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Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

Hiya ladies!
I have to ask whats a soft cup??? Never heard of it before! I have had a lovely nap which is rare in my house :) currently on cd6 and :af: has ended :) feeling nervous in a funny way now :haha:
Anyone else near the same cd as myself??
Bonnie how long did it take for gails prediction to be sent to you? Ordered mine last night so im looking forward to seeing what she says :haha:

:dust: :dust:
hi ladies,
had friends over, had a few drinks (maybe too many) and now i am here reading your wonderful posts. i cant believe that until today i did not know what a softcup is ( just goggled it)...
anyways my opk still negative this pm but cm increased so we bd today again just in case.
i really hope we catch that egg this bd schedule is certainly too much for me!

hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Hiya ladies!
I have to ask whats a soft cup??? Never heard of it before! I have had a lovely nap which is rare in my house :) currently on cd6 and :af: has ended :) feeling nervous in a funny way now :haha:
Anyone else near the same cd as myself??
Bonnie how long did it take for gails prediction to be sent to you? Ordered mine last night so im looking forward to seeing what she says :haha:

:dust: :dust:

Hey Dysan - I think that's the best plan - when you're getting closer to the O date you might as well sneak in a BD. I agree that the schedule can be a bit rigorous though. It becomes kind of laborious when you KNOW you have to muster up the mood, the strength etc. It sure was easier when I was a lot younger.

Hi Fluffy - I'm CD 10 today. For me this is the honeymoon period of the month because the witch is gone and you can be nice and hopeful. The 2ww gets me more nervous than anything because I hyperfocus on my body. I'm going to try really hard this 2ww to not symptom spot and to not test really early. Then again - who am I kidding??

The softcup is something developed for an alternative to using a tampon during AF. It is a flexible disk type device that has a cup built in to it that is meant to catch blood over a 12 (?) hour period. Many women use it after bd'g to keep the rascals inside - to keep gravity from letting them slip out. I tried one the other night and it was easier than I thought it would be to insert it. Pulling it out was kind of gross and I can't imagine using during menses because it seems it would look like a crime scene. I ordered mine from Amazon but I think they are at drugstores.

Baby dust to us all here!!
ahh--now i can type better!

I remember seeing some threads regarding tampons and infertility. It was early on and i didnt pay much attention but it stuck with me. Like you faithmum, i have a pretty heavy flow and go through the super jumbo in a couple of hours. (yeah-i found one up from super plus!-my daughter looked at it and was like OMG mom thats HUGE!). I hate that messy feeling and am paranoid about leaking. had two super long pads with wings stuck lengthwise all week! lol
anyway, i tried researching and the best i could find is that they think tampons could be related to the increased rate of endometriosis. that the tampon plugs up the flow and the flow "backs up" the tubes and out-leading to bits staying out and starting to grow in the wrong places.

I have no gyn issues that i know of-i think by know if i had endometriosos or PCOS or something i would know. but i do know that my flow will stop and start more when i use them, so i thought maybe it would be better to just "let it all out"

who knows -it was a thought...but a huge PIA!

LOL about your pad description Bonnie. If you have a brand that you think works best I'd love to know the name!

I meant to write to you about CoQ10. I'd be surprised if that's the reason you were feeling tired. I would think that if anything you might be feeling a little more energy from it. I know that lately I've been more tired when I'm on my period and I can't really put my finger on why. Maybe it's the emotional investment we have in the 2ww followed by the letdown of AF? That might explain the days during AF but that wouldn't explain being exhausted the day before we know she's coming. Maybe it's the body revving up the mitochondrian parts so our metabolism is gearing up to burn enormous numbers of kcals because we've been so terribly deficient in CoQ10 and evetually we will appear emaciated and all kinds of friends and relatives will implore us to "eat....please just eat". Got carried away there.

Well night night ladies. I had myself a nice glass of wine tonight and I'm so tired from this week's work that I'm heading to bed and it's Friday night at 8:30. Pathetic!! Good thing we bd'd last night.

