Ttc #2

Second - how annoying when the tww seems to drag on forever. Hopefully your different symptoms mean sth.

So today there is still some ewcm, temp has not risen significantly and my nipples are sore when Ds is nursing. I wonder if my supply is down a bit last night he nursed a few times and he sucked and sucked. I swear for an hour around midnight. Drove me nuts. Anyone else still nursing and experiences changes in nursing behavior throughout the cycle?

Mom15, yes my son tends to nurse even more when my supply is down, which is usually for the few days right before AF.
May I join you ladies? I am cd1, first cycle TTC#2. Have a wonderful 2 year old who happens to love to nurse all the time so I'm not sure how that'll affect my ability to concieve but I've had pretty regular cycles 28-31 days for the past 6 months. We've been using condoms up until now and have decided it's time for ds to have a sibling!

Currently at cd24 and 10dpo. Going to my obgyn tomo for an appt just to discuss next steps if needed. It's been many months and just starting to wonder so I'd rather ease my mind. I was able to get this appt a week out due to a cancellation, it's usually months to get it, so maybe it's a sign! I'm nervous though

That's great that you could get an appointment so quickly. Here's hoping you get some peace of mind! I'm sure talking things over with your doctor will really help.

I'm 7 DPO today and it's entering the stage where it's really hard for me to avoid testing. I didn't even see a positive with my son until 10 DPO, so I know I wouldn't even trust a negative. Still hoping to hold out for September 14th and test if I haven't seen AF yet.

The odd thing this cycle is that usually I get intermittent days of cramping during my TWW and this cycle has been very mild. Yesterday/last night I felt light "twinges." My breasts have been really sore. But very few, if any, cramps. There's a big chance this means nothing at all, but it's hard not to wonder. Even if I don't test I drive myself crazy!

Mom15- I'm not sure that I've noticed a real difference in my "supply" per say, but for some crazy reason, it seems like every cycle right previous and when I am Oing, LO wants to nurse?!?! It's driving me nuts, bc she is pretty much weaned at 17months, although I still nurse her when she intiates it. But it's really weird, I mean once I started to notice the correlation between her nursing and my O time it was uncanny. and it's annoying to me, bc I'm scared to death that it's going to trigger hormones and make me not actually O. If that makes sense? I have no clue why things would be like that either, she will go a whole day or even two without wanting to nurse at all, and then I O and she's stuck to me like a parasite, lol. :rofl: What gives?

Welcome to the group AnneBurg! Glad to have you. How exciting to be just getting started on your TTCing journey for your second baby! Hope things move along quickly for you and that you find some support and encouragement in this group. This really is a lovely bunch of ladies and I's pretty sure you will be happy you joined us (not to toot our own horns of course, lol! )

second.time- I hear ya! I hate the wait in between Oing and at least starting to have hope that "something" just might appear on a test!!! It's torture :growlmad:

AFM- I took my BBT yesterday and this morning and it's looking like I may have started temping again just in the nick of time, as I think that yesterday was my last pre O temp and now I'm on the rise. Hopefully that's what's going on. BUT I also did get a super faint line on an FRER yesterday....So what gives? LOL- My CM, temps, cervix, and LH strips all point to O, but I've had squinters on test and got a super duper very faint line on an FRER yesterday, so I don't know what is going on. We BD the night before last, and plan to tonight again, just in case, I think with my temp starting to rise now, that FF would of put my O date as today, so I mine as well BD just in case. FF is saying my O I'm 1dpo now. :coffee: I so wish I had been charting from the get go, this is so confusing...
AnneBurg - welcome! I have been reading online that it's common for supply to drop right before Af. DS bah avoid seems to change around O, which I couldn't find much about. Have you determined O yet? Sound like you are good to go with how regular your cycles are. My Lp so far has been insufficient, but last cycle I made it to 8 dpo so I'm hopeful it continues to get better.

MiBaby - I still feel like two days ago was the most and best ewcm. What throws me off is that I used to get 3 days of ewcm and I would O on day 3 confirmed by temp and then 1 dpo there was a clear change to creamy or no cm like day and night. Now I get 5/6 days of ewcm and it feels like I get some after I o. I think I really might give the opk's another try, since my temping is not the best these days.

