Ttc #2

Second that is fantastic about your betas, it is a little high but if your dates are off like you think then that would explain it (or twins???)
well tom night we will cut into the cake and find out if we are having a girl or a boy and i'm getting super excited!

it was so lovely to see this little one with the scan last week and know that all is well and feeling more movements helps me know that too.

we did decide to announce on fb but didn't do it yet, thinking about a gaming theme with our little man as player 1 and a poster with player 2 loading (coming march 2017) and going to hopefully record the cake cutting and put that up too.
Probably not twins! I don't have any in my family. I think my body just might make a lot of HCG for some reason.

The weird thing is that I'm pretty symptom-less. Tired, having trouble sleeping, occasional flashes of queasiness, and a weird sour taste in my mouth after eating. That's about it. I'd think high HCG would make me more prone to symptoms?

The Player 1/Player 2 idea is so cute! And so exciting about the gender reveal -- I hope you'll come back and share once you know!
MiBaby so so fun about the player 1/2 idea! That's so creative!
I hope the cake cutting is fun tonight!!
Second Glad you're not getting too many untoward symptoms yet! I really really hope I don't get any morning sickness as I didn't last time and I don't think I'd cope very well with it!
My only symptoms so far are fatigue and nipple pain when ds nurses.
MiBaby- enjoy your party!!! I love the comparison of player loading.

Anne - how often if so does DS nurse at night. I think that's a big factor in my lp. If I could night wean or get down to one feed maybe I would get more that 7/8 day lp. We'll see how long this one is, but with DS having had a cold and incisors breaking through we are at nursing every two. hours at night right now.
Also is anyone worried about Amber? Strange that there've been no updates?

I'm okay. Not really allowed to talk about it. But my account was disabled for a while. I'm back now. Another CP, the account thing couldn't of come at a worse time, literally the next morning after they did that I woke in a pool of blood, Stress I guess. I had some nice clear + test, they went - after the crazy bleeding though. So, I was really upset that I couldn't access my account with all that going on. But it is what it is. I'm now onto a new cycle and I did the same thing I did the last time after my last CP with not tracking anything, then last night I decided to check my CP/CM and what do you know it was HSO, so I did an OPK and it was almost + so we went ahead and BD'd. Figured all signs were pointing to my fertile week. Which is early for me, but my OPK was + today, so I guess all things are go. will keep BDing until they go neg again, or I see a temp shift. I haven't been temping but I will start from here on out, bc I have a good shift, so it's pretty obvious which phase I am after a few temps. I think that we got lucky and caught it a few days previous to my O, though, so I feel good. I normally O withing 2-3 days after my first + OPK, so I think we are probably good. REally weird to have a + OPK so early though, it is CD10 for me, last cycle I O'd CD17. Maybe that means the supplements are really helping and I will start having "normal" length cycles now. I am guessing I will see a shift on CD12-14, so that's good.

Congrats! Anne, your lines look wonderful.

Whoever had the high beta the above article is for you ;) It say's that identical twins are completely chance and have nothing to do with gentic history, so it IS possible :happydance: LOL
Amber - good to hear from you!! And I'm so sorry about another cp :( If you don't mind me asking, is there anything your doctor can look into as it's your second one in such a short time? I mean tests as to why it's happening? I'm sorry if that's too personal of a question then just ignore it ;) I know some losses are unavoidable, but when it happens repeatedly I wonder if it's just sth like low progesterone.
Btw. the opk's I got worked for me:) I finally O'ed cd 48!! For a couple reasons we decided to skip this cycle, but with the intent to give it 100% from now on :)
Lovely lines!!!

Probably not twins! I don't have any in my family. I think my body just might make a lot of HCG for some reason.

The weird thing is that I'm pretty symptom-less. Tired, having trouble sleeping, occasional flashes of queasiness, and a weird sour taste in my mouth after eating. That's about it. I'd think high HCG would make me more prone to symptoms?

The Player 1/Player 2 idea is so cute! And so exciting about the gender reveal -- I hope you'll come back and share once you know!

