Ttc #2

Evening all,

Sorry I'm a bit hit and miss, I have a very poor internet connection at the moment but thankfully have the engineers coming out tomorrow to sort it :) I live in a rural area so mobile signal is also hit and miss lol

Amber - still haven't been sent my reading so have emailed chasing it...I just want to know lol

Have you emailed her yet and gotten a response?

Yes, I had an email from her apologising and saying she was doing my reading followed by another email the following day. She has basically said the following:

She can see 2 more children :happydance: for me which will be born by the end of 2022. The first one she sees conception (or finding out) around the month of September with a due date of the 7th of the month and a Friday with a weight of 6lb 6oz. so I've looked at the calendar and that gives me 2 possibilities (assuming she's right)...I could get a BFP this cycle and find out in Sept which would give me a due date of around 7th April or I could infact conceive in September which would give me a due date of 7th July so watch this space! She also said she feels this child to be a girl who will be like my DH (my daughter now is the image of her father) and she will be quick to learn and advanced for her age, she then says our little girl will be very much a girly girl and will love flowers and anything Pink. She will be sensitive in nature and wont like to be in busy places as she likes space around her. (we live on a farm with plenty of fields around us :flower:) She also see's her as being very good at singing and may when older join a well known choir in my area (not sure about this bit), but she feels that by the age of 16 she will look into a job such as accountancy or teaching (I'm an accountant!), she will achieve many things throughout her life and will always be close to you and her daddy.

Then she goes on to say the second child will be a boy and that he will be conceived between 36 and 42 months after giving birth to our baby girl weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and will be born on a Monday evening after an 8 hour labour. He will be darker in colouring than your little girl (my DD is pale and blonde like her daddy and I'm not exactly tanned but not as pale as them with dark hair). Then randomly she says that he will love to eat fruit and his favourites will be oranges, but that these may give him a little rash after he has eaten them, but it’s nothing to worry about, He will make friends very easily and she sees him as being a popular little man, She also see's him being the one that makes others laugh and may when he is older love joining in with school plays and not being shy at all. She then says I see him as studying well when older and may take up a profession caring for animals (My DH is a farmer...we live on a farm :haha:)

Finally she says I do see these children Stacey and you will be blessed along with the child you have already and she will be very close to her sister and brother, all will work out well and you will cherish and adore you little babies and make many happy memories throughout the years, I also feel that you will be a close family lifelong. She says she sees all going well in both pregnancies and I will be well throughout but that I may suffer a little heartburn with my baby boy and may find it difficult to be comfy of a night but this is more for the last month. She also feels a natural birth (really hope this is true as my DD was born by EC after a 10hr labour as he heart rate dropped when I was at 9cm!) with both of our children with traditional names for them.

I'm trying not to read too much into this but she has literally described what I'd like to happen!

Amber - did she send you your reading? If so, what did she say for you? and WOW that is a lot of TTC stuff! I'm using one step and I've looked online and cant find wondfo's anywhere :nope: They seem to be an American test that isn't easily available here but I am using a CBFM too (newer model one).

In relation to my current cycle I'm still using IC's and the lines are now visible without squinting but are still lighter than the control line. I'm also using a CBFM (newer model) and that was low on Monday but high yesterday and today so hoping O happens soon. My temp is kinda up and down so have no idea on that either! I keep having niggly pains though which I'd kinda expect before a period and a lot of discharge although I'm not sure if this is fertile CM or DH's fluids! :blush: (sorry TMI lol)
I think its CM as its egg whitey and really stretchy but I'm really not that good on this stuff :wacko:

MiBaby - really glad your bean is holding in there and looking forward to hearing about your Dr's apt.

Wishing :dust: to all including myself xxx
Wills - sorry to hear your Internet and mobile are not being reliable. your temps seem fine, post o temps can vary a little. As to cm ewcm is stretchy, like able to stretch a few inches, so that sounds good! Fx you o soon and you bded well in your fertile window!

