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Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

Hello ladies :)

How are we all? I haven't had the chance to get online over the past few days as I've had a busy weekend! Bonnie my breaking dawn arrived yesterday and had planned to watch it but I had a charity night to go to last night!

Anyway this morning finally got my smiley face on the clearblue digi and didn't bd last night :( but as long as I bd over the next 36-48 hours according to the instructions! I'm still not sure if I should have bd last night.....oh this confusion lol!

Do you all have the time change this weekend? Just noticed that on your posts! It's funny the time difference between us all! Our time change is always at the end of march!
Will check in later to see how u all are :flower:
Fluffy. No time for breaking dawn! Must bd lol
Yes we changed our clocks last night. Lost an hour of sleep and went to bed almost 3 hours later.

Yeah for your positive! Fx'd for catching the eggy!

How is everyone else?

Mg-we are so on the same cycle! I am pretty sure I will ov today. Had left side pains and a feling of fullness in lower abdomen starting yesterday afternoon. Temp dropped this morning. So I am hoping for a big jump tomoorow. Bd tonight and tomorrow again. If I ov today we will have hit 4 out of 5 peak days and the past two cycles we only hit 2!

Taking the dog to her first day of basic obedience training and then we are all going on a big walk.
good morning ladies! just "passing by" to say hi!
7dpo today. nothing to report! cant wait for wednesday to start my testsing!
hope you all have a great Sunday!
Hi ladies, hope all had a nice weekend. Was my ds's first birthday party yesterday and I think it was a big success! Unfortunately, he had been sick a week ago and gave it to me, and I've been horribly sick all this week and started an antibiotic finally today. Felt like crud for the party but think everyone else enjoyed it.

As for our ttc run this month, I was so desperately in need of cold meds this week that i broke my own rule and tested early, about cd22/8 dpo. I used a FRER and it was negative, without even a hint of a line. So I took that as permission to dive into the cold meds, but think I was too late and now have a sinus infection and bronchitis. :wacko: sigh, oh well. I will test again if AF doesn't show this week as expected, but I think we are probably out for this month. The good news is I'm on a 26 day cycle, so I can try again shortly.

Hugs and baby dust to all! :hugs:
Rottpaw sorry to hear youve been unwell :( dont give up hope yet.....its not over until :witch: arrives! Good to hear youre being positive too :)

Bonnie im inbetween decisions......edward cullen or bd lol!!!! Maybe both at the same time........lol!!

Was feeling bad earlier that ive bd every night except last night but going by the 'instructions' in my opk i must bd for the next 2 days so tonight and tomorrow :) i cant remember it ever being as complicated with my other 2!! But hopefully itll go my way this month :)

Oh Fluffy - You're in a dilemma alright. Let Edward take care of getting you in the right state of mind then let out the wild woman for bd'g.

Fluffy, MG and Bonnie it sounds like all you girls are in synch. I'm sending your eggies all kinds of love.

Bonnie - thanks for the instructions for the signature. I will have to work on that today. I had 7 teenage girls over last night. We just wrapped up so ahhh....I can breathe. You were cracking me up about your obsession over temping. I think I understood what you cut and pasted as just temp as if it were the same time as you usually do because you adjust quickly. Is that what you ended up doing?

Rottpaw - I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Don't even consider yourself out yet though. 8 dpo is way too early. Those birthday parties have a way of taking it out of you too eh?

MG - Maui would be a gorgeously perfect spot for a wedding. We went there last year with the kids and I fell in love with it. I even jumped off a 30 foot cliff with my kids. That was insane. I love scuba diving but there you can see everything with just snorkel gear. Que Romantico!!

Dysan - I'm right there with you - I think today I'm 6 dpo (I have to get on FF and enter info from the last 3 days). I don't have any symptoms yet. I was just praying for a sign today - maybe a little implantation bleeding? I will let you know if I get enlightened.

Yes - you all have to join pintrest. Thanks for the invite Dysan - I joined a few weeks ago but haven't had time to get anything going yet. From what I can tell it's a much needed 2ww diversion so you other girls have GOT to join. If you need invites let us know and we can send you one. I've got to figure out how to use it but everybody I know who is on it raves about it.

March is a great month girls - come on BFPs!!!:happydance::happydance:
Oh Fluffy - You're in a dilemma alright. Let Edward take care of getting you in the right state of mind then let out the wild woman for bd'g.

