Ttc #2

I've never had a growth scan. I don't really trust them. I've heard so many stories of their estimates being totally wrong. It doesn't seem to be routine with my practice. I'm there with you on being scared of an induction pompey. It scares the crap out of me. But so does a c-section. I don't know what choice I would make. You can always just choose the "do nothing" approach and see what happens. :-/
I agree slammer...I've heard many stories that the weight guesses are way off. in fact my friend who had gestational diabetes had doctors say her baby will be 10-11lbs. he was 7lbs when he was born. I was like omg how can they be THAT far off? she said because as the baby gets bigger the amniotic fluid gets less and makes it harder to see baby in a scan. we will just have to see how big they are when they come out for sure. and just take solace knowing they can't get too big...our bodies prevent that.

Pompey I understand how you and slammer are feeling. I've been through an induction and c section and both were scary. I went in thinking ok my body will know what to do and just work. not so in my case. the c section was even scarier at the time because I wasn't expecting to have one. I had like an hour to mentally prepare for major surgery. my best advice is to mentally prepare now for either so you know what to expect. I'm having a c section for this one so I know in advance and also know what to expect having gone through one already. it's not that bad. less exhausting and no cone head babies (hehe). whatever happens will happen though and soon you'll forget all the scary parts because you'll have your beautiful baby in your arms taking away all fear. that being said however I hope you both have your ideal births!
I think my worst nightmare is an induction that ends in c-section. It's like double the trauma. And it happens SO OFTEN in first-timers. I was really worried about induction with DD, but thank goodness she came on her own at 38+6. Her birth was still traumatic because of a very long pushing stage followed by a hospital transfer for blood loss. I really hope this one comes a little early like she did. And without all the other drama.

Shaele it's nice that you have a plan and can make peace with it. I kind of envy that. I have seriously considered an elective c-section this time after everything that happened with DD, but like I said, that scares me too, so it's hard.
I ended up being induced with DS after my waters broke and then my contractions dwindled off. It wasn't too bad. I have nothing to compare it to, but I survived - I did have an epidural as I wasn't coping with the pain by about 5cm but to be honest the epidural was fantastic and I'd have one again if I felt I needed it! I'm hoping for a more natural birth in the birth centre this time but it's right next to the labour ward so if I do struggle and need more pain relief or help they can transfer me over. I am just going to go with the flow and do whatever is safest for baby at the time.
I had an emergency section with my daughter.... I went into labour naturally at 42 weeks but I stalled at 6cms. They tried to get me going again but nothing worked, so ended up with a section as she was getting distressed (I was in active labour for 15 hours). The procedure was fine and I recovered quickly and easily. I really wanted to go for a VBAC this time round but I really don't want an induction, so it may a planned section.

I know growth scans can be way off, I've heard sooooo many stories about that, including my daughter who wasn't big whatsoever, However, I worry if I chose to do nothing and wait until he arrives by himself IF he is big & that causes complications and risks then I wouldn't forgive myself.

I'll see at 36 weeks and go from there...
Just doing a quick pop in,

Things are still getting slightly better. Hard to believe baby girl is already 4 weeks old. I just wish I had a remote and could stop time! Rj is still going through the jealousy phase, but it is getting a tad bit better.

Here is a video of baby girl rolling over at 3 weeks old! :

Omg you guys are getting towards the end!!! So ready to see these bundles.
Hunni! I couldn't get the video to open! But omg what a strong girl at 3 weeks old!!

Had a belly check and heartbeat check today and all is well! Measuring 30 weeks bang on and little boy even has the hiccups lol BP was 106/68 which is normal for me so overall good appt and just have to wait until 32 weeks for my next ultrasound to see baby boy!

I cannot contain my excitement to be in the "30's" for this pregnancy! I was stoked to hit the third trimester but now to be 30 weeks blows my mind!! I'm feeling soooooo much movement this pregnancy that I never got to with my first son! It's crazy! And for the first time I have been able to see my whole stomach move from the outside!

