Xxvickyxx I always get three days of blazing positives. Generally one that’s the same as the control line the next day would be darker than the control line the following day would be the same again, before tapering off. I’ve always wondered if the darkest one would be my true positive but most say the first positive is all that counts. Hopefully I’ll be charting this month so I’ll know for sure
B! Any update??? Did you do another test or did AF arrive??Ok thanks CJ I thought I was losing my mind! Ok glad we’re in the same boat- keep me updated!
Awwww that’s so exciting!!! Congrats Vicki!!!View attachment 1046168 Omg girls. You know i started what i thought was AF early on 12th October, i had an unusual 5 day period that was rather heavy for me. I hadnt bd’d since the day after ovulation so 1st October until Sunday this week. On Sunday i had sore Boobs and thought i felt like i was about to ovulate so done clearblue smiley opk and a normal one, i got a static smiley and blazing opk. Since then am consistently getting blazing opks so i googled it and found out it could be bfp. Surely not i thought!! But these are my results! How has that even happened!!! Xx
Wow Vicky! How crazy! Congrats! So do you think you conceived around Oct. 1? So confusing with the bleed you had. That frer is so positive it took all the dye from the control line! What’s your next step? Does your doctor do betas or a scan?
Wow Vicky! How crazy! Congrats! So do you think you conceived around Oct. 1? So confusing with the bleed you had. That frer is so positive it took all the dye from the control line! What’s your next step? Does your doctor do betas or a scan?
Well you're not the first woman to bleed when pregnant and you won't be the last! I wonder if you had two eggs but one miscarried while the other hung in thereeither way you are definitely pregnant! Have you told your hubby yet??? What a surprise
I know everyone’s body reacts differently but as a reference. When I had my chemical, I had 6 days of faint lines while bleeding, then they turned bfn. The fact that your lines now are stronger (I assume) than they were right before you started bleeding leads me to believe that your HCG has gone up since the bleeding. I hope it all works out and you have a little bean on board. How do you feel about having to wait so long to be seen?