Ttc #2

that's a great pic slammer! and it doesn't look unnatural. if that's what worked for you then it was perfect. no need to use only positions that have specific names already. thanks for sharing!

heading to baby boys 1 month check up soon...gonna ask if there's anything I can do to up my milk supply besides pumping non stop. also have to find some sort of laxative for dd. since we've started potty training her she's refused to go poop on potty but also in her diaper. in that confused what do I do state and it's been causing her a lot of pain as you can imagine to hold it in. we've tried prune juice and that has absolutely no effect. she cries and tells me her butt hurts and I'm like baby just go in your diaper it's ok I won't be mad. but she won't. so now gotta take different measures. when she cant take it any more she only goes every few days and they are like bowling balls. I feel so bad for her. anyway that's about it. OH! GOOD LUCK TODAY POMPEY!!!!! I hope dh got back ok and you are all set to have your baby boy! can't wait to hear from you!
Hi all,

Just a quick update from me to say my baby boy Jamie was safely delivered by c section this morning at 11.15 weight 8lb 1oz - so not a big baby after all!!

I am doing ok, Jamie is doing brilliantly so far. He is feeding great and no nipple soreness (yet!).

Totally in love with him and Anabella was such a great big sister when she came to visit - very gentle, loving and affectionate.

Hope all you ladies are well!
congratulations pompey!!! so glad to hear everything went well! you enjoy your new bundle and get some rest!!!!
Pompey!! Congrats 100x over! So happy for you and so happy your daughter is so loving! Can't wait to hear more once you're settled in!

Shaele- I never thought of your DD not going poop at all to be a problem once you started potty training! This is good info for what can happen when I start with my son! So sorry your Dd is in such pain and I hope you find a solution! Keep us updated on the breastfeeding techniques they give you too!
Aw Shaele sorry to hear about your daughters toilet issues :( I think it's really common for them to react like that at first, I hope the doctor can find something to help her go :(

Congratulations Pompey!!!
Hi ladies. Longer update later, but Jack Gavin was born at 1:51am, 8lbs 7oz. Water had broken at 12:30 pm. So I avoided the induction! Wanted to go natural but the back pain was so intense. Got the epidural and it was the best decision ever. Never thought I'd say that, ha. We are both doing great.
wow slammerkin! congratulations too! glad you were able to avoid the induction like you wanted =) hope you are getting well earned rest!
Congratulations Slammerkin - I had a feeling we would hear some news from you today!!

BSelck you're next :D
Slammer!! Omg I can't believe you made it on your own one day before your inductuon!! How amazing!! What a good boy to listen to his mama already!! Lol

So jealous of all of these babies! Getting so anxious to meet my little man!

Had my 38 week appt today and am still 1-2cm dialated but a little more thinned out at 75% effaced. Which is fine by me! My doctor said if I wanted, we could start to induce next week (since my cervix is favorable) but I'm going to wait as this is what I prayed for (full term) and I feel like I would be cheating it! Not to mention my doctor is out of town next week and my mom will be in Atlanta until Februrary 2nd so she would hope I can hold off until after that! Lol

We will see what baby boy has planned! But so far no labor signs other than a few random contractions here and there and a tooooon of pelvic soreness!

Can't wait for more baby pics and updates from you ladies!!
hey ladies! hope you are all doing well especially those who recently had their babies =)

just a quick question...has anyone gone on the "mini pill" (birth control pills without estrogen) while breastfeeding? I have been on it for nearly a full pack now and wonder how it works for getting your period as I have no had one yet. i know its only tje first pack so takes the body some getting used to plus ive just stopped the lochia post baby bleeding last week. I've only ever used the combo hormone pill but since I'm bf I can't. and also since I'm bf I know sometimes you don't get a period due to lack of ovulation. that all being said am I suppose to get a period with this pill? because there is no break week or reminder week where normally a period would happen. I don't want to randomly start bleeding and not have a pad nor do I want to wear a pad every day lol. any comments would be helpful.
I haven't used the mini pill so I'm not sure how it works in relation to return of fertility actually. Sorry I'm no help!

We are doing good. Jack is a great nurser so far. A few struggles in the first couple days, but going good now. He was checked on Thurs and we took him back to the doc today to check on his cord stump and they weighed him - he's gained a pound in 4 days! Already above his birth weight! He sleeps in my arms at night and we sleep well. DD loves him and has been good so far. DH has to work on Weds night so that will be my first night on my own, then hell be back to work on Friday for a full weekend. Eeek!
Sorry Shaele, I also have no experience with the mini pill either. I know with the progesterone only pill (not sure if it;s the same one) you definitely don't get a period... sorry I cant be more help!

