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Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

Thanks mg :) yeah surprising im very laid back this time, fx'd that april is all our months :)

Lol @ bonnie......yeah i can just imagine you one 1dpo......the crazy lady slowly emerges lol :)
i think that low key is understatement...for me to get a positive OPK on and not BD is crazy! We did BD the first day of positive OPK though, not the second.... So, we BD 3 times close to my "window"...not too much, really, but all it takes is 1 time, the right time, correct?

Hoping for the best but I can't be dissapointed if i get another BFN this cycle. Last month, was a blow in some way...we BD EVERY FREAKING DAY so I knew for sure that we BD before, during and after O and not getting pregnant under those circumstances was tough.

I exercised today and I feel great at the moment looking forward to 3dpo tomorrow :)

p.s.: I love the attitude ladies! relaxing is key in this TTC effort so maybe it will make a difference!
i think that low key is understatement...for me to get a positive OPK on and not BD is crazy! We did BD the first day of positive OPK though, not the second.... So, we BD 3 times close to my "window"...not too much, really, but all it takes is 1 time, the right time, correct?

Hoping for the best but I can't be dissapointed if i get another BFN this cycle. Last month, was a blow in some way...we BD EVERY FREAKING DAY so I knew for sure that we BD before, during and after O and not getting pregnant under those circumstances was tough.

I exercised today and I feel great at the moment looking forward to 3dpo tomorrow :)

p.s.: I love the attitude ladies! relaxing is key in this TTC effort so maybe it will make a difference!
It's hard for me to relax but I'm doing my best:wacko: Looking forward to you testing already. Now watch we will all get our BFP's this month without even trying:happydance:
ok had to login and confess...i just ate a HUGE piece of cake. Waited for DH until he went to bed, and sneaked into the kitchen and ate it. Not sure why I waited for DH to go to sleep. Probably because I did not want to share it.
The problem lies in that I did not throw it away. I had friends over for dinner yesterday and they brought this amazing cake for dessert. There was a bit left and yes, I ate it and it was huge. There goes my gym effort of today...
Don't feel guilty.....I do that all the time, not when I'm in bed though but when the kids are about......I hide the goodies and then at night I'll treat myself :)

I was very similar to you last cycle too, we bd every single night and still nothing! I had read that bd every night wasn't good as it takes 48 hrs for sperm count to regenerate so that's why we're trying every other night! Last time it was too much for my hubby and he actually said he was tired of knowing that we had to bd......and insisted he liked the element of surprise lol!
Have to admit myself it was getting to the stage where I was getting tired of it too! This is why I'm in relaxed mode this cycle lol, I don't expect any bfp at the end of this one either! Not too bothered which surprises me :)
Currently on cd10 and to be honest bd and opk are far from my mind.....looking forward to getting some time off work for Easter :).......and loads of Easter eggs lol!
Good morning (at least over here)! YAY 3dpo today.

I woke up to mildly sore breasts. Other than that, nothing. Still too early, even for sore breasts so i always assume that I make it up in my head.

Have a good day! Anybody else in the TWW?
Good morning for most of us...good afternoon fluffy!
Oh Dysan-yummy cake! what kind was it?

DSS made a huge pan of brownies yesterday but they are overcooked and cake like so I won't eat much lol. I had a mouthful and DB teased and said what is that and I mumbled nothing :rofl:

So last night I misinterpreted DB asking me if I had homework (I said no) as to mean let go upstairs while the kids are busy :shrug: gotta give me a better hint than that dude! So then I was shot down at bedtime damn!

Well cd10. Just went to the loo (love that lingo) and have the start of ewcm. :happydance: still sticking to the same schedule. DB is the opposite of yours fluffy. Mega planner and wants to know and gets cranky when plans change :rofl: so roll on thurs-fri-sat-sun. I did start temping today-just until I confirm ov

Oh and I got some wonderful news-my best friends fiancé is going to be a surrogate and the embryo tranfer took!
Good morning for most of us...good afternoon fluffy!
Oh Dysan-yummy cake! what kind was it?

DSS made a huge pan of brownies yesterday but they are overcooked and cake like so I won't eat much lol. I had a mouthful and DB teased and said what is that and I mumbled nothing :rofl:

So last night I misinterpreted DB asking me if I had homework (I said no) as to mean let go upstairs while the kids are busy :shrug: gotta give me a better hint than that dude! So then I was shot down at bedtime damn!

Well cd10. Just went to the loo (love that lingo) and have the start of ewcm. :happydance: still sticking to the same schedule. DB is the opposite of yours fluffy. Mega planner and wants to know and gets cranky when plans change :rofl: so roll on thurs-fri-sat-sun. I did start temping today-just until I confirm ov

Oh and I got some wonderful news-my best friends fiancé is going to be a surrogate and the embryo tranfer took!

