Ttc #2

Lovely pic Hunni!! :) you must be really tired working and studying too. Will be worth it for your babies though!

BSelck the last 6 weeks went really quickly for me. do you feel ready?
Adorable pic hunni - I love big hairbows on babies!

Time is flying Bselck - I feel like baby could come any time here.

DTD with DH last night. His idea, not mine, lol. But I enjoyed it. A bit awkward with this ridiculous belly though!
Slammer- that is how I'm feeling every time we DTD too! I do find myself "in the mood" sometimes but never when my hubby is around, and then when he is ready to go it is usually at night when I'm exhausted, sore and filled with heartburn! :haha:

Rose- I'm glad this time flew by quickly for you! I'm hoping it does for me as well! My parents are in town next week so I'm excited for that and then on Jan 21st there is a big party for my best friends dad turning 60 so I'm looking forward to that as well!
We didn't DTD for a good few weeks before baby arrived. It was awkward, I did enjoy it and so did DH but I think my heavily pregnant belly put him off after that :haha: we hardly even cuddled in the late stages of pregnancy which made me feel really sad but since Alice has arrived he has been more affectionate, cuddling at night again which is nice :) he has definitely fallen in love with Alice, if only DS wasn't being such a pain in the bum at the moment we would be getting along pretty easily to be honest! It's definitely not as hard as I thought having two (although maybe I'll change my mind once DH goes back to work!!) although DS has been very challenging since she arrived. He does give her the odd Kiss and cuddle, and talks about her loads etc, but I think he is quite jealous. Hopefully when he goes back to nursery a few sessions next week and gets back in to his usual routine he will start behaving more nicely. He just ignores everything I say and goes out of his way to do whatever he knows will annoy us! Not eating his meals, helping himself to biscuits, answering back, being rude etc. I am sure it's for attention and once he's settled in to life with a sister he will be ok.
hunni - you seem to have a lot on! I can't believe you are back at work already. Amouri is gorgeous though :cloud9:

BSelck - I found breastfeeding intensely painful, but I don't think that's normal. Some pain and tenderness is expected, but I felt like I was being stabbed through the back with a knife every time she sucked and getting her to latch on took a long time. I am so hoping this time round it'll be easier and not as painful!

rose - sorry your little boy is acting up. I guess it's the time of year as well as they get so overwhelmed and over stimulated. Once he is back in his routine, I am sure things will settle for you a little. Other than that, I am glad the transition from 1 to 2 isn't so bad!

slammer - go you for DTD! I have zero interest or energy for that!

Woo hoo, I am full term as of today! This 3rd trimester has just gone super super quick. I've gone from being really prepared to not being prepared at all. I still haven't packed my hospital bag or washed his 0-3 month clothes. My husband doesn't go back to work until next Thursday, so I think once new years is over with, we'll really get cracking.
We had a lovely day today... my dad looked after Anabella and myself and my hubby had a spa day. I had a full body pregnancy massage. We also went out for lunch and to the cinema. It was great!
Glad you had a lovely time at the spa, cinema etc Pompey. Spa trips are my favourite treat :) I also had a pregnancy massage not long before I had DD. I made the most of it because I know I won't be able to go again for a long time!

Have you much planned until your due date?
Rose - I hope your little guy settles down. It has to be a hard adjustment for him. I hope DD handles it well when this baby comes, but I'm sure there will be unforeseen challenges.

Pompey - sounds like a lovely date you had with DH! Nothing like that in the cards for us before this baby comes, lol.

I finally packed my hospital bag last night, phew. Still need to throw in a few things, but I'm feeling a bit more at ease.

I felt kind of crappy/off last night - uncomfortable movements from baby and felt almost nauseated. Pretty much back to normal today though.
wow ladies! you all sound like you are getting along very well! I'm so glad to hear some of you have been going out and enjoying last days newborn free and dtd! I didn't want anything to do with that my last few weeks and now that baby is here I want to but because I had a section I have to wait a month....ugh. anyways thanks for all your support during my breastfeeding boys levels are down so I got the ok to start nursing again but still have to give a bottle afterwards. it's a start at least. I think he's getting better...this morning he latched on once without pain and I was so excited I wish I knew what I did. other times the latch I feel like my nipple is being chopped off. it's funny...I feel like I'm willingly torturing myself yet I still want to do it lol. just gotta keep trying and I'm sure I'll get it right eventually.

sorry to hear rose your ds is jealous at times =( I'm sure he will come around soon. like slammer's a huge adjustment....he's been the center for a long time and has to get used to sharing that literally overnight. but he sounds like a great kid. i know he will be a great big brother. I always wanted to have the "protective big brother". dd gets a little jealous at times too but mostly like...if she sees me feeding baby she will want me to feed her too....or she will want to get in my lap and snuggle. really wants the attention on her again. I'm happy to hear your dh has fallen in love with dd tho and has gone back to his normal affectionate self. my dh has too...keeps coming up with nicknames each time he picks zach up. my favorite so far is "duders" pronounced dooders. he says it's a combination of cause he's a dude and cause he doo doos a lot lmao.

