Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

hi ladies,

wanted to let you know that I gave in and tested this am and BFN as totally expected. I am 8dpo and I know that some get BFP at this stage so that little fact got the best of me.
I only have the wondfo tests not those other super sensitive ones - although I read that the wondfo may be really sensitive too..

I will come back to read the posts a little later.
Have a great day!

Dysan, Dysan, Dysan.....why do we do that to ourselves? I am SO guilty of testing early and then being sad for at least a few hours of the day. 8 days is so so early and according to FF only 15% of tests show a + before 9 dpo. I'm with you in the 2ww darlin' - 7 dpo for me. Wanna make a deal to not pee on anything until 12 dpo? Here's some info on when we can realistically expect a good reading

I always have to read about this after I get a negative so I hope this helps.

Baby dust to you sister. :dust::dust:
Hi Bonnie - whatever it takes right?

I was doing a little research about coq10 and saw this link. I sure hope it boosts our eggies girl!:thumbup:

What do you think?
Whatever it takes! I stepped of the elevator to go to the cafeteria for lunch and got a bit dizzy and said hmm... OMG don't even start this now! Barely DPO you nuthead!:haha:

I think that is the same study I read when I was debating the coq10.

How much ate you taking? I am taking 600/day
Hey B - Are you eating enough girl?

I am taking 600 mg daily but all in one tablet. I read a few places that it's better to take it a few times a day for better absorption...I dunno. If I have to take anything twice chances are I will forget the second time around.
I think I just got off the elevator to fast lol
And still adjusting to the time change. We had a big walk and dinner was "earlier".
I also take 600. Mine are 200mg soft gels and I looked and they do have rice bran oil. Also-I'm the same way-take it all at once as I'm lucky to remember that.
Morning ladies!
Tried to get on here last night but the site was down so I'm glad to see it back up and running today :)
How is everyone?
Dysan we are all the same when it comes to poas lol! 8 dpo is early although knowing my poas addiction I know how it feels.......I'm going to try.....emphasis on the 'TRY' not to test until 10dpo 😖yeah rite who am I kidding!!!

Well I'm officially on the dpo road now :haha: D-day 24th of the month and I'm hoping it doesn't drag 😱!!

Bonnie remember I said I was going to try the tonic, geritol.....well it arrived on Saturday morning! It was sent from the US and I got the package which smelt kinda funny and wey hey when I opened it I was nearly sick......darn bottle had been crushed in transit and the contents inside the envelope!!!! Omg it was foul the contents resembled thick gravy and the smell made me into the bin it did go! Yukkkkk lol!

Anyhows no tonic for me :) and let the 2WW commence 👐
:dust: to all you ladies
Oh right with you on the TRY to wait to 10dpo. Those sticks and the calendar taunt me!
Well I think I'm 2dpo-just waiting for ff to drop the crosshairs then i think im taking a temping break for the rest of the cycle. Let the TWW commence.

Last night was my last scheduled bd session. Was supposed to be after work-walked in and DB said let wait till later so we don't have to rush. Later I was all preeseed and even located a stray softcup and he climes in bed and said not gonna happen. Too tired myself to argue. Then he asked if there was a way to narrow down my fertile time more-sigh

If we need another cycle I'll narrow it down to days 13-15 and he can't say no at all! Haha I get them all!

Sorry about your tonic-sounds like your better off though!
Hope you can get your money back at least

Missed you all yesterday! Bnb should really warn us of these things!
Oh bonnie your db sounds a bit like me!! Tonight should finish the compulsory bd for us lol......god I make it sound like a chore lol!

Yeah it was so strange not being able to get on to the site and was happy to see everyone again :)
Good morning ladies,
I was also trying to get here yesterday but the site was done all afternoon!

Faithmum, I AM IN! It is a pact! I had all intentions of testing this am with FMU but woke up so sleepy that I forgot and went to pee. I take it as a sign that I need to stop the madness and wait more time and I think that 12 dpo is a great plan. That would be Friday for me.
It is crazy what a BFN can do to our heads. I was thinking all day of how I may not get pregnant at all and I will not be as lucky the third time around. All because I got a BFN at 8 dpo. So negative!!!!!!!!!! No more…

Fluffy welcome to the 2ww! I hope it goes fast for you. Last week was not too bad for me but this week seems never-ending.

Bonnie are you 1 dpo today or still BD?

