sorry i'm not sure where to post this, i don't have a journal per say but i just had to write this all out somewhere, i'm sorry it's so long.
so i've got some news, not the good kind unfortunately
I was able to meet with my old obgyn from when i had my daughter, he is truly a wealth of knowledge so i knew he was the one to talk to about TTC when i found out about my hypothyroidism, i've been on a waiting list to get an appointment for a few weeks, they finally called yesterday so i rushed from work as they had a cancellation last minute. He spoke to me a bit about what he knew of Hasimoto's disease and its ability to interfere with TTC and how it can really mess up your hormones. He put in a request from my family doctor to send him my ultrasound they did of my thyroid, and also any blood tests done by him, he also had me go to the lab in his building so he could run his own panel. He told me about the options, he was big on trying clomid but he'd want me to monitor for one full cycle with no clomid, meaning taking temp every day from day 1 , i told him its day 3 for me so he said next cycle i could do it.
all in all it was good, i got some info about the medication i'm on since my family doctor didn't give me much. He said he'd call me when he got my results (both old and his own new panel) he told me if he got it that day he'd call me that night since he knows its a horrendous drive from west to east side of town and didnt want to make me come back unless he had to.
Last night around 7 he called me saying he reviewed everything, and also got my blood work back from his lab- news was hard to hear. He said he would definitely still try me on clomid for one month just to see, no waiting period for 6 months of trying on my own because he said quite frankly it won't happen for you, he told me he was almost 90% sure i was not ovulating on my own since my son was born, my thyroid is so inflamed that he thinks it may need to be removed in the next few years if not sooner. My body just isn't producing the hormones i need to ovulate. He told me he would want me to try one round of IUI he'll refer to me to endocrinologist, after he tries me on one month of clomid and cycle monitoring. After that he said i would really be a good candidate for IVF, thats when i started having a few tears while trying to talk to him. He said he would do everything possible to help me but that my numbers where just quite significant and he wasnt sure what could be done to guarantee anything other than IVF. I told him i'll do the clomid and cycle monitoring but that will be it for me, no IUI or IVF - its quite costly and DH and I discussed that we were not comfortable with doing it, if we can't have nay more children from us trying than we were going to be happy with our 2 kids and let it be - he agreed and said for me to let this cycle ride out and once i'm on cd 1 of next one start temping and he will get me a perscription for clomid.
I feel defeated- i've cried all night in DH's arms but i've got to remember i had the chance to have 2 kiddos, and i still might have a chance for 3 i just have to be patient. Thanks for reading