Ttc #2

So at 11 DPO today I had more definite lines on an IC and a FRER. Eek! Nervously excited. Called my doctor this morning to get progesterone pills like I did last time with my daughter. They had me make 2 appointments already, starting to make it feel real. FX! Here's my FRER pic. :happydance:

FRER pic 082916.jpg
The witch definitely got me :( so annoyed as we bd a lot but all too early. I also think my cm is not so good lately, it used to be a lot better. Any ideas how to improve it? I know I don't drink enough!

Hey oilymama, sorry about the bfn, let's hope we both have a bfp next cycle!

Hey Schultzie, I don't have experience with mirena but I expect things will be a bit wonky for a while.

Hi aliko, welcome and yes of course there is room for you! Hope your tww goes quickly! I'm on cd2 so a while yet before I even reach my fertile window.

Hi roc and welcome, hope you get your next sticky bean soon.

Have you tried using EPO supplements during your pre O wait? (Evening Primrose Oil) I was using them, we took a break this last cycle, but I will start using them again next cycle, but they REALLY helped. You take one a day until you O, then stop with them, I would always switched to a Omega Supplement (it had several of them in it not just 3's) for post O, but you can't take the EPO post O for some reason. But there was a very big difference in my EWCM almost immediately after starting to use them. I was impressed. Something you may want to look into :flower:

***Oh and as a side note- EPO is MUCH cheaper then Vitex. Its like 4 dollars for a bottle of 75 of them, and since you only take them for the first half of your cycle they last quite a while. I bought my bottle like 4 or 5 months ago and still have like 1/2 a bottle maybe more. My cycle's have been fluctuating back and forth though between oing around CD14-16 and CD 20-22 so some months I take a more some months a little less. It only takes one a day though, so either way they will last you a long time and you can buy them at Walmart. I noticed a difference in my CM within just 2-3 days of starting to take them!

Thanks so much for this! I have bought some epo and L Arginine too. What strength were yours? My bottle says to take 3 a day and they are 1000 mg, should I just take 1 and see how I go?

Really good to see you back, it will take some time to get over things and that is just fine. We are all here to support you in your journey too. Praying you get your bfp! Loads of positive energy for the both of us.

I had another bfn and my bff after a cycle of Ivf/fet is heartbroken by a bfn today. At least I know I get another shot at it this month, she doesn't and that is making me pull myself up sharp and look forward to another month. On cd9 so hoping I haven't missed the boat taking these epo!
So much to catch up!

Good hear from you Amber! Thank you for the info on EPO. Funny thing is I didn't by it because at the store I went to (local health food store) the EPO was wayyyy more expensive than vitex. Interesting how different it can be. Hope you can keep looking ahead and I wish you get your sticky bean soon!

Congrats Phoenix and Twinklie!!

fxmummy - sorry AF showed, but good for you seeing the positive and getting to try again soon.

Afm, I'm CD 15 and my cm has been tinged brown still at CD 14. Haven't checked today yet. I did have a Maya Abdominal Massage lat Saturday. I also got instructions how to do a vaginal steam bath!! Who knew there is a benefit to steaming your vagina. Haha. If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Other then that i try to ignore the fact that the majority of woman would be in their fertile week now and I am thankful that even if late I do ovulate and that I have previously conceived without meds and have not had to go through a loss. So like fxmummy was saying I try look at the bright side of things!
thank you all!!! i'm so excited. still POAS just to make sure they are getting darker, and thankfully they are!

Twinklie: i saw that second line without even having to click on the pic! congrats!!

ALiKO: any updates? how are you feeling?
Hello everyone! I hope it's fine to jump into this thread. I'm TTC my second child (my son is three years old) and this is our second cycle trying. The first month, we only decided to TTC pretty impulsively, so this is my first cycle temping, using OPKs, having given up coffee, etc. I never did use OPKs with my son -- just guessed at my fertile days based on my body's signals -- and so I'm feeling a little naive about how to interpret my Wondfo OPK results.

I'm on CD10 and since CD4 I've been getting negatives. The lines are always there, but always like a third as dark or half as dark as the control line. Today, starting at 9 a.m., I've been getting lines dark enough to make me question whether it's a positive. This last one (photo posted) was taken at about 8 p.m. and it's the darkest yet. Does anyone mind weighing in? My instinct is that it's close, but not quite yet.

Thank you to everyone! And huge congrats to those of you who just got BFPs!


