Ttc #2

Fxmummy - I thought i was, but now there is more ewcm and a lot, so I don't know. Have to see what my temps do.
Hi all! I think we are officially ttc this month! I'm pretty excited! Baby fever has hit hard for baby 2 :) we've been ntnp for the last year, I had a chemical last November but nothing since. I hope it won't take long! I'm pretty excited! :) we will stay team yellow this time which is more exciting too! I loved being pregnant but had awful ppd, hoping it won't be as bad second round. Just saying hello!
Welcome Kern! Luckily I didn't struggle with ppd, just the baby blues I think. The first two weeks were awful, but then it got better. Crying everyday the first two weeks for no apparent reason. It's the only thing I don't looks forward to. I didn't want to see anyone and everyone wanted to come meet the baby. I'm annoyed just thinking about it. Good luck ttc, hope it won't take long for you :) Please go check out page 3. I did a double dye test and now I'm totally freaking out. Is this real?
Welcome Kern! Luckily I didn't struggle with ppd, just the baby blues I think. The first two weeks were awful, but then it got better. Crying everyday the first two weeks for no apparent reason. It's the only thing I don't looks forward to. I didn't want to see anyone and everyone wanted to come meet the baby. I'm annoyed just thinking about it. Good luck ttc, hope it won't take long for you :)

Shew it was awful! My son had to go to nicu when he was born and they fed him formula, my milk didn't come in for an entire week! My baby was so hungry and screaming constantly, I was bleeding and trying to feed every two hours, he was basically attached to my boob all the time while I begged for something to come out. He had a horrible latch and I felt like a failure. I gave up after a week and fed him formula, he finally started to thrive. I could sleep. We got peace but I failed my son and thus the ppd crept in. I questioned everything I did! I left my job because of it. It was sooooo rocky. I went to a counselor and was diagnosed with ppd and anxiety. Staying home and giving myself time and working on my health got me out of it! But I still feel the side effects, especially about leaving work and adding some financial strain. :dohh:

We are fine though and I am stronger than ever before. I'm so anxious about bf in the next child that I might just skip it and go straight to formula. Still undecided, trauma birth is no joke! It was all worth it for my son though! I'll do whatever it takes to survive and thrive. I want to be a strong momma for my babies! Ok sorry for the novel haha
Hi all! I think we are officially ttc this month! I'm pretty excited! Baby fever has hit hard for baby 2 :) we've been ntnp for the last year, I had a chemical last November but nothing since. I hope it won't take long! I'm pretty excited! :) we will stay team yellow this time which is more exciting too! I loved being pregnant but had awful ppd, hoping it won't be as bad second round. Just saying hello!

Hey- Kern! Welcome to the group, and so happy to have you! I, too, had PPD pretty bad, but not for any specific reason. I'm actually STILL on antidepressant's bc of it, but I also have had just reg. depression issue's in the past and am diagnosed with generalized/public anxiety disorder and non military related PTSD. So, it was a doozy. We were NTNP for a couple months in the very beginning, but after that we've been actively TTCing and that all has been since January. I too loved being pregnant! And am toying with idea of staying team yellow this time around. I think it would be so special to find out the sex at the birth! My LO ended up coming 2 1/2 wks early, and I never got really big during my pregnancy (could still tie my own shoe's and everything) and never had that, "OMG, I'm so ready for this to be over", "Would you just get out of me already" feeling, so when I went into labor I was actually pissed, bc I thought I still had almost 3 wks of being pregnant and nesting and in way felt like I got robbed of the "full" pregnancy experience, LOL, :rofl:

What all have you decided to track for your TTCing journey? I do it ALL- Fertility Friend for Charting, BBT, Wondfo LH strips, both the new and old CB Fertility monitors, tons of PT's, Instead Softcups, Preseed, prenatals, several supplements, you name it- I'm probably doing it! LOL
Kern, welcome! Completely understand the horrible breastfeeding experience, mine was awful too and I cried for 2 weeks straight. My lo was tongue tied, couldn't latch and was a starving hungry baby all the time. I managed to combi feed for 3 months but never managed to exclusively breastfeed and I felt such a failure. I'm like you, not even sure if I want to put myself through it again.