Amber - good to hear from you!! And I'm so sorry about another cp :( If you don't mind me asking, is there anything your doctor can look into as it's your second one in such a short time? I mean tests as to why it's happening? I'm sorry if that's too personal of a question then just ignore it ;) I know some losses are unavoidable, but when it happens repeatedly I wonder if it's just sth like low progesterone.
Btw. the opk's I got worked for me:) I finally O'ed cd 48!! For a couple reasons we decided to skip this cycle, but with the intent to give it 100% from now on :)

Thank you. It warmed my heart to see that so many of you even noticed that I was gone and were asking about me. Thanks for that. It means a lot. And actually this makes the 3rd one in the last 6months. It has literally been CP, BFN, CP, BFN, CP, now next cycle. And yes, I have thought about the low progesterone thing, but wouldn't my BBT's reflect that? I know that my BBT's post O are up and down quite a bit, but they stay above the coverline, except for the second estrogen dip you get between 1-5dpo, and the temps are always on the higher side. Is the jumps enough to be concerned about progesterone? I've thought about buying something, but don't know where to start, bc so many of them don't really work, and I don't have a fertility doctor. Is that something that a regular OB/GYN could help with if I told her we were trying to conceive?
OH, and I'm glad to hear that the OPK's worked for you. I have privately tested MANY LH strips, and had numerous companies send me ones to review for them on my YouTube channel, and I know that they don't all work the same or give the same results, so that's why I was worried about you, is all. With you not Oing so late, have you been diagnosed with any fertility issue's? I know how much it sucks to have to wait that long to O, it feels like a fricking eternity. And makes you jealous of the ladies that have clock work 26-28 day cycles, bc it seems like they get to try so much more often then us. I didn't O until CD 35 a few cycles back and it was torture. So I feel your pain :hugs:
Amber, I'm so sorry about your chemical pregnancy. I know how frustrating and heartbreaking that feels. I do think you could ask about progesterone supplements. It's usually a first step in dealing with early losses like this. You could talk to an OB-GYN or even a GP. If they hear you've had three CPs close together, I'm sure they'll be open to trying something that's pretty risk-free.
OH, and I'm glad to hear that the OPK's worked for you. I have privately tested MANY LH strips, and had numerous companies send me ones to review for them on my YouTube channel, and I know that they don't all work the same or give the same results, so that's why I was worried about you, is all. With you not Oing so late, have you been diagnosed with any fertility issue's? I know how much it sucks to have to wait that long to O, it feels like a fricking eternity. And makes you jealous of the ladies that have clock work 26-28 day cycles, bc it seems like they get to try so much more often then us. I didn't O until CD 35 a few cycles back and it was torture. So I feel your pain :hugs:

Amber - like Second said I would ask your ObGyn about your recurring early losses. I see your point about your temp suggesting there is enough progesterone, but maybe your doctor has more info in that regards.

To answer your question about my long cycle(s). I'm going to start waaayyy back so this could get long. I got my period at about 13. I bled a lot and heavy. So much so that I ended up at the hospital and got a d&c because my lining had built up sooo much. It was twice as thick as it should have been. To "fix" my cycle I was put on the pill. And then eventually stayed on it for protection so when I quit to ttc #1 I had been on it for about 17years! Being on it for so long and pretty much soon after I had my period for the first time I never knew what my natural cycle was. So when we ttc #1 I had a total of 6 cycles before I conceive. But that took 9 months as they were 5-7 weeks long. Of those probably only 3 were timed right. So I really don't like giving people the false impression that it took 9 month. When really I conceived on the 3rd maybe 4th try, I just had to wait a lot to try. My doctor didn't say much about my cycles being so long, so I've tried to do a lot of my own research. Keep in mind that I am still nursing Ds for nap and at night, so since I had him I have made to a max Lp of 8 days. I haven't been able to fix my lp, but with a lot of work I think I can O a lot earlier than Cd 48. So the cycle before this one I O'ed cd 24. The earliest I have ever O'ed in my life. I truly believe that I can influence it. Here is what I did and will do again this next cycle. I take prenatals, omega3 and vitex. I learnt how to do Mayan abdominal massage and do it every night in bed. I seed cycle, quit caffeine and sugar (at least limit it as much as I can handle, it's my only addiction :) ) and I drink a mix of certain herbs before and after O. So all those things seem to make a difference and on top of it I try to eat healthy and avoid xenoestrogens that are in our environment such as plastic flipflops as they mimic estrogen and that is what I think I have too much of hence the long follicular phase. (Google Lara Briden, I love her blog all about hormones and things). That's all I can think of! So when we went on vacation I ate and drank what I wanted, didn't do massage or seeds and was sloppy with my supplements. Next cycle will show!! Oh and I would like to cut down on night feeds with DS, which I think could fix my lp.
so the inside of the cake was purple, i guess we are having a little girl! :happydance: we are sooo excited that we will have one of each and just hope the tech wasn't wrong, but she did say she wouldn't have written it if she wasn't sure.
amber - welcome back and sorry to hear about another cp :cry:, like the other ladies said ask your ob and see if they can think of something that helps, perhaps it could just be progesterone, fx to figure this out. :hugs:

mom15 -fx you catch the egg soon and that your cycles get shorter with all that you are doing to try and help your body!
MiBaby - yay for a girl!! How fun that you'll have one of each :)
Ugh...I think Af is here!! Thought it might just be spotting, but I'm starting to cramp which I usually only do with AF. I knew things got messed this cycle, but a 3 day Lp?!?! I'm glad we didn't even stress about trying. Not that it is usually stressful, but we would have had to bd while I was sick. Glad I didn't make DH do that.
It also breaks my heart when thinking about weaning DS. I am so conflicted. Right now he sleeps 2h max after he nurses to sleep in his room. Then I bring him to bed when he wakes up and some nights he seems to constantly nurse and we are both tired next day. That's when I just want to be done. I want him to be happy just laying with me. Then other nights are better or when I really need him to take a nap, the boob works like magic and I think how would I do that without it. I don't know if I can get him to only nurse for nap and going night night? How is he supposed to understand that in the evening it's ok to nurse but not in the middle of the night??? I can't talk to family about it, because nobody (mom, mil, grandmother, sister, sil) has nursed longer than 8-10months. And it's so different a 10 month old demanding boob versus an 18 month old. And then esp the inlaw side think I just need to break him. And I'm thinking he is not some item you break....sorry I'm ranting. Thanks for listening ladies :) hope you all are doing well!! Second and Anne hope you guys are not getting hit hard with MS yet!
MiBabyHopes, congratulations on the little girl! That's wonderful news.

Mom15, sorry about the confusing cycle! I'm sure after you wean, things will get back to normal, but I know it's hard to wait. I didn't wean my son until he was about 22 months old, though at the end he was mostly nursing for comfort or at night. In our case, it was pretty clear when he was ready to wean -- he'd go for longer times without nursing, get more easily distracted, etc. So I just let him guide the process.

While we weaned I was very cuddly with him because sometimes he just needed the physical reassurance, not necessarily to nurse. I think that helped a little.
MiBaby: congrats on the little girl news! So exciting!!

Mom15: sounds like a very confusing cycle.. . Ugh I hope it gets more regular soon!
Just to give you some reassurance if you do continue to breastfeed... I still nurse ds (age 2) 2-5 times per day (at least 3-5 on a weekend day!) and throughout the night. he does go for longer stretches at night than he did at 18 months tho. The ladies on the "ttc while breastfeeding and tandem nursing support" thread were very helpful in reassuring me that I could still get pregnant while breastfeeding so much.
That said, I have had pretty regular cycles for the past 6 months. Were your irregular cycles ever diagnosed?
No, never had any testing done. Before DS my doctor was like you might just be one of those with long cycles. I think he is more the "you go try for a year and if that doesn't work will see what we have in the medicine cabinet" type of person. I know for done people it's the only way to conceive and I don't judge anyone who takes the route of fertility drugs. Personally i will try everything in terms of nutrition and natural supplements first. And since
I'm pretty sure the nursing is a big factor I haven't looked to get any testing done. I do need to schedule a regar checkup before the end of the year with my ObGyn and I'm curious what he will say.
Hi ladies! I hope you don't mind a newcomer after chatting together all this time. My son is just about 20 months and we're about to start trying for #2. We're excited but nervous! My luteal phase was short with our son, and B50 helped, so I started up on that again when it looked like I was still ovulating late in my cycle. Beyond that, nothing special here.

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