Ttc #2

Sounds like things are going great rose! I hope they are that smooth for me, lol. Glad to hear Alice is gaining so well. :)

Nothing interesting going on here! No signs of labor. I'm hoping to have this baby next week. We shall see!
I'm worried that things are going to suddenly go wrong, like she starts waking up loads at night or something :haha: she is so different from DS as a baby!

Fingers crossed for next week. I had no idea when My labour was going to start. Although 2 days before I had a lot of pressure and sharp pains around my cervix when walking about ikea, the day before Alice was very quiet and I went in to get checked. I'm thinking they were signs she was on her way. Although really the pains only started properly on the actual day itself - I had some funny discharge the day before a bit like snot, but nothing that made me think ah there's the plug it's going to be soon! Hopefully your baby will come nice and quickly too!
Seriously hoping for a reasonably quick labor this time. I had on and off contractions for three days before real active labor started with DD. I think the more active labor was maybe 12 hours - and then 4 hours of pushing. Waaaa. I don't want to push that long again. Everyone says it will be quicker this time. I just have to belieeeeve. lol

I hope Alice continues to be easy! DD was definitely hard in some ways - never wanted to be put down, terrible sleeper. Wouldn't mind an easier baby this time either. ;)
My first labour was similar to yours except I was only pushing for about half an hour. This labour was only about 8 hours in total and only about 3 in active labour. So the theory definitely worked for me :)
Hey ladies! So glad everyone had a great New Years! We actually went out! Hubby and I went to my favorite fondue restaurant (The Melting Pot) for what we figured was our last fancy date night before the baby comes! My aunt watched the kids and they had a great time- when we called to check in on them on the way home (mostly my 2 year old as we figured he would be a mess since he has such separation anxiety) she said he was asleep and the girls were up drinking sparkling grape juice and ready to watch the ball drop! So they spent the night! We were kid free ALL NIGHT! First time since May as my parents live in California and those are the only people my son will stay with overnight! It was amazing!

I have been away from my computer for a bit as my IPad sort of crashed! But I actually just got out of the ER yesterday with a stomach bug! I had to get an IV, anti-nausea medicine, ultrasound and have my gall bladder checked.

All was well and the blessing in disguise from throwing up all day was that I got see my baby one more time on the ultrasound before he's here! A few amazing things we saw for the first time were his eyes were open (my first son was born with his eyes still fused shut! So this was crazy for me!), he was sucking on his hand and you could see his mouth open and actually sucking!, and he has hair!! She even zoomed in to show is clearly the hair on his head! So cool!

So all in all I have a few more weeks to wait, but overall I am so ready for baby #2 to be here!!

Oh! And I only have one more of those painful progesterone shots in my butt left!! I've had 20 so far!! Woo hoo!!
Glad you had a lovely date night BSelck! Definitely good to have one before baby arrives. Sorry you've been ill, but glad you got to have another scan - it must have been really amazing to see him in that much detail!
Sounds like a great NYE BSelck!

Being so sick must have been horrible, but that's super cool you got a scan with so much detail!

I can't wait until we've all had these babies! I'm having another period where my belly skin hurts so much from being stretched. It's just so tender! I don't think I ever had this with DD, but it's happened multiple times with this one - and I've got a ton of stretch marks after hardly getting any with DD. I want to be done. Any day now. Come on baby!
Sounds like you had a great New years Eve Bselck! It's good to make the most of it whilst you can! Sorry you've been sick, it sounds awful :( But on the up, it's great you got such an indepth look at your little boy :cloud9:

Sounds tough slammer with your bump being so sensitive. I am lucky in that I don't feel too bad, but I certainly do feel big and tired! I hope baby boy comes next week like you hope. How far over will you go until they induce you?

Glad things are still going well, rose! I am envious!