Faithmum-i use Always Thin Overnights-they are the longest and then i overlap the 2 longsways. i think it's just my big butt but it never fails-the mess heads back between the cheeks and no pad is ever long enough! So i have made my own! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Energy has been much better today so i am thinking it has just been af-and like you said-i think it could be an emotional letdown/mini depression-hadn't thought of it like that--although this past month it was so expected.

Ummm-i was ready for bed at 8 last night (friday) without the glass of wine! I managed to make it to 9-9:30 :dohh: how will we keep up with a baby??? lol

Hiya ladies!
I have to ask whats a soft cup??? Never heard of it before! I have had a lovely nap which is rare in my house :) currently on cd6 and :af: has ended :) feeling nervous in a funny way now :haha:
Anyone else near the same cd as myself??
Bonnie how long did it take for gails prediction to be sent to you? Ordered mine last night so im looking forward to seeing what she says :haha:

:dust: :dust:

I ordered my reading on 2/28 and recieved it 3/1. It says to give her 3-5 days but it is usually sooner. I can't wait to hear what she tells you!

Um yeah-the softcups are as described below-I found them at CVS under the brand name INSTEAD. decided to try them out of curiosity for af-also claimed to keep the af back to :sex: that was a fail :rofl::rofl: i didnt really care for them so i have had some hanging around and now through ttc have found a new use...i have one left--not sure if ill buy more or not.....

hi ladies,
had friends over, had a few drinks (maybe too many) and now i am here reading your wonderful posts. i cant believe that until today i did not know what a softcup is ( just goggled it)...
anyways my opk still negative this pm but cm increased so we bd today again just in case.
i really hope we catch that egg this bd schedule is certainly too much for me!

hope you all have a lovely weekend!

good luck catching that eggy! at least have fun trying!

Hiya ladies!
I have to ask whats a soft cup??? Never heard of it before! I have had a lovely nap which is rare in my house :) currently on cd6 and :af: has ended :) feeling nervous in a funny way now :haha:
Anyone else near the same cd as myself??
Bonnie how long did it take for gails prediction to be sent to you? Ordered mine last night so im looking forward to seeing what she says :haha:

:dust: :dust:

Hey Dysan - I think that's the best plan - when you're getting closer to the O date you might as well sneak in a BD. I agree that the schedule can be a bit rigorous though. It becomes kind of laborious when you KNOW you have to muster up the mood, the strength etc. It sure was easier when I was a lot younger.

Hi Fluffy - I'm CD 10 today. For me this is the honeymoon period of the month because the witch is gone and you can be nice and hopeful. The 2ww gets me more nervous than anything because I hyperfocus on my body. I'm going to try really hard this 2ww to not symptom spot and to not test really early. Then again - who am I kidding??

The softcup is something developed for an alternative to using a tampon during AF. It is a flexible disk type device that has a cup built in to it that is meant to catch blood over a 12 (?) hour period. Many women use it after bd'g to keep the rascals inside - to keep gravity from letting them slip out. I tried one the other night and it was easier than I thought it would be to insert it. Pulling it out was kind of gross and I can't imagine using during menses because it seems it would look like a crime scene. I ordered mine from Amazon but I think they are at drugstores.

Baby dust to us all here!!

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:CRIME SCENE! :haha::haha::haha:
yeah it is quite gross--one of things i decided i didn't like about using them!

AFM today.....the day started out rainy and icky---DB and I went to wallyword for our usual saturday morning grocery shopping-it is really so much nicer going early when there is hardly anyone there (usually we go between 6am-8am) then to Adam's for meat shopping. came home and after stuff was away had to take the pup (who's birthday is today!) to the vet for her rabies shot.

Lunch and packed meat away-DB has been having fun with video games and the sy-fy channel.. Oh yes--i lost a bet this morning so I also made DB chocolate mousse from scratch...who knew Applebee's was open for a pancake breakfast on Saturday mornings????

