Ttc #2

Slammer omg yes! Today we took the kids sledding and although I knew to take it slow (I just pulled DS around and took pictures of the kids, no sledding for me!) I was so sore afterwards! My pelvis felt like he baby was coming through at any moment! Lol

I have been a bit more uncomfortable today but no contractions or water breaking or anything serious so all seems to be fine.

I had my last progesterone shot last Thursday so it should stay in my body and prevent labor until this Thursday. Then Ive read for most women it will take a week or two for their body to realize there are no more shots preventing delivery and labor can begin. So we shall see! But for now I feel a bit protected lol

Pompey- omg this Friday!! A true countdown has begun!! It's kind of so weird having it scheduled and planned! Nice to know and prepare, but so surreal!

Shaele- how is baby boy doing?

Rose- I loved reading about your DS and his reaction to the new DD!! Making sure my oldest DS doesn't feel forgotten is one of my main concerns!
Eek I'm so excited for you Pompey! Hope all goes well on Friday. I felt massively emotional when I was in labour. Every time I thought about DS I cried. It lasted for a while after the birth too, I cried when I saw DS, cried when we left hospital and I thought about it being the last time I'd leave hospital with a newborn, cried when we got home, and cried when DH gave me some pretty pandora charms he bought me as a surprise (he never does things like that!!!) I felt like a massive wimp. Thankfully the emotions have now mostly worn off :haha:

Ah sledging, I'm jealous you have enough snow for that! We had a sprinkle at the end of last week but it didn't last. Luckily for us though - as we still have open foundations for our extension!! today we got the go ahead to fill the foundations with concrete, I am so happy as that means the mud will be mostly covered with concrete blocks after that. There is a light at the end of the muddy tunnel!! Lol.

I'm so excited to find out which baby will arrive next :D
What you just posted rose is so me! I have been so emotional this pregnancy, much more than with my first and I feel it is now all about to come to a bit of a head knowing I am just 4 days away from having another child :wacko: Anabella is going to be a great big sister for sure, she is just so excited to be having a brother and she is so cute and sweet when she talks about him. But whenever I think that she is no longer going to be my only, I feel really sad. We have such a close bond/relationship and I am scared she is going to be negatively affected by a newborn. She still bedshares with us and will continue to do so until she decides she wants her own space. Every night she wants hugs and if she wakes in the night and I am facing away from her, she will ask me to turn over so she can 'see my face' :cloud9: Obviously with me tending to a newborn as well as being incredibly sore from a stomach op, I am just not going to be able to do this anywhere near as much. I have explained this to her but I worry she will feel pushed out.

I am probably just over thinking and over worrying everything and everything will be fine. I just can't help it!

Is Alice still sleeping well?

What a lovely gesture from your husband to get your the Pandora charms :cloud9: It sounds like he is now very much on board and in love with Alice??

Hope everyone else is OK :flower:
Anabella sounds so sweet Pompey. I hope the transition goes smoother than you expect. I think I'm overly optimistic about how Ava will do, lol.

Nothing new here. Just waiting waiting waiting.
Pompey it's strange as although I sometimes feel worried about Alfie being left out, it is so lovely seeing him with his little sister and I can already tell that they adore each other. He loves reading books to her (well, showing her the pictures!), cuddling and kissing her, and playing with her toys. Now that she is starting to look at him more and I can see the beginnings of a smile, he seems to like her even more. I have been really surprised at how much he loves her, and she doesn't really do much yet! I just hope it continues once she wants to share his toys :haha: hopefully Anabella will be so busy being a big sister that she won't really miss what she had before, and will be happy to share you most of the time :D

Slammerkin happy almost due date!!
Thanks guys! Still here. :( DTD with DH yesterday, but no labor from it. Got a few stronger BH in the evening, but it didn't turn into anything. And I slept terribly last night - a lot of hip pain and tossing and turning. I'm more tired now than when I went to bed. For real - I'm over this.