Anyway, welcome and good luck with ttc #2!
Kern - that is so tough! I don't know what I would have done if I had been in your situation, so I completely understand how it upset you. I do think that no matter how hard it is, trust that you did everything you could to try to make it work. You are not a failure!! The circumstances led to how things went. I'm sure you didn't choose that your baby was in the nicu. It was out of your hands and probably a big factor in the troubles you had with nursing. I hope you get the courage to try again with baby number 2, but I understand how last time was too traumatizing. Maybe you already did, but if not maybe it would help you to look into things that help bring the milk in and increase milk supply. Either way, I'm sure you are a great mom and whatever your decision in the end it's the right one for you. Your health is important too!!

Amber - OMG I too was pissed my son came 2 weeks 2 days early. I felt robbed of the last two weeks. It was part of why I was so upset. I was soooo sad not to be pregnant anymore. My labor was also really fast and it felt like my baby got ripped out of me. Everyone said oh awesome you had a fast labor and I wish it would have taken a bit longer. I also didn't discussed delivery positions and when my doctor came in it was get on your back or side. Over and over I had read to be as vertical as possible, but in that moment I was not capable of saying anything (I had no epi or any other kind of pain relief). And then it was like everyone was yelling at me. Push, breath, don't stop pushing. He was out with the second push. So for days I went over and over the birth in my head and regretful that it didn't go how I had envisioned. I couldn't sleep because I thought about it so much even so I was sooo sleep deprived. Something I will talk to my doctor about this time around.
Hi all! I think we are officially ttc this month! I'm pretty excited! Baby fever has hit hard for baby 2 :) we've been ntnp for the last year, I had a chemical last November but nothing since. I hope it won't take long! I'm pretty excited! :) we will stay team yellow this time which is more exciting too! I loved being pregnant but had awful ppd, hoping it won't be as bad second round. Just saying hello!

Hey- Kern! Welcome to the group, and so happy to have you! I, too, had PPD pretty bad, but not for any specific reason. I'm actually STILL on antidepressant's bc of it, but I also have had just reg. depression issue's in the past and am diagnosed with generalized/public anxiety disorder and non military related PTSD. So, it was a doozy. We were NTNP for a couple months in the very beginning, but after that we've been actively TTCing and that all has been since January. I too loved being pregnant! And am toying with idea of staying team yellow this time around. I think it would be so special to find out the sex at the birth! My LO ended up coming 2 1/2 wks early, and I never got really big during my pregnancy (could still tie my own shoe's and everything) and never had that, "OMG, I'm so ready for this to be over", "Would you just get out of me already" feeling, so when I went into labor I was actually pissed, bc I thought I still had almost 3 wks of being pregnant and nesting and in way felt like I got robbed of the "full" pregnancy experience, LOL, :rofl:

What all have you decided to track for your TTCing journey? I do it ALL- Fertility Friend for Charting, BBT, Wondfo LH strips, both the new and old CB Fertility monitors, tons of PT's, Instead Softcups, Preseed, prenatals, several supplements, you name it- I'm probably doing it! LOL

Oh wow! Sorry to hear you went through all that! I had severe depression previously when I was 18 so I knew to watch out for the signs. The hormone let down is no joke! I'm hoping not every pregnancy is the same in the fact that I will be better prepared and not have to do ppd again? I'm hopeful anyway :happydance:

That's funny about feeling robbed time! I loved my pregnancy and was so happy, but I was induced at 41w4d. I never was "ready" or miserable but I did feel like I was going to be pregnant forever. I missed rolling around in bed and not peeing every ten minutes haha. And suddenly I was no longer a goddess growing life but a mom who couldn't feed her baby. Ew!

