Ttc #2

Eeek! I'm so excited, just got some really good ewcm the first good stuff in months! I'm so happy!! The epo and L arginine must be helping!!!!

Does anyone have any advice/experience with pre-seed, conceive plus or astroglide ttc?

I use preseed. And a little goes a LONG way. I find that the amt suggested on the box to use is WAY too much. It will literally make you so wet that you won't even be able to enjoy sex, no joke. here is a video you will probably find interesting- I do think it helps though, esp if you are also using Instead Softcups!




Thanks for those, very interesting/helpful! I have a mooncup but should I try softcups instead? They look a better shape.

What are everyone's thoughts on baby aspirin during the TWW? I took a few scattered doses during my TWW with my first pregnancy, but that could have just been coincidence. I figured I'd try to take it every other day.

I'm 3 DPO today ... the limbo stage. Trying not to obsess, but it's hard not to.

I never tried baby aspirin. What is it supposed to do?

This link talks about it a little: apparently it can increase blood flow to the pelvis and thicken endometrial lining. But as you can see from the link, while some docs think it's helpful, others say it's not a great idea, so I think generally it's one of those things you should discuss with your GP or OB-GYN before trying. And it looks like you should stop taking it once you actually become pregnant! It's a TWW thing, as I understand it.

There are other things recommended during the TWW, like Brazil nuts or fresh pineapple juice, that seem safer without any risks, so maybe that's preferable!

I had read some where that if you are taking baby aspirin during the TWW that you shouldn't stop it until well after the first tri, bc it can cause you to miscarry. I could be wrong, but I"m almost certain that I had read that some where, so before anyone starts taking them, make sure you do your research on how to take them please :flower:

Thanks for mentioning that, Amber! You know, I took some during my TWW with my son (not every day, just a dose here and there) and it didn't seem to hurt anything. I was being superstitious about trying to do everything exactly the same. But the more I come across conflicting research, the more I realize it's probably safer to just avoid baby aspirin.

Aliko, I think you're meant to drink the fresh-squeezed pineapple juice but try to avoid the actual pineapple core as that can possibly cause contractions? But that's not to freak you out if you've already eaten some, I'm sure plenty of women have eaten pineapple during the TWW and been totally fine! I hope I'm not adding any stress to your TWW.
Okay, so I literally have no freaking clue what is going on with my cycle this time. My last cycle ended in a CP, which I was gutted over, so when it came time to start pulling out my fertility arsenal I didn't. I thought that I wanted to just take a break this cycle. But then we BD'd and I went ahead and entered it in on FF and realized that we had just happened to BD right around the time that I normally O. So in the back of my head, I'm thinking, maybe there's a chance this cycle wasn't a bust even though I wasn't tracking anything. So then I started paying attention to my CP/CM and doing OPK's just bc, and using my monitors, as well as doing PT's, bc I have no clue what is happening or where I am in my cycle. So about 4 or 5 days ago I started to notice really fertile EWCM like the best CM I've ever produced :rofl: but I kept thinking I've already O'd bc I'm WAY past my time I usually O and my monitors consistently gave me high readings and then both went to low, so I figured I had already O'd. Now I can't continue to use the monitors, bc they think I've already O'd and won't take sticks anymore, but I"ve been using my wondfo's just in case, and they have been negative barely there lines until yesterday when they were a lot darker, then just now, I did one and it looks positive or just about positive to me, in the pics (one normal and one with high contrast) the two top tests are yesterdays from SMU and then evening, and the bottom is the one I just did. What do you ladies think? Oh and my cervix is High and soft, but it's closed and tilted towards the back (it's never tilted before so I'm not sure what to think of that one) If this were happening to you ladies what would you think? I'm now on CD 34 and FF had predicted that AF should of started on CD29...... So things are all weird now. I don't know what to think. I'm so confused. :wacko:

I would take a pregnancy test!
Okay, so I literally have no freaking clue what is going on with my cycle this time. My last cycle ended in a CP, which I was gutted over, so when it came time to start pulling out my fertility arsenal I didn't. I thought that I wanted to just take a break this cycle. But then we BD'd and I went ahead and entered it in on FF and realized that we had just happened to BD right around the time that I normally O. So in the back of my head, I'm thinking, maybe there's a chance this cycle wasn't a bust even though I wasn't tracking anything. So then I started paying attention to my CP/CM and doing OPK's just bc, and using my monitors, as well as doing PT's, bc I have no clue what is happening or where I am in my cycle. So about 4 or 5 days ago I started to notice really fertile EWCM like the best CM I've ever produced :rofl: but I kept thinking I've already O'd bc I'm WAY past my time I usually O and my monitors consistently gave me high readings and then both went to low, so I figured I had already O'd. Now I can't continue to use the monitors, bc they think I've already O'd and won't take sticks anymore, but I"ve been using my wondfo's just in case, and they have been negative barely there lines until yesterday when they were a lot darker, then just now, I did one and it looks positive or just about positive to me, in the pics (one normal and one with high contrast) the two top tests are yesterdays from SMU and then evening, and the bottom is the one I just did. What do you ladies think? Oh and my cervix is High and soft, but it's closed and tilted towards the back (it's never tilted before so I'm not sure what to think of that one) If this were happening to you ladies what would you think? I'm now on CD 34 and FF had predicted that AF should of started on CD29...... So things are all weird now. I don't know what to think. I'm so confused. :wacko:

I would take a pregnancy test!

I have, believe me, lol. I keep getting these incredibly ridiculous squinters, but nothing definitive. Not sure what to think. I dont know whether I'm coming or going :rofl: Have I O'd, am Oing now? Should I be taking PT's or OPK's? I am so confused and I wish I hadn't of not done anything at all for the beginning of this cycle.
Amber - maybe the CP last cycle messed with this one and you are just now o'ing. Did you notice any ewcm around your usual o date? Hope you figure it out soon. It drives me crazy with long irregular cycles I always wonder is this it? I think I might be o'ing soon which would be really early for me so I'm a bit skeptical.
Amber - maybe the CP last cycle messed with this one and you are just now o'ing. Did you notice any ewcm around your usual o date? Hope you figure it out soon. It drives me crazy with long irregular cycles I always wonder is this it? I think I might be o'ing soon which would be really early for me so I'm a bit skeptical.

I don't know about my normal O time, bc I wasn't even thinking about trying this month, it literally was the furthest thing from my mind bc I just couldn't take another month of trying so hard and nothing coming from it, at the time. :dohh: that I actually do care that this cycle isn't a complete bust I now have no clue what is going on. My thoughts are, 1- the CP messed up my cycle and am just now Oing, or 2- I already O'd and the surge I'm seeing is the LH surge you get right before AF. Either way, I don't think I'm pregnant, I think the test's just always have a super super faint line on them or I'm crazy and seeing things :rofl: (or I actually have a "normal" Hcg level of something other then zero but less than 5 and the test is picking up on my non pregnant hcg level- :shrug: ) I would be inclined to say that I am probably about to O, bc I normally do get EWCM for about a week previous to my actual O date, but who really knows? Do you think that starting to do BBT would tell me anything at this point or have I waited too long?
Looking at your charts, you do get a very clear temp shift. FF might not give you crosshairs, because there are not enough temps, but I would still try. Your pre o temps are quite a bit lower than your post o ones. I bet just by that you will be able to tell if you are o'ing. I'd give it a shot!
Looking at your charts, you do get a very clear temp shift. FF might not give you crosshairs, because there are not enough temps, but I would still try. Your pre o temps are quite a bit lower than your post o ones. I bet just by that you will be able to tell if you are o'ing. I'd give it a shot!