So now it is beautiful out Sunny & 50, but getting too late for a walk this close to dinner-hopefully tomorrow

we did talk about bd plans for next weekend-gave him the heads up-how romantic! :haha: we talked about summer stuff we want to do---an i should be able to do more than we planned now that i wont be as pg as originally thought......DB found a program for climbing 46 of the Adirondack Mountains..looks like we will be doing some hiking!

in the meantime i plan on attacking later :blush::blush:
Might have another wine cooler or two--only on day 4 so i have time! :haha:
Bonnie- you go girl with the wine coolers!!! I was going to ask about the soft cups as well but I was beaten to it! Do you really think they help. I mean if you stay in bed after for at least 30 mins shouldn't the little swimmers have time? I've also read that the stuff that gushes out when you stand up is just seminal fluid and that any swimmer that has any hope is way up there already? Who knows? Glad you are feeling more energetic these days. I think there is something to be said about energy when you have af. My TCM doctor says that you are not supposed to do anything really rigorous during af as your body is already working hard to get rid of the blood.
I know what you mean about talking about the bd schedule. I hate that too because it seems so unromantic but I always feel better if dh knows ahead of time so he can be ready. Luckily he is always up for a go!!
Faithmum- I hope you are coping with all of the teenagers in the house. Just think by next week you will be on the tww! I like it for the most part because your work is done so to speak and the rest is up to your body!!
AFM- cd5 had acupuncture today and will go again next Sat right before I O. Feeling ok had a few sad moments in the last 2 days but all is good! We will get there just keep the faith!
We used soft cups this cycle for the first. Not sure if it helped with our BFP, but I loved that it kept BDing mess free! There is nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night feeling like you pee'd your pants-TMI. I don't think I could use them for AF b/c I can't seem to master removing them without making a mess. I've also seen lots of talk about not being able to use them with a tilted uterus, but I had no problems. Couldn't feel them at all once in place.

Hope this info helps!
hi ladies, happy Sunday!
i got a positve opk last night!!! we bd, of course...took the test again at 10.30am and still positve.
i have been reading online that you should bd the day of the positive and up to 3 days after!!! as you know, we have been "active" since earlier lastweek and i cant just even think about the next 3 days...hahahahaha
the plan for now is to bd today and tomorrow. for us, it has to wait until kiddos are in bed so only at night.

bonnie i know what you mean about being so tired. i sometimes wonder how i will be with a baby and two other little ones or managing pregnancy exhaustion and keeping up with my super active kids (i tend to have decent pregnancies but the first 3 months i cant stay awake past 7pm and tend to be so tired allday...after that first trimester am usually fine) but,i remember worrying when i had no.2 and i managed well...and most people i ask they say it was not as hard going from 2 to 3.
oh forgot to mention that although i dont have the softcup what i did thepast couple of nights we bd was not get up from bed. i put pillows behind to keep hips up for about 30 mins and then went to sleep...did not get up until morning. i used a panty liner and in the am i noticed that there was still pleny of stuff that came out. i just hope that some swimers made it up there!
Bonnie- you go girl with the wine coolers!!! I was going to ask about the soft cups as well but I was beaten to it! Do you really think they help. I mean if you stay in bed after for at least 30 mins shouldn't the little swimmers have time? I've also read that the stuff that gushes out when you stand up is just seminal fluid and that any swimmer that has any hope is way up there already? Who knows? Glad you are feeling more energetic these days. I think there is something to be said about energy when you have af. My TCM doctor says that you are not supposed to do anything really rigorous during af as your body is already working hard to get rid of the blood.
I know what you mean about talking about the bd schedule. I hate that too because it seems so unromantic but I always feel better if dh knows ahead of time so he can be ready. Luckily he is always up for a go!!
Faithmum- I hope you are coping with all of the teenagers in the house. Just think by next week you will be on the tww! I like it for the most part because your work is done so to speak and the rest is up to your body!!
AFM- cd5 had acupuncture today and will go again next Sat right before I O. Feeling ok had a few sad moments in the last 2 days but all is good! We will get there just keep the faith!
no wine coolers-and a lousy redbox movie--oh well-got snug time on couch!
yeah-i couldnt do much this af---back to the gym tomorrow though!
DB is not always game so i have to let him know-hoping that will improve once he is no longer working-his mood has improved already these past few days since giving his notice-and he needs warning to plan around us having the kids next weekend too.
We used soft cups this cycle for the first. Not sure if it helped with our BFP, but I loved that it kept BDing mess free! There is nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night feeling like you pee'd your pants-TMI. I don't think I could use them for AF b/c I can't seem to master removing them without making a mess. I've also seen lots of talk about not being able to use them with a tilted uterus, but I had no problems. Couldn't feel them at all once in place.