Afm: went to first appointment but it was just medical history stuff and here's info we gave you the first time around but are going to give you again anyhow. Nothing big went on but hopefully next one (Aug 11th) I will be able to give a more interesting update.
Hi all can I join?
First off congratulations to all you ladies who got your bfp's already! And to the ladies who got hit with the witch this cycle lots if baby dust next cycle!
AFM- I'm in the 2ww got atleast a week left before testing and it's killing me. I have some weird things happening to me like being extremely hungry right before bed and as soon as I wake up, hot flashes, and some cramping all weird for me for pms symptoms. I had a chemical last cycle and tested on a whim and bam bfp but the very next day AF showed her ugly face. So I'm hopeful for this cycle, me and dh official ttc cycle. So here's hoping.
Hi all can I join?
First off congratulations to all you ladies who got your bfp's already! And to the ladies who got hit with the witch this cycle lots if baby dust next cycle!
AFM- I'm in the 2ww got atleast a week left before testing and it's killing me. I have some weird things happening to me like being extremely hungry right before bed and as soon as I wake up, hot flashes, and some cramping all weird for me for pms symptoms. I had a chemical last cycle and tested on a whim and bam bfp but the very next day AF showed her ugly face. So I'm hopeful for this cycle, me and dh official ttc cycle. So here's hoping.

Welcome to the group :) I think that a lot of the ladies dipped bc they got their BFP's and are probably more in the first tri threads now then over here. But there are a few of us left. I'm "officially" (well) waiting on my temps to confirm it but I'm in the TWW now FINALLY!!! CD 21 really!!!This cycle has been so weird this time around, so different then my last one, I'm hoping that's a good thing. We did get a lot more BDing in. So sorry for your CP last cycle, we actually have a thread in the TTC after loss forum called "Looking for buddy that logs in a lot" that we just lost a few of our girls to BFP's and one taking a break, so if your interested you can pop in over there too :) I had a CP two cycles ago as well, they totally suck :hugs: "boo :cry: "

Your symptom's sound really promising though, so I will be praying for you, if you don't mind. Being extremely hungry (was very unusual for me, bc I've never had an appetite esp in the morn's) was one of very early preg. symp's when I was pregnant with my daughter. And if I didn't eat it would make me really nauseous.

And I feel ya on the waiting to test part...:coffee: I'm only like 1dpo and already crawling out of my skin wanting to know if this is "the" cycle. LOL. It helps to stay on here and jump around in the forums, esp looking at the PT's to help other ladies figure out if they have a early BFP or not. Other than that, I'm horrible, bc I have a butt load of test's and normally start testing way before I should (like WAY before) :blush: so I'm probably not the best support system for restraining on the testing end. I go nuts with all mine. OPKS, Monitors, and PT's alike. :rofl:
Evening all,

Sorry I'm a bit hit and miss, I have a very poor internet connection at the moment but thankfully have the engineers coming out tomorrow to sort it :) I live in a rural area so mobile signal is also hit and miss lol

Amber - still haven't been sent my reading so have emailed chasing it...I just want to know lol

Have you emailed her yet and gotten a response?

Yes, I had an email from her apologising and saying she was doing my reading followed by another email the following day. She has basically said the following:

She can see 2 more children :happydance: for me which will be born by the end of 2022. The first one she sees conception (or finding out) around the month of September with a due date of the 7th of the month and a Friday with a weight of 6lb 6oz. so I've looked at the calendar and that gives me 2 possibilities (assuming she's right)...I could get a BFP this cycle and find out in Sept which would give me a due date of around 7th April or I could infact conceive in September which would give me a due date of 7th July so watch this space! She also said she feels this child to be a girl who will be like my DH (my daughter now is the image of her father) and she will be quick to learn and advanced for her age, she then says our little girl will be very much a girly girl and will love flowers and anything Pink. She will be sensitive in nature and wont like to be in busy places as she likes space around her. (we live on a farm with plenty of fields around us :flower:) She also see's her as being very good at singing and may when older join a well known choir in my area (not sure about this bit), but she feels that by the age of 16 she will look into a job such as accountancy or teaching (I'm an accountant!), she will achieve many things throughout her life and will always be close to you and her daddy.