But I'm over that now. I never got meds even though the counselor recommended it. If I get ppd again I will definitely get the meds right away!

The only thing I'm doing is charting my cycle in a period tracker app. Haha! Af just ended 2 days ago and I'm set to o next week, I entire my fertile period this weekend. :happydance: I do check cm as I have a distinctive change of ewcm during the fertile period! If I don't get pg within the first few cycles I will def dive into all of the tricks. :haha:
Afm - I am once again a bit confused or I should say impatient. There seems to be some creamy cm mixing back in, but then there is still so much Ewcm. Top notch ewcm what I like to call it. Ha. You know the reeeeally stretchy kind. Just wish I could fast forward :) I am anxious to O, so period is over when we start vacation.
Currently at cd24 and 10dpo. Going to my obgyn tomo for an appt just to discuss next steps if needed. It's been many months and just starting to wonder so I'd rather ease my mind. I was able to get this appt a week out due to a cancellation, it's usually months to get it, so maybe it's a sign! I'm nervous though
Kern - that is so tough! I don't know what I would have done if I had been in your situation, so I completely understand how it upset you. I do think that no matter how hard it is, trust that you did everything you could to try to make it work. You are not a failure!! The circumstances led to how things went. I'm sure you didn't choose that your baby was in the nicu. It was out of your hands and probably a big factor in the troubles you had with nursing. I hope you get the courage to try again with baby number 2, but I understand how last time was too traumatizing. Maybe you already did, but if not maybe it would help you to look into things that help bring the milk in and increase milk supply. Either way, I'm sure you are a great mom and whatever your decision in the end it's the right one for you. Your health is important too!!

Amber - OMG I too was pissed my son came 2 weeks 2 days early. I felt robbed of the last two weeks. It was part of why I was so upset. I was soooo sad not to be pregnant anymore. My labor was also really fast and it felt like my baby got ripped out of me. Everyone said oh awesome you had a fast labor and I wish it would have taken a bit longer. I also didn't discussed delivery positions and when my doctor came in it was get on your back or side. Over and over I had read to be as vertical as possible, but in that moment I was not capable of saying anything (I had no epi or any other kind of pain relief). And then it was like everyone was yelling at me. Push, breath, don't stop pushing. He was out with the second push. So for days I went over and over the birth in my head and regretful that it didn't go how I had envisioned. I couldn't sleep because I thought about it so much even so I was sooo sleep deprived. Something I will talk to my doctor about this time around.