Hope everyone is doing well!! Please keep me updated on your stories when you start going into labor! I am so curious!! :hugs:
Oh and here is my 30 week pic!!


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Hunni - glad to see she's getting so strong despite the feeding difficulties!

BSelck - it's wonderful this pregnancy is progressing so much more normally than with your first. Hoping you have a totally normal full-term delivery!

33 weeks here and feeling so weak and lazy. I'm thinking of asking work if I can go to full time telework after 36 weeks. Sitting in my desk chair is doing my back no favors. I already telework two days a week.

We got the spare room all set up with a new bed and Peppa Pig decorations for DD and moved her in on Monday! She loves it. That was the biggest thing I wanted to get done before baby comes. Now I can organize baby clothes in her old room/dresser.
Glad your daughter likes her new room Slammerkin :) DS loves Peppa too. His other favourite is Paw Patrol. He has a space room at the moment but we might decorate his room with Paw Patrol for his birthday, he really won't need any more toys!!

Lovely xmassy pic BSelck and congrats on getting to 30 weeks. :)

Hunni that's lovely! Glad things are starting to improve.

AFM, one week left at work :) yippee! We also have some builders in to sort out some issues we've had with the extension foundations so I feel as though we are making progress (fingers crossed we have no more issues!!). It's exciting seeing the outline of the new room we are having as our study. Makes me so excited about being able to move everything out of baby girls room, even if it won't be for a while. I've washed the bedding now and put the cot next to my bed, so I'm all ready with the exception of a few Xmas presents, and my hospital bag which I still need to pack.
What a cute and lovely bump BSelck!! You are looking great :) I am so pleased you are finally in the 30's, what a milestone for you!

I am pleased the transition went well for your daughter slammer, that must be a big relief! We are still bed sharing and planning to continue when baby boy arrives, eek!

Oh wow rose, I can't believe you are term now! Sounds like the extension is coming along nicely and you are well prepared for little girls arrival.

AFM - no change really. 2 more weeks until I finish work - yay! Baby is moving lots and movements are strong. Need to wash and sort his clothes, put carpet down in his room, put up shelves and picture, build cot and put it next to my bed. But we're both off over Christmas, so I am sure most if not all of that will be done then.
So I think I got my first pp AF. I stopped bleeding work 3 and then today week 4 I started bleeding red with stomach cramps. Kinda happy it has returned already.
Hey everyone :) so another cycle was a bust.. tried not concentrating on it too much and had loads of hope at the beginning but then my temps went crazy and I was so annoyed that I gave up this month and had been waiting for AF to arrive for another go. Although I know now that I did ovulate because I still had the typical pms symptoms... so must've O'd late or something. So going into it all new again this montj. Think my thermometer was out of battery so got new one and ready to try again. ^^ also got lots of OPK''s again so ready to test. Can't wait for ovulation again. :)
Sorry it wasn't your month Vel. Hopefully with a new thermometer and a good stock of opks you'll be in with an excellent chance this month!! What a lovely Christmas present a bfp would be :)
Thanks guys!

I feel like I've pulled some kind of pelvic muscle or something- super sore and it's making me limp or waddle!

Hunni- glad your cycle is back so quickly!

Velathria- sorry it wasn't your month love! Glad you are ahead of it and ready to try again!
Hope you're muscle is feeling better now BSelck?

I have finally finished work :) finding it hard to relax though as the builders are being a bit of a pain with the extension and not turning up as often as they said etc so now I am worried that it's going to rain and the foundations will get damaged etc. I'm sure they know what they're doing but they originally said it would take about 2 weeks and they'd have the foundations filled, they've left the back bit which is all muddy and just done the front which I think they should have left until last because we hadn't started digging out there before they came :( I hope they are going to come back and finish it as they were supposed to have another job start next week which was why they were going to try and get it all done in 2 weeks to fit us in. I have a feeling they're going to leave it and go to the other job and then we will have months of open trenches in the back garden. Arghhhh!