Pompey congrats on full term! baby any day now! glad you were able to get spast treatment and see a movie. always great when pregnant and to get out of the house!

hunni you have a beautiful little girl! love seeing the pics...I miss the baby girl clothes!!! I've been looking at boy clothes and just get depressed at how stupid and boring they are compared lol. glad to hear you are doing really well...back to work and all! good for you!

bselck so sorry you are sore and having heartburn...I hear ice cream helps with that ;) soon you will having a bouncing baby boy! and probably miss being pregnant. I feel really weird now without feeling baby inside kicking. I keep expecting it. kind of miss it. but it is nice to have my clothes fit properly again.

slammerkin don't worry too much on the long as you have some stuff you can always throw in the last min stuff before heading to hospital when it's time. with me I did it all the day of...course I could plan but I imagine you have at least a bit of time once contractions start. I hope anyway =)

afm not a lot new....right now dd, dh, and ds are all taking naps so I'm free to type a post without being required by someone lol. I dunno if I mentioned by zach failed his red reflex eye test in his right eye. I have no idea what that means maybe one of you has heard of it? anyway our pediatrician said for us to go see an ophthalmologist so that's what we are doing tonight. I'm really hoping it's nothing serious. other than that we are doing very well. I'm recovering from this c section a million times better than my first which is so exciting. still milking dh for help as much as I can though hehe.
Shaele glad to bear you're getting back to BF - I hope you get more and more pain free moments. That's kind of how it gets better gradually, or did for me at least. Also glad you're recovering so well - that's awesome!

I'm definitely gonna try to DTD with DH a few more times. I don't think I'll have any interest for many weeks after baby comes, though I hope we can manage sex sooner than last time. I didn't even want to try until 13 weeks and it was a failure when we did try. Though I think we had some other "fun" around six weeks though...

Ahem...enough of that TMI, lol.
hey ladies....not gonna be super long post but just wanted to let you know I might not be around posting for a while. zach's eye app didn't go well tonight. he has a congenital cataract in his right eye. Doc told us he needs it removed asap in order to make sure his vision develops properly. dh and I have been crying off and on since the news. we have to see a specialist in Philadelphia hopefully tomorrow if he can get us in. I'm scared, anxious, worried...and all synonyms in between...there are only so few eye specialist docs who will work on an 8 day old baby. send good thoughts...I look at him and he looks so perfect...makes me sad we have to put him through this. I must be strong as this is what's best for him in the long run. Doc said if we waited a few more weeks then his vision might never have developed correctly. if anyone goes into labor in the time I'm not around good luck! you can do it!
Omg I completely forgot to reply to the eye issue when you originally mentioned it. I'm so sorry it turned out to be something so serious! It's totally understandable to be worried and upset. Please keep us posted whenever you can. Will be thinking of you.
hey ladies....not gonna be super long post but just wanted to let you know I might not be around posting for a while. zach's eye app didn't go well tonight. he has a congenital cataract in his right eye. Doc told us he needs it removed asap in order to make sure his vision develops properly. dh and I have been crying off and on since the news. we have to see a specialist in Philadelphia hopefully tomorrow if he can get us in. I'm scared, anxious, worried...and all synonyms in between...there are only so few eye specialist docs who will work on an 8 day old baby. send good thoughts...I look at him and he looks so perfect...makes me sad we have to put him through this. I must be strong as this is what's best for him in the long run. Doc said if we waited a few more weeks then his vision might never have developed correctly. if anyone goes into labor in the time I'm not around good luck! you can do it!

Shaele! OH no! I've just read thought the recent posts and I'm not sure of the test that he failed but I can say that my son had to have 2 eye surgeries due to his prematurity and he is doing great now! It is sooooo scary to see babies go through that! But the doctors will know what's best. Zack had the first surgery at 4 months old (or 40 weeks gestation) and then had a second unexpected one a week later- so I know your fears!

Take your time to be away and like you said, stay strong for your little man!