I had a call from the hospital and they want to move the date of my c section to either Friday 20th Jan or Weds 25th Jan. What a pain as I've psyched myself up for the 23rd. I would prefer the 25th, but that takes me to 41 weeks and I will be worried about naturally going into labour and having complications with such a big baby but then the 20th is only 2 days past my due date and won't give him anytime at all. I have another scan tomorrow, so I think I'll see what happens as a result of that and make a final decision. I have to phone them Monday and let them know.
Pompey- that is frustrating about changing dates! Friday might be a good day if you want family to visit on the weekend maybe? Who knows! Do what's best for you! :baby:
Tough call Pompey! I can understand being torn when you have to make a decision now, after being all set on a date already. Ugh. I hope your scan gives you some clarity.
hey all! I'm back. a bit more on that later....both babes are taking a nap so i have some time to type. but first I am super glad to have read everyone is doing well and had pretty good new years. no babies born in the meantime i see but thats ok! although I'm sure you are all definitely ready.

rose I'm really impressed with how well baby alice is doing! she's bigger than zach now! last tuesday we went for a weight check and he was at 9lbs (he lost a lot of weight in hospital) and since he didn't gain all of it back I'm still stuck supplementing. we go to check his weight again this coming tuesday. Also glad she's being so easy for you! that's always welcome when it comes to newborns AND having a toddler on the side. is ds coping better? I think I'm doing worse than my dd with the changes. Being an only child myself I didn't know what to expect both in having another child as well as seeing it from dd's perspective in having a sibling. Trying my best but sometimes i feel like i'm leaving dd out because ds takes a lot of my attention. Esp since he's pretty much attached to me all the time and with his eye issue she can't really get to me as she used to. I dunno maybe I'm just overthinking things.

bselck I'm so sorry you had such a bad stomach bug you had to go to the hospital. that must have been terrible! Glad you are feeling better now and got to see lots of baby's details. I'm sure that was a really special moment for you=) pretty soon you will be able to hold him! I also appreciate you sharing your son's experience with eye surgeries. Hearing that definitely helped ease my mind although wow that must have been scary for you at the time too! Glad he's doing so great afterwards!

pompey very sorry to hear that they want to change your section date...=/ after your scan did you decide what your plan of action will be? Like others have been saying it's a pretty tough call and I can see both sides of view. I'm hoping that your scan made it an easier decision...

slammerkin sorry the bump is getting to ya...I felt that same stretching you described too and it's not fun. the last few weeks are the hardest but you are almost there! you can do it!

now as for me...thank you to you all for the thoughts and prayers and good vibes. Last week was a bit tough for dh and me and very stressful. We had issues with seeing if this whole procedure would be covered under our insurance and if not then who would we go see that would cover it. Our ophthalmologist said if we can't get the people in Philadelphia to do it then the next doctor he recommended is in Maryland. Which is driveable from where we are but still not close! lol. (we live in new jersey). Anyway to make a long story short we found out the people in philly are covered so we had our appointment this past friday. they did a few tests and an ultrasound on his eyes. conclusion is yes he has a cataract and yes it has to be removed in order for him to see and develop his vision properly. we already knew everything the doctor there told us but now we also have a surgery date. We go back on Feb 6th. Apparently the sweet spot of when to get the surgery done so he can still have normal vision development and have the lower risk of developing glaucoma and handle the anesthesia better is when he's 6 weeks. But he will have to see an ophthalmologist the rest of his life to make sure he doesn't develop glaucoma anyway. After his surgery he also will have to be fitted for a contact that we will have to put in his eye and take out...that scares me lol. And we will have to patch his good eye for a while so that his brain uses the eye getting operated on again. I've made my peace with it for now as I just want him to be better. Every time I look at him knowing he can't see just breaks my heart. but the doctor we saw definitely sounded like she was confident and also very routine even though it's a rare occurrence. so that helped put our minds at ease too. hoping for the best!
Shaele, glad to hear from you again! That sucks That little man needs so much intervention for his eye. :( I'm sure it will be hard, but I hope things go well and his vision turns out OK.

So tired today. Hoping DH can come home early from work.
Good to hear from you shaele :hugs: Sorry your little boy has to have this op at such a young age, so so sad :( But obviously it is for the best to make sure his sight develops properly.

How is everyone else doing?