Fluffy, MG and Bonnie it sounds like all you girls are in synch. I'm sending your eggies all kinds of love.

Bonnie - thanks for the instructions for the signature. I will have to work on that today. I had 7 teenage girls over last night. We just wrapped up so ahhh....I can breathe. You were cracking me up about your obsession over temping. I think I understood what you cut and pasted as just temp as if it were the same time as you usually do because you adjust quickly. Is that what you ended up doing?

Rottpaw - I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Don't even consider yourself out yet though. 8 dpo is way too early. Those birthday parties have a way of taking it out of you too eh?

MG - Maui would be a gorgeously perfect spot for a wedding. We went there last year with the kids and I fell in love with it. I even jumped off a 30 foot cliff with my kids. That was insane. I love scuba diving but there you can see everything with just snorkel gear. Que Romantico!!

Dysan - I'm right there with you - I think today I'm 6 dpo (I have to get on FF and enter info from the last 3 days). I don't have any symptoms yet. I was just praying for a sign today - maybe a little implantation bleeding? I will let you know if I get enlightened.

Yes - you all have to join pintrest. Thanks for the invite Dysan - I joined a few weeks ago but haven't had time to get anything going yet. From what I can tell it's a much needed 2ww diversion so you other girls have GOT to join. If you need invites let us know and we can send you one. I've got to figure out how to use it but everybody I know who is on it raves about it.

March is a great month girls - come on BFPs!!!:happydance::happydance:

Wow 7 teenagers!! That's crazy. I don't know how you do it:shrug: I agree with you that March is an awesome month. I think the odds are that at least 1 of us will get our BfP:thumbup: hopefully it will be all of us:hugs::hugs:
Maui was so romantic, I'm hoping we will get there for our first anniversary! I hope you start feeling some symptoms soon but you know a lot of women on here have had their BFP without any symptoms:shrug:

Bonnie- sounds like you were on it this cycle girl:thumbup: That's awesome by tomorrow you will be able to sit back on the tww and feel confident that you did everything you could to make it possible:thumbup: I'm hoping for a spike tomorrow as well. Feeling O pains today. I think we are similar too we will hit 4 out of 5 days if we bd tomorrow. I was able to convince dh to bd this morning already:winkwink: not sure if it makes a difference? Maybe it's better to waits the 24 hours in between and we bd'd last night too:shrug: hope you had a good walk:flower:

Fluffy- I wouldn't worry abut not bd'ing last night. Remember it only takes 1 sperm. It's so easy to meet caught up in schedules and it drives me crazy:wacko:

Dysan- have my Fx'd for you. Hang in there:hugs:
The time change recommendation was to test at your normal wake up time and to make any adjustments. Because it was so close to ov I was thinking I'd set alarm for a half hour earlier (4:30) and temp just so it wasn't a a whole hour off. By the time I got home and went to bed it was almost 11:30 and still to loose an hour so I decided screw it-no alarm. If I wake up I'll take if not oh well. Well I woke at 4:30! That is a half hour past what would have been my normal wake up. Glad it was down. 5 am tomorrow like normal.

So bd tonight and quickly after work tomorrow then I can relax into the TWW. Barely positive opk this am so surge is complete. Some ov pains ans still a feeling of fullness today. Sounds funny---relax in TWW! I might not even temp! How crazy!

Went for a 3.5 mile walk/hike at The Vanderbilt Estate along the Hudson River. It was a beautiful 60 degrees and sunny. 4 more of the Hyde Park trails (FDR, Mills, Valkill, Norrie, ect) and we get Historic Healthy Walk patches. DB and the chillen have many-it will be my first. There is a new one each year.

I'll take an invite to pinterest and check it out. I really should totally immerse myself in school these next few weeks. Semester ends at the end of April, not May like I thought.

7 teenagers-bless you!
Bonnie - you've inspired me to get out and at least go for a walk today. Especially since I've been eating left over Pringles and M&Ms. I will gladly send you an invite for pintrest. Once I get on it I'll figure out how to do the invites.

MG - You're so right about the symptoms sometimes not being around until BFP. So many months I could have sworn I was preggo and the 1 month I didn't pay attention at all and forgot all about it I ended up with a BFP. By the way great job on the timing for both of you :thumbup:
Hi there - I added my chart to my signature but I'm not seeing my signature pop up. Is there a trick? I saved the changes.

