TTC #3! Anyone welcome!!

Lol gypsy - I think it's allowed! Are you a rugby fan? We had the game on in the background.

Welcome kiwiberry! Yay for nearly being in the tww!!
Gypsy ! Sorry to hear AF got you :( your time has gotta be soon !

I'm in 1st week of tww . Don't think timing was fantastic though - we are really struggling lately to have the energy and enthusiasm for lots of bding ! Not 100% on ovulation day either really as I feel it might be a little later but time will tell !

Hope all are well x
Good luck Kiwiberry and fushia.

Waiting, I used to be, I'm not as into it anymore. We had 5 kids under 7 here too and 8 adults. Was a good catch up.

I am really over trying so hard. Last month was much more relaxing. I'm obviously still keen and want a baby, but the only thing I'm doing it temping and opks. I barely even feel like BD anymore and i used to be crazy horny all the time.
Gypsy that's so frusterating. It's so hard to get your head around the fact why didn't it work????
I'm sorry. Fingers crossed for this cycle.
I'm onto 7dpo now. Still got a week. Is it strange that I feel like I'm already out? Hope is slowly going....
Oooh hello Kiwiberry :)

Sorry for all the ladies that's got AF visiting. Sending :dust: your way for your next cycle.

I'm eagerly waiting for the implant to be removed. It's getting closer now. I'm hoping my period (from the implant) will happen anytime between now and getting the implant out so that i know that cycle has completed and that i'm starting on a fresh cycle once its out if that makes sense? It did in my head :haha:

I've ordered some conceive plus lube (has anyone tried this?) and some clear blue ovulation tests to use as and when i have a positive cheapie opk.. here's hoping i don't have to wait too long!

I've been trying to keep myself busy with work at the moment, but seems like all my clients are either pregnant or know someone thats pregnant or just want to talk about babies?! lol. It's EVERYWHERE!!!!!
Or maybe i just have it on the brain :haha: :blush:
welcome kiwiberry

hope everyone is good!

brandonsgirl how exciting for you! i Hope AF comes soon after so you can start trying :)

i'm really finding it hard to get back into this temping thing :( also my bbt thermometer has no backlight and does not save last temp so i usually end up struggling with my phone to see the number then input it blahh
waiting2c, thanks hun! :)

fuschia, I've been that way too recently. Really feeling the guilt here...... :(. :dust: hope you caught it this month hun. Even just around ovulation is still good. I've been going through something similar because my kids go to bed late Some nights and then wake up and want to sleep with us before we have any time to ourselves.

Gypsy99, I'm sorry you've been feeling so down lately hun. I know the feeling I've been feeling depressed and guilty myself. Here's to hoping we all get our bfp soon :hugs:.

babymumma6, you're not out till AF arrives :hugs:. When I got pregnant with both of my girls I was almost certain I would get my period even after my bfp. FX this is your month!!!

brandonsgirl, how exciting being able to officially start TTC soon :happydance:. It's a cruel trick of the Universe I think. Whenever you want something really bad it has its way of popping up everywhere :haha:.

heaveneats, I have a BB thermometer but I always forget to use it. I'm sorry yours isn't working properly anymore. Does temping help you track ovulation and if you're pregnant is that why ladies do it? I've just been using the ovulation sticks and tracking everything with fertility friend.

AFM, didn't get to BD last night, really sad about that. My toddler had a rough time going to bed and woke up earlier than usual to come and sleep with us.

waiting2c, thanks hun! :)

heaveneats, I have a BB thermometer but I always forget to use it. I'm sorry yours isn't working properly anymore. Does temping help you track ovulation and if you're pregnant is that why ladies do it? I've just been using the ovulation sticks and tracking everything with fertility friend.

BBT tracking is supposed to help you basically almost guarantee you ovulated, so when your temp dips then rises immediately after, it means your body ovulated(fertility friend will give you something called 'crosshairs; meaning it detected that you ov'ed) i'm doing it right now because my gyno wants to see if i actually am ovulating as i've been getting positive OPK but that doesnt always means you ovulate at least with checking your temp every morning right before you get out of bed or move to much, will tell you for sure. If your pregnant your temps usually will rise and stay higher, if your not they often will drop and AF will come. I hate doing it though i find it hard to remember and its hard for those of us who get up throughout the night:coffee:
waiting2c, thanks hun! :)

heaveneats, I have a BB thermometer but I always forget to use it. I'm sorry yours isn't working properly anymore. Does temping help you track ovulation and if you're pregnant is that why ladies do it? I've just been using the ovulation sticks and tracking everything with fertility friend.