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Oops, just to add -- I have shorter cycles (24-25 days) so ovulating on CD10 wouldn't be unusual for me.
Hello everyone! I hope it's fine to jump into this thread. I'm TTC my second child (my son is three years old) and this is our second cycle trying. The first month, we only decided to TTC pretty impulsively, so this is my first cycle temping, using OPKs, having given up coffee, etc. I never did use OPKs with my son -- just guessed at my fertile days based on my body's signals -- and so I'm feeling a little naive about how to interpret my Wondfo OPK results.

I'm on CD10 and since CD4 I've been getting negatives. The lines are always there, but always like a third as dark or half as dark as the control line. Today, starting at 9 a.m., I've been getting lines dark enough to make me question whether it's a positive. This last one (photo posted) was taken at about 8 p.m. and it's the darkest yet. Does anyone mind weighing in? My instinct is that it's close, but not quite yet.

Thank you to everyone! And huge congrats to those of you who just got BFPs!

Welcome second.time! IMO, i agree that test line isn't QUITE positive but it is right there. when mine were that close, i'd usually test every couple hours to make sure i didn't miss my surge. (i didnt feel like i was wasting them since i used the ICs too) i bet one of your next couple will be the positive!
Hello everyone! I hope it's fine to jump into this thread. I'm TTC my second child (my son is three years old) and this is our second cycle trying. The first month, we only decided to TTC pretty impulsively, so this is my first cycle temping, using OPKs, having given up coffee, etc. I never did use OPKs with my son -- just guessed at my fertile days based on my body's signals -- and so I'm feeling a little naive about how to interpret my Wondfo OPK results.

I'm on CD10 and since CD4 I've been getting negatives. The lines are always there, but always like a third as dark or half as dark as the control line. Today, starting at 9 a.m., I've been getting lines dark enough to make me question whether it's a positive. This last one (photo posted) was taken at about 8 p.m. and it's the darkest yet. Does anyone mind weighing in? My instinct is that it's close, but not quite yet.

Thank you to everyone! And huge congrats to those of you who just got BFPs!

That actually looks pretty positive. What brand are they? because that does make a difference in what the "positive" will look like, (refer to my post in the OPK forum about differences in "positives" between brands it will blow your mind) I use wondfo's and mine normally do slightly darker then that, so I would suggest, like the previous poster to start testing every time you go to the loo. BUT there is also one other variable that you have to consider, not everyone get's surges that are high enough to "break the threshold level and give a true positive" so my next questions are- *How long have you used that brand and have they ever got darker then that? *What other brands have you used and have they given you proper positive's? (the different brands you've used will tell me a lot as far as what your surge levels normally are, bc I'm pretty familiar with what each brands threshold is) I normally suggest that ladies just stick with wondfo bc they are really good at detecting even lower surges, but if you have fluctuating surges or very low ones, there is a brand that has levels available in LH strips I believe from 10mIU all the way up to 50mIU. But my actual recommendation to do, when you have questionable levels is to get a CB monitor. I actually like my older one better, but the new touch screen one works too, and it tailors itself to YOUR personal levels, so it takes all the guess work out of everything, just make sure that you do the very test that it ask you for bc that test is very important. That test is actually the one that sets your levels and if you miss it the machine will default to "normal" surge levels which are very high and not everyone will have a surge that meets that level so you could go a whole month with only lows or highs and never get a peak. The first test is important ;)

Moral of my book- I have done anything and everything there is one the planet to try to conceive and have learned quite a bit in the process, not that I'm trying to act like a "know it all" bc I surely don't know everything, as much as I would like to :rofl: But if you have any questions, shoot me a private message and I would be more than happy to help you out :flower: I know how crazy confusing and frustrating all this can get, :wacko: , and don't mind trying to help when I can :winkwink:
Thank you so much for the advice, phoenix and amber! I did get a strong positive this morning ... the test line was developing BEFORE the control line, which has never happened before. Usually the test line, no matter how dark it eventually becomes, lags behind the control line, but this time, it was getting dark FASTER than the control. I'm happy to get a positive! Kind of exciting -- and it's on a day that matches up with my instincts of when I O, which is nice.

Amber, I'd love to reach out to you advice if I have more questions. Thank you!


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The witch definitely got me :( so annoyed as we bd a lot but all too early. I also think my cm is not so good lately, it used to be a lot better. Any ideas how to improve it? I know I don't drink enough!

Hey oilymama, sorry about the bfn, let's hope we both have a bfp next cycle!

Hey Schultzie, I don't have experience with mirena but I expect things will be a bit wonky for a while.

