ttc #3 buddies wanted

Hows everyone feeling so far?

Yesterday i was mentally preparing DH to get ready to DTD everyday up until our fertile window comes to an end lol i didnt know whether he was happy or scared haha. But he's just as excited as I am for this cycle we're doing all we can to cover all bases. Just hope its enough.

On the other hand. My friend of 14 years has just found out she was pregnant after 6 years of ttc and ot was bitter sweet for her she rang me up and said she isnt feeling well and that shes been nauseous all week. So i went up to her with a frer test offcourse haha and she tested and it was positive!! She broke down and started crying she was about to start ivf in November she also suffers from pcos and has a bicornuate uterus aswell as diabetes. So that kind of made ne take it easy too on our ttc journey and just be grateful that i have it easy compared to others.

Sorry about the essay i just wanted to share.
That is exciting being part of it with her!!!! I have a good friend who has had 20 miscarriages,mostly early but some as late as 16 weeks, and I took some tests to her last week and she got positives too, it was all emotional too cos she doesn't want to get excited but she is, etc etc. It was nice being there.... And now she is super encouraging of me getting a BFP too. Hehe
so happy for your friend it's a feeling all women deserve to feel if they're trying for a baby. I hope your friend has a sticky bean and an eventless 9 months fingers crossed for her.

Now my friend keeps texting me asking about every tiny thing that she experiences the poor thing she's so excited.
Lovely to hear about your friends. It took my mothers sister 16 years to get pg and have her boys (had twins). With my younger bloud and the one I just lost I got pg in first try.. both times I felt guilty cause so many have hard time falling pg.

Heres to us all! Babydust all over and hopefully you will soon be bump buddies with your friends ;) that would be awsome!
wow, 16 years is such a long time I know if that was me I would have lost my mind. don't feel guilty we all have our own struggles one way or another :hugs:

I really hope I get my bfp this cycle, we're literally doing everything from opk's to pre-seed to BD every day. But if doesn't happen then there's always next cycle :)
I've decided my body has ovulated and is now all worked up over it. I'm so crampy and feel crap. I've still got lots of cm, but my cervix has firmed up somewhat. Here's hoping!!
Can I join please? :flower: I have a 5 year old DD and a 4 year old DS. We've not used protection for the last three months and haven't got pregnant and have decided to go for it this cycle and try and time our BDing a bit more! I had EWCM on cd10 so we DTD that evening. Not sure if that's a bit early for ewcm though! I tend to have short 24-27 day cycles.
I reckon cd 10 would be spot on for your shorter cycles though, it means your luteal phase is still a nice length hopefully of like 14 days, which is goooooood. It means baby can stick if it's created!! Haha. Good luck!!!

I'm definitely feeling something going on down there, so if it hasn't been O I'm going to be highly disappointed!!!! I'm planning on testing on the 2nd now.
Yay flying it sounds like your body is gearing up for a BFP! And wow that you O once in a blue moon but right on cue for ttc. Good one!

This cycle I was convinced I had O'd real early cause on CD9 I had loads of CM and then a tiny bit of spotting on CD10 which I assumed was ovulation spotting. Which I've only had once before. By CD11 I was dry. Then the CM started up again on CD13 and my doc did a follicle scan and blood tests on CD14 and he said I O'd on CD14 so not sure what all the other stuff was! Have see a few ladies on here reporting the same sort of thing with CM drying up only to start up again a few days later.

Currently 7DPO and waiting to test on the 6th Sept!
Haha dannypop, I used to O regularly, I just am one of the lucky ones who doesn't O for a loooooooong time while breastfeeding. And also a lucky one to catch the first O after my first baby, so yeah it seems it's been infrequent, but there has been reason!! Lol. When I was TTC my first, I was temping and tracking every month and it was the fifth month we caught it, so I was Oing normally then.