****Nevermind - there it is. Thanks for the instructions B.
Hi there - I added my chart to my signature but I'm not seeing my signature pop up. Is there a trick? I saved the changes.

****Nevermind - there it is. Thanks for the instructions B.
Love the quote!:winkwink: sounds like you are upbeat and relaxed that is the best way. My TCM doctor said that your emotions can play a huge role in whether you get your BFP or not:wacko: I know I have my bad days but I'm really trying to stay positive. :hugs:

Bonnie- good job on the walk today. I went for a walk/ jog with dh this am but really easy. We try to do something every day:flower:
Soon you and me in the tww:hugs:
Morning ladies :)

Ok I'm soooo frustrated this morning......and really need some good positive feedback please!
Bd last night and myself and dh had good intentions to get a quickie in this morning lol tmi but I'm on a roll ladies......not that often it happens :haha:
Anyway we had to call it to an abrupt end as the kids got up and it's a school morning so it wasnt to happen :(
I still have a good strong positive opk this morning too and am sure that this is my ov day due to the mild cramping on my left side and cm!!!!
If I bd tonight do you think I'm still in with a chance??? I'm praying my fertile window is still open......trying not to completely stress over it but it's darn hard!!! Grrrr :(

Anyway on a lighter note Edward Cullen was a delight to my eyes and if nothing else I enjoyed the movie......:)

Thanks for listening to my frustration ladies......seriously if I didn't have this site to come on to and release my feelings I'd go crazy!! Thanks :)
Frustrated in more ways than one I hear! :rofl:
Laughing with you not at you fluffy dear!
Bd tonight---you should
Be fine. Can even go for the day after ov too!

Afm-OPK was neg last night. Bd last night and planned agin this afternoon as soon as I get home from work before kids arrive.
I really thought I ov yesterday but temp only budged a tiny bit? Maybe later in day-not enough progesterone yet? Idk

Feel off since last night. Very shaky almost like low blood sugar or something. Still this am too. Skipped gym. Maybe time change is starting to affect me?

Well I THINK I am now dpo1 whoo whoo

Oh and Edward....ahhhh. Were you dissapointed there was only one shirtless scene for Jacob? How about that ending!
Bonnie thank you :) you have made me laugh!!!! Yes frustrated in many many wonderful ways today lol! Is it not really really early with you now?? Do you usually be up at this time lol!!
I have a positive opk y'day too but feeling a bit more uncomfortable today so I'm more than sure today is ov day :)

Ahhh Edward....mmm mmm mmmmmmmm :) hadn't seen if since it came out in the cinema last November and it didn't disappoint.....I wish when I woke up I'd look perfect like bella lol......

Thanks bonnie for your input....I'm hopefully still in with a chance tonight then whoo hoo :)
Have a nice day :flower:
I'm up at 5 most days. 6 like today if I'm bad and skipping gym!

On my way to work now...ugh Monday's!
Awww Monday's!!! :( have a nice day at work!! Prob chat to you on here laters :) :)
Woo Hoo Bonnie and Fluffy! You ladies got some extreme sport bd'g going on!

Fluffy I think you are just fine waiting til tonight. You have those little swimmers up there already and then by waiting for tonight you can give the man a chance to build up the troops. Speaking of....he's quite a trooper with the bd schedule eh?

Bonnie - I have noticed I have to be really careful when I take the CoQ10 because it can cause a drop in blood sugars. I try to take it with a hearty meal. Sometimes waiting until lunch because my breakfast is usually too light.

We've got the 2 ww warmed up for you!!
Thanks for that on the coq10!
I did take them right before bed becuase I kept forgetting all day. I was already feeling shaky so I bet that added to it. I had an instant breakfast shake as soon as I got up which I never do and it helped. But I remember feeling that way when I woke at 5 and temped. That's why I rolled back over and skipped the gym. I usually take it between breakfast an lunch unless I remember on the drive in.

So I looked back on my charts and once I did have a small temp increase the day after ov so we shall see tomorrow. For giggles I forced ff to mark ov as cd 13 and got a high on the intercourse timing! Whoo hoo!

MG-how's it going?

Bring on the TWW!
hi ladies,

wanted to let you know that I gave in and tested this am and BFN as totally expected. I am 8dpo and I know that some get BFP at this stage so that little fact got the best of me.
I only have the wondfo tests not those other super sensitive ones - although I read that the wondfo may be really sensitive too..

I will come back to read the posts a little later.
Have a great day!

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