at 42 weeks weighing just 7lb 9oz, which was small really given she was two weeks late. I am really against an induction, they scare the living daylights out of me. I so wish I could just let him come naturally when he is ready as I don't like the thought of forced labour. At the same time, I want to do what is least risky for both him and me. Given a choice between induction or elective section, I will chose elective section. Fingers crossed his growth slows down by my next scan!

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