BBT tracking is supposed to help you basically almost guarantee you ovulated, so when your temp dips then rises immediately after, it means your body ovulated(fertility friend will give you something called 'crosshairs; meaning it detected that you ov'ed) i'm doing it right now because my gyno wants to see if i actually am ovulating as i've been getting positive OPK but that doesnt always means you ovulate at least with checking your temp every morning right before you get out of bed or move to much, will tell you for sure. If your pregnant your temps usually will rise and stay higher, if your not they often will drop and AF will come. I hate doing it though i find it hard to remember and its hard for those of us who get up throughout the night:coffee:

Thanks hun that's actually really informative. If I don't catch it this month I'm probably going to start using a thermometer next month and see if I can keep up with it. I know it probably takes a few cycles to get accurate data but knowing my history I probably have a while to wait till I'm pregnant again.
Brandons girl - I had used conceive plus . I also have used pressed which I still use . I conceived both of my babies with pressed but I think conceived plus is effectively the same thing and some people swear by it - others by preseed lol

Heaveneats- I have a bbt thermometer which doesn't have a back light but when you turn it on it does flash up the last temp taken for about 2 seconds which I'm thankful for as I prob wouldn't get to record half my temps if not as I'm not really with it when taking temp !

It's in though how routine temping has become ! I do it without thinking now .

Afm- 6dpo- not symptom spotting at all and not particularly hopefully . I have 5 cheapie tests though so not sure when I will crack and decide to start on those !
Hi! Im ttc #3. First cycle 7dpo. I did test and bfn of course but did get an evap line several hours later. Testing in the morning!
Hey ladies!!!

1 week today before we can start TTC.. not that thats stopped up practicing :blush: :haha: .

I'm going to be temping but think i will set an alarm for 3am to do it. LO still wakes in the night and then i'm usually up going to the toilet before going back to bed and getting up at 5:30ish.
I'm going to set a silent alarm on my fitbit to wake up and temp as i know i will usually of had at least 3 hours straight sleep by then. That's my plan anyways :haha:, knowing my luck i will end up sleeping right through it lol.

Fingers crossed for you AFM! Let us know when you do start testing!

How's everyone else doing? Any one testing at the moment?

Can you DTD the day after ovulation and still have a chance? We did manage to DTD last night.
Hmm I'm not sure about that. I want to say no, as you've already ovulated but I could be wrong. Maybe one of the other ladies can offer some better advice :)
Yesterday was the day I ovulated, I was just curious. Thanks hun!
You're welcome. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

Hubs and I were looking at pushchairs online last night. Just vaguely to get an idea of the kinda thing we would want to get. It's so nice having him so excited about it all this time around. Can't wait to start TTC.
They do say there's a small chance for day after ovulation. I do try and do it then too just in case.

Good luck ladies. I'm now at the end of AF. Our isn't for another 11 days. Still in casual moDE though. We have family arriving home from Australia next month too so know that will be a write off!
Hey everyone! I think you are still in with a chance kiwi as the other posters have said, it can stick around for up to 24 hours.

Hope everyone else is doing okay :-

yay for only 1 more week to wait Brandonsgirl! That is very exciting!

I am feeling frustrated this month, I went into it so hopeful as was first month would have a solid chance, yet here I am feeling like I didnt yet again. Am CD24 today, AF due next Thurs according to app, and feel no different to any normal month. No symptoms other than cramps but I have those every month. I have zero idea if I ovulated or when that was, never got a positive OPK, ran out at CD18 taking one a day and never had a dark positive. Found a random one in drawer yesterday and took it and there was a line, half as dark as control, so not positive but still there. Figure I cant have not ovulated by now as never had a cycle longer than 35 days and that would make it in the 50s.

Gah, I know there are those of you that have been trying longer than me and havent had success yet so forgive me for my next comment. I just so thought it would have happened by now when I was WTT last year.

Maybe its just not meant to be?

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