Also baby keeps getting into a posterior position and I hate it. He's usually got his butt on my left side and feet kicking the back right side, but he's been swinging back and forth lately and it's driving me crazy.
Ah sorry he's not here yet :( hope it won't be long before he makes his entrance!!
hey everyone! im really sorry to hear about all your aches and pains....but definitely is to be expected. i know i was right there with yall. it is pretty amazing though how your body bounces back from everything though. i remember feeling so done and over being pregnant and now i feel as though i can hardly remember the negative parts about it. i guess what im saying is dont worry it will all be over soon and absolutely worth it! i cant wait to hear more birth announcements!

pompey good luck tomorrow! i will be thinking of you! Anabella does sound like she will be a great big sis. i know everything will go well!

slammerkin happy belated due date! heres hoping baby boy comes out soon!

rose so glad alice is being good for you and ds has taken to her so well. love seeing that. also nice touch from dh with charms! always nice when they show appreciation.

bselck glad you had a fun day sledding! hope you didnt over do it! also yay for last shot and making it this far!

afm dh and dd are both sick. dunno how im gonna avoid that but i hope me and the baby dont contract it....been slightly stressful for us past couple days. been doing my best to breastfeed but since we had to introduce a bottle to him so he gained weight he has become very lazy at the boob. will suck for a few seconds and spit it out and cry. i went to see a lactation consultant monday and she had some good tips ive been trying as well as how to wean him off formula but since im doing that hes been so cranky. hes been so used to getting a lot more formula and feeding easily that when he actually has to put effort into it he doesnt want to. and since dh is sick the crying from baby is aggravating him so he ends up yelling and im just like stop! but baby is still refusing sometimes to nurse. he must hate me. i cant tell you how frustrating it is. i feel like giving up at times. a great sleeper though. went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 7:30am this past night. hope that continues...
we started potty training dd again and this time its going really well. she pees on potty when we put her on it and even asks to go. wont poop though. but its a great start. thats about it for me. ttyl!
Good to hear from you shaele! I'm sorry sickness is coming through your house. I have a cold now too. Also sorry about the BF struggles. It can be really hard to make things work when they're back and forth with the bottle early on. I hope the tips from the lactation consultant help. I'd try to get as much skin-to-skin time with him as possible and offer the breast frequently, not just when he seems hungry. I can imagine the stress of DH yelling - sheesh. Hope DD and DH are back to health quickly. We had the same deal with potty training DD - pees were simple. Poos were a struggle. Took a few months for her to get comfortable with it.

I had an appt today. It was with a doctor I hadn't met yet, but I actually really liked her. I had a scan before seeing the doctor as well, and things looked good. Fluid on the low end of normal. Baby was measuring over 9 lbs, but they admitted it's not very accurate this late in the game. I at first declined a cervical check, but went ahead in the end. 1 cm and still sort of firm. It was less uncomfortable than the last check. She offered a sweep, and again I declined at first, but changed my mind in the end. It wasn't so bad actually. We talked about induction. Their cut-off is 41+3, which would be next Friday. I could either keep waiting and schedule another scan for Tues, or go ahead and schedule an induction. I decided to schedule induction for Weds and skip the additional scan on Tues - so I'm waiting for them to get back to me on timing. Hopefully things happen before then, but I think I'm comfortable with this decision for now.
Glad you've got a date slammer. Hopefully baby will make his way into the world before then, but if he doesn't at least the end is in sight. Looks like you may have a big baby as well!

Good to hear from you shaele. Sorry your husband and daughter are poorly, I really hope you and little one don't pick it up, that's the last thing you need! I remember struggling to get Anabella to breastfeed again when I introduced bottles. I ended up expressing for 6 months! Nightmare and I don't want to do that again this time!

rose - I am so glad Alfie and Alive have that special bond already :cloud9: I really hope that happens with Anabella and our baby too.