Hope this info helps!
-yes-no post BD mess is nice!
hi ladies, happy Sunday!
i got a positve opk last night!!! we bd, of course...took the test again at 10.30am and still positve.
i have been reading online that you should bd the day of the positive and up to 3 days after!!! as you know, we have been "active" since earlier lastweek and i cant just even think about the next 3 days...hahahahaha
the plan for now is to bd today and tomorrow. for us, it has to wait until kiddos are in bed so only at night.

bonnie i know what you mean about being so tired. i sometimes wonder how i will be with a baby and two other little ones or managing pregnancy exhaustion and keeping up with my super active kids (i tend to have decent pregnancies but the first 3 months i cant stay awake past 7pm and tend to be so tired allday...after that first trimester am usually fine) but,i remember worrying when i had no.2 and i managed well...and most people i ask they say it was not as hard going from 2 to 3.
Well i cant complain-we only have his very active kids part time...i am sure we will be fine.....FX'D for you!
oh forgot to mention that although i dont have the softcup what i did thepast couple of nights we bd was not get up from bed. i put pillows behind to keep hips up for about 30 mins and then went to sleep...did not get up until morning. i used a panty liner and in the am i noticed that there was still pleny of stuff that came out. i just hope that some swimers made it up there!
yes i have read that too--that by like 5 min after dtd anything that comes out is just fluid-swimmers that were going to make it anywhere have gone their merry way!
Hmmm.... Soft cups they sound interesting. I usually just do the stay in bed thing with the hips up. Sometimes a little hard with dh's arms and legs sprawled al over me.Lol!! Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!! Not much to report today. Obsessing as usual about what kind of bd schedule to have next week. I swear I obsess way too much about that!!
Still not obsessing yet. But watching twilight breaking dawn again and am jealous of Bella! Lol

Haven't tried the pillow thing-maybe this month-lol
Hi ladies :)

Hope everyone is having a great sunday! Im a big twilight fan too bonnie......patiently waiting for my dvd of breaking dawn to arrive next week! Yep bella got it very handy indeed :haha:
Marathongirl im the same about the bd schedule, really want to make sure i have all areas covered:). Dont know about the rest of you girls but i get tired of the bd routine at times as i am really tired at night but my hubby is always up for it :haha: if only i had the stamina that he has!
I have had to start opk testing from today as my cycles are between 26-30 days so the poas routine has once again started lol.......oh how i missed it!!
Dysan i really hope that this is your month.....its great to get a +ov and now its the 2ww stage.......fx'd for you :)
Time for bed for me but i will check in tomorrow to see how everone is doing :)

:dust: :dust:
Hi ladies :)

Hope everyone is having a great sunday! Im a big twilight fan too bonnie......patiently waiting for my dvd of breaking dawn to arrive next week! Yep bella got it very handy indeed :haha:
Marathongirl im the same about the bd schedule, really want to make sure i have all areas covered:). Dont know about the rest of you girls but i get tired of the bd routine at times as i am really tired at night but my hubby is always up for it :haha: if only i had the stamina that he has!
I have had to start opk testing from today as my cycles are between 26-30 days so the poas routine has once again started lol.......oh how i missed it!!
Dysan i really hope that this is your month.....its great to get a +ov and now its the 2ww stage.......fx'd for you :)
Time for bed for me but i will check in tomorrow to see how everone is doing :)