Marathongirl how are you doing? All the other ladies?

Today I am 9dpo (well, that’s what I think at least – I don’t temp so can’t tell for sure). AF due on Sunday. No pregnancy symptoms for past 2 days for me. Nada.
The only things out of the ordinary: I still have a stuffy nose. Nothing major but enough to be bothersome and it feels more like allergy type of stuffy nose. Also, I was really moody yesterday. In the evening, hubby pointed out how moody I was (he never does even if I am moody due to AF coming). I am thinking that it has more to do with the fact that I was a bit negative about the BFN than anything else.

I am feeling positive today! Hope you ladies have a great day.
Sorry, TMI - I forgot to mentiont that I also still have soft stools.
Good morning ladies,
I was also trying to get here yesterday but the site was done all afternoon!

Faithmum, I AM IN! It is a pact! I had all intentions of testing this am with FMU but woke up so sleepy that I forgot and went to pee. I take it as a sign that I need to stop the madness and wait more time and I think that 12 dpo is a great plan. That would be Friday for me.
It is crazy what a BFN can do to our heads. I was thinking all day of how I may not get pregnant at all and I will not be as lucky the third time around. All because I got a BFN at 8 dpo. So negative!!!!!!!!!! No more…

Fluffy welcome to the 2ww! I hope it goes fast for you. Last week was not too bad for me but this week seems never-ending.

Bonnie are you 1 dpo today or still BD?

Marathongirl how are you doing? All the other ladies?

Today I am 9dpo (well, that’s what I think at least – I don’t temp so can’t tell for sure). AF due on Sunday. No pregnancy symptoms for past 2 days for me. Nada.
The only things out of the ordinary: I still have a stuffy nose. Nothing major but enough to be bothersome and it feels more like allergy type of stuffy nose. Also, I was really moody yesterday. In the evening, hubby pointed out how moody I was (he never does even if I am moody due to AF coming). I am thinking that it has more to do with the fact that I was a bit negative about the BFN than anything else.

I am feeling positive today! Hope you ladies have a great day.

I'm in the TWW. 2dpo. Gonna try to hold out to at least 10 dpo to test but I have a fresh pack of 10 sensitive tests mocking me:haha::rofl:
Stupidly already ss. Cramps this morning :dohh::dohh:

I'm feeling positive too! Hopefully we get a positive in return!
Dysan - SO happy you are in with me! I need to be held accountable otherwise I will do the same thing and test too early and then get depressed/obsessed over it. Afterall if we have our BFPs that's a gift and we will have all kinds of time to relish in that moment. If we don't though - at least we still have a few more days we can relish in the possibility. And with a false negative we lose both ways. So - here's to waiting it out. :coffee::paper:

Bonnie - I want to kick your DBs butt! Have you told him about your posse here? Actually I think you've done a great job getting all your bd'g in at the right times this month!

Fluffy - I'm with you regarding bd'ing sometimes. Some nights it takes everything I have to muster the energy. My DF is an awesome guy and great lover but it's the energy...I'm just zapped at night. :sleep:

MG - you should be in the 2ww as well....we've got it warmed up for y'all.

AFM - my DS13 was SO horrible last night and I really really lost my cool with him. I ended up swearing which I never do so I feel crappy today. He is SO defiant right now. I actually followed him in my car and made him run 2 miles in the dark last night because I figured if he had the energy to talk to me the way he did ... then we needed to do burn a little on the pavement. :grr: I'm going to look for a possible summer 'boot camp' for him since his defiance has been going on now for years and years. He's starting to get big too so - I don't know. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I've got a DS14 who couldn't be sweeter, kinder and more caring. Thanks for the venting.

Well ladies - I am feeling really positive about this month. Even if it's not for me...I know we are going to see some BFPs!!
I am also TTC #3. I have a 15 yo step-son, 10 yo bio son, and 8 yo bio son. My husband and I married in May of '11 and have been trying since then to conceive. In August of '11 I was put on Clomid 50 mg's for 6 months, with no success after the first 3 months I had my tubes checked and they were clear. DH count is 22 mill but motility is 90% and 85% were normal shaped so doctor said there is nothing standing in our way but still no luck.