AFM - CSection is OFF tomorrow. Very very sadly, my FIL passed away last night and the funeral is on Saturday. My husband's family live in another country and as I type, he is on his way there. I thankfully managed to reschedule my csection to Monday morning (my original date) as they have had two people deliver who were originally in that day, leaving a gap. Hubby gets back very late Saturday night so I just have to hope I don't go into spontaneous labour in the next 48 hours. Most people at this gestation want their babies out, I wanna keep mine IN!
Shaele keep going With the breastfeeding you're doing great!! I remember crying with Alfie saying he must hate me, I'm useless as I can't even feed him properly. But it did get better - it was difficult and I almost gave up so many times but in the end I fed him until he was 13 months and it did become second nature :) I am sure after a while he will realise that if he doesn't make effort with the boob, he will be hungry and then he will start to drink more. Just keep offering it as much as possible to help keep your supply up and hopefully he will get there in the end! Have you tried different positions? I couldn't feed Alfie in the traditional cradle hold for months, but he fed well in the rugby (under arm) hold. Sometimes he would also feed with us both lying down in bed. I do a variety of different positions with Alice so that when she's fussy we can switch, sometimes it helps. Hope your husband and daughter feel better soon and that you don't catch it. My husband is also really grumpy when he's Ill and moans at the kids! It's so frustrating.

Pompey I'm so sorry about your FIL :hugs: glad you managed to reschedule the section. Hopefully baby will not try to make an entrance before Monday. Thinking of you, it must be such a difficult time.

Slammerkin I think it's nice to book the induction and have an 'end date'. As it happens I'd just booked my induction and then I went in to labour so I didn't need it! Hope this happens for you too :) I think as I'd relaxed about things and thought it wouldn't be so bad if I was induced, my body felt like it was a good time to get her out!
Pompey I'm so sorry about your FIL passing away. What a terrible time. Crossing everything that you don't go into labor before DH gets back and before your rescheduled section.

Rose, I guess I still have time, but still no signs. Had a few stronger BH/contractions yesterday, but that's it. I need this baby to come before weds. An induction is so scary to me. I don't even know what the whole process will be. I guess I should email them and ask. It's scheduled for 7:00 am.
I had an induction with DS after my waters broke and my contractions stopped. To be honest it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I didn't have a pessary they just went straight in to the drip, it started up my contractions again and they got strong quite quickly. Unfortunately due to DS's heart rate dropping with contractions in certain positions I was stuck on my left side on the bed, hooked up to the monitor, and as this made it difficult to cope I had an epidural. I don't regret the epi at all as it took all the pain away and had no negatives for me whatsoever. I was up and showering an hour after giving birth and I still felt the contractions to push, as it had worn off a bit by then. So don't panic if you do have to be induced - it's not the end of the world and I'm sure that, as its your second, you won't end up stuck in the bed like
Me and you will have a positive experience :)

But - fingers crossed he surprises you and pops out before then!!
Thanks rose. I'm glad it wasn't a bad experience for you. Fingers crossed I can still avoid it, but if not I hope it goes well.
hey everyone! im really sorry to hear about all your aches and pains....but definitely is to be expected. i know i was right there with yall. it is pretty amazing though how your body bounces back from everything though. i remember feeling so done and over being pregnant and now i feel as though i can hardly remember the negative parts about it. i guess what im saying is dont worry it will all be over soon and absolutely worth it! i cant wait to hear more birth announcements!

pompey good luck tomorrow! i will be thinking of you! Anabella does sound like she will be a great big sis. i know everything will go well!

slammerkin happy belated due date! heres hoping baby boy comes out soon!

rose so glad alice is being good for you and ds has taken to her so well. love seeing that. also nice touch from dh with charms! always nice when they show appreciation.

bselck glad you had a fun day sledding! hope you didnt over do it! also yay for last shot and making it this far!

afm dh and dd are both sick. dunno how im gonna avoid that but i hope me and the baby dont contract it....been slightly stressful for us past couple days. been doing my best to breastfeed but since we had to introduce a bottle to him so he gained weight he has become very lazy at the boob. will suck for a few seconds and spit it out and cry. i went to see a lactation consultant monday and she had some good tips ive been trying as well as how to wean him off formula but since im doing that hes been so cranky. hes been so used to getting a lot more formula and feeding easily that when he actually has to put effort into it he doesnt want to. and since dh is sick the crying from baby is aggravating him so he ends up yelling and im just like stop! but baby is still refusing sometimes to nurse. he must hate me. i cant tell you how frustrating it is. i feel like giving up at times. a great sleeper though. went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 7:30am this past night. hope that continues...
we started potty training dd again and this time its going really well. she pees on potty when we put her on it and even asks to go. wont poop though. but its a great start. thats about it for me. ttyl!