Mmmm! That cake sounded good! I would do the same. I am more into chips than I am cake so I have my stash that I eat when no one is looking!! Every once in a while my kids catch me(Busted) and I just tell them that Mommy needs treats once in a while too:wacko:

Oh Bonnie- no worries you are just entering your fertile period anyways. You are good to go and just think db has those swimmers all "saved up":winkwink: Dh is pretty good all around I have to say. I told him this week was "a good week" and just left it to him. WE will see eh? I will start opk tomorrow as I missed today. I'm not too worried as I never get a pos before cd12 wich is tomorrow.

Yay on the embryo transfer!! That is such great news
Hey everyone:)

This has to be one of the longest threads on b&b lol.....600+ posts lol.......anyone looking at this thread will wonder whats the story!!

Update for me (really not that exiting lol) im cd10.......should really be testing opk today but hey i cant be bothered haaaa!! Really im guessing ov is near approaching judging by cm so id say the next few days, think that this will be 26 day cycle.... Just have a feeling as i think ov is a few days earlier than last! Yeah i do believe im "in tune" with this body of mine lol!

Seriously though im not going to know for sure if or when im dpo ill just have to go by the way im feeling! I will laugh out loud if this works out for me this month:). This is bd night for me and im knackered lol......great start eh!!:haha:

Just dropping in to say hi and goodnight from me.......will drop by tomorrow :)

Hey everyone:)

This has to be one of the longest threads on b&b lol.....600+ posts lol.......anyone looking at this thread will wonder whats the story!!

Update for me (really not that exiting lol) im cd10.......should really be testing opk today but hey i cant be bothered haaaa!! Really im guessing ov is near approaching judging by cm so id say the next few days, think that this will be 26 day cycle.... Just have a feeling as i think ov is a few days earlier than last! Yeah i do believe im "in tune" with this body of mine lol!

Seriously though im not going to know for sure if or when im dpo ill just have to go by the way im feeling! I will laugh out loud if this works out for me this month:). This is bd night for me and im knackered lol......great start eh!!:haha:

Just dropping in to say hi and goodnight from me.......will drop by tomorrow :)


Hello where is everyone today??
I'm in the same boat as you Fluffy. I didn't opk yesterday on cd11 and I think I missed my surge judging that I had O pains this am and my opk today was barely a line. Usually leading up to surge it gets gradually darker so we will see what happens??
Hey everyone:)

This has to be one of the longest threads on b&b lol.....600+ posts lol.......anyone looking at this thread will wonder whats the story!!

Update for me (really not that exiting lol) im cd10.......should really be testing opk today but hey i cant be bothered haaaa!! Really im guessing ov is near approaching judging by cm so id say the next few days, think that this will be 26 day cycle.... Just have a feeling as i think ov is a few days earlier than last! Yeah i do believe im "in tune" with this body of mine lol!

Seriously though im not going to know for sure if or when im dpo ill just have to go by the way im feeling! I will laugh out loud if this works out for me this month:). This is bd night for me and im knackered lol......great start eh!!:haha:

Just dropping in to say hi and goodnight from me.......will drop by tomorrow :)


Hello where is everyone today??
I'm in the same boat as you Fluffy. I didn't opk yesterday on cd11 and I think I missed my surge judging that I had O pains this am and my opk today was barely a line. Usually leading up to surge it gets gradually darker so we will see what happens??

Don't stress. It's a bit early still. Could be starting to fade in
Hello ladies,

i have been MIA because it has been beautful weatherwise over here...so i was out and about all day with the kids.

I have no symptoms today so nothing to report...just waiting it out. 4dpo today...once I reach 5dpo I start thinking more about testing because I know that implantation generally happens between 5-10 dpo ...so i start looking for a sign! But until today, I have been quite relaxed. We'll see what happens tomorrow and next few days.

How are you all doing?
Hello ladies,

i have been MIA because it has been beautful weatherwise over here...so i was out and about all day with the kids.

I have no symptoms today so nothing to report...just waiting it out. 4dpo today...once I reach 5dpo I start thinking more about testing because I know that implantation generally happens between 5-10 dpo ...so i start looking for a sign! But until today, I have been quite relaxed. We'll see what happens tomorrow and next few days.

How are you all doing?

gorgeous here today neighbor!
huge walk in the mountains today-took the day off from work
feet are killing me now-lol
cd11-fun starts tomorrow

try not to go crazy in the tww!
Hey everyone:)

This has to be one of the longest threads on b&b lol.....600+ posts lol.......anyone looking at this thread will wonder whats the story!!

Update for me (really not that exiting lol) im cd10.......should really be testing opk today but hey i cant be bothered haaaa!! Really im guessing ov is near approaching judging by cm so id say the next few days, think that this will be 26 day cycle.... Just have a feeling as i think ov is a few days earlier than last! Yeah i do believe im "in tune" with this body of mine lol