I had my scan on Saturday. Baby has dropped below the 91st centile. That could be because of any number of reasons (good or bad). Either way, we've decided to go for the section on Friday 20th. It works better for us as my husband can hopefully take that day off as paid holiday and then start his paternity on Monday 23rd, so he will get 2.5 weeks off with us. Feeling nervous, excited, worried... I so hope he makes his arrival into the world before then, but I just feel like he won't. Anabella was two weeks late and I have NO labour signs whatsoever :(
It's good to have the right timing for your DH's time off. So, if you go into labor before the 20th you're going to try for vaginal birth? Can't believe we're both so close to having these babies!
Shaele I'm glad to hear the doctors have a good plan of action, and that you're feeling a bit better about things now you've had time for it all to sink in. It must have been a big shock but I'm sure the surgery will go well, and you will be glad in the long term that you're doing it. Thinking of you! About spending time with older ones - I also feel that DS is being left out a lot while I deal with DD and her feeds, nappies etc. However, I try to think about the fact that he got 1 on 1 attention when he was a baby, and he won't remember this relatively short stage in years to come. Also, a lot of our activities/outings are for him, and will continue to be, and DD gets dragged along so I try to reassure myself that balances it out a bit!! Luckily DS loves his sister and hasn't been too jealous but maybe that will change as she starts to steal his toys etc. :haha: I have started a star chart with him too, so his good behaviour gets recognised and he gets treats for so many stars. Today is our first day and he's like w different child!! We had a newborn photo session today and we were there ages, about 3 hours, and he was so well behaved. He even let the photographer take some nice photos of the two of them together :)

Wow Pompey and slammerkin you're both so close!! Can't wait to hear that you've had your babies. Pompey I hope things happen all of a sudden for you, before your C section date. Will keep my fingers crossed for you! Slammerkin how are you feeling? BSelck not long for you either - hope your baby is still snug in there and hasn't given you any surprises?!
I'm ok. For some reason yesterday I felt like things might happen soon, but nothing so far. Had my 39-week appt and asked the MW to check my cervix out of curiosity, but it was really high up and hard to reach, so I stopped her while she was still trying to get a good feel of it. It was not pleasant having her rooting around in there, so my curiosity wasn't strong enough to keep going! From as much as she could feel she said it still felt fairly firm, but it ultimately doesn't meant anything.
Hey ladies!!

Rose- no surprises yet thank God! So as of Tuesday, I will be full term!! My doctor said she is so excited for me and anytime this baby is ready to come now, we will be ready and not concerned! Such a different pregnancy than my last!

Had my 36 week appt last week and was 1cm dialated. She said not to worry, that this doesn't mean the baby is coming right now, but that when my contractions do start, my cervix is is soft and favorable and should react appropriately.

At first I thought I wouldn't make it past 38 weeks or so because at my 32 week appt the baby's scan showed he was already weighing 5lbs 6oz.

But at my 36 week appt my doctor felt my stomach and guessed that the baby weighed 5.5-6lbs??? So she may be a little off but so could the scan measurements so I'm thinking my baby is average size now? Which means I now think I will make it to my due date! Or at least to February! So that's kind of exciting :)

I spent this whole pregnancy praying and praying for the baby to STAY IN, and I was wondering if my mind would ever make the switch to COME OUT... And just this week it has!! I'm ready to meet my baby knowing he will be healthy at this gestation!

And I know I said I would never complain if God gave me the big belly this pregnancy, and I'm not, lol it's just that OMG the pelvic pain! I never experienced this my last pregnancy! My pelvis is so sore and achy and the nights are the worst! My hips kill when I sleep and I have to switch sides all night!!

My heartburn seems to have gone away the past few days (knock on wood), or is at least not 100% of the day so that's good but now I'm in the waiting game!! I'll keep u guys updated! :hugs:
Slammerkin mine wasn't particularly soft when I had my sweep, which was 4 days before she came. And suddenly things just got off to a start with her, and she was out very quickly. So it doesn't mean much :hugs:

BSelck I'm so happy that you're almost term :woohoo: sorry about the pelvic pain though - I know how that feels!! Mine has been gone for almost a week now so once baby comes out you should be back to normal quite quickly I expect.

Pompey how are you doing?
BSelck - You're almost at full term now! What a lovely date to get too. I wouldn't think too much about your baby's size. I don't think they can tell much by feeling your tummy, scans are much more accurate I believe (but can still be wrong). Also , having a bigger baby doesn't mean they'll come any earlier, I am proof of that! Either way, I am sure you'll get to your due date OK :) It's great your 1cm already and favourable, hopefully that means your labour will be straightforward for you.

Sorry your cervix is so high up and hard, slammer. Lets hope things change for you quickly so you can meet your little boy.

rose - thanks for asking after me. I am fine thank you. I have felt a little emotional today but don't really know why. I am finding it surreal to think that I am having my boy on Friday.... It seems so close yet so far!
Sorry about the pelvic pain and trouble sleeping bselck. Right there with you! My pubic bone has been sore the last few days...definitely feeling more achiness/pressure down below, which I hope is a good sign. My heatburn is still killer though. Hate it!

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