OMG!!!! LOL- I wanted to do it WO drugs/epi/gas but my hormones went absolutely nuts from the minute I found out I had to go to the hospital to have her. I was high risk and had US's 3 times a wk for the last 3 months! Ugh (don't miss that!) A month before I had her, my dog, Ella (a chi, min-pin mix, looks like a minpin in color but small and built like a chi) started acting really weird about me, just absolutely bizarre behavior that she had never done before. Well speed up to the wk I had her, that monday, I just kept feeling like something was different, and I thought that my waters had went, BUT I never had wet panties, no gush, NOTHING, I thought it was coming out in the toilet when I peed and that same night Ella REALLY ramped up the craziness. She refused to sleep if I wasn't sleeping, and would come check on me like every 5mins and sit there and stare at me and whine and run around in circles, then lay on my belly and whine and just look at me like, "Why aren't you doing anything?" Well, since I never had a gush, or wet underwear I felt silly calling my OB, thinking that I was just crazy and I had an appt Wend. anyways. I never called about it. At my OB appt, we were discussing when to schedule my induction bc the placenta wasn't working as well as she wanted it to and thought it best to just induce me, I scheduled for Feb. 13th, when I wanted her bday to be. THEN she did my US, and as soon as I saw the look on her face I knew, I had been right and my waters had broke. Indeed they had, and the only damn explanation is that every time I went pee, they were coming out as well that's why I never got wet. And I literally mean, throughout my entire pregnancy I never even had discharge or extra CM, like some have to wear pantyliners bc of so much, not me, and there was NEVER even the tiniest dot of wetness in my underwear, and ALL of my water was gone at that appt! How crazy, right! Well, at that point that was all she wrote. I had to go to the hospital to have her, like leave from the appt and go straight to the hospital. I was hysterical! I didn't have my bag, Rob wouldn't know what to pack, I wasn't ready to have her, It wasn't fair I was supposed to have two to 3 more wks, I wasn't ready to not be pregnant, I wasn't ready to transition from pregnant to mom, etc, etc. My hormones were raging and I would go from hysterical to angry and lashing out at people (which is totally unlike me, btw) I ended up getting the epi, even though I never wanted to bc not being able to walk or move/feel my legs freaked me out (just the thought of it) and my OB assured me that they would do a "walking epi" so that it wouldn't be so intense. That's not what they did, and when I felt like the lower half of body had been cut off, I lost it, they ended up having to give me Ativan just to calm me down bc I was hysterically crying bc I couldn't even roll over in the bed without assistance, or pull myself up. IT WAS HORRIBLE, THE ABSOLUTE WORST EXPERIENCE EVER!!! They would come turn it down to try to make me feel better, but all that would do was make it to where I could feel the contractions (OMG!!! btw, lol) but still couldn't move at all, which just made me even more hysterical. I feel asleep after the ativan, they came in to check me, she was crowning and ready to go, two pushes and was out. The ativan and the combo of them just waking me and everything happening so fast made it to where I was so out of it when I had her, though, which was awful. They didn't let SO cut her cord, which had already been requested but I was loopy so not thinking. Then to top it all off, we had been going back and forth between two names for her, Emma Kate or Oliva Love, and don't you know they never even asked me what her name was?!?!?! When I got up to recovery and was waiting for her to come back from nursery I told SO, "I wonder when they have you fill out the name paperwork, they never said anything" and he was like, "Oh, her name is Emma Kate, I filled it out while they weighed her"! WHAT!!!!!????!!!!! Where is that happening at? I thought they normally asked the mother that, right? So, yeah, her birth was pretty traumatizing to me. Which, now and even writing it here it seems so trivial, but it REALLY traumatized me. I was SO upset and angry about all of it. I swore (at the time) that I would never have another baby, bc of how horrible the epi was, and I'm still undecided about what the hell I will do this time around, bc it really freaked me out, I felt like I woken up in a nightmare and was a paraplegic, and I am such an independent controlling personality that was like my absolute worse fear coming true, being helpless and at the mercy or someone else. Anyways, sorry for the book. Just thought I'd share my version of the nightmare birth, lol. :dohh:
Hi all! I think we are officially ttc this month! I'm pretty excited! Baby fever has hit hard for baby 2 :) we've been ntnp for the last year, I had a chemical last November but nothing since. I hope it won't take long! I'm pretty excited! :) we will stay team yellow this time which is more exciting too! I loved being pregnant but had awful ppd, hoping it won't be as bad second round. Just saying hello!

Hey- Kern! Welcome to the group, and so happy to have you! I, too, had PPD pretty bad, but not for any specific reason. I'm actually STILL on antidepressant's bc of it, but I also have had just reg. depression issue's in the past and am diagnosed with generalized/public anxiety disorder and non military related PTSD. So, it was a doozy. We were NTNP for a couple months in the very beginning, but after that we've been actively TTCing and that all has been since January. I too loved being pregnant! And am toying with idea of staying team yellow this time around. I think it would be so special to find out the sex at the birth! My LO ended up coming 2 1/2 wks early, and I never got really big during my pregnancy (could still tie my own shoe's and everything) and never had that, "OMG, I'm so ready for this to be over", "Would you just get out of me already" feeling, so when I went into labor I was actually pissed, bc I thought I still had almost 3 wks of being pregnant and nesting and in way felt like I got robbed of the "full" pregnancy experience, LOL, :rofl:

What all have you decided to track for your TTCing journey? I do it ALL- Fertility Friend for Charting, BBT, Wondfo LH strips, both the new and old CB Fertility monitors, tons of PT's, Instead Softcups, Preseed, prenatals, several supplements, you name it- I'm probably doing it! LOL

Oh wow! Sorry to hear you went through all that! I had severe depression previously when I was 18 so I knew to watch out for the signs. The hormone let down is no joke! I'm hoping not every pregnancy is the same in the fact that I will be better prepared and not have to do ppd again? I'm hopeful anyway :happydance:

That's funny about feeling robbed time! I loved my pregnancy and was so happy, but I was induced at 41w4d. I never was "ready" or miserable but I did feel like I was going to be pregnant forever. I missed rolling around in bed and not peeing every ten minutes haha. And suddenly I was no longer a goddess growing life but a mom who couldn't feed her baby. Ew!

But I'm over that now. I never got meds even though the counselor recommended it. If I get ppd again I will definitely get the meds right away!

The only thing I'm doing is charting my cycle in a period tracker app. Haha! Af just ended 2 days ago and I'm set to o next week, I entire my fertile period this weekend. :happydance: I do check cm as I have a distinctive change of ewcm during the fertile period! If I don't get pg within the first few cycles I will def dive into all of the tricks. :haha:

Afm - I am once again a bit confused or I should say impatient. There seems to be some creamy cm mixing back in, but then there is still so much Ewcm. Top notch ewcm what I like to call it. Ha. You know the reeeeally stretchy kind. Just wish I could fast forward :) I am anxious to O, so period is over when we start vacation.

Kern- That's really great that you have a very distinctive change in CM to let you know when you are fertile. Which really, I do to, I'm just too much of a control freak to ride on just that alone, I would just be too scared I would miss, plus I really like the assurance of KNOWING I O'd with my BBT's and body just didn't gear up to O and nothing actually happened. But we are all different when it comes to this stuff ;) I wish you all the best and lots of sticky baby dust!

Mom15- I had a bit of creamy CM mixed in with the EWCM the day before I got my + OPK, and I too was like "WTH?" lol. I thought, oh no, this isn't happening, am I not going to O? Or have I already? But no, it went away just as quickly as it came and then a + OPK. So all is good. It actually, is a good thing that you noticed that, though, bc you are actually supposed to have a second smaller surge of estrogen right before your LH surge, and estrogen will cause your CM to be white/creamy/lotiony etc. You have another estrogen surge right after you O too, most women see it on their BBT chart by 1 or 2 day dip between 1-5dpo accompanied with white creamy discharge/cm. I'd say your O is just around the corner and that your body is doing exactly what it is supposed to do ;)
Thanks for sharing your birth story, Amber. How amazing that your dog knew sth was up. And I'm sorry it was traumatizing. Even though mine went fast at least I noticed when my water broke and contractions started 20 min later. They did go from zero to 100 in no time. After and hour at home they were less than two minutes apart. I am the same with the epi. The thought behind numb from the waist down, FREAKS me out. I hope you can find it within you to try it without the next time! To prepare I did a pre natal yoga class which helped a lot of getting into the right mind set (the pain is temporary, it has a purpose, etc) I told myself every contraction was one closer to it being over. The only way I could bear them was on hands and knees. And I have also thoughts the same that the things I was upset about seem so trivial now. And everyone says the most important thing is that the baby is healthy. And of course it is, but it is such an out of this world experience. And you can't go back and say let's do this again, but I want this and his to be different. So I think it's ok to be upset about it, but to have the courage and discuss the things I wasn't happy about with my doctor, even though part of me feels embarrassed to bring it up. Back to no epi, I think one of the biggest benefit was that as soon as my son was born I was anything but worn out or hazy. It was rather a total high! We were and will always be team yellow. Loved that surprise! I too had a lot of scans. I have a mild bicornuate uterus and a roughly 3" fibroid. On top of that at my 19 week scan it was discovered that my son has an abnormal left arm/hand. His radius is fused to the humerus, hence he can't bend his elbow and both radius and ulna are shorter than normal. So is the thumb. That was a whole other traumatizing event, because at that point no one could say whether we are looking at a major syndrome or and isolated event. Thankfully that's all that is different about him and so far it has little affect on his development. Omg what a novel...I better go to sleep, never know when the little guy wakes up again!
Gaves - how nice you got in so quick. Keep is posted what the doc says. Hopefully you won't even need that app and are surprised with a bfp.
Currently at cd24 and 10dpo. Going to my obgyn tomo for an appt just to discuss next steps if needed. It's been many months and just starting to wonder so I'd rather ease my mind. I was able to get this appt a week out due to a cancellation, it's usually months to get it, so maybe it's a sign! I'm nervous though