Then she goes on to say the second child will be a boy and that he will be conceived between 36 and 42 months after giving birth to our baby girl weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and will be born on a Monday evening after an 8 hour labour. He will be darker in colouring than your little girl (my DD is pale and blonde like her daddy and I'm not exactly tanned but not as pale as them with dark hair). Then randomly she says that he will love to eat fruit and his favourites will be oranges, but that these may give him a little rash after he has eaten them, but it’s nothing to worry about, He will make friends very easily and she sees him as being a popular little man, She also see's him being the one that makes others laugh and may when he is older love joining in with school plays and not being shy at all. She then says I see him as studying well when older and may take up a profession caring for animals (My DH is a farmer...we live on a farm :haha:)

Finally she says I do see these children Stacey and you will be blessed along with the child you have already and she will be very close to her sister and brother, all will work out well and you will cherish and adore you little babies and make many happy memories throughout the years, I also feel that you will be a close family lifelong. She says she sees all going well in both pregnancies and I will be well throughout but that I may suffer a little heartburn with my baby boy and may find it difficult to be comfy of a night but this is more for the last month. She also feels a natural birth (really hope this is true as my DD was born by EC after a 10hr labour as he heart rate dropped when I was at 9cm!) with both of our children with traditional names for them.

I'm trying not to read too much into this but she has literally described what I'd like to happen!

Amber - did she send you your reading? If so, what did she say for you? and WOW that is a lot of TTC stuff! I'm using one step and I've looked online and cant find wondfo's anywhere :nope: They seem to be an American test that isn't easily available here but I am using a CBFM too (newer model one).

In relation to my current cycle I'm still using IC's and the lines are now visible without squinting but are still lighter than the control line. I'm also using a CBFM (newer model) and that was low on Monday but high yesterday and today so hoping O happens soon. My temp is kinda up and down so have no idea on that either! I keep having niggly pains though which I'd kinda expect before a period and a lot of discharge although I'm not sure if this is fertile CM or DH's fluids! :blush: (sorry TMI lol)
I think its CM as its egg whitey and really stretchy but I'm really not that good on this stuff :wacko:

MiBaby - really glad your bean is holding in there and looking forward to hearing about your Dr's apt.

Wishing :dust: to all including myself xxx

Boo :( You got a way more "detailed" reading then I did, at least as far as timing is concerned. Here's what mine was:

Dear Amber

Many thanks for choosing me to read I do hope you find your reading of interest

Your pregnancy reading is as follows.

I do hope that this reading will help in some small way, I will first explain how I read through email which I do attach to all my readings.

I first meditate around you and lay cards to assist with my connections I then dictate your reading onto my Dictaphone and then type your reading out , I also connect with sprit whilst I meditate and they show me visions of the children I have been shown around you with a clear vision of a fertilized egg or not if I did not see any other children and around the aura an initials of the month that I see positive results around you and at times dates are also shown , when I say positive this can be Conception , birth , or first scan date , I thought I should mention this because I have had emails from ladies saying that yes I was correct but it was connected to the scan , I do hope you enjoy your reading .

I have connected for you this evening and have been shown a conception for you I connect around pink auras for this little one Amber so I give a baby girl.

A few details of how your pregnancy birth and child character as shown to me through spirit connections and baby cards.

I have been shown a birth weight of 7 pounds 6 ounces and I feel that she will be born in the early hours of a Saturday morning , I have been shown a labor that may take a little out of you at the time and feel that this labor may take between 11-15 hours and it may also be discussed that you may need assistance with the delivery such as a c section but I don’t feel that this will be needed as she suddenly decides she is making her own way through , please don’t worry over this as all will go well and you will be fine it’s just I pass this on because your baby’s birth will be a natural birth but spirit wanted me to see the c section and pass this on to you because we know it will all be fine so please don’t worry you will be in awe of your baby Amber especially when they pass her to you , she will I feel have a good set of lungs on her and will make sure she is heard she will be a contented baby , and is just beautiful .

She will settle well for you and will fall into a routine quite quickly I feel she will be one of those babies that prefers a little noise around her rather than complete silence a sleep times and will also love music playing. I also connect with her being a little wriggler when trying to feed or dress her but you will find a way and have lots of helpers around with you other children eagerly trying to assist.