Shaele- great job starting DD on potty training again! Good luck for that, as I have been slowly preparing for my son with this! So sorry the breast feeding is so frustrating but thank you for being so candid and honest as this will be my first time breast feeding too! I want to know the every day struggles that we women have! Don't give up, you got this!!

Glad you've got a date slammer. Hopefully baby will make his way into the world before then, but if he doesn't at least the end is in sight. Looks like you may have a big baby as well!

Good to hear from you shaele. Sorry your husband and daughter are poorly, I really hope you and little one don't pick it up, that's the last thing you need! I remember struggling to get Anabella to breastfeed again when I introduced bottles. I ended up expressing for 6 months! Nightmare and I don't want to do that again this time!

rose - I am so glad Alfie and Alive have that special bond already :cloud9: I really hope that happens with Anabella and our baby too.

AFM - CSection is OFF tomorrow. Very very sadly, my FIL passed away last night and the funeral is on Saturday. My husband's family live in another country and as I type, he is on his way there. I thankfully managed to reschedule my csection to Monday morning (my original date) as they have had two people deliver who were originally in that day, leaving a gap. Hubby gets back very late Saturday night so I just have to hope I don't go into spontaneous labour in the next 48 hours. Most people at this gestation want their babies out, I wanna keep mine IN!

Pompey- so sorry about your FIL! So glad your DH was able to get out there ASAP and that you were able to reschedule your c section!! Praying that baby stays put this weekend!
thank you slammerkin, rose, Pompey and bselck for your encouragements with bf....I also appreciate hearing your struggles and successes with me some hope and solace knowing I'm not alone.

Pompey I'm very sorry to hear about your fil...and sorry obviously for your dh =_( as I was reading your post I was thinking oh my I hope baby waits until Monday now! still will be thinking of you *hugs*

slammerkin I'm hoping baby boy comes naturally for you but try not to stress about an induction if it comes to that. at least you have some idea now of when he will arrive and can sort of plan ahead...kind of like my c section! I'm sure everything will go just fine and you'll be holding new baby in no time! like rose mentioned this is your second time around and usually they come much easier and quicker.

rose I feel like you went through exactly what I'm going through now with how you described bf. I have tried other fact with what you call the rugby hold I think we call the football hold and that's what I started with. it's my usual go to position. the lactation consultant gave me another lay in a recliner pretty far back and have him lay across on top of me in just a diaper. she said it helps to get his chin down which then helps him open his mouth wider for a better latch. when it works it's really relaxing for us both. but it's sometimes hard for him to breathe as he's facing down into me.

bselck I'm really glad sharing my bf experiences will be of some help to you when you try. i hope we all continue to do that. i know it helps me and i enjoy hearing suggestions. the support we give each other is much needed. I feel like I keep only mentioning the bad times. there are good ones too when he accepts it. and I treasure those moments. it's usually during the morning when a break from the bottle has been the longest. good luck setting up ds for potty training! that also can be stressful but they all get it eventually no matter how long it may take them.
afm I was unable to avoid getting sick. it's one of those hurtful chest cough type of illness. zach sounds congested too when he breathes so he's probably got it too. we have a 1 month check up pediatrician app Monday so if he's still sick then we can get medicine for him. can't believe he's 1 month old today already. time goes fast.
Shaele I fed a bit like that too - laid back a bit with DD straight down along my body/legs. That's how I got the deepest latch. But I think I sat up a bit, so she ended up having to really tilt her head far back and I supported it with my hand. I have a picture somewhere. Will try to find and post it. Looked super unnatural but was what gave me the least discomfort.

Sorry you're sick. I hope DS gets a mild case. :( I'm still suffering a stuffy nose and fatigue.

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