Amber - it's funny you say that. I'm not even convinced my milk supply is dropping. It's more like I am making chocolate milk or sth. Like the best tasting stuff he can't get enough off. Not only that, but he is super clingy. Nap was a disaster today. I nurse to sleep and he woke up when I tried to lay him down. Don't laugh, but I'm laying in his crib right now as it was the only way to get him to sleep. I tried to sneak out, but he immediately opened is eyes like he was saying "you are not going anywhere!" It sucks as I work from home when he naps and I can't on a day like this. Anyway, there def seams to be sth about O that changes his nursing behavior I'm glad I am not hallucinating.
So I've been feeling a weird lightening pain off and on down there today. Also super weird boob twinges. Think I'll cave and test in the am... told myself I'd wait until sat BUT we all know how that goes.

Based off my app charts and opk, the dr thinks I sound ok in the whole sense. DH is heading in for a superm count and after that having my tubes cleared would be next step. We shall see. Fingers crossed we don't need to even get to that!
Yeah, it's really super weird. Glad I'm not the only one, too, lol. It's very odd. And annoy's me, bc like I said, I'm scared it's going to trigger my body into saying, "Nope, put that egg back on ice, we're still nursing a NB" :brat: lol. And believe me, I know all about the nursing to sleep and then acrobatics required of you to release your breast from them, lay them down, and slip away from them undisturbed. :rofl: I used to have to lay her down in her bassinet and hoover over the top of it, letting her nurse, until she really was asleep and I could unlatch her. HAHA. Talk about killing your back!!! :rofl:
Haha, I hear you about putting the egg back on ice. I wonder if that is why I get so many days of ewcm. Nursing might be slowing down the process. My other theory is that our kids sense there is a potential baby in the making and try to let us know, hey those are my boobies. :)
Hi all,
I'm currently trying to conceive baby #2 with DH. Baby #1 is now 10.5 months old and I stopped bf him at end of April and got my first period at the end of May. My cycles since end of May have been 45 days, 39 days and I'm on CD22 so far of what is an expected 39 day cycle again (but who knows). I have been using OPK for each cycle so far and had 9 days of high fertility before peak with the previous 2. This cycle I've had 11 days of high with no peak so far. What is up with that? I read that some women who have cycles longer than 35 days are not ovulating. We have been DTD every other day in the previous 2 cycles. With this cycle are DTD every day I've had a high fertility reading since the last two cycles didn't end in conception so we'll see if that does the trick. Has anyone experienced this or heard if such long cycles can still end in conception? I got pregnant on the first try with baby #1 so I'm just confused now.

Trying to remain calm and stay positive but can't help but feel anxious!
Hi all,
I'm currently trying to conceive baby #2 with DH. Baby #1 is now 10.5 months old and I stopped bf him at end of April and got my first period at the end of May. My cycles since end of May have been 45 days, 39 days and I'm on CD22 so far of what is an expected 39 day cycle again (but who knows). I have been using OPK for each cycle so far and had 9 days of high fertility before peak with the previous 2. This cycle I've had 11 days of high with no peak so far. What is up with that? I read that some women who have cycles longer than 35 days are not ovulating. We have been DTD every other day in the previous 2 cycles. With this cycle are DTD every day I've had a high fertility reading since the last two cycles didn't end in conception so we'll see if that does the trick. Has anyone experienced this or heard if such long cycles can still end in conception? I got pregnant on the first try with baby #1 so I'm just confused now.

Trying to remain calm and stay positive but can't help but feel anxious!

Hi and welcome!

Yes you can still be ovulating with long cycles, my ds was a 35 day cycle and I ovulated cd21!
Hi all,
I'm currently trying to conceive baby #2 with DH. Baby #1 is now 10.5 months old and I stopped bf him at end of April and got my first period at the end of May. My cycles since end of May have been 45 days, 39 days and I'm on CD22 so far of what is an expected 39 day cycle again (but who knows). I have been using OPK for each cycle so far and had 9 days of high fertility before peak with the previous 2. This cycle I've had 11 days of high with no peak so far. What is up with that? I read that some women who have cycles longer than 35 days are not ovulating. We have been DTD every other day in the previous 2 cycles. With this cycle are DTD every day I've had a high fertility reading since the last two cycles didn't end in conception so we'll see if that does the trick. Has anyone experienced this or heard if such long cycles can still end in conception? I got pregnant on the first try with baby #1 so I'm just confused now.

Trying to remain calm and stay positive but can't help but feel anxious!