I feel as she grows she will be a positive confident child.

I see her mixing well with others and will enjoy school once she is there but may make a few excuses to why she shouldn't go on certain days , as she loves to be around you and doesn't like missing out on things .

I feel that she may go into a profession that requires attention to detail, this could be around Arts or design, she will be a popular young lady and will I feel be very pretty in looks.

I do feel things will all start gelling together soon but I need to pass on that I feel at times you may try to please people a little too much just try to relax a little and even hold back on emotions at times and by doing this I do feel that you will see a stronger bond between you and those you love. I do see happiness coming forward for you Amber you will be content soon x

Spell Cast and instructions.

This evening at 20.33pm, your fertility spell was cast this spell is unique to you.

The evening was dry and warm with a clear sky

Your next monthly cycle will show renewal and all that comes from your body will be refreshed in preparation for conception of your baby.

When you are ready please light one white candle on

Day 1 day 0ne can be any day you wish to begin. Allow the candle to burn for 2 minutes and please light the candle in a safe place as it burns hold your stomach and visualize your baby, say the word renew in your mind as the candle burns. After 2 minutes blow out the candle and take deep breaths relaxing.

Day 2 do nothing just try to relax

Day 3 repeat as day one

Day 4 light a red candle and let it burn for 2 minutes repeat the word Kapa to yourself over and over as the candle burns. After 2 minutes blow out the candle and imagine the image of you with you holding your baby ……………………….. Your spell is now complete. Try to go about your daily routine as normal but every now and again say the word renew renew renew………………

My thoughts and prays are with you , please remember this spell can take up to 3-9 months before you hear positive news but I do know that you will hold the baby that you imagined on your life’s pathway.

Please feel free to keep in touch with updates.

I do have to say, that some of it was a little weird. Like with my daughter, it was briefly discussed that I may need a c section, bc my OB though my pelvis was too narrow but I pushed her out in three pushes. Literally. They came in, woke me up, said it's time, by the time they prepped and we got to pushing, I had a baby ten minutes later. It was crazy. So I could see, the issue arising again, esp since her prediction for this babies size is much larger then what my daughter was (6.1). And so far the "personalities" of this new baby and my daughter are VERY similar with a few differences. I just don't like being told "soon'. What does that even mean? I was really disappointed with that one. But I did go ahead and order the candles I needed (a a bunch more stuff) to do the little meditation candle spell she suggested, they should actually be here tom, so perfect timing for my O and for "conception" to occur. Overall, It did make me feel better and made me relax quite a bit, so really I can't complain. Because to be perfectly honest, that's what I really needed anyways and subconsciously was looking for. I'm jealous of your reading though!!! Lucky :blush:

On a side note, though, I have both of the CB monitors, the Advanced touch screen and the old original one. To be perfectly honest, I used the old on last month it was dead on with my BBT's and the rest of my chart, this month since I had both and the whole testing for LH with FMU was freaking me out (bc my surges are normally short and later in the day) I did an experiment, and I used the advanced per the directions with my FMU and my older one with my SMU and did Wondfo's to confirm both FMU/SMU and a few test's in between when it was getting close. The old on was right on with my chart, the wondfo's and temps, my advanced monitor on the other hand NEVER gave me a peak reading, it's still givng me highs and asking for sticks and the old one has already confirmed two peaks and then went back to high, as well as my wondfo's lightening back up today. So, I'm not so sure that I would recommend using the advanced monitor with FMU, my SMU works better and I wouldn't trust it as in keep testing throughout the day with IC's or something else so you don't miss you peak days, bc if I had been just using the advanced this month, our BDing wouldn't of been timed right and I would of missed my Peak fertility. Just a warning. And if you want the wondfo's PM me and we can figure out something to get them to you ;)
Hi all can I join?
First off congratulations to all you ladies who got your bfp's already! And to the ladies who got hit with the witch this cycle lots if baby dust next cycle!
AFM- I'm in the 2ww got atleast a week left before testing and it's killing me. I have some weird things happening to me like being extremely hungry right before bed and as soon as I wake up, hot flashes, and some cramping all weird for me for pms symptoms. I had a chemical last cycle and tested on a whim and bam bfp but the very next day AF showed her ugly face. So I'm hopeful for this cycle, me and dh official ttc cycle. So here's hoping.