Hi aliko, welcome and yes of course there is room for you! Hope your tww goes quickly! I'm on cd2 so a while yet before I even reach my fertile window.

Hi roc and welcome, hope you get your next sticky bean soon.

Have you tried using EPO supplements during your pre O wait? (Evening Primrose Oil) I was using them, we took a break this last cycle, but I will start using them again next cycle, but they REALLY helped. You take one a day until you O, then stop with them, I would always switched to a Omega Supplement (it had several of them in it not just 3's) for post O, but you can't take the EPO post O for some reason. But there was a very big difference in my EWCM almost immediately after starting to use them. I was impressed. Something you may want to look into :flower:

***Oh and as a side note- EPO is MUCH cheaper then Vitex. Its like 4 dollars for a bottle of 75 of them, and since you only take them for the first half of your cycle they last quite a while. I bought my bottle like 4 or 5 months ago and still have like 1/2 a bottle maybe more. My cycle's have been fluctuating back and forth though between oing around CD14-16 and CD 20-22 so some months I take a more some months a little less. It only takes one a day though, so either way they will last you a long time and you can buy them at Walmart. I noticed a difference in my CM within just 2-3 days of starting to take them!

Thanks so much for this! I have bought some epo and L Arginine too. What strength were yours? My bottle says to take 3 a day and they are 1000 mg, should I just take 1 and see how I go?

Really good to see you back, it will take some time to get over things and that is just fine. We are all here to support you in your journey too. Praying you get your bfp! Loads of positive energy for the both of us.

I had another bfn and my bff after a cycle of Ivf/fet is heartbroken by a bfn today. At least I know I get another shot at it this month, she doesn't and that is making me pull myself up sharp and look forward to another month. On cd9 so hoping I haven't missed the boat taking these epo!

My bottle said the same thing, but that is for when you are taking them for hair skin and nails, which you could knock out two birds with one stone if you wanted, bc honestly it's not going to hurt. The brand I have is Walmarts Spring Valley, I was only taking one and did notice a difference in CM immediately. CD 9 is fine, if you are doing OPK's and BBTing then when you get your positive OPK take your dose for that day then stop. That's what I did, because I would rather err on the side of caution and stop them early then take them after I O, bc there are risks with taking them after your O. But you do need Omega's in the second half your TWW to help with uterine lining (actually you can take them the whole time and it will help with egg quality as well- getting an Omega supplement that has 3,6, & 9's in it is best,(These are a REALLY good Omega Supplement and are some of the more afforable ones but they are more expensive and do a CoQ10-but the sublingual one's are better and you want one that says Ubiquinol on it, bc regular CoQ10 isn't absorbed very well, the Ubiquinol form is absorbed very well it's more expensive, but walmart does carry a sub- Ubiq formula too) Which the CoQ10 is taken all month and I would take the Omega 3,6,9 all month as well, with the EPO just taken previous to O.

This is a VERY good Prenatal vitamin, I took them while I was pregnant and their DHA supplement- This is the only one I'm seeing that uses Folate instead of Folic Acid, though, but if you process FA just fine then this one is really good (independent testing rated this as the 2nd best absorbed prenatal vitamin out of 100 different ones, which means that you are actually getting the vitamins in your system and not just eliminating them through urine and BM. You do have to take 6/day, but with vitamins, it's kind of essential of absorption, bc your body can only absorb so much of each vitamin and herb at a time, so by taking them several times a day, you get more out of them- *little known fact* lol) Their DHA sup is very good too. I actually was having problems with LO not growing properly when I was about 5 months pregnant and a month after beginning these sup's she had surpassed her gestational group! they work)

As for the CoQ10- It depends on your age as to what you should be taking daily- But independent testing of CoQ10 and fertility (both men and women) have blown scientist's away at how helpful it can be in reversing fertility problems. Men should take 200mg's each day, you should take 300-600/day.

Hub's can also greatly improve count, motility, morphology, etc by adding selenium and zinc to his regimen and a men's multi with the CoQ10 (Ubiquinol) to his daily sup reg.


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So much to catch up!

Good hear from you Amber! Thank you for the info on EPO. Funny thing is I didn't by it because at the store I went to (local health food store) the EPO was wayyyy more expensive than vitex. Interesting how different it can be. Hope you can keep looking ahead and I wish you get your sticky bean soon!

Congrats Phoenix and Twinklie!!

fxmummy - sorry AF showed, but good for you seeing the positive and getting to try again soon.