Welcome! To add to what fxmummyduck said, if you only got your cycle back in May, it might just take a little while to even out. I have very short cycles, 23-25 days typically, but when I got my period back after my pregnancy, I had several VERY long cycles -- then things got back to normal. It just seems to take a bit for your body to get used to everything again. So even if you don't conceive this cycle (and I'm sure it's possible!), then you'll probably go back to shorter/easier-to-interpret cycles soon.

Good luck to you!
Hi all,
I'm currently trying to conceive baby #2 with DH. Baby #1 is now 10.5 months old and I stopped bf him at end of April and got my first period at the end of May. My cycles since end of May have been 45 days, 39 days and I'm on CD22 so far of what is an expected 39 day cycle again (but who knows). I have been using OPK for each cycle so far and had 9 days of high fertility before peak with the previous 2. This cycle I've had 11 days of high with no peak so far. What is up with that? I read that some women who have cycles longer than 35 days are not ovulating. We have been DTD every other day in the previous 2 cycles. With this cycle are DTD every day I've had a high fertility reading since the last two cycles didn't end in conception so we'll see if that does the trick. Has anyone experienced this or heard if such long cycles can still end in conception? I got pregnant on the first try with baby #1 so I'm just confused now.

Trying to remain calm and stay positive but can't help but feel anxious!

Like the others said. I think it takes some time for your body to be back to normal. My first full pp cycle was 56 days with o about cd 52, second was 32 days with o about cd 28, third was 41 days with o on cd 33. Now I am on CD 25 and I hope that I have just o'ed or o today or tomorrow. If you do the math you can see my luteal phase was way to short the first few cycles, last was 8 days so a bit better. Hoping for an even longer one this cycle. So I hope this gives you some home that things will improve and that the first few cycles may simply have not had a sufficient LP for anything to implant. Good luck and keep us posted :)
I am so excited to be entering my fertile period this weekend! Haha I don't know why but I've been super frisky this cycle! I to,d my husband I was afraid I was going to wear him out before the time actually counts. :haha: anyone else get like this? I don't know what's gotten into me! :shrug:
I am so excited to be entering my fertile period this weekend! Haha I don't know why but I've been super frisky this cycle! I to,d my husband I was afraid I was going to wear him out before the time actually counts. :haha: anyone else get like this? I don't know what's gotten into me! :shrug:

Ha ha!!! Great that you're coming up to your fertile time, and at the weekend too. I was like that too this cycle, had to hold off a bit until I knew it counted otherwise I was worried I'd be the one that wouldn't last!
Hi ladies, hoping to join you all!
We have a 2 and a half yr old son and are hopefully going to ttc this month. DS has been asking for a sister (well asking if we can keep our neighbors daughters mostly), and helped sway DH lol.

I start opks this weekend, and I'm so nervous and excited vs how frustrated I was with ttc before DS, temping is never consistent with me so opks were the only things that helped with ttc'ing with him. I hope it doesn't take too long this go around :)

Oh and pre-warning, I tend to ramble if I'm excited, or tired, or well most of the time haha sorry.
Hi ladies, hoping to join you all!
We have a 2 and a half yr old son and are hopefully going to ttc this month. DS has been asking for a sister (well asking if we can keep our neighbors daughters mostly), and helped sway DH lol.

I start opks this weekend, and I'm so nervous and excited vs how frustrated I was with ttc before DS, temping is never consistent with me so opks were the only things that helped with ttc'ing with him. I hope it doesn't take too long this go around :)

Oh and pre-warning, I tend to ramble if I'm excited, or tired, or well most of the time haha sorry.

Hi disneylovers! Welcome! This is a great bunch of ladies!

I love your ds name, it's on my list for the next one if it's another boy!

I'm the same don't temp, so opks and tracking cm are my only help ttc.

Here's hoping we both get bfps soon!
Amber I hear you about the nursing acrobatics... It's wild!

I'm not doing much for tracking O except ewcm- we'll see how that goes. If months pass with no bfp you ladies will have to teach me all about temping! My son was conceived second cycle off bcp and I was just tracking ewcm at that time too so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll work this time too!

