TTC #3! Anyone welcome!!

AF seems absolutely neverending when wanting to TTC!

Im on CD10. I dont temp or use OPKs etc, so Im just going ahead and assuming I will O around CD14? I fell pregnant with my DD 4 days before O, so I think this is the start of my FW now.

Fingers crossed!

We took the kids to the zoo today. I have school all day tomorrow. We have an assessment which Im supposed to be studying for right now. Kids are in bed & DH is at work. I wish I could just go to bed :haha:

Doesn't it just!!! My periods on the implant lasted ages so I'm hoping now it's been removed it's not going to last as long.
Ooh I love the zoo, hope you all had a good time!
Hope everything goes well with your assessment.

Thank you! :flower:

Oh no. How long did they usually last? I actually had the depo shot about 7 months ago, and I basically bled for the entire 3 months. So I didn't get another shot, and I just went back on the pill. It was awful bleeding for so long!!
They varied. Some lasted about 3-4 weeks. I went to the doctor to see if there was anything that I could do about it but she said basically there wasn't. She prescribed me the pill to take as well as having the implant in to perhaps regulate them and possibly lighten them but it wouldn't prevent the longevity of them.

Then hubby said he wanted to try for another baby so I didn't end up taking the pill with it. I'm so glad to be BC free, I hated being on it.

I had the implant removed a day or two after I started my period so I'm hoping with it being out my system it won't take too long to stop this time around.
I hate BC too. If we are lucky enough to have a third, I will be having another csection & getting my tubes tied so that I never have to worry about BC again!!
Happy weekend to you all! I have just finished going around cleaning my whole house. Feel better now thats tidy!

How is everyone? Remind me where are you all cycle wise? I know Gypsy is about to Ov, Brandonsgirl is a week or so off ov, heaven has unfortunately missed... is anyone in the tww?

I am waiting waiting for AF, was due Thursday and hasnt come yet, guessing I am having a super long cycle which is annoying as i just want to get on with a new month! (tests are bfn so its not anything else)
brandonsgirl, tons of :dust: this week hun!!!

Buffyx, I hate BC too most of all depo. I don't know what I am going to do when we are done. I'm not getting cut open, no BC, and hubby hates condoms.

waiting2c, sorry AF is coming :hugs: good luck next cycle sweets :dust:.

AFM: 9 dpo with a 10 day lp. AF is due tomorrow and only have a maybe faint test. Waiting for the :witch: to arrive or a nice surprise.
Oooh good luck Kiwi! I hope its a nice surprise and not AF!!!
Hi ladies! Well I guess I'm out this cycle as I know these are for sure positive :( I was hoping I may get lucky and have this happen Sunday but I guess not.

DH was going to come home this afternoon so we could sneak something in quick but my test was neg at 12:30 then at 5 I got these ugh:cry: would have been perfect timing at lunch!


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heaveneats, awww so sorry hun :hugs: :hugs:.
Kiwiberry - I wouldnt be getting my tubes tied if i wasnt already going to be having a csection, so i dont blame you. Are your cycles regular? You could avoid FW, or use pull out method?

Waiting2c - i am CD11 today! Thinking O should be CD14.
I hate BC too. If we are lucky enough to have a third, I will be having another csection & getting my tubes tied so that I never have to worry about BC again!!

I'll be doing this too. The doctors have noted it. With the pain I get from periods and the massive mood issues from birth control they said it would be fine.

DH has had an unexpected invite for drinks tonight. I like it when it's just me and the kids at home sometimes.

Hoping to get some BD in again tomorrow, but my cm is being weird this cycle. Almost like thrush.
I hate BC too. If we are lucky enough to have a third, I will be having another csection & getting my tubes tied so that I never have to worry about BC again!!

I'll be doing this too. The doctors have noted it. With the pain I get from periods and the massive mood issues from birth control they said it would be fine.

DH has had an unexpected invite for drinks tonight. I like it when it's just me and the kids at home sometimes.

Hoping to get some BD in again tomorrow, but my cm is being weird this cycle. Almost like thrush.

My DH is on night shift at work tonight. My littlest goes to bed at 6pm, but DD & I sit and snuggle on the couch and watch a show while she has a bottle before bed. It's so nice :)

Hmmm thats weird about your CM! Mine isnt doing much of anything.
Kiwiberry - I wouldnt be getting my tubes tied if i wasnt already going to be having a csection, so i dont blame you. Are your cycles regular? You could avoid FW, or use pull out method?

Waiting2c - i am CD11 today! Thinking O should be CD14.

My cycles are 31 and 32 days sometimes a 28 day cycle once in awhile. Pull out method is probably what we will have to do.

I have an OB appointment on Monday, unrelated and I'm going to talk about any BC options I might be willing to b do in the future. I was thinking of the implant, anyone have any advice about it? I really don't like pull out method either.... kinda ruins the mood for me but if it's my only option it's what ill do.
I had the nexplanon implant, kiwi. Honestly it was the worse thing I ever did.

I'm not 100% sure that it is related to the implant but after going on it, I developed very bad anxiety and have struggled with it ever since. My husband found an article a while back that linked BC hormones to anxiety and depression.

It's been 3 days since I've had it removed and have had 5 panic attacks since last night. My husband is convinced that its down to the hormones leaving my body and the change in hormone levels.

After baby number 4 DH has said he will have the snip so I don't have to worry about BC any more. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about that at the moment, but I know that the hormones in my body with the implant was just far too much for me to able to handle. The pill wasn't AS bad but still affected me in similar ways with mood swings.