That's great that you could get an appointment so quickly. Here's hoping you get some peace of mind! I'm sure talking things over with your doctor will really help.

I'm 7 DPO today and it's entering the stage where it's really hard for me to avoid testing. I didn't even see a positive with my son until 10 DPO, so I know I wouldn't even trust a negative. Still hoping to hold out for September 14th and test if I haven't seen AF yet.

The odd thing this cycle is that usually I get intermittent days of cramping during my TWW and this cycle has been very mild. Yesterday/last night I felt light "twinges." My breasts have been really sore. But very few, if any, cramps. There's a big chance this means nothing at all, but it's hard not to wonder. Even if I don't test I drive myself crazy!
Second - how annoying when the tww seems to drag on forever. Hopefully your different symptoms mean sth.

So today there is still some ewcm, temp has not risen significantly and my nipples are sore when Ds is nursing. I wonder if my supply is down a bit last night he nursed a few times and he sucked and sucked. I swear for an hour around midnight. Drove me nuts. Anyone else still nursing and experiences changes in nursing behavior throughout the cycle?
Mom15, yes my son tends to nurse even more when my supply is down, which is usually for the few days right before AF.
May I join you ladies? I am cd1, first cycle TTC#2. Have a wonderful 2 year old who happens to love to nurse all the time so I'm not sure how that'll affect my ability to concieve but I've had pretty regular cycles 28-31 days for the past 6 months. We've been using condoms up until now and have decided it's time for ds to have a sibling!
Welcome - Mamawanabe21, Aliko, Roc, Phoenix322, babybloo, Twinkle, Secondtime, Maturemama39, Kern, and Anneburg!

mamawanabe21 - fx for a bfp!

aliko - here's hoping you add to your family soon!

roc - fx for a sticky bfp for you.

phoenix322 - that was quick, congrats!

babybloo - fx it's quicker this time.

twinkle - ttc is all consuming most def and congrats on your bfp!

secondtime - hope your bfp is coming soon!

maturemama39 - fx it doesn't take too long.

kern - sorry to hear about your ppd and fx for a bfp for you soon!

anneburg - breastfeeding doesn't affect ttc too much but your cycle does affect breastfeeding.
mrsceder - welcome back and i can't wait for your bfp!

oily - keep us posted and i stalk too cuz i'm super tired.

fxmummyduck - sorry your cm is giving you trouble.

mom15 - hope your cycles get shorter and have a great trip to Germany! ff says to go with most fertile cm u have, a mix is fine but note the most fertile.

gaves99 - fx for sept and good luck with appointment.

amber - welcome back and glad you took some time. your cycle is prob off cuz of the stress of the cp but your lh strips show a good progression!

afm - still tired and using my strength too look after my little guy. going to see my ob tom but i think she won't schedule a scan until 20 weeks but will still get to see the new lo on the doppler! hope all is well with you ladies and sorry for the long absence but i have been reading and staying up to date.

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