Kern, any news from your testing?
Cm tracking goes off kilter for me when I have longer cycles, but the past 4 have been 35-36 days long so not so much random EWCM. I need the control of opks, we tried ntnp a few months back but it just drove me insane lol. With Aiden it took 4 months, well 6 if you count my gallbladder removal debacle (did I mention I spent new years eve crying that year because I was about to O when I needed surgery). I was a hot mess lol

Fxmummyduck, funny though he was so many other names before we found out his gender, I refused to leave the parking lot after our 20wk prenatal screening/anomaly scan until we decided on his name (they were 80%sure he was a boy before that but he was shy on showing us). I picked his first name from our faves, hubby picked his middle name. It suits him so all is good ;)
I am so excited to be entering my fertile period this weekend! Haha I don't know why but I've been super frisky this cycle! I to,d my husband I was afraid I was going to wear him out before the time actually counts. :haha: anyone else get like this? I don't know what's gotten into me! :shrug:

It's totally the hormones, bc your body knows you're fertile (it's actually very primitive TBH) kind of like when a cat or dog goes into heat and when they finally can get knocked up will will acts of magic to get out and find a mate :rofl:
Hi ladies, hoping to join you all!
We have a 2 and a half yr old son and are hopefully going to ttc this month. DS has been asking for a sister (well asking if we can keep our neighbors daughters mostly), and helped sway DH lol.

I start opks this weekend, and I'm so nervous and excited vs how frustrated I was with ttc before DS, temping is never consistent with me so opks were the only things that helped with ttc'ing with him. I hope it doesn't take too long this go around :)

Oh and pre-warning, I tend to ramble if I'm excited, or tired, or well most of the time haha sorry.

Amber I hear you about the nursing acrobatics... It's wild!

I'm not doing much for tracking O except ewcm- we'll see how that goes. If months pass with no bfp you ladies will have to teach me all about temping! My son was conceived second cycle off bcp and I was just tracking ewcm at that time too so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll work this time too!

Kern, any news from your testing?

Cm tracking goes off kilter for me when I have longer cycles, but the past 4 have been 35-36 days long so not so much random EWCM. I need the control of opks, we tried ntnp a few months back but it just drove me insane lol. With Aiden it took 4 months, well 6 if you count my gallbladder removal debacle (did I mention I spent new years eve crying that year because I was about to O when I needed surgery). I was a hot mess lol

Fxmummyduck, funny though he was so many other names before we found out his gender, I refused to leave the parking lot after our 20wk prenatal screening/anomaly scan until we decided on his name (they were 80%sure he was a boy before that but he was shy on showing us). I picked his first name from our faves, hubby picked his middle name. It suits him so all is good ;)

Welcome to the group DisneyLovers- I totally hear you on hoping you catch a break this go round with TTC. It took me 10yrs to conceive my LO, 3 yrs actively TTCing with all the stops pulled out (except medical intervention) and the rest NTNP. We've been trying this time since Jan.

AnneBurg- It's great that you are able to take such a laid back approach to everything and just track your CM, I wish I could let up like that sometimes.

FXMommyDuck- That's too funny about you demanding he had a name that early. We still hadn't decided on Emma's name when I had given birth, and if you read my birth story, I didn't really get a say so it as they didn't ask me. SO and I had picked two names and when they asked he picked one. :growlmad: Where are they doing that at? I thought they always asked the mother what the name was, not the father?

AFM- I'm pretty sure that I just O'd late but FF is confusing me a bit. Can anyone help, please? I'm not as hopeful about this cycle as other one's in the past. I only put in that we had sex on the O day, bc I still had the softcup in, lol, does that count? haha. But FF still hasn't decided my O day. When I put in ghost temps for pre O, on Advanced it says I O'd with solid lines on CD35. BUT I still had a HSO cervix and EWCM on CD36, and in all the other (except opk setting) it won't put up cross hairs yet, bc it says that I may O between CD 34-37??? What gives? :shrug: Looking at my chart, when do you think I O'd? All my temps are real temps from CD34-37. The rest are ghost temps to get FF to give me a clue as what's happening. Last month it told me I O'd on the day after my very lowest temp. This time (on advanced) it's going with the lowest temp..... The fact that I still had HSO cervix and EWCM is what is stumping me, I still have it today actually. Should we BD again tonigh just in case?

On a completely different subject- I did have two separate psychic's back a few month's ago tell me that I would conceive from a cycle that started in August. Just something to think on, since this cycle has been so incredibly weird and did start in August!!!! FX'd
Thanks. There is so much info out there it is hard to know what is actually true.
Thanks Mom15. This does give me hope. Thanks for replying. My DH also tells me to give this time and it will all stabilize but I don't want to wait 😆

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