Ttc #2

I had good luck with B50 when I conceived my son, but it looks like I'm still ovulating late taking it now. I should still be looking at a 9-10 day luteal phase, so hopefully that's enough. If not maybe I'll do some research on Vitex. I'd really prefer to time this pregnancy so all my appointments fall in one calendar year for insurance reasons, so that gives us about 5 months.

I had some O spotting in addition to the positive OPK so I'm hoping our timing is good this month. Time to make myself crazy with the TWW. I'm hoping to see more BFPs in here soon!
I had good luck with B50 when I conceived my son, but it looks like I'm still ovulating late taking it now. I should still be looking at a 9-10 day luteal phase, so hopefully that's enough. If not maybe I'll do some research on Vitex. I'd really prefer to time this pregnancy so all my appointments fall in one calendar year for insurance reasons, so that gives us about 5 months.

I had some O spotting in addition to the positive OPK so I'm hoping our timing is good this month. Time to make myself crazy with the TWW. I'm hoping to see more BFPs in here soon!

This is hilarious!! My biggest reason I'm in a hurry to get pregnant is to have all appointments in one yet for insurance purpose. We are on the same path. Haha

Amber - I will post when I get some time what I take/do. I look forward to your tests!! When will you start?
I had good luck with B50 when I conceived my son, but it looks like I'm still ovulating late taking it now. I should still be looking at a 9-10 day luteal phase, so hopefully that's enough. If not maybe I'll do some research on Vitex. I'd really prefer to time this pregnancy so all my appointments fall in one calendar year for insurance reasons, so that gives us about 5 months.

I had some O spotting in addition to the positive OPK so I'm hoping our timing is good this month. Time to make myself crazy with the TWW. I'm hoping to see more BFPs in here soon!

This is hilarious!! My biggest reason I'm in a hurry to get pregnant is to have all appointments in one yet for insurance purpose. We are on the same path. Haha

Amber - I will post when I get some time what I take/do. I look forward to your tests!! When will you start?

Ughh.....I am 4dpo today...and the wait is already starting to get to me, lol. I may start today as I have literally 100's of test calling my name at the moment, lol. :dohh:
I had good luck with B50 when I conceived my son, but it looks like I'm still ovulating late taking it now. I should still be looking at a 9-10 day luteal phase, so hopefully that's enough. If not maybe I'll do some research on Vitex. I'd really prefer to time this pregnancy so all my appointments fall in one calendar year for insurance reasons, so that gives us about 5 months.

I had some O spotting in addition to the positive OPK so I'm hoping our timing is good this month. Time to make myself crazy with the TWW. I'm hoping to see more BFPs in here soon!

Have you ever heard of using Spearmint tea to ovulate and help LP? I recommend this brand: This is really good deal, and it stocks you for a while so you don't have to worry about ordering for while, AND Amazon is doing a 20% coupon for it right now, so it's a steal. You take 2 cups a day, with 2 bags/cup of this particular brand bc of the dosage in each bag (they are high and superb quality) but studies have been done on it, and it apparently helps induce ovulation, regulates LH levels and even helps with progesterone levels in LP in turn helping to lengthen it, bc they stay as high as they should be instead of dropping and triggering AF too soon. I will be ordering it myself and doing it next cycle IF a BFP doesn't show this month. It has a lot of other great health benefits too, and it's not harmful, so it can't hurt.
I'll check it out, Amber, thanks. I'm not sure if spearmint is one of the herbs that can mess with milk production, but I guess pregnancy would screw that up anyway.
I had good luck with B50 when I conceived my son, but it looks like I'm still ovulating late taking it now. I should still be looking at a 9-10 day luteal phase, so hopefully that's enough. If not maybe I'll do some research on Vitex. I'd really prefer to time this pregnancy so all my appointments fall in one calendar year for insurance reasons, so that gives us about 5 months.

I had some O spotting in addition to the positive OPK so I'm hoping our timing is good this month. Time to make myself crazy with the TWW. I'm hoping to see more BFPs in here soon!