:dust: :dust:
Ok my page is playing up on me......wanting to double my posts :)
Hi ladies :)

Hope everyone is having a great sunday! Im a big twilight fan too bonnie......patiently waiting for my dvd of breaking dawn to arrive next week! Yep bella got it very handy indeed :haha:
Marathongirl im the same about the bd schedule, really want to make sure i have all areas covered:). Dont know about the rest of you girls but i get tired of the bd routine at times as i am really tired at night but my hubby is always up for it :haha: if only i had the stamina that he has!
I have had to start opk testing from today as my cycles are between 26-30 days so the poas routine has once again started lol.......oh how i missed it!!
Dysan i really hope that this is your month.....its great to get a +ov and now its the 2ww stage.......fx'd for you :)
Time for bed for me but i will check in tomorrow to see how everone is doing :)

:dust: :dust:
i saw it in the movies when it came out. the dvd has been out since Valentines here. Funny the differences...sometimes i forget that half you ladies are so far away!

I have the opposite problem---DB cant keep up with me! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

i think i will start OPK on thursday which is day CD 11---thats also the BD start date-Yeah for me! :rofl:
I love it the BD start date like we are getting ready for a race!! Too funny! I'm like you Bonnie, I feel sometimes that it's a bit hard for dh to keep up. He never says so but I can just tell by the last day of 4 in a row he is done!!
I've never watched Twilight before maybe I should? Maybe I'll get it for the tww to keep me busy. I hope everyone is having a great day.
I'm still thinking of getting my reading by Gail. Maybe next week? What a procrastinator!!
DB say no more than yes unless it's baby time. That's when I get to override him. Lol. Most of the time it's because of lack of sleep or needing extra sleep becuase of work stress. I am really hoping that gets better now that he has quit. Too bad his last day is after I am supposed to ov. Lol. We will be ok though I have faith in this month. No obsessions yet. No constant looking at my chart. Heck I didn't temp this weekend and forgot yesterday what cd I was!

Now this all may change once the OPK's start coming out but for now I'm just really relaxed this time around. Third time is the charm right?
Nite everyone!
DB say no more than yes unless it's baby time. That's when I get to override him. Lol. Most of the time it's because of lack of sleep or needing extra sleep becuase of work stress. I am really hoping that gets better now that he has quit. Too bad his last day is after I am supposed to ov. Lol. We will be ok though I have faith in this month. No obsessions yet. No constant looking at my chart. Heck I didn't temp this weekend and forgot yesterday what cd I was!

Now this all may change once the OPK's start coming out but for now I'm just really relaxed this time around. Third time is the charm right?
Nite everyone!

Glad you are relaxed! That's the best way to be:winkwink: on to another week!:hugs: March is our month!! I love the part about overriding!! If they only knew what we talked about on here.:blush:
i loveeeeeeeee twilight!!! cant wait for part 2! big fan!!!
fluffy i am more like you i have hard time keeping up but dh happy to bd daily. i figured we should try daily this month , at least have to give it a shot to do it daily for 1 cycle. last cycle we did every other day and nothing...so here we are. we bd again today and i will tomorrow too...maybe tuesday since after pos opk they say you can o anywhere from 12 to 48 hours (and dont temp so not sure if i already did)...my first pos opk was saturday night...but, if this month i dont get my bfp i will certaily change strategy one again but i really really hope that this is it!
meant to ask a silly question...do any of you know if a negative opk after a positive means that more likely ovulation already happened (i.e if i get a negative tomorrow after positive sat night and another 2 positives today). in other words, does the lh surge spike until such time O happens? or it spikes before but can go down even before it happens? they say that O will likely happen 12 to 48 hours after first positive...will i get positive opk until O time and then negative right away? trying to figure out based on that when 1dpo will be for me. i am thinking Tuesday if i still get pos opk tomorrow or tomorrow if i get a negative opk tomorrow. what do you girls think? i know 1 day is nothing but you all know how important that 1 day can be for us poas addicts. hahaha. by the way my pos opk were very clear with the result line way darker than control line (wondfo brand).

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