How is everything going?

slammer - glad everything is going well. Does Jack sleep on you becayse he wont settle elsewhere or did you just decide to do that anyway? Putting a pound on already is seriously impressive, go Jack!!

Jamie is a week old today and doing great. Similar to slammerkin's Jack, he is also above his birth weight already! On day 5, he was 8lb 2oz and I can feel he is heavier already. Breast feeding was so intensely painful for me, that I started expressing instead. I express between 4 and 6oz each time but Jamie is only take between 2 and 3oz, so am building up quite a nice stash I have 4 bags in the freezer already and about 4 full feeds in the fridge. I just hope I can keep up with him! He sleeps in the cot which we have side carred to the bed and seems to settle ok in there. He sleeps A LOT in the day, but cant remember if that's normal or not. He seems very chilled and content, but not sure if its because he is so new or if its his personality.
Well he sleeps in the crook of my arm really - basically just let him nurse to sleep and roll off when he's done. I'm lazy when it comes to sleep arrangements.

Glad to hear Jamie is gaining weight well too! And that's awesome pump output! How's Anabella doing with him? Is she in bed with you too?
OH I'm so happy to hear the baby updates! So happy to hear Jack and Jamie are gaining weight so easily and the breast milk is going great! How are the older siblings doing with the transition?

Shaele- sorry I have only been on the Mirena IUD and never the mini pill but I do understand all of your concerns with breastfeeding and how it affects your periods and such! Hope you find your answers!

As for me, 39 weeks tomorrow and I've had my first day of sporadic contractions today! (Actually thought we would need to go to the hospital this morning but they fizzed out!). I've lost pieces of my mucus plus the past few days but no bloody show or waters breaking! So I have a dr appt tomorrow where I'm going to ask for a membrane sweep on either Friday or Monday because my parents will be in town and I really feel most comfortable leaving my son with them while I'm in the hospital.

Wish me luck ladies! Talk to you all soon!
Oh bselck I hope this is it for you! good luck! thinking of you =) it would be great if he came while your parents are there!!! oh what timing!
BSelck I hope the timing works with your parents being in town. Fingers crossed for you!

Avas doing pretty well adjusting. She gives Jack kisses and hugs and doesn't get bothered when he cries.
Good luck BSelck, I hope to hear some news soon!

Yesterday we found out Jamie has a hole in his heart :cry: He was born with a heart murmur and had a follow up scan yesterday where it was discovered. We have another scan Friday and another next week and it's likely he will go on medication. 75-80% of babies born with a hole in the heart close by the age of 12 months. However, there is a chance he may need to have surgery but at this time it is too early to tell. My poor poor boy :cry: Whilst he was being scanned with a cold probe (for 20 mins) he was such a good boy. Hr had some milk and then I gave him my finger to suck and I stroked his head until he fell asleep :cloud9: I am really worried and I just hope it heals itself.

Anabella is very affectionate with her brother, she cant stop kissing and hugging him. We have to tell her to leave him to sleep as she is all over him a lot of the time! Her behaviour went downhill for a few days when we first got home, but she's calmed down now and seems back to her normal self which is good!
Oh my pompey I'm so sorry to hear about Jamie's heart. I hope it heals itself too!

That's great that Anabella loves him so much and is adjusting well now.
BSelck good luck!! Thinking of you :)

Pompey sorry to hear about the hole in Jamie's heart. My nephew had one when he was born but it was quite severe and he was quite poorly, enough to need surgery. The doctors did an amazing job and he is now a very healthy teenage boy with no long term effects :) you would never know he had heart trouble. Hopefully Jamie will not need surgery, but if he does then I'm sure he will be in very safe hands :hugs:

Alice is 6 weeks old today! Where has the time gone?! Had her doctors check and she was fine. I also booked her first jabs in 2 weeks time, I'm not looking forward to that :(
BSelck good luck!! Thinking of you :)

Pompey sorry to hear about the hole in Jamie's heart. My nephew had one when he was born but it was quite severe and he was quite poorly, enough to need surgery. The doctors did an amazing job and he is now a very healthy teenage boy with no long term effects :) you would never know he had heart trouble. Hopefully Jamie will not need surgery, but if he does then I'm sure he will be in very safe hands :hugs:

Alice is 6 weeks old today! Where has the time gone?! Had her doctors check and she was fine. I also booked her first jabs in 2 weeks time, I'm not looking forward to that :(

That's reassuring to know.... in what way was he quite poorly with it? I am constantly worried about Jamie and how he will be as he develops. At the moment he seems like a normal thriving baby but am concerned he will start getting unwell as his heart takes on more pressure. The consultant said in the first 4 weeks the lungs do more work than the heart and then at around 4 weeks the heart starts to work harder.

I can't believe Alice is 6 weeks already! Is she still feeding and sleeping well?

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