Ttc #2

It went fine thanks - wasn't too painful, just uncomfortable for about a minute while it was being done. DS took a bag of pens, paper and stickers and the midwife pulled a curtain across and he was just fine sitting on the chair doing his colouring. I am so proud of him for being so grown up and he didn't moan once :) when we got back he helped me put the baby's glider chair together and now we're watching the secret life of pets, which he chose from the sky box for being so good! I've had a bit of spotting since and a few little niggle pains but nothing to get excited about. Time will tell if it works!

DH is coming home early today so that will be nice.

A relaxed Christmas sounds nice Shaele. Glad you enjoyed the Christmas do! It sounds like fun :) I wanted to check my own cervix too but couldn't reach it yesterday and then chickened out. I used to check it all the time when TTC but there's something about the thought there's a baby's head up there that I find a bit weird :haha:
rose oh ive had sweeps done when i was pregnant with dd. my doctor just decided one day during my regular check up to do it and i wasn't prepared or anything. i was like omg what are you doing! and kept squirming on the table. she did that the next 3 visits too. was pretty uncomfy for me. hope it stirs up some activity for you!

bselck you are just the cutest! loving the bump pic. so glad baby boy is staying in there for you!

slammerkin awww sounds like you had a great little bar christmas event. i bet dd was adorable with santa and taking pics....definitely makes everything worth it i agree. hope you get to see your family after christmas too. thats our plan as well. we've already warned everyone that we won't be able to make it to anyones house on the actual day due to me probably being well...not very comfortable for a while. they definitely understood.

afm i think i lost my plug today....sorry if tmi. its interesting because i seem to be progressing a lot better than i did with dd and it almost kind of sucks i am going to have a c section. almost...cause im absolutely ready for him to come out. i went to the hospital today to get my pre surgery blood work done and registered for wednesday. everything is a go! just have to finish up packing the last minute stuff. on way home we stopped for lunch and i got really really spicy boneless wings....dh is like uh...they aren't going to induce you are they? im like i hope not! lol. i couldn't even finish them because my face was melting. I usually love spicy food and can tolerate it well but guess not this time. anywhos...i dunno if i will get the chance to post again before i go wednesday but i will try to get pics posted as soon as i can! surgery is at 2pm EST so it will be after then at some point...i am expected lots of family visits too so dunno if i will get the chance immediately. might be in the middle of the night because i doubt i'll be able to sleep lol....beds in hospitals so uncomfy. that's about it for now! really getting psyched! talk to yall soon!
Phew - glad the appointment went well rose. I don't think DD would have been that good for me! She's scared of people, so she'd want to be attached to me.

Shaele - I just can't believe some doctors do sweeps without discussing it with women beforehand. It's like the height of unprofessionalism in my opinion. What ever happened to informed consent? Gah! Anyway, that's funny that your body is gearing up for labor despite your plans! I hope everything goes perfectly with your section and you and baby are united happy and healthy right away! I'll be thinking of you.
Rose- good luck on your sweep!! You might have already said, but will they induce you at a certain point if you don't go into labor on your own?

Shaele- yay for losing your plug! (Glad you even knew what that would be like!) bummer it's all happening just before your c section but good to know your body is on the right path! Merry Christmas early and good luck on Wednesday!! P.S what would they do if you went into labor before your schedule c section?

Slammer- so glad you got out for some Christmas celebration with DH but also glad you had help! At just 33 weeks I find my lifting my son and watching him exhausting! So I can only imagine for you! I have no clue how to tell if my cervix is ready so I will be flying on the doctors at that point!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!!
Well I don't think it's made much difference :( the dog was acting weird last night so I wondered if he could sense something was going to happen, but I had an uneventful night (except for DS waking up crying with ear ache - luckily he seems to be fine now) and actually I feel like I slept a bit better than usual!!

BSelck the midwife tried to call the hospital yesterday to schedule the induction but they were in the middle of an emergency so nobody was around to take the call. She said she's going to find out and get back to me, but it will probably be around 29th.
36 weeks today! GBS test at my appointment on thurs.

Yes, BSelck, picking up DD is hard. I can only hold her for a minute or two before it's too much. I've taken to showering with her instead of giving her a bath because sitting beside the tub and bending over it is just too hard for me. And she's got the worst habit of always asking me for something (food, water, whatever) right after I sit down and settle into a comfy position on the couch.

Rose - hopefully baby girl makes her appearance before an induction. Things can happen so suddenly so it could be any day!
Sooo...I did try to find my cervix after my shower today. Totally couldn't find it! Everything was just all soft - no firm tip like you're usually looking for. So I guess things are changing somehow, lol.
BSelck - he was estimated 5lb 1oz and on the 91st centile at my 32 week scan. I have my final scan tomorrow and I will know for sure the plan of action. I will come back and update!
I LOVE your bump pic, you look really good!

slammer - Anabella is the same and as soon as I am comfy and wedged on the sofa she'll start asking me for things :dohh: I have no idea what I'd be feeling for if checking my cervix either, but I guess if it feels soft , that's a good sign?

rose - shame the sweep didn't do anything, it didnt for me either when I had Anabella 4 years ago. Hopefully she'll come naturally and you won't need to be induced.