This is hilarious!! My biggest reason I'm in a hurry to get pregnant is to have all appointments in one yet for insurance purpose. We are on the same path. Haha

No way! What are the odds? :haha:
Hi Ladies- can I please join you? My daughter will be 3 in February and we have been TTC#2 since May. It took us almost a year to conceive my daughter, but I had myself convinced it would happen sooner this time, and it's been super frustrating since it seems like we have been bd'ing on all the right days.

I am currently on CD3 of my cycle, and taking a multi-vitamin. I also started B6 and Zinc this cycle. My cycles are usually 27-28 days, estimated ovulation on day 14 or 15 based on OPK's.

Hope this is our month ;)
Welcome Sara! I'm sorry it has been so frustrating. Hopefully your bfp will be around the corner. I just started a B100 complex. Hoping it will help lengthen my LP.
Amber - here is what I do:

So before ovulation I drink a tea and it is equal parts: raspberry leaf, elderberry flower, rosemary, sage and mugwort. And after ovulation it is equal parts lady's mantle, yarrow and nettle leaf.
I also take Vitex, Omega3 and prenatal vitamin. Just started this cycle with B 100 complex.
Then I do a Mayan massage at night. You can do it yourself as it is an abdominal massage.
Besides that I need to get back to cutting sugar and caffeine.
Just checking in- mom15 how has the b complex been working for you?

Will be 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow, nipples getting a bit sore with nursing but nothing too terrible 😝
Hey Anne! Glad you are doing well :) I'm only CD 13 so should have another 11 days min before I O or a lot more since I am Miss Irregular... So far the only thing the b complex has done is make my pee super bright yellow haha. Actually read and article how millions of dollars are flushed down the toilet because our bodies et rid of access vitamins etc. I could swear I feel light cramps here and there in my uterus area. Like when it's so slight you are not sure if you are imagining things. Ha, I'm symptom spotting before O :) Cm is just creamy/lotiony like it always is after AF. I'll update when things change. I'll be interested to hear how nursing is going for you throughout your pregnancy. I'm realizing more and more that I really don't want to wean. Last two nights DS has only fed once and then in the morning. I'm hopeful it helps bring me back to a longer LP and hopefully it's a trend and he sticks with just waking up once.

Oh happy side note, my sister is pregnant with #2 :) her first is a year older than mine and isn't nursing anymore, so here cycle was back to normal. But first try bam! It was when I was visiting and I knew she was trying and she said damn I think we missed O. Guess not :) she is almost 8 weeks!
I swear I feel pregnant already, even though it's way too early to even test. Really psyching myself out this month! On the other hand, I think a part of me knew before it was really possible with my son, too. I got a beer at a baseball game a few DPO and just couldn't bring myself to drink it, even though it had never been an issue before. So we'll see.
I hope you are right MrsK! Look forward to seeing if you are right :)
Hey Anne! Glad you are doing well :) I'm only CD 13 so should have another 11 days min before I O or a lot more since I am Miss Irregular... So far the only thing the b complex has done is make my pee super bright yellow haha. Actually read and article how millions of dollars are flushed down the toilet because our bodies et rid of access vitamins etc. I could swear I feel light cramps here and there in my uterus area. Like when it's so slight you are not sure if you are imagining things. Ha, I'm symptom spotting before O :) Cm is just creamy/lotiony like it always is after AF. I'll update when things change. I'll be interested to hear how nursing is going for you throughout your pregnancy. I'm realizing more and more that I really don't want to wean. Last two nights DS has only fed once and then in the morning. I'm hopeful it helps bring me back to a longer LP and hopefully it's a trend and he sticks with just waking up once.

Oh happy side note, my sister is pregnant with #2 :) her first is a year older than mine and isn't nursing anymore, so here cycle was back to normal. But first try bam! It was when I was visiting and I knew she was trying and she said damn I think we missed O. Guess not :) she is almost 8 weeks!

I swear I feel pregnant already, even though it's way too early to even test. Really psyching myself out this month! On the other hand, I think a part of me knew before it was really possible with my son, too. I got a beer at a baseball game a few DPO and just couldn't bring myself to drink it, even though it had never been an issue before. So we'll see.

Just checking in- mom15 how has the b complex been working for you?

Will be 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow, nipples getting a bit sore with nursing but nothing too terrible 😝

Anne, Glad to hear from you and that things are going well. Well, except for the sore nips, lol. I wonder how things will work out with my own LO as she is 20 months and still BFing every now and then. it's not a daily thing anymore, and I swear I don't even think she is getting milk and that's more for comfort than anything, but we decided a while ago that we would let her do her own weaning, so here we are.

