TTC #3! Anyone welcome!!

I seriously hate the TWW. Now I'm getting horrible AF cramps and my cervix has gone into AF position. Yargghh i'm way too in tune with my body :cry:

Wish we could switch off for the tww. Try not to count yourself out yet!
Yeah, I sometimes wonder if it'd be better not to know much about what's going on. Then we won't be scrutinising the slightest thing and driving ourselves quite so crazy!
What do the soy iso's do? Good luck Heaven this cycle. It's been a rough road this month for all of us it seems :-(.
they are similar to clomid if you take them the same days, so you can take them 1-5 2-6, 3-7 but usually you do not start them any later than CD 5. You take them for 5 days, i take 100 mg the first few days. It gets your ovulation process started a bit quicker. When i got pregnant last time i used them so hopefully they work again

Hey everyone :flower:

Just wanted to update quick that I think I ovulated finally...on cd29 :growlmad: I'm not even sure, though because my OPKs weren't a strong positive and I wasn't really watching for any secondary signs since DH and I were in the process of moving. So I guess we'll see. Not feeling very hopeful, though. We did manage to DTD a couple times but farther away from ovulation than I'd like. I kind of just want this cycle to be over.

I'll will try to get all caught up tomorrow now that I finally have the internet again. :)

i hope the move goes ok!! that sucks it was so late but it happened so it means a bfp could come soon too
sorry i'm not sure where to post this, i don't have a journal per say but i just had to write this all out somewhere, i'm sorry it's so long.

so i've got some news, not the good kind unfortunately

I was able to meet with my old obgyn from when i had my daughter, he is truly a wealth of knowledge so i knew he was the one to talk to about TTC when i found out about my hypothyroidism, i've been on a waiting list to get an appointment for a few weeks, they finally called yesterday so i rushed from work as they had a cancellation last minute. He spoke to me a bit about what he knew of Hasimoto's disease and its ability to interfere with TTC and how it can really mess up your hormones. He put in a request from my family doctor to send him my ultrasound they did of my thyroid, and also any blood tests done by him, he also had me go to the lab in his building so he could run his own panel. He told me about the options, he was big on trying clomid but he'd want me to monitor for one full cycle with no clomid, meaning taking temp every day from day 1 , i told him its day 3 for me so he said next cycle i could do it.

all in all it was good, i got some info about the medication i'm on since my family doctor didn't give me much. He said he'd call me when he got my results (both old and his own new panel) he told me if he got it that day he'd call me that night since he knows its a horrendous drive from west to east side of town and didnt want to make me come back unless he had to.

Last night around 7 he called me saying he reviewed everything, and also got my blood work back from his lab- news was hard to hear. He said he would definitely still try me on clomid for one month just to see, no waiting period for 6 months of trying on my own because he said quite frankly it won't happen for you, he told me he was almost 90% sure i was not ovulating on my own since my son was born, my thyroid is so inflamed that he thinks it may need to be removed in the next few years if not sooner. My body just isn't producing the hormones i need to ovulate. He told me he would want me to try one round of IUI he'll refer to me to endocrinologist, after he tries me on one month of clomid and cycle monitoring. After that he said i would really be a good candidate for IVF, thats when i started having a few tears while trying to talk to him. He said he would do everything possible to help me but that my numbers where just quite significant and he wasnt sure what could be done to guarantee anything other than IVF. I told him i'll do the clomid and cycle monitoring but that will be it for me, no IUI or IVF - its quite costly and DH and I discussed that we were not comfortable with doing it, if we can't have nay more children from us trying than we were going to be happy with our 2 kids and let it be - he agreed and said for me to let this cycle ride out and once i'm on cd 1 of next one start temping and he will get me a perscription for clomid.

I feel defeated- i've cried all night in DH's arms but i've got to remember i had the chance to have 2 kiddos, and i still might have a chance for 3 i just have to be patient. Thanks for reading
:hugs: Im sorry to hear Heaveneats! Big hugs going out to you!
Still - there is always a chance and I will send extra super duper baby dust for this next cycle.