Shaele - I know you've probably posted this already, but what is the reason for going straight to c section this time? It's goodyour bosy is gearing up for labour though as it least it'll mean you and your boy are ready :) Good luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you!

I've got my final scan tomorrow. I am really hoping his growth has slowed down and I won't be pressured to have an induction or csection. I will update tomorrow evening.
Good luck for tomorrow Shaele :D can't wait to hear all about your new arrival!

Thanks ladies. My son likes to ask for things just when I've sat down too. Our sofa isn't the best, it's a bit old and squashed and quite low down so it's difficult to get up/down from at the moment! He also has a habit of saying 'can't do my shoes mummy help!' At the moment which means I keep having to get down on the floor and getting up again is a challenge. I'm sure they know how to make things harder for us!

Baby girl has been a bit of a monkey today with providing pressure on my cervix! I managed to take DS and the dog for a nice walk around the woods earlier, which I really enjoyed actually, and then we went to ikea to order some wardrobes. As we were walking around she wouldn't stop head butting and I felt my waters were going to go at any minute!! I also had quite a few tightenings. Since we got home and sat down its all calmed down, but maybe I'll try and get active again tomorrow and see if it helps. I hope my hips don't suffer for it tonight but I had a bit more energy than usual today, so I wanted to make the most of it.
Pompey- yes please let me know how your final scan goes and what they say about his weight! My little man may be big as well and I don't want to be pressured towards a c section either!!

I have read so much about how off the growth scans can be and I don't want to have a c section and then my baby actually comes out small!

Rose- good job getting out for the walk! Baby will be here soon!

As for me, I'm literally not able to sleep much or get comfortable over night not just from the hip pain of laying on my sides, but baby Brody will NOT stop moving... Like ever. I never thought I would be complaining of too much movement but it is unreal! AND he is consistently getting hiccups each night now!


One of my girlfriends had her baby girl today- Lillianne Blake weighing in at 7lbs 2oz and a couple of days overdue! So now I am so in baby mode and ready for Brody's arrival!
Congratulations to your friend BSelck :) it won't be long before its your turn!!
Baby seems to be most active around 8-9 PM for me. Sometimes he's still going when I get into bed, but he usually chills out. I want to have my little squish so bad at this point.

It's the big day for Shaele today!! Eeeek!
Thinking of you today Shaele!

Rose- any labor updates!?
hey everyone! here's the newest addition to our family! his name is zachary and we are all in love. he is a big boy weighing in at 9lbs 8oz! glad to have had the section lol. will give more details later....everything went well tho and I'm so excited!! hope everyone else is doing great!


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Adorable!! Welcome little guy! Thrilled to hear everything went well.
Omg what an adorable little chunk!! 9lbs 8oz wow! How was your c section experience? Are you super sore? So happy for you!
Congratulations Shaele he's gorgeous, and what a lovely name!!

My contractions have started this morning, at the moment they're short and a bit random but painful, so just waiting to see what happens. Mum is on her way and DH should be back from work in a couple of hours unless I need him sooner. At the moment I'm just trying to relax and conserve energy, have had breakfast and had a shower so I feel ready :)

Will keep you updated!! Hoping it doesn't all tail off like it did with DS.
Oh my goodness, it's all going on!!

Congratulations on your beautiful bundle, Shaele! I hope you are recovering well and little zachery is ok!

rose - how exciting! I am hoping this is it for you and you're well into established labour by now. Keep us all posted!

AFM - LONG POST SORRY - Scan went well yesterday, baby STILL measuring big but following along the curve so no particular concerns about his well being, it seems he is just a big baby. Had consultant appointment afterwards and we discussed induction/c section. I've been thinking and thinking about it and my first choice is to give birth naturally when he is ready to come, second is an elective c section and third is induction. She listened to what I had to say and supported my decision to have a c section over an induction. She wanted this to be booked on at 40 weeks and I said I would prefer 41 weeks to give him a good chance to come by himself, especially as Anabella was 2 weeks late and going by my dates, I am actually due 6 days later than the scan days. We ended up compromising and she booked my section in on Monday 23rd Jan (40 + 5 days) if he hasn't arrived before! OMG this shit just got real!!! I really hope he comes before then, but in my heart of hearts I just feel it is unlikely. I am pleased she listened though and supported my choices and I am feeling happy and calm with everything. It also gives me 2 weeks to get Anabella settled into her new preschool before I have him, which was also quite important to me as I just hate the thought of her starting a new pre school one day and her brother arriving a day or two later. My blood pressure is fine, urine fine and I've been signed back to Midwife care. So yeah, overall very happy

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