Welcome to the group :) I think that a lot of the ladies dipped bc they got their BFP's and are probably more in the first tri threads now then over here. But there are a few of us left. I'm "officially" (well) waiting on my temps to confirm it but I'm in the TWW now FINALLY!!! CD 21 really!!!This cycle has been so weird this time around, so different then my last one, I'm hoping that's a good thing. We did get a lot more BDing in. So sorry for your CP last cycle, we actually have a thread in the TTC after loss forum called "Looking for buddy that logs in a lot" that we just lost a few of our girls to BFP's and one taking a break, so if your interested you can pop in over there too :) I had a CP two cycles ago as well, they totally suck :hugs: "boo :cry: "

Your symptom's sound really promising though, so I will be praying for you, if you don't mind. Being extremely hungry (was very unusual for me, bc I've never had an appetite esp in the morn's) was one of very early preg. symp's when I was pregnant with my daughter. And if I didn't eat it would make me really nauseous.

And I feel ya on the waiting to test part...:coffee: I'm only like 1dpo and already crawling out of my skin wanting to know if this is "the" cycle. LOL. It helps to stay on here and jump around in the forums, esp looking at the PT's to help other ladies figure out if they have a early BFP or not. Other than that, I'm horrible, bc I have a butt load of test's and normally start testing way before I should (like WAY before) :blush: so I'm probably not the best support system for restraining on the testing end. I go nuts with all mine. OPKS, Monitors, and PT's alike. :rofl:

Amber- I told myself not to obsess this time around :headspin: yeah right! After the CP I have done nothing but obsess. I couldn't believe I had gotten pregnant the first cycle me and dh stopped protecting seeing as it took us almost 6 years ntnp and 2 years ttcing like hard core, but God blessed us with our beautiful daughter and it was the one month I thought I missed the eggy.
Here's hoping for all of us to get those beautiful babies this cycle. I've learned my lesson just asking to get pregnant:dohh: I've has 4 failed pregnancies so now I always pray/ask for a healthy pregnancy and baby!
Welcome Saveme!

sorry to hear about the cp, it is hard not to obsess in general never mind after you thought you had it and then the witch comes. hopefully your sticky bean will come soon :thumbup:
After reading Amber's one post about how a lot of the ladies who were on here have not been posting, i decided to go back and make a list of all the ladies who have posted on here and see if any others got bfps and didn't post it here. there were actually quite a few (7 so far), some who let us know and others who didn't but i'm going to make a list on the first page of this post to keep track (if any of it needs to change let me know). i was actually just wondering where some of these ladies had gone to myself cuz there are 27 of us and i know life gets in the way or there are internet issues but i like to keep up on this stuff.
Welcome Saveme!

sorry to hear about the cp, it is hard not to obsess in general never mind after you thought you had it and then the witch comes. hopefully your sticky bean will come soon :thumbup:
Hopes-congratulations to you, I love to hear and see us ladies being blessed with these angels...
AFM- I really hope this is my cycle for baby #2 I feel ready:baby: after my daughter I couldn't even imagine wanting to have another one this soon but I guess God has his plans and I'm more than fine with that. All of a sudden I have this overwhelming desire to have another :baby:
But all I can do at this point is wait and see
I'm still here :wave: I've not posted much but keep up with everyone else! I'm somewhere in TWW, about 7dpo I guess. No symptoms at all! Last month I had symptoms all over the place but now- nothing! Good luck to everyone!
I have "officailly" reached the TWW, so the waiting begins, and the temptations to test are lurking beside me. I LITERALLY have 100's of test's to choose from, no shit. I've got to get some self control LOL!
Is anyone on here in the US and just now like yesterday or the day before got your first bfp? I have some tests that I want to "test" out to see exactly how sensitive they are, so I'm looking for ladies at different stages in their BFP to send 2-3 of them to so I can see how they progress as well. They are lab tests, and very sensitive, that have both pink and blue dye in them, the pink is for the testing line and blue is the control line, how neat?
Didn't mean you Ceri,:hugs: but some ladies haven't posted in a while! glad to have your update tho! at least half of your ttw is over, can't wait to see test results, when do you plan on starting?
Hi girls well I caved today and poas $tree test and negative I'm still about 6-7 days away from my monthly just thought maybe? But nope, I'm having some different symptoms this month unusual for my pms symptoms. Oh well negative for today but I still have time and hope..
Anyone know anything about cervix positioning afrer ov?
Didn't mean you Ceri,:hugs: but some ladies haven't posted in a while! glad to have your update tho! at least half of your ttw is over, can't wait to see test results, when do you plan on starting?

