My cervix is still tightly closed and no spotting or anthing no idea whats going on 😂 x
I figured Id post here for some advice, I tried to make my own thread, but only one person saw it.
Were seeing a reproductive endocrinologist.
I started Letrozole on cycle day 3-7 (September 6th-10th), on the 14th I went in for an ultrasound to check my follicles and for the HSG test. When I went in on the 14th to get an ultrasound to check my follicles and to get the HSG test done. They ended up not doing to HSG test since Ive been having some cramping the last two days. 
Instead they triggered me and I was scheduled for IUI on the 15th, but I only had two follicles. One on the right at 19mm and one on the left at 14mm. 
Im currently on cycle day 16. 
Any advice from anyone thats been through this would be so appreciated! This is our first round of fertility treatments.
Just a few more details:

Im 26, my husband is 27, and we have an eight year old son. We have been trying to conceive for over a year, found out that his sperm count is a little low, and so far all of my tests have been normal. His sperm count was 15 million for his speed analysis. Motility and everything else was pretty good.
Hi girls still no period the cramps were so bad they woke me up in the night theyve eased of today .. Ive tested there negative one Im sure I could see a faint something but probs my imagine .. Im cd28 now why is amazing considering I was spotting randomly I just hope I either come on soon so its a normal day cycle or I have a bfp .. Im not holding my hopes on one but it would be nice .. x
Fingers crossed Donna!!! I am hoping for BFP!
Babyfever- Welcome! I had a sore throat this cycle and bad headache for two days and it just vanished which I thought I was getting a cold but when it went away thought it was odd but for me it was a good thing! We all symptom spot in the two week wait so spot awayI hope you get your BFP soon!
Morning girls . Well Ive got up and there is a pink tinge when I wipe so period is hopefully on its way and not just spotting . I am gutted but Im so glad to have a normal cycle .. day 29 today which is completely normal for me x
Morning girls . Well Ive got up and there is a pink tinge when I wipe so period is hopefully on its way and not just spotting . I am gutted but Im so glad to have a normal cycle .. day 29 today which is completely normal for me x
yay for a normal cycle though