wow ladies! you all sound like you are getting along very well! I'm so glad to hear some of you have been going out and enjoying last days newborn free and dtd! I didn't want anything to do with that my last few weeks and now that baby is here I want to but because I had a section I have to wait a month....ugh. anyways thanks for all your support during my breastfeeding boys levels are down so I got the ok to start nursing again but still have to give a bottle afterwards. it's a start at least. I think he's getting better...this morning he latched on once without pain and I was so excited I wish I knew what I did. other times the latch I feel like my nipple is being chopped off. it's funny...I feel like I'm willingly torturing myself yet I still want to do it lol. just gotta keep trying and I'm sure I'll get it right eventually.
sorry to hear rose your ds is jealous at times =( I'm sure he will come around soon. like slammer's a huge adjustment....he's been the center for a long time and has to get used to sharing that literally overnight. but he sounds like a great kid. i know he will be a great big brother. I always wanted to have the "protective big brother". dd gets a little jealous at times too but mostly like...if she sees me feeding baby she will want me to feed her too....or she will want to get in my lap and snuggle. really wants the attention on her again. I'm happy to hear your dh has fallen in love with dd tho and has gone back to his normal affectionate self. my dh has too...keeps coming up with nicknames each time he picks zach up. my favorite so far is "duders" pronounced dooders. he says it's a combination of cause he's a dude and cause he doo doos a lot lmao.
Pompey congrats on full term! baby any day now! glad you were able to get spast treatment and see a movie. always great when pregnant and to get out of the house!
hunni you have a beautiful little girl! love seeing the pics...I miss the baby girl clothes!!! I've been looking at boy clothes and just get depressed at how stupid and boring they are compared lol. glad to hear you are doing really well...back to work and all! good for you!
bselck so sorry you are sore and having heartburn...I hear ice cream helps with that

soon you will having a bouncing baby boy! and probably miss being pregnant. I feel really weird now without feeling baby inside kicking. I keep expecting it. kind of miss it. but it is nice to have my clothes fit properly again.
slammerkin don't worry too much on the long as you have some stuff you can always throw in the last min stuff before heading to hospital when it's time. with me I did it all the day of...course I could plan but I imagine you have at least a bit of time once contractions start. I hope anyway =)
afm not a lot new....right now dd, dh, and ds are all taking naps so I'm free to type a post without being required by someone lol. I dunno if I mentioned by zach failed his red reflex eye test in his right eye. I have no idea what that means maybe one of you has heard of it? anyway our pediatrician said for us to go see an ophthalmologist so that's what we are doing tonight. I'm really hoping it's nothing serious. other than that we are doing very well. I'm recovering from this c section a million times better than my first which is so exciting. still milking dh for help as much as I can though hehe.