Side note- Zacks eyes are great now and he may only be possibly near sighted in the future- maybe needing glasses once he hits school age!
I'm sorry to hear that Shaele :hugs: I am sending lots of positive thoughts your way and I hope everything goes well.
Glad you had a lovely time at the spa, cinema etc Pompey. Spa trips are my favourite treat :) I also had a pregnancy massage not long before I had DD. I made the most of it because I know I won't be able to go again for a long time!

Have you much planned until your due date?

Now that Christmas has finished, I have no real plans until the baby comes. I kinda feel weird about that.... I like being busy with lots to do and as strange as it is, I kinda enjoy working for the routine and structure. Hopefully Anabella and I can still get out of the house most days. She is also starting her new pre school on Monday 9th, so I hope she settles in there quickly.

How are things going with you ? Is Alice still feeding well?
Shaele I'm so sorry to hear that he needs an operation. Will be thinking of you :hugs: I'm sure all will go well and it's great that they have picked it up before it's too late to correct.

Pompey I hope Anabella enjoys her new preschool and settles quickly :) yes she is feeding great thanks - the midwife came today and she's gained 280g since she was born, and is now almost 9lb 10!! She is also sleeping well - last night she went down at 10.30 and I had to wake her at 3am as I woke up and felt like my boobs were about to explode!! She then slept until 6am and then back down until 9. I hope she continues to be a good sleeper and doesn't regress - I can't believe how much better at sleeping she is than my son.
How was everyone's new year? DD and I went to a friend's house on NYE so there were a couple other kids. It went on a bit too long and it was 10 before I got her to bed, but oh well.

My parents, oldest sister, next oldest sister and her hubs and five kids came over yesterday. It was a bit crazy in my small house but good. I am still tired from it! I volunteered to drive my oldest sister into the city to catch a train home and it was a nightmare navigating. She had to run out of the car to catch her train in time. Ugh.

Hoping to nap today. At least it's a holiday. Now if baby could make a move to arrive later this week I'd be happy. :-P
Our new year was very quiet slammer. We stayed in with Anabella. We watched TV and chilled. At midnight there were loads of fireworks and Anabella woke up. We sat and watched them for a bit and then we all went to bed. Very boring and uneventful!

Your New Year sounded fun! Did you end up saying over at your friends house?

rose - wow, alice is sleeping so well!!! I so hope when our little boy comes he is similar! I am dreading those first few weeks when everything is upside down and all over the place.

I still feel like birth is a long way away.... He is still moving so high up and I don't feel he has engaged at all. We've built the cot now and put it against our bed. I've finally gotten around to washing all his 0-3 month clothes. I just need to pack my hospital bag as I still haven't done it! I guess now I am off work, I have a lot more time so will get it done this week. I have lots of days to fill!
Your new year sounds fun slammerkin! we did nothing so ours was very boring. We had just drifted off to sleep when the fireworks started and so we felt like a couple of boring old people moaning about it :haha: luckily they didn't wake the kids. Hope you got your nap!

Pompey, I was also dreading the first few crazy weeks but it turns out that Alice has settled in with us very nicely. I am keeping up with the housework and we have been out a few times - mind you DH is back at work tomorrow so maybe things will become a nightmare when I'm alone with 2 kids and a dog to look after! DS has swimming tomorrow morning so that will be my first outing on my own, I am dreading it a bit - we are always running late to swimming so I'm going to have to make sure we leave a lot earlier than usual to allow extra time for getting there, changed etc. After that we are meeting a friend for lunch so it's going to be quite a busy day!!

You're so nearly there ladies - can't wait to hear that your babies are here :)
Pompey - no, she only lives five minutes down the road, so it was quick to come home from the little NYE party. :)

It sounds like you both had nice relaxing NYE. If DH was home that would have been nice too, but he was working, so it was just as well for us to have something to keep us entertained.

Rose good luck with the swimming lesson and lunch!
Shaele thinking of you - hoping that the surgery went well, if it has now taken place?

Slammerkin and Pompey youre so nearly there - any signs of your babies yet? BSelck not long for you too!! Hope you're still enjoying the last few weeks of pregnancy?

Well, for us things are going pretty well - this week we have managed to get out and about to appointments, a play date, swimming, nursery etc pretty much on time except for a few sick/nappy incidents at the last minute. Alice was weighed today and she's 9lb 11!! Her up to 1 month babygrows are already starting to get a bit tight. I don't think she will be in them for more than a couple of weeks. I am actually really excited to get her in the next size as she has so many cute outfits in 0-3 - in her current size I really only bought sleepsuits.

We are having some newborn photos taken on Monday and hopefully the photographer will get some nice ones of the two children together as well. :)

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