Could you continue with FF and track when O is and just be careful around that time?
I will never have more than 3 children. We originally had only planned on 2. For financial reasons, we will have to stop at 3. If I wasnt having a csection, DH would for sure have a vasectomy.
Brandonsgirl - most birthcontrol doesn't agree with me and I've heard nothing but bad things about the nexpalon implant. It sounds horrible. I went as far as the butt injection one and it was horrible. Bleeding on and off, pain, had what felt like irritable bowel syndrome. Even if we aren't successful for another year I don't think I could ever ever go back on birth control.

Buffy - I only wanted 2 as well, but as time passed it was something I really wanted to add another to the family. The finances will definitely be stretched though.

Kiwiberry - the pull out method isn't always reliable either. I feel your pain with BC though. Wish they would bring out a reliable mans source of BC.

Buffy that's actually quite nice to have the break. I get tired quite easily from all the things I'm doing every day so when DH is in bed until late he stays up late and gets grumpy with me because I always fall asleep early. Sometimes I really benefit from just going to bed at 8pm straight after the kids go to bed and it helps so much with feeling fresher for the next day. Can't do that really anymore. He wakes me up, or complains.

So sorry Heaven that the timing didn't work for you. :-(. :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing OK today. I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating today. Feeling a little sick, have had headaches on and off everyday through this cycle too, which has been quite frustrating. Hoping DH will get out of his hungover state for some BD tonight.
brandonsgirl, that's so horrible hun, I am so sorry you had to go through that :hugs:.

Gypsy99, I actually went and looked up male BC after reading your post. Apparently there is a male birth-control that is being tested right now and should be released by the end of the year, that injects a hormone free gel into the penis' to prevent sperm from passing through. OH said he would get a vasectomy, but i dont want him doing that.

AFM: I'm having some lower back pressure and brown mucusy discharge. I think AF must be here :cry:.
I've had the mirena for over 3 years and it was amazing for me. I didn't get an AF at all. I have however got some anxiety after it went in and now it's out. I did have postnatal after my last. I had an appointment with my Chinese doc and got acupuncture and cupping done and it was great. Seeing him again while I'm ovulating.. 🤞🤞
Brandonsgirl - most birthcontrol doesn't agree with me and I've heard nothing but bad things about the nexpalon implant. It sounds horrible. I went as far as the butt injection one and it was horrible. Bleeding on and off, pain, had what felt like irritable bowel syndrome. Even if we aren't successful for another year I don't think I could ever ever go back on birth control.

Buffy - I only wanted 2 as well, but as time passed it was something I really wanted to add another to the family. The finances will definitely be stretched though.

Kiwiberry - the pull out method isn't always reliable either. I feel your pain with BC though. Wish they would bring out a reliable mans source of BC.

Buffy that's actually quite nice to have the break. I get tired quite easily from all the things I'm doing every day so when DH is in bed until late he stays up late and gets grumpy with me because I always fall asleep early. Sometimes I really benefit from just going to bed at 8pm straight after the kids go to bed and it helps so much with feeling fresher for the next day. Can't do that really anymore. He wakes me up, or complains.

So sorry Heaven that the timing didn't work for you. :-(. :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing OK today. I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating today. Feeling a little sick, have had headaches on and off everyday through this cycle too, which has been quite frustrating. Hoping DH will get out of his hungover state for some BD tonight.

I think I must be gearing up for O as well. Ive had a headache for two days now, and some cramping. Im on CD12 today.

It's my DHs birthday tomorrow, so we had my parents watch the kids today, and hubby & I had such a fun day together. It was much needed. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :flower:

So sorry Kiwiberry that AF has arrived :(
Sorry kiwiberry:(

I'm feel so bummed right now, I went to a bachelorette party yesterday and we went to the spa for the day, I'm always self conscious of my body and most of the day I wore a bathing suit coverall. As we were leaving to go home a lady walked up to me and asked when I was due because I looked so beautiful, all the girls were standing there too, I was so horrified and sad I tried to hold back tears and told her no I wasn't just still carrying the weight of my other 2 kids. I got in my car and cried the whole way home.

Oh heaveneats I'm so so sorry. I have to admit, I'm always worried people will think I'm pregnant when I'm not because I bloat quite a lot and have a lot of loose skin on my belly. I'm a size 8-10 on top and 10-12 around hips but I was a 6-8 before pregnancy and got huge when pregnant. As a result, I now carry a lot of loose skin in my belly area. It's something that I'm super conscious of and worry when wearing tighter clothing.
It must have been awful for you to deal with but you should be proud of you for not letting her see your emotions. Try to see past that part if you can and remember that the only reason she even came up to you is because she thought you looked beautiful :flower:
And you're not alone with your body image worries, not at all :hugs:

Thanks ladies, it's been awful. I've had many more panic attacks since my last post but thankfully I think they're coming to an end now. I think my body is finally getting back to its natural state. I'm still bleeding but it's much more like my natural period now rather then my implant periods. I'm hoping that means that I will stop soon. Getting bloody fed up of bleeding. Excuse the pun :haha: Going on 8 days now.

Kiwi - so sorry to hear AF is on her way. But you're it out until you have red flow!
I'm curious, why wouldn't you want OH to get a vasectomy? Hubby has said he will after baby number 4 but I don't want him too. I'm not sure why but just feel it's a huge sacrifice that I'm worried will change him.

Buffy & Gypsy - sending lots of baby dust your way for O :dust: :dust:

Babymumma- what's cupping Hun? I'm sure it's not what I'm thinking :haha: and slightly nervous to google HAHA! :blush:

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