I'm also having trouble sleeping which isn't helping. I wake up so many times and never feel rested in the morning, every time I move my hips click and hurt. Pregnancy is so not glamorous. I wanted to make the most of this pregnancy as it will probably be my last, and enjoy every minute but instead I've found myself wishing it away.

Sorry for the rant - feeling a bit grumpy and fed up this morning :(
Omg, you're almost 39 weeks Rose!! Almost done girl, you can make it. I completely understand on just wishing this pregnancy to be over. I'm sure this is our last and I still just want to be done and never be pregnant again. I hate the massive belly. I want a normal person's body back.

I really hope the builders don't leave the work unfinished! That would be unacceptable.

I hate going to my appointments. I haven't been pleased with most of the midwives and doctors. I feel like they're mostly useless and cold and I can't make any sort of connection with them. I had some questions at my appointment yesterday and the midwife was young and pretty much no help. I pretty much always hate going to the doctor for anything, so having to go so much for pregnancy is just annoying and I usually feel like crying during or afterward. I don't want to chit-chat about whether I'm having a boy or a girl, and what my first child is - I want you to answer my questions and not be weird and useless. UGH. :(
good evening ladies! sorry ive been away a while again. man i tell typing on my lap and my belly is getting in the way it's not comfy to stretch my arms out so far lol! anyway....

bselck im really glad you reached such a great milestone! it must be very relieving! very exciting time im very happy for you =)

velathria im sorry this month didn't work but don't give up. did you get to see a specialist yet or are you still going to? hoping for a christmas bfp for you!

rose oh im so sorry about the construction issues you are having. trust me i've been there. it seems no matter what workers say how long it will take it never is that long. they always run into unforeseen problems or they are coming from other jobs and are late getting to you or can't do it in certain weather. it's just ALWAYS SOMETHING. i know how stressful it is esp when we have the added uncomfiness of being pregnant to add to our current dispositions. i also understand how you are feeling about not getting comfortable for sleep. im right there with you...and i bet the other ladies are too. i get to lay next to dh listening to him snore away while i get kicked lol. so much pressure too omg. i feel so heavy it's hard to move and turn over. it takes way too much effort! i get out of breath im like what the heck is going on here?!?! this is pathetic! it will all be over soon though! you are sooooo close!

slammerkin im so sorry you are having a tough time with your doctors and midwives. since i had to find a new doctor in the middle of this pregnancy i was really nervous about not finding one who cared about me the way i wanted. fortunately i found the best office...i think i like them better than even my previous doctor! but i can imagine what it is like if they were bad. it's really important to have trust and be comfortable with them. i guess it's probably too late for you to try to find new people to see =( i hope they prove themselves to be worthy of you when d day comes!

afm i am scratch that...i AM uncomfortable just about all the time. I'm so glad im evicting baby a week before my actual due date. I'm just so done. i have back pain, pelvic pain, so much pressure...walking is annoying...dh puts my socks and shoes on and then ties them because i can't bend over. i feel utterly pathetic. i know i'm blessed to be able to carry a baby but still enough is enough lol. nothing really new with me. just counting down the days. 21st can't come soon enough. I'm just glad i have everything done for christmas. i have enough on my mind thinking about the surgery. hope everyone is doing as well as they can be....
Omg you're a week and a half from having your baby shaele! So amazing. I hope the time flies so you can stop being so uncomfortable. I'm jealous that you are able to know when you'll have him. A scheduled c-section sure has it's perks.
I am also jealous that you know exactly when baby will come. Obviously a C section is major surgery so there are positives and negatives but I agree that being able to get everything sorted pre-birth is a definite bonus.

I am constantly being kicked in the ribs and head butted in the cervix and it's getting so painful. Sometimes I'm sure that if she carries on like that she's going to make my waters go pop but it never happens. I want to wash the bedding but I feel like if I do, my waters will probably break the next day and ruin them!! Lol. Tomorrow I'm going to try to get everything tidy ready for the cleaners coming on Monday, then I'm hoping that I can keep it more or less tidy until baby comes. Probably DS will run around and mess everything up again though.

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