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Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

It looks like we have all been ttc for almost the same amount of time thus far. I am on cycle 3 so just behind all of you.

I did test today with OPK and it was negative. not sure if i posted before about the result. Although I am BD on a relaxed schedule (not daily like last cycle) I do want to test with OPK because my LP was short last month and I want to make sure that there is no issue there. I did start on B6 to increase the LP length just in case but i think it is giving me stomach ache...not sure if it is that or something else...if my stomach aches continue I will discontinue it and see if the pain stops.

I am at peace with the fact that it may take a little while to be pregnant but because of age, if after 6 month of actively TTC I dont get a positive, I will go to my doc to discuss. The best thing is that every cycle that passes, we are closer to that positive test - whenever it happens, it will be so exciting to find out we are expecting again, that's for sure! I am hoping that this time around, I can surprise DH with the news...our previous 2, we did the test together.
Greetings all! I am 35 and ttc #3, I have 2 boys ages 10 and 13, we have been trying for over a year (wow never thougth I would ever have to say that) we lost a baby last October (never thought I would have to say that either!) anyway I hope it happens for us all real soon!
Greetings all! I am 35 and ttc #3, I have 2 boys ages 10 and 13, we have been trying for over a year (wow never thougth I would ever have to say that) we lost a baby last October (never thought I would have to say that either!) anyway I hope it happens for us all real soon!

Welcome!! The ladies on this thread are amazing!!:flower: I never thought I would ever say any of those things either. Weird how life works:shrug:
Welcome mom22boys!

You will love it here and will have all kinds of encouragement. Glad you are here.
Well I've been MIA because now that my life has taken a 360 (or make that 359 since I don't want to be right back where I was) I guess I'm no longer ttc. As for the possibility of this month it's so hard to let that hope go and I have to admit that although it would be a complete miracle and crapshoot there's a strange part of me that wants to see the BFP. But then what on earth would I do??? I thought about doing the plan B but somehow after ttc for so long I just cannot go there. I'm leaving it in God's hands I suppose. My OPK was not quite a + this morning and it was a negative this afternoon. So if the one and only time we had sex was on Saturday night...not sure what that means.

I love the relaxed attitude about bd'g this month for you girls. Bonnie how's it looking with the kiddos around? You guys may have to take a LONG shower.

My fingers are X'd for all of you!
Hi everyone! I'm 35 and have 2 children ages 8 and 6. Hope it is ok to join in :)

I recently had an appointment with a urologist (passed a kidney stone...ouch!) and he made me question whether I should actually want to conceive again or not. He just happened to ask me whether we closed the baby factory, and I'm not quite sure how that question turned up but it did. When I told him the ages of my children, he said I should maybe really think about that and reconsider. That I'm finished with the baby things, and to go back there would be hard. Now I'm wondering if that was a sign :haha: and if I should really reconsider!

Good luck to you all! :dust:
Welcome ladies! Happy to have you here.

OMG stargazer I can't believe that a doctor would say such a thing! hahahaha...just ignore it, he probably had a bad experience with little ones. If you and your DH want to have another one that's all that matters. I also have 2 but a lttle younger

How long have you been TTC?

So, update, as for me, I am on cycle 3, ttc#3. first two cycles we tried hard ...this month I am so relaxed about it...trying not to schedule BD. With that said, we have a "healthy" sex life so we have been active. I am due to O any day now...i thought it would be today but i dont think so b/c my EWCM did not increase like it usually does (just yet). My LP seems to be rather short these days (10 days) but hard to tell because I dont temp so I dont know when in fact I O and if I do. I am going by my +OPK tests and assuming that I dont O before the +OPK.

I think that I am CD 14 today. Usually I am 29-30 days but last cycle unusually short at 27 days.
Welcome ladies! Happy to have you here.

OMG stargazer I can't believe that a doctor would say such a thing! hahahaha...just ignore it, he probably had a bad experience with little ones. If you and your DH want to have another one that's all that matters. I also have 2 but a lttle younger

How long have you been TTC?