Afm, I'm CD 15 and my cm has been tinged brown still at CD 14. Haven't checked today yet. I did have a Maya Abdominal Massage lat Saturday. I also got instructions how to do a vaginal steam bath!! Who knew there is a benefit to steaming your vagina. Haha. If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Other then that i try to ignore the fact that the majority of woman would be in their fertile week now and I am thankful that even if late I do ovulate and that I have previously conceived without meds and have not had to go through a loss. So like fxmummy was saying I try look at the bright side of things!

Yeah, it is weird with the supplements and pricing, but to be perfectly honest, the little specialty shops are the worst place to shop for supplements, herbs, and vit's. My shop alone is marked up at least 50% on EVERYTHING. It's ridiculous. I understand that they are a small business and all but 50% mark up and sometimes 75% mark ups, COME ON! My favorite (and only way I shop now) way to shop for sup's is on the web, specifically Amazon, and Not only do you normally get WAY better prices, but there is an astronomical selection, AND the added bonus of being able to read what everyone else is saying about it, instead of just hoping that the sales lady/man is honest and that you by chance pick the best one on the shelf. EPO at walmart is like 4 dollars for a bottle, and it works just fine, so I wouldn't stress about finding "the best" when it comes to EPO esp when the "generic" one works great. That can't be said for everything, but the EPO is just fine when it comes to using the "cheap one" lol.

**Also- I chalked it up to the CP, but for like a whole week, well after I had stopped bleeding all together, I also had weird brown tinged CM. Like not even enough of color, hue, or amt to be alarmed, but it was weird. Thought it was strange we both had that this month. Anyways....
So at 11 DPO today I had more definite lines on an IC and a FRER. Eek! Nervously excited. Called my doctor this morning to get progesterone pills like I did last time with my daughter. They had me make 2 appointments already, starting to make it feel real. FX! Here's my FRER pic. :happydance:

View attachment 963935

Thank you so much for the advice, phoenix and amber! I did get a strong positive this morning ... the test line was developing BEFORE the control line, which has never happened before. Usually the test line, no matter how dark it eventually becomes, lags behind the control line, but this time, it was getting dark FASTER than the control. I'm happy to get a positive! Kind of exciting -- and it's on a day that matches up with my instincts of when I O, which is nice.

Amber, I'd love to reach out to you advice if I have more questions. Thank you!

Congrats on the positive Twinkie! So happy for you :wohoo:

Second.Time- Sounds great, just PM me anytime. I also read cards (no charge) and am open to do readings for ladies as long as I don't get bombarded by requests and I haven't used them in while, so I have to put a disclaimer out there that- "My readings are ONLY for FUN and to help pass the time while we wait on either side of our cycle's- Please do not send me "hate mail" if you feel like your outcome given in the reading isn't happening at all or fast enough"

AND lastly- That's a WONDERFUL PROPER positive!!!! Get to BDing Lady! I normally O within 3 days of my first positive LH strip, and the day after my Peak reading on my CB fertility monitors. For some reason the Strips pick up the surge before the monitors do (probably bc you can only test one time a day) and I have a few more days warning of impending O day with LH strips, that has been confirmed with my BBT's consistently for months.....
Does anyone have any advice/experience with pre-seed, conceive plus or astroglide ttc?
Does anyone have any advice/experience with pre-seed, conceive plus or astroglide ttc?

I just used preseed this month and got my BFP! The week after ovulation, I also ate 5 Brazil nuts for 6 days. It's supposed to help with implantation. So between the two, for me it was a success.
Does anyone have any advice/experience with pre-seed, conceive plus or astroglide ttc?

I use preseed. And a little goes a LONG way. I find that the amt suggested on the box to use is WAY too much. It will literally make you so wet that you won't even be able to enjoy sex, no joke. here is a video you will probably find interesting- I do think it helps though, esp if you are also using Instead Softcups!



Eeek! I'm so excited, just got some really good ewcm the first good stuff in months! I'm so happy!! The epo and L arginine must be helping!!!!
Does anyone have any advice/experience with pre-seed, conceive plus or astroglide ttc?

I use preseed. And a little goes a LONG way. I find that the amt suggested on the box to use is WAY too much. It will literally make you so wet that you won't even be able to enjoy sex, no joke. here is a video you will probably find interesting- I do think it helps though, esp if you are also using Instead Softcups!




Thanks for those, very interesting/helpful! I have a mooncup but should I try softcups instead? They look a better shape.
I used pre-seed when I conceived my daughter! But yes, definitely use WAY less than they recommend!

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