That was my thought's on it as well. My temps, pre and post, up until now have been very clear whether I was pre or post O, so I thought that if I started taking a temps again now, then I could probably get at least a better idea of what's going on then what I have now. I'm leaning more towards I'm about to O then anything, which upsets me a little, bc I can't use my monitors this cycle bc it's taken so long to get to this point and I had low readings after consistent highs, my monitors shut down shop after that, which I think is crap. I think the monitors should let you put a stick in them when ever you want, and even more then once a day for when you nearing O, bc my surge is normally in the evening, and not with FMU. which is what the cb monitors tell you to use in them, but last month I used one with fmu and the other with smu and if I had only been doing fmu I would of missed my surge completely, the monitor I was using smu with caught it and that was proven with my temps. Anyways, my pre o temps are always in the lower 96's and post O temps are in the high 97's mid 98's so I think doing temps for a few days will let me know what's going on, and I'll just stick with the wondfo's to see what happens, and I guess we should probably start BDing just in case I actually am Oing in the next few days and haven't already. Oh, and BTW my cervix had been closed this entire week, and now it's open again, and high and soft, so that is making me think that ovulation is immanent as well. FF if I change it to Family planning mode then it say's that I'm possibly fertile bc of the CP/CM I've entered in it, so I think I should probably just play it safe and bd like I am. It's not like it's going to hurt anything, right? LOL :dohh:
Sounds like a plan, Amber! I look forward to seeing those temps. And yes bd :)

Afm, I'm wondering if I o today. Temp was really low this morning. Of course I changed our bedding to a lighter blanket yesterday, so it might give me false hope. We might actually skip this month. Keep going back and forth on it. We are headed to Germany end if September to visit family and I would just find out whether or not I'm pregnant. So then we probably would tell at least close family as they know we are trying and it would be impossible to explain the no drinking.
Phoenix322: Af already got me! lol. But I'm not upset at all just taking it in stride. I'm actually happy as my O date was confirmed and I see a definte O pattern and can plan DTD accordingly :D. Hopefully i'll be joining the pregnancy threads soon. Happy bun baking sweetie!

Amber: I'm not familiar with OPK's as I've never used them. I try to avoid them because I hear so many women complain about how confusing they can be which in turn adds extra stress to TTCing. If you want to make things a bit less stressful may I suggest putting down the OPK's and just go by your temps and CM. Trust me from experience the 1st time I fell pregnant with my daughter was the one month I literally did not try. I went on vacation, did family activities, enjoyed BD with hubby and bam ended up pregnant. So now I'm trying to get back into that mind frame. Relax a little you'll be good mama :hugs:.

second.time: lol no you didn't stress me out. I haven't tried it yet but thanks for the extra info and keep the advice coming! haha :)

mom15: GL with everything! I would love to visit Germany one day :D
Currently on cd 2 and cycle 5 of ttc. Very frustrated because with the first 2 times we got pregnant it happened fairly quick and easy. Yes I was pregnant twice but ttc #2 because first try we mc, second we got our precious and beautiful son. I figured it wasn't going to be first try this time but I didn't think I would be trying still by the fifth month, every bfn and af is disappointing. We are trying to stay positive!

I think I am going to be in same situation. First two times super easy (1 mc and then my wonderful son). I thought it would be a breeze, This time just seems harder.
Currently on cd 2 and cycle 5 of ttc. Very frustrated because with the first 2 times we got pregnant it happened fairly quick and easy. Yes I was pregnant twice but ttc #2 because first try we mc, second we got our precious and beautiful son. I figured it wasn't going to be first try this time but I didn't think I would be trying still by the fifth month, every bfn and af is disappointing. We are trying to stay positive!

I think I am going to be in same situation. First two times super easy (1 mc and then my wonderful son). I thought it would be a breeze, This time just seems harder.

I feel ya, on this one. I had such a hard time getting pregnant the first time, I was hoping to be given a break the second time around, as everyone says "Your so fertile after you have your first". Well, this is cycle 7, been trying since January :( I'm trying to stay hopeful but it's getting harder each cycle I see BFN's and then AF come.....
Phoenix322: Af already got me! lol. But I'm not upset at all just taking it in stride. I'm actually happy as my O date was confirmed and I see a definte O pattern and can plan DTD accordingly :D. Hopefully i'll be joining the pregnancy threads soon. Happy bun baking sweetie!