So, update, as for me, I am on cycle 3, ttc#3. first two cycles we tried hard ...this month I am so relaxed about it...trying not to schedule BD. With that said, we have a "healthy" sex life so we have been active. I am due to O any day now...i thought it would be today but i dont think so b/c my EWCM did not increase like it usually does (just yet). My LP seems to be rather short these days (10 days) but hard to tell because I dont temp so I dont know when in fact I O and if I do. I am going by my +OPK tests and assuming that I dont O before the +OPK.

I think that I am CD 14 today. Usually I am 29-30 days but last cycle unusually short at 27 days.

My dh said to ignore it too. :)
This will be my 14th cycle, after a chemical. We've really only been actively ttc about 6 months. Before that it was more of ntnp (but hoping for a bfp on my part!).
Good Luck to you!!
Hi ladies!
FM-so nice to see you again. I've missed you. I am still trying to get on the fb thing but I need Bonnie to help!! She's amazing with all that stuff!! Hang in there I know you are strong.

Star- welcome and baby dust to you!! We will all get our BFP's one of these days. Unfortunately it's not happening as fast as we all would like. I have been trying for 10 months in total but had a MMC at 12 weeks in Nov. We are on cycle 4 as well with 2 chemicals along the way as well.

Dysan- glad you are more relaxed and that you are still "active" I'm sure that is a better way and I will try to do the same this cycle. Dh and I also are very regular so it shouldn't be a problem!
Bonnie- where are you???
Hi everyone
sorry i have been mia....needed a bit of a break today

welcome stargazer! don't listen to that stupid doctor! he has no impact on your life except to get rid of the flipping stone!

welcome mom! wow-the things we never thought we would say (or share :rofl)

my story in a nutshell-39 with 2 kids 17 & 19 and a 4 month old grandaughter (yes i joke im the gramdma of the group!) DB has 3 ages 14, 10 & 8. on cycle 4 for our first together. more details in my journal if you are bored-lol

MG-what do you need from me to find you? or you to find me? or someone?

faithmum-hang in there...cae sara sara...what ever will be will be. (i know i spelled it wrong) my current mantra! i have no idea what will happen next week. cd12 is thursday. i had hoped for 12-15 with 15 being least important.......we havent talked much about it. db is in a mood-i think he is getting cabin fever being home. :rofl: darn it needs to warm up again!

dyson-fx'd you catch the eggie---im jealous----in another mega dry spell! hahah

fluufy-how are you???
bonnie, your take on spelling "que sera sera' is very cute...

Just here to give a quick update, my OPK today negative again. CD 14.

No BD for today! We need the rest.

Good night ladies!
I didn't have time to google the correct spelling at the time!

Yeah duh...your wouldn't know I took Spanish 101 (and passed) a couple of summers ago! :rofl:
I have pretty much resigned to the fact that my brain is not geared for a foreign language! As much as I would like to learn Spanish-especially in the healthcare field.

Enjoy your break while you can!
Bonnie there is no need for looking up on google. You have your spanish spell checker right here...i am native spanish speaker :) Although quite honestly, I dont use it THAT frequently these days so my spelling is taking a turn for the worst. I speak mostly English with my parents and siblings and my children. Hubby does not do Spanish so English with him too...i fear that I will lose my Spanish at some point. haha.
Ok so I forgot to update the important stuff. I noticed lots of EWCM this AM after my exercise class. Howeer OPK is - this AM (although dark and closer to control line - but mine get way darker than control line eventually). Will try it again in the evening. I think that my surge in a long one and perhaps predictable - my OPK (test line) gradually gets darker, then super dark for 2+ days and then lighter again until it almost dissapears.
That's what mine does. Fade in then back out. I only have 2 opks left-not sure in I'm going to bother. Maybe just a couple of spot checks. I think af is finally fully gone so I can begin the watch for ewcm. I still don't know what will happen with the kids around. I don't have high hopes for this month for some reason. Maybe it's all the other stuff I am dealing with-hopefully I will get a wonderful surprise! And if I don't maybe I won't be as crushed as this past month :shrug:
Oh girls - I just logged on and am so so sorry!!! I thought for certain one of us would be in. Big gigantic hugs:hugs::hugs:

Well my day has been HORRIBLE. You know my fiance? The one I was going to marry? The one with whom I'm trying to have his baby? The one we have already gotten a marriage certificate - all we need to do is send it in to validate it?? Well I found out today that he's had my email account on his phone and reads every single thing that I send out or that I receive. He has my phone account on his phone and monitors my calls and finally; wait for it....he put a tracker on my car and has been tracking where I drive!! Ok here is one more wait for it and it has made me cry ALL day long - he has been on match.com and has lined up dozens of women to meet telling them he wants to take them on a date to Paris or Rome. Telling them they have the most beautiful eyes (the same thing he tells me!), I am crushed beneath it all girls. Keep me in your thoughts please.

It's been a while since I have popped in on this thread and I must say, I am dumbfounded--flabbergasted at what your fiance has done to you. I hope you are staying strong and making it through this horrible situation. I've heard of jealous boyfriends/husbands but putting a tracker on your car?!? That is downright insane! Lots and lots of HUGS to you.
Hi Ladies:

New to the site. I am 36 about to be 37yo in 2 weeks :happydance:. I have a 13yo boy who is AMAZING!

I surprisingly became pregnant last January 2011. I was diagnosed with a missed miscarriage in April 2011 and had a D&C. The baby only measured at 6w1d at 12 weeks. I was devastated. I always wanted to have more children but hubby did not. When this happened he changed his mind and we have been actively ttc since May of last year with no luck whatsoever.

I've done the clomid thing and the homeopathic/natural thing - finally went to a RE last Friday. I have to go back on cd3 next month to get the blood and ultrasound workup. He wanted me to go for an HSG but it would cost me $500 so we can just forget that! The rest of the stuff is covered by insurance - THANK GOD!

Anyway, that's my storey[/COLOR][/FONT]
Welcome fayben! :wave:
WElcome Fayben:flower:

Casper_ Hope your IUI works out this month:thumbup: Fx'd for you!

Bonnie- good to see you back. I've missed you. I don't know anything about fb so I guess it won't happen? I will just pm Faithmum if I need to talk to her.
Don't stress about next week. You will get your BFP and this is just a test for you for all of us for that matter You are young and your cycles are regular you have nothing that will prevent it's just the whole timing thing. I swear the more I read about conceiving the more I'm amazed that anyone ever gets preggo let alone has a baby:shrug: However so saying that you have had 2 and your body knows what to do it's just taking a little longer:hugs::hugs: I'm definitely not as stressed this month and will just see what happens. I know we will end up bd'ing at least 3 times around o so.....

Dysan- I had no idea that you spoke Spanish. I do as well but it's not my first language. I lived in California for 4 years and both of my kids were born there even though I am Canadian. I love it there and learned to speak Spanish because I worked in a restaurant for 2 years with people who didn't speak any English! Fx'd for you this month:hugs:
Just wanted to stop on here and say hello. I couldnt remember if i had or not so I didnt want to repeat my week if I had lol. And im laying in bed watching Fringe so Im not good enough to watch, think, and read back to find out right this sec :-(! But I hope everyone is having a great evening!
Just wanted to stop on here and say hello. I couldnt remember if i had or not so I didnt want to repeat my week if I had lol. And im laying in bed watching Fringe so Im not good enough to watch, think, and read back to find out right this sec :-(! But I hope everyone is having a great evening!

hi :wave:
Fringe is one of those shows you cant miss a sec in or you are lost-if you aren't already. i dont follow it anymore because i missed too much!

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