I was thinking I'd test either today or tomorrow as I'm going away to my parents tmro and won't be able to test there. I won't be back until after AF is due. I'm thinking I will probably wait until I'm back, if AF doesn't show up, of course. I'm only 7dpo today so it would be :bfn: anyway, I'm sure!

How are you getting on? When is your due date?
Hi girls well I caved today and poas $tree test and negative I'm still about 6-7 days away from my monthly just thought maybe? But nope, I'm having some different symptoms this month unusual for my pms symptoms. Oh well negative for today but I still have time and hope..
Anyone know anything about cervix positioning afrer ov?

Didn't mean you Ceri,:hugs: but some ladies haven't posted in a while! glad to have your update tho! at least half of your ttw is over, can't wait to see test results, when do you plan on starting?

I was thinking I'd test either today or tomorrow as I'm going away to my parents tmro and won't be able to test there. I won't be back until after AF is due. I'm thinking I will probably wait until I'm back, if AF doesn't show up, of course. I'm only 7dpo today so it would be :bfn: anyway, I'm sure!

How are you getting on? When is your due date?

saveme- Totally with you on the caving, lol, I started at 6dpo last month :dohh: But good thing about early testing is a neg means nothing and it's just a nice surprise to get a line early. Wonder who is going to win the conception lottery this month :haha: I'm only 3 dpo and can't wait to start testing. LOL. I do this every time. But I bought a bunch of new tests between last cycle and this one, so I have all kinds of one's to play with, lol. Everybody already knows it's best to relax and stay stress free...blah, blah, blah....but seriously I've started doing fertility yoga this week and guided positive affirmation meditations for conception/pregnancy/birth and I really like it. It takes up some of my time, so I'm not obsessing over testing and it truly does make me feel better, and like I am actually doing "something" to help things along instead of just crawling out of my skin to test. I also work on my vision board, which has a lot of pregnancy and baby stuff on it :blush: Like majority of it, lol. But it also does the same as the others^ uses my time, and I feel like I"m moving forward and "helping' somehow...even if it is just stress releif.... And as far as TWW symptoms- different is good :happydance:

CheriB- I'm not a good support system for "non early testing" so I can't really give advice. But there is NO way I could go away without bringing them with me, no way. I would deffo be testing while at the parents. May I ask why you don't want to?
DH is not coming with us and my no one knows we are trying. They are incredibly nosey too so would find out! I might get one when I'm there and test later in the week. Maybe I'll do a cheaply before I go tmro. I'll be about 8dpo.
DH is not coming with us and my no one knows we are trying. They are incredibly nosey too so would find out! I might get one when I'm there and test later in the week. Maybe I'll do a cheaply before I go tmro. I'll be about 8dpo.

You could just put them un-packaged( so they wouldn't hear you opening them) in a little bathroom tote, they would never know the difference. And it would be exciting to know plenty of time before hubby so you could come up with a proper way to surprise him :)
I'm doing pretty good, Ceri. a little constipated (tmi) but that's normal with pregnancy hormones i guess, still super tired and tender/sore boobs/nipples. the edd is 3/8 based on lmp and 3/12 based on o. i can't wait to feel little kicks and movements, the first trimester is so full of worry and doubt, but i think when i start feeling the baby move it will reassure me that all is well in babyville. i can't wait to hear or see the heartbeat either, that will alleviate some fear, too.

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