Amber: I'm not familiar with OPK's as I've never used them. I try to avoid them because I hear so many women complain about how confusing they can be which in turn adds extra stress to TTCing. If you want to make things a bit less stressful may I suggest putting down the OPK's and just go by your temps and CM. Trust me from experience the 1st time I fell pregnant with my daughter was the one month I literally did not try. I went on vacation, did family activities, enjoyed BD with hubby and bam ended up pregnant. So now I'm trying to get back into that mind frame. Relax a little you'll be good mama :hugs:.

second.time: lol no you didn't stress me out. I haven't tried it yet but thanks for the extra info and keep the advice coming! haha :)

mom15: GL with everything! I would love to visit Germany one day :D

I wish it were that easy for me to take that approach, but honestly, I think it would stress me out even more. I'm just in a wad this month bc I messed up my charting by thinking that I didn't want to try, silly me :dohh: As if, I'd actually want to skip a whole cycle? I am much happier having "control" over everything. That's when I can relax and be happy. I have a very analytical side to my mind so I have this insistent need for knowledge and research. Being able to chart EVERYTHING and see it all come together like one big puzzle is what makes me happy. I feel like each part of charting is just one piece of the puzzle, the CM, CP, OPK's, LH strips, My dual hormone monitors, BBT, and BDing, separately don't tell me a whole lot, but when I put them all together it like a puzzle coming together and I get the whole picture. If that makes any sense. I know, I'm weird. If I had been charting from the beginning, I wouldn't be in such a wad about it all bc I would know what was going on. I'm really kicking myself in the rear for that one, I know me better then anyone, and I should of known I would change my mind and wish I had done it all... Oh well. :coffee:
Amber - I totally get it. I love analyzing, charting etc. I would not be able to relax I I was told not to check cm or temp. I would feel more pressure to bd all the time, just to make sure we wouldn't miss o.
Amber - I totally get it. I love analyzing, charting etc. I would not be able to relax I I was told not to check cm or temp. I would feel more pressure to bd all the time, just to make sure we wouldn't miss o.

Yeah, me too. I totally would feel more stressed about BDing ALL the time scared to death that we would miss it. Nope, there's no way I could it without all my gadgets and charting, lol.
Oh and BTW, I forgot to put the d*mn thermometer next to me, so I couldn't temp this morning. I went ahead and did it after I got up, but it's invalid bc I did that, but it was 97.5 AFTER getting up. Which tells me nothing. Boo!

AND when I checked my CM/CP this morning my cervix was closed again?!?!?! And I don't have EWCM anymore it's turning more I don't know.
Agree with y'all! I don't temp but check other things. The cycles where I can't tell what's going on and confuse the hell out of me I find so stressful!!!!
So, I just checked my CM/CP again and did a wondfo with my SMU. Here is the Wondfo below both in normal camera setting and super vivid. And the creamy CM must of been a fluke, bc it's back to EWCM and lot's of it, and my cervix is open as well. Looks like I'm just Oing super, super late. Hopefully I will remember to keep the thermometer by the bed so I can catch the temp shift...

And here are the pics, lol, as I forgot to attach them. Haha (and these were taken at like 3mins in, it's even darker now)


  • Positive Wondfo 9.5.16 006 (640x360).jpg
    Positive Wondfo 9.5.16 006 (640x360).jpg
    23.6 KB · Views: 4
  • Positive Wondfo 9.5.16 010 (640x480).jpg
    Positive Wondfo 9.5.16 010 (640x480).jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 4
Amber - I totally get it. I love analyzing, charting etc. I would not be able to relax I I was told not to check cm or temp. I would feel more pressure to bd all the time, just to make sure we wouldn't miss o.

It looks like you are about to O according to your chart, do you do OPK's or LH strips to back it up?
And here is the progression on them from 9.3-9.5 2016 the bottom being the one from today and in order from top to bottom, I did 3 yesterday.


  • Progression on Wondfo's 9.3-9.5 2016 011 (640x480).jpg
    Progression on Wondfo's 9.3-9.5 2016 011 (640x480).jpg
    36.6 KB · Views: 1
  • Progression on Wondfo's 9.3-9.5 2016 012 (640x360).jpg
    Progression on Wondfo's 9.3-9.5 2016 012 (640x360).jpg
    33.6 KB · Views: 2

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