Hi Ladies,
just checking in to see how everyone is getting on!
FXmummy - September will be here before you know it. enjoy the next few weeks off from the am I, aren't I pregnant......and just relax!
MiBaby - I have to be honest I have no idea how to check my CM! pointers gratefully received.
Amber - I am wishing you all the luck in the world! I really hope you get your 2nd BFP soon. As this seems to be a lucky thread who knows, maybe it will rub off on us lol I too believe in psychics and am due to see one in a few weeks. I've seen her before so know she is brilliant! I did however check out that website you posted above and bought a reading! Will let you know what I think of it once it comes through.
Hope everyone stays happy and healthy
Baby dust

to all xxx
Amber - wow you are doing a lot of stuff! fx it all helps you conceive #2! i took prenatals for a few months before hand but no other suppliments i don't even know some of what you listed. as to psychics, no clue, sorry!
Wills - cm isn't too hard to check, ff has info on there about different ways to check, for me i mainly just looked when i wiped but i did check sometimes with a clean finger (but still on the outside), some check it by actually going in and they check cp too (not only do i not want to go in, checking cp is way too confusing for me and so easy to misread). The ewcm is really easy to see on toilet paper tho!
afm: tired all day long and today my boobs decided that any pressure/touch is going to make them super sore! not really much to report here, just waiting to see the nurse on the 20th and the ob next month on the 11th (hoping to hear or see heartbeat this appointment)
Good morning ladies

I hope everyone is well and getting along nicely. I have finally approached O and I'm in my fertile window! :happy dance: however, a few days ago I had a three course of antibiotics for a bladder infection and I'm wondering if this has delayed O? Any ideas? I'm usually full (tmi) of EWCM around this time and I had a bit yesterday but none today. I'm not temping so I don't know exactly when O is due but it will be mid/end of this week. I am BDing eod just in case! Tx!
MiBaby - will have a little time on FF this evening around checking CM and see what I think...its not something I've done or even considered before!
Ceri - think i'm the last person on here to be able to help...not done much research passed OPK's lol but hoping someone can help.

to you anyway xxx
Wills- So I went a little nuts on the psychics....

Spent entirely too much money, and did what I said I wasn't going to do with the "hotlines" they just suck you right in though. I paid for a pregnancy reading from a women in AU who is supposed to be like REALLY GOOD, I've read through all her reviews after being referred to her and she seems amazing and her pregnancy reading is only 19.11us/25AU so not too bad. I did it. Just waiting now. Also paid for one on the site that I put up, but looking to get it refunded and changed to another one with a fertility spell included. Yes, I'm "into" that as well. And I paid for an email reading from another lady that is supposed to very good as well, through several correct readings I saw on her actually. So I'm waiting. The one's I already have my answers on, said nov/dec but they were not very good and I could tell they were fishing and dodging answering direct questions (the hotline ones) so I'm not putting much stock into it as it's much longer then I want to wait anyways

MiBabyHopes (I actually almost type that as Boobyhopes LMAO

haha) EPO is Evening Primrose Oil- You take it from AF until O then stop it, it helps with fertile CM and yes it does work, bc as soon as I started taking it I noticed that my CM was starting to look more EW earlier and mixed with the other CM types, so it does do something. But we use preseed as well, with softcups, which would be similar to cervical capping which has high rates of success (actually higher then IUI) and doctors USED to do it before IUI was invented.
www.storkotc.com actually has a pretty neat product no rx required that takes the dr's out of trying when it starts not happening and they have high success, but softcups are similar in the approach and are way cheaper!

The Omega's help with Uterine Lining and implant. But I'm actually fixing to add a lot of other supplements to the regimen, and some to SO's just to get us healthier and more ready for a baby
AS for the CP and CM checking- EVERYONE check out this website bc it is very informative and actually doing a cp cm check is VERY helpful with the whole picture of your fertility and cycle and help you conceive or tell you if their is an issue, so it's worth figuring out! https://beautifulcervix.com/ AND you can buy a little kit to get to know yours so it's NOT confusing and you know exactly what you are feeling for : https://beautifulcervix.com/see-your-own-beautiful-cervix/ (email them if you can't afford it, bc they do a sliding scale so you can get a kit, and they will let you just get the speculum at discount if you already have all the other stuff, which most of us do as it's just a mirror, flashlight, and some lube

) I recommend this to all. It really does tell you a lot about your fertility and helps with the bigger picture. Plus with my 1st pregnancy, checking my CP was how I knew I was pregnant before even taking a test (but I was 7 wks already)