MrsK- I hope you are right as well. My first was a "surprise" but I knew and was in denial for a while. we weren't trying and we were having some problems in our relationship at the time. By the time I finally got up the nerve to test, as I had thought I was so many times before and found myself staring at a - test every time, I was so scared that it would be - that it took me forever to even buy one and then I had the damn thing for wk before I did. BAM blazing positive, but I was also like 7 wks at the time, so of course it was glaringly obvious, lol.

Mom15- good luck waiting on your O. I knw before I got on the supps I'm on it's was brutal waiting. Now I O alot sooner and its been on a consistent day as well which is much less stressful and I am SO thankful for that. I'll be really happy when I'm not waiting to O and I'm waiting to give birth though, lol. :haha: I hope that the B helps you, I know the stuff I"m doing has worked wonders for my cycle and fertility health.
AFM- Currently 9dpo, testing like a mad woman, and have been for a while :blush: Over the past couple days I could swear I can something super, super faint, but only time will tell. This is the only cycle that I have had that I haven't what looked like IB between 1-7 dpo, which it wasn't but I'm actually hopeful that it not happening this cycle is a good thing, since it's something different. Been focused a lot on decluttering my home, working on myself, and building my YouTube Channel and preparing to open my Etsy Shop to sell stuff related to TTCing and Fertility, so all of that has helped to keep my mind off things and I"m quite excited about it all, so hopefully something will come of all of it. FX'd. I did have HORRIBLE has and bloating this TWW (it's subsided now, thank God) which is something I haven't had in any of my TWW previous, so we will see what happens. Other than that, cramping and low back pain have plagued me this TWW and I had awful burps for two days that I have no clue why. lol. Hoping that all of this weird stuff is sign that something is actually happening that I haven't just gone nuts 'symptom spotting" but my symptoms have been so outrageous there's no way I'm just talking myself into them, esp the gas, bloating, and burping, as I didn't even know until after it had subsided that it is actually a "thing" that happens to some women in their BFP TWW.
My 20 month old is still nursing, too. Mostly at naptime, bedtime, and too often overnight. We're slowly working on night weaning and I'm planning to kick that up a notch. I can't be up all night if I'm pregnant, it's exhausting enough already.

Still symptom spotting here, but obviously no results yet.
Sorry to have vanished! Welcome and good luck to everyone new; hope there are tons of BFPs on the horizon. Amber, it's great that you have so much to keep you busy -- I find it's much easier to deal with the TWW when you have a lot going on.

I'm seven weeks today. Still a couple of weeks until my first official visit with the OB-GYN and the ultrasound. I have had really bad queasiness and strong food aversions for the past week, which is terrible but also reassures me that something is happening in there. But of course I won't fully believe anything until the scan. Thankfully we have a lot of traveling and fun events coming up, so hopefully the wait will go by quickly.
Sorry to have vanished! Welcome and good luck to everyone new; hope there are tons of BFPs on the horizon. Amber, it's great that you have so much to keep you busy -- I find it's much easier to deal with the TWW when you have a lot going on.

I'm seven weeks today. Still a couple of weeks until my first official visit with the OB-GYN and the ultrasound. I have had really bad queasiness and strong food aversions for the past week, which is terrible but also reassures me that something is happening in there. But of course I won't fully believe anything until the scan. Thankfully we have a lot of traveling and fun events coming up, so hopefully the wait will go by quickly.

You're right. I am SO THANKFUL for all the distractions. I'm still testing like crazy, but I'm not as "obsessed and insane" about it all. It helps tremendously.

Glad to hear that all is going well with your pregnancy. Can't wait to see your scan, I'm sure all is great and you will be ecstatic once you get that US!
Has anyone here ever tried bio identical topical progesterone cream? I have been doing the baby aspirin thing and still was having issue's with an erratic LP so I decided (on my own) to do some progesterone cream OTC. FX'd my intuition is correct and I"m doing the right thing about the recurrent CP's. I was just curious if anyone else had ever done it and what you though about it, side effects, was it helpful, etc :)

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