As for temping: i really strongly advise starting a few days earlier- my first week of temperatures when i started was soooo unreliable: i kept on waking up too early or too late or forgetting etc. After the 1st week it becomes 2nd nature and not an issue at all.
Oh heaven, I dont know what to say. Other than Im so sorry this is happening, we are here for you and I have everything crossed that something happens in your next cycle. Your obgyn sounds fantastic and supportive too. Yes you can be greatful for your two lovely children but we all understand your pain and frustration. Big hugs xxx
I'm so sorry heaven. What hard news to hear. Whatever will be will be. This is what I tell myself on a daily basis. Chin up and good luck for the next few cycles xx
I am so sorry to ready your update Heaven, that would be extremely hard to have heard. I know you will be happy and love your 2 kiddies so much but to have someone come along and take away the prospect of another when you want one is awful. Your Obgyn sounds great and I hope that things do work out for the best for you.
I'm so sorry too heaveneats. But I'm glad you have someone so involved and dedicated to help you. You shouldn't give up. I'm still grateful to a doctor who put me on clomid in spite of my high FSH. That is what got me pregnant. Good luck!
Another sorry from me too Heaven. Fingers crossed the clomid helps. :hugs:
Hi all i thought i might jump in...
Heaveneats.. i too have hypothyroidism and have had all the tests and was told that naturally i would struggle to get preggers especially as i also have pcos. I also have two little ones. I was put on thyroxine and used letrozole to get me to ovulate and it worked first go. My hypothyroidism probably is different to yours but i just wanted to give you a little hope as i too felt lost and helpless when i was diagnosed. Im 6wks today and am very lucky and you never know you might get lucky too x
Goldengg what encouraging news! Congratulations also!! I'm so happy for you xx
I'm so sorry heaven. What hard news to hear. Whatever will be will be. This is what I tell myself on a daily basis. Chin up and good luck for the next few cycles xx

thank you! yes definitely keeping my had up, its all i can do!

I am so sorry to ready your update Heaven, that would be extremely hard to have heard. I know you will be happy and love your 2 kiddies so much but to have someone come along and take away the prospect of another when you want one is awful. Your Obgyn sounds great and I hope that things do work out for the best for you.
yes its hard to explain, my family just keeps saying but you have 2 so just be happy, well its hard to just be happy when you really wanted a big family and now know it will be a struggle

I'm so sorry too heaveneats. But I'm glad you have someone so involved and dedicated to help you. You shouldn't give up. I'm still grateful to a doctor who put me on clomid in spite of my high FSH. That is what got me pregnant. Good luck!

yes i'm excited for this cycle to be done so i can move on to next with clomid
Another sorry from me too Heaven. Fingers crossed the clomid helps. :hugs:

thank you!:hugs:

thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement, I know i can do this!!! this cycle i'm still going to use the OPK i have but more or less just to see if i can get a positive again or not. I bought pregnancy tests too just as a show of good faith...

I hope everyone is doing well! its friday yay! And mothers day is coming up :flower: our anniversay is this weekend as well and i convinced DH to take me out for dinner lol. Monday i took the day off work because i need to bring my dog to the vet to have his teeth cleaned - i'm taking him across the boarder to the USA since its only about a 40 minute drive from my house and its about 60% cheaper
Sounds hopeful goldenegg.

Heaven so nice your DH is sorting out dinner!

Ago my Temps dropped right down. Guaranteed to get AF when we're are DH brothers tonight.. tempted to say I can go. I'm always so heavy and horrible on the first day.

Have an appointment with a more experienced doctor on Wednesday. Hoping for an HSG, to check my endo (ultrasound) and I want the full set of bloods looked at and done again. They never told us DH's sperm count either. Poor doctor is going to hate me as soon as I walk in.
Heaven I'm sorry you're having a tough time ! :hugs:

Katy good luck !!!!

After peeing on a million OPKS i finally have a positive and I've had a sharp pain right ovary side and been very horny all day :blush: sorry for the tmi. I feel very sensitive down below and I'm literally about to pounce on hubby! :wacko:


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I got my :bfp: today.
I really hope this one sticks.
Woohoo! congratulations Katy, you gave me a huge smile this morning, I'm so happy for you. Hope it's sticky xxx

Nordicpixie I hope you had fun! Haha! And catch that egg. :dust:

Heaven, glad you're still so positive, I really hope it works out without too much of a struggle xx

Gypsy, good luck for Wednesday and hope you get everything you need done & answered. Hope AF isn't too much of a bitch IF she arrives! Xx
Gypsy that sucks so much!!! Hopefully she doesn't arrive 😙🤞

Nord - have fun hahahaha good luck!!!

Well we chased eggy the last two night . We will I'm sure force ourselves to manage another BD before the weekend is out :sex: :spermy:

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