Hey ladies!!
Rose- no surprises yet thank God! So as of Tuesday, I will be full term!! My doctor said she is so excited for me and anytime this baby is ready to come now, we will be ready and not concerned! Such a different pregnancy than my last!
Had my 36 week appt last week and was 1cm dialated. She said not to worry, that this doesn't mean the baby is coming right now, but that when my contractions do start, my cervix is is soft and favorable and should react appropriately.
At first I thought I wouldn't make it past 38 weeks or so because at my 32 week appt the baby's scan showed he was already weighing 5lbs 6oz.
But at my 36 week appt my doctor felt my stomach and guessed that the baby weighed 5.5-6lbs??? So she may be a little off but so could the scan measurements so I'm thinking my baby is average size now? Which means I now think I will make it to my due date! Or at least to February! So that's kind of exciting
I spent this whole pregnancy praying and praying for the baby to STAY IN, and I was wondering if my mind would ever make the switch to COME OUT... And just this week it has!! I'm ready to meet my baby knowing he will be healthy at this gestation!
And I know I said I would never complain if God gave me the big belly this pregnancy, and I'm not, lol it's just that OMG the pelvic pain! I never experienced this my last pregnancy! My pelvis is so sore and achy and the nights are the worst! My hips kill when I sleep and I have to switch sides all night!!
My heartburn seems to have gone away the past few days (knock on wood), or is at least not 100% of the day so that's good but now I'm in the waiting game!! I'll keep u guys updated!