TTC #3! Anyone welcome!!

Sounds like you have a good supply there gypsy ! My hubby loves anything like a corset and he really likes French maid which is the only dress up I have . Feel a bit of a numpty in it though !

I really hope you are right about ovulation and that you also manage to get an extra bd in :) xx
The inspiration worked and dh did finish for the 2nd day in a row (probably first time he managed that since we started dating). To complete the smep plan it will have to continue for 2days more though... any ideas that work? He is super willing, no problem getting him to try anything at least. He told me he was drinking a liter of milk today (in his mind that is what helped him to finish).:haha:
Do you ladies reckon I should give temping a go, just to see if I am ovulating or not? Debating it! :shrug:
Rebecca. it's up to you, but I do find it extremely helpful. Once you see a pattern it can help to see where you are at in your cycle really easily (apart from this month for me being sick).

Bloblo great news for you. i have no idea how to help that though sorry!

Fushia lol it actually annoys me that he doesn't do anything for me in this respect. Wish he dressed up or took charge a bit more.
Oooh congratulation!! Def a BFP!

My temp dropped today so crosshairs removed but I'm glad as I really did not feel like I'd ovulated!
Bloblo - wow that sounds like quite an achievement ! It's all in his head sounds like so if he thinks it's milk - let him drink all the milk ! lol. If lingerie worked this time - have you got something else you can use ? Something a bit different to ramp it up a little ? Last night was our 4th night in a row - pretty sure that has never happened before ! We cracked out the stockings ! I'm feeling pretty happy that finally I seem to have cracked this and it makes it much less of a chore ! I used to be a bit more stingy with it all but realise it's easier now to just crack on and gets him excited . I think he enjoys the fact that I'm making an effort all for him .

Rebecca- yes temping is a good idea . If nothing else it will give you something to take to the dr to prove what's going on with you - can't hurt . Is there a reason why you haven't done it already ? I find that once I am used to it - it's really easy to remember but at first I find it a bit annoying !

Gypsy - I tease dh about dressing up but tbh I don't think I'd like it - I would find it pretty cringe . I do however wish he would take charge more . I tell him over and over that I would like him to show he wants me more and initiate but it always ends up being me. I think it's confidence /laziness!!

AFM- well I'm a bit bummed to find my temp hasn't risen yet :( i know this means I may have still ovulated yesterday maybe afternoon / eve but I was expecting it to rise !! My cycle has been 27/28 days lately , if I Ov today that would make for a 10 day lp but I've always had an 11/12 day . Maybe this cycle will be longer - either way I wish I would just ovulate already !!!
Gypsy, rebecca - i agree temping helps a lot to get a clear picture. It costs nothing and its only difficult for the first week until you are used to it.

Baby D- my temps also dropped today so I am thinking today is o day!

Fuschia- i dont have much more to make things interesting, but will just have to get creative;-)
Looking at your chart i think it's possible that o is also today. Or might be yesterday with a slow rise. In the past a later o date for me did lengthen my cycle, it shouldnt influence your lp.
Morning ladies, so I think i may be ovulating late in my cycle this month, so annoying!

I had all my normal ovulating signs yesterday and hubby has been away but I stayed up till he got home late last night to jump him ha ha!

Gypsy- I know what you mean about just wanting dh to just take charge, sometimes it would be nice! I feel sometimes like I'm putting him out by asking ha ha!

Bloblo- fingers crossed for ovulation today and the litre of milk! Whatever helps hey.

Hows everyone else doing?
I've never done it before because I've been a bit worried about it - it sounds more complicated than it is! :haha: After looking into it, I'm going to give it a shot.. Although, I did have this today! Is it +? I've never, ever had a + opk!


  • opk.jpg
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I'm not any good with opk but I would say that's looking pretty good?! I think the test line needs to be darker than the control line to estimate ovulation but not 100% sure. I'm sure the other ladies will know x
Rebecca that is very close I think if you retest this afternoon it will be positive!

glad all the sexy lingerie is working well!!! you have lucky husbands!

stock up on milk!!

afm im 4dpo and im feeling wet down there which is one of the first symptoms I get but im not gonna get my hopes up. we shall see!
Well we certainly have a few ladies in here that have just ovulated or are on the verge of !

I really hope I ovulate today ! And if so - it will be interesting to see what my lp actually is as obv haven't charted since 2.5 years ago !

Rebecca - that's not positive BUT it's quite a good line . If I had that, I would know I am on the verge of a lh surge but it's not positive until the line is as strong or stronger than the test line . You can often see progression though so I would test this afternoon/next few days .

Negative opk for me this morning ( still strong line ) hopefully this is another indication that ovulation should happen today cx
More fool me, just started bleeding! Too good to be true. :( so defeated with it all now, feel like such an idiot everytime I get my hopes up.
Rebecca I'm sorry you are bleeding. Don't feel bad. It is only natural to get your hopes up. I hope your bfp isn't too far away.
Argh Rebecca :( I really think temping will be a good idea for you as it will mean you are less in the dark about where you are .

Sucks when things don't go right :(
It's on and off again, so annoying! :( I just want a full AF, or for this stupid spotting to go away! Xx
I'm sorry rebeccalouise!
Yeah, you need a new GYN. If you are really not ovulating, clomid will do the trick.
Think I've ovulated . Temp this morning has risen a bit . don't think I have the will to bd again! 5 times in a row - a new record for this household !

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