TTC #3! Anyone welcome!!

Superdrug are 10miu . I've seen lots of reports online that
A) they are more sensitive than frer
B( they are super prone to nasty evaps !

So could be either .

I'm not feeling too positive now and thought about testing this morning with my second SD but didn't as feeling a bit deflated about it all ! I don't think I'm pregnant :(

Always find this part of cycle the most depressing - more than when AF comes ! Xx
Haha thanks ladies, could you tell i was bored! :haha:

Idk what I'm thinking about them lol. I'm leaning more towards evap as I'm not really feeling pregnant. With both DS and DD i felt constant motion sickness and I'm not really feeling that at the moment. Just very emotional and tired lol.

I picked up another 2 packs this morning (which i kinda hate myself for as if they're evaps, thats £30 I've wasted :( ) But we shall see. I will test again tomorrow with it at 10DPO but not feeling very optimistic.

Fingers crossed all you lovely ladies get your BFP asap! TTC is just a mind fuck isn't it! (excuse my language :p )
Superdrug are 10miu . I've seen lots of reports online that
A) they are more sensitive than frer
B( they are super prone to nasty evaps !

So could be either .

I'm not feeling too positive now and thought about testing this morning with my second SD but didn't as feeling a bit deflated about it all ! I don't think I'm pregnant :(

Always find this part of cycle the most depressing - more than when AF comes ! Xx

I actually agree!! From 10dpo onwards I find worse than actually getting AF. Sucks. I hope youre wrong, and you get that BFP.
I agree too! I'm in the dougt I'm pregnant stage too! It definitely a mind f**k 😉
Ive been getting a lot of creamy cm though which is the same as when i was preggo with DD. Isn't cm supposed to dry up after o? TMI- I seem to be getting wetter :blush:
I really don't know anything about cm and what it should/shouldn't be like !

Brandonsgirl - i def think you should contact superdrug and ask for a refund if they are not bfp !

I know what you mean about money ... I've spent £24 on tests now this cycle ! I only had 1 internet cheapie in the house and I naively think that will stop me from obsessing with testing but all it does is make me spend more as I can't get internet cheapies quickly ( my Amazon prime ran out and haven't renewed it ).
Yeah i might do, just not sure how i would go about it.

Working today so trying to make sure i don't pee between clients as i will test tonight. Not expecting anything though.

Hows everyone doing today?

Fuchsia.. i love amazon prime lol.
What do you do ? I'm going to guess beauty therapist ?

I'm ok - I got myself pretty down this morning ! I feel I'm better off keeping away from the tests right now !

Just checked your temps brandonsgirl and its looking quite good with a rise today !! My chart is odd this month ... my temp has been strangely constant for the last few days which is in usual and it's not continued to rise like I have come to expect on other cycles . So this is another reason my hopes are not high !
I had some watery creamy cm this morning that looked like it might be tinged slightly brown so wouldn't be surprised if my temp dropped tomorrow and i end up starting my period.. but it wasn't that obvious and has been nothing since so who knows.

I think because its my first cycle coming off the implant, i just have no idea what to expect or when to expect AF.

Haha good guess! I'm mainly a nail tech but do other bits too. Had a very pregnant lady in this morning :( was bitter sweet. She's lovely and I've been doing her nails since before she became pregnant but now she's almost at her due date and i'm super broody. Lol.

Don't let it get you down huni. I actually thought my temperature was going to be really low this morning. My skin felt cool to touch and was preparing myself for a very low temp. Couldn't believe it when i saw it was much higher. Then instantly started telling myself that it was a warm night and thats why :haha:
Did you fall pregnant those other cycles when your temp continues to rise though?
No - I'm talking about just normal cycles I tend to get a higher temp by this point . Temp seems unusually stable at the moment ! I tend to temp more throughout the morning as well and it does go higher quite quickly before I get out of bed but the first temp is always within 0.05 of the previous day ... bit odd !
Need Tuesday to come quick so if I'm not pregnant I can get on with being all positive again for next cycle ! Although I will be prob in Italy when I ovulate next so that will have its difficulties as the 4 of us will be sharing a room! X
Not good news ladies. Had scan, she found the sac but measured for more like 6weeks and Im supposed to be 10weeks tmw. Couldnt make anything out in the sac clearly. So she thinks nature will catch up with me soon and I am misscarrying.
Ive to go back on24th for another scan. If it confirms the sac is still the same then Id need some intervention to complete the mc. It could grow but we all seriously doubt it, Im quite sure about my dates so its too far off. Hopefully everything passes naturally before then.
Im so devistated.

Anyway, sorry to bring down the tone of the thread. Im not sure if I will be back ttc but will keep an eye out for the bfps! You are a lovely bunch of ladies and I feel we have been through a lot together. Thanks for the support and keep supporting each other. You are all awesome and deserve your bfp very soon! Much love, Jen xxx
Babybrain - this has made me well up . I'm so so sorry :( such a difficult thing to go through . We are all here for you xx
Babybrain, I'm so so sorry to hear that 🙁 I know how devastated you must feel. Take care of yourself lady, and snuggle those little ones you have at home.
BabyBrain80, I am so sorry sweetie :cry:. This is so heartbreaking. I hope you take extra care of yourself and we are all here for you :hugs::hugs:.
Oh I'm so so sorry Jen. I went through the same thing in April so I'm here if you need to talk/vent. Xxxxx
Im so sorry babybrain :hugs:

Brandonsgirl - i was really wet and had super creamy cm last cycle, which was unusual for me. I defnitely got my hopes up. It meant nothing for me :( Fingers are crossed for you still!!
:hugs: sooo many of these :hugs: that's horrible. Thoughts are with you.

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