I finished my last round of Clomid in February (took feb 18th thru the 23rd) and was due to ovulate feb 28th thru March 3rd. Took a preg test on March 8th and it was negative and not sure why I did because I'm sure it was to early but had calculations wrong. I am due to start my period today but not really feeling symptoms of period. My breasts are extremely tender (which happened when I was pregnant but when I have period), and I have had some bouts with severe abdominal cramping on the left side and a dull pain below my abdomen but do not want to take another test of fear that it will be negative.

I didn't have any problems conceiving with my ex-husband but I was also much younger then and per my gyn doc I was ovulating before the Clomid just wasn't regular. I just spoke with nurse at gyn doc office and she relayed to me that doc said that if I wasn't pregnant this time he would be referring me to a specialist. I'm not really sure I have an understanding of what will happen next but also not sure if insurance will cover it either and if we have to pay cash it will depend on how much $$ it will cost before I will know if I can do it.

Feeling a bit depressed and frustrated right now. I get very confused on Clomid as to when I should test because it makes my cycle a bit longer than it was before. If anyone has had a similar instance or anything they can share with me I would really appreciate it.

P.S. I love the "baby dust to you"! That is so cute! I am not great with the lingo on here but am trying to learn ;)


Welcome Jenny.
I can't speak on clomid at all. I am in my 3rd month ttc#3 and never had issues in the past...but like you say I was younger than 18 years younger! Lol. I'm the grandma of the group! (literally-my ds is almost 20 and has a 3 1/2 month old ds!)
I also haven't even been to my regular gyn yet in regards to TTC. We figured if we went 6 months without conceiving then we would worry. I'm thinking I should maybe do some basic checks sooner though-idk.

Well baby dust to you and you'll pick up on the lingo quick enough!:dust:
Welcome Haleyboysmom!

Hopefully you will get a BFP (that's lingo for big fat positive) this month girl. We've termed March the Magic March month and I'd love to see you get yours!

I can't comment on clomid but I know there are so many women with great stories to share and certainly you will find plenty similar to yours.

Are you doing ovulation predictor tests? Are you temping? Bonnie turned me onto to taking temps and it has helped me pin point when I ovulated and therefore it has helped me predict for future months. The OPKs (ovulation predictor kits) are helpful too but can make one a little crazy.

I am 45 and ttc #4. I have a set of twins (boy and girl) who just turned 13 and a son who is 14. #4 will be with my fiance who is 49 and has never had children but would LOVE one. I fell preggo while ttc last year but m/c. I took a longish break and have been trying again for the past 4 or 5 months.

I'm happy you're here and I look forward to learning more about you!

Baby dust to you :dust::dust:
Thank you for responding, it's nice sharing things with women that are going thru the same thing. Most of the people that I work with think that I'm crazy for wanting to have another baby but it's a feeling that I've not been able to get over. I never could get my tubes tied because I knew that I wanted more children just didn't know I would be this age when the opportunity presented itself :)

Baby dust to you!

Faithmum I am actually excited about waiting to test. I figured that by 12 dpo I should get a nice, loud line with an early result test…and if I don’t, I will pretty much know that I am out. Just one day of negativity and move on. Last month was nuts, I was testing daily from early on and every negative was such a downer. I will keep my hopes up until then – no negativity necessary 

Bonnie that’s awesome 2WW too! Are we all in the 2WW now?

Jenny Welcome! I hope this is your month and that you can share a BFP (Big Fat Positive) with us within the next couple of days.
Sorry about your difficulty times with your DS13. I can’t help as I only have little ones and did not have to deal with that yet, but all I can say is that I am terrified of teenage years because I was absolutely awful then ! I wish you good luck and patience! I know that he will turn around. All you can do is keep being a loving and supporting mom to him.
Hi ladies and welcome Jenny :)

Cant believe the site was down this evening aswell! I had meant to ask if most of ladies live in the US? Im hoping i have a little bit of the good old irish luck with me this month :haha:

@bonnie laughing at the " im the granda of the group" :haha::haha:

@Faithmum im glad to hear someone else agrees with me about the bd situation actually looking forward to having a break :haha:

@dysan fx'd for hoping you get your :bfp: very soon!!

Ok ladies its time for bed for me but i will check in again tomorrow.........goodnight :flower:

Baby dust to you all :dust:
hi everyone--i see we are back up and running AGAIN!

im not gonna make a long post-feeling out of it still-i think that i should back off the coq10 a bit---@faithmum---i think it is screwing with my blood sugar...

well dpo2 and I managed not to POAS!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

tty all tomorrow!

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