I'm only 4dpo now, so at the really boring sorta stage where there aren't even any real symptoms to spot, and if there were they wouldn't mean anything!! Haha. Next week I'll start going bonkers symptom spotting but right now I'm pretty happy forgetting all about it.
Hello, I will be ttc number three next month. Not sure how we will go but I have lost 26kgs since my last Bub hoping that it's helps wickness wise as I had terrible hyperemesis with both my girls.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone
Oh, good luck xxenssial! Woohoo for loosing so much weight. I too have dropped a similar amount, and it really does help life and hopefully will help TTC!!
Welcome Xxenssial! :hi:

I had a postive opk yesterday and today with lots of ovary pain. Dh and I have bded plenty, so hopefully it'll be enough.
Oooooh good luck mouse chicky!! You've done your best now so heres hoping you get a BFP in a coupe of weeks!
Haha dannypop, I used to O regularly, I just am one of the lucky ones who doesn't O for a loooooooong time while breastfeeding. And also a lucky one to catch the first O after my first baby, so yeah it seems it's been infrequent, but there has been reason!! Lol. When I was TTC my first, I was temping and tracking every month and it was the fifth month we caught it, so I was Oing normally then.

I'm only 4dpo now, so at the really boring sorta stage where there aren't even any real symptoms to spot, and if there were they wouldn't mean anything!! Haha. Next week I'll start going bonkers symptom spotting but right now I'm pretty happy forgetting all about it.

Ahhhh I see .. Still, seems like you've got the right bits in the rights places at the right times :haha:

AFM: so annoying when you are 8DPO cause it's more likely to still be too early for anything to be causing symptoms but it is also a weeny bit possible that you have implanted. I've got a runny nose but that probably happens every few weeks I just never need to take notice of it! :dohh:

And still cramping and buzzy boobs. But I remember having buzzy boobs for the first few cycles ttc #3, which I've never had before so I was convinced I was preg. Sat there secretly smug while working and then AF arrived. I thought I would be better at this symptom thing the 3rd time around!

It's my birthday on Saturday so going out with a whole bunch of mates on Sunday for lunch. AF due either Sunday or Monday morning. Am usually clockwork 28 days with AF arriving at 1pm literally!! But now after the blighted ovum I'm not sure what will happen. So will at least be with friends if the witch gets me.
Oh it's getting closer though now dannypop!!! Here's hoping it's a BFP and no need to be distracted from AF!!! Hehe.

And yes, it's SO likely you'd have a BFN, even if you are pregnant this cycle!! Have you seen the link that gives those stats??
It shows the likelihood of a BFP by dpo. Assuming you are preg!! It has helped me sit on my hands a bit longer and not rush off to test tomorrow morning, cos it's so crazy likely I'd get a bfn and totally waste a test for no reason cos I KNOW it'll be bfn. Lol.

So I'm only 5dpo today, though it is later evening with both kids asleep so it's almost 6dpo now. Lol. I'm still gonna test at 9dpo, as according to that site it's roughly a 50/50 chance it might show up by then so there's a chance, but a negative also doesn't rule me out. So I can head off to camp for the weekend and try to ignore symptoms. Haha. It's Father's Day here on Sunday so it'd be pretty cool to have a BFP though.... Lol
So I'm trying not to symptom spot, but i have stabbing pinchy feeling cramps that come and go in waves. I keep going to the restroom to see if there's any blood (it feels like period cramps) but there's nothing. I know it's way too early but i wonder what it could be and have any of you lovely ladies been through this before? Now I'm second guessing my O dates :dohh:
Hello ladies. :hi:

I am currently 2dpo. And already feeling impatient! :dohh: I actually had EWCM on cd10 and that was the only day that I had it. I've still counted cd14 as ov as I don't do opks or temp and with my average cycle length that's where my cycle tracker puts ov.

If we don't conceive this month we will take a 3 months break to avoid a summer baby.

How is everyone doing? When is everyone planning on testing? I will be 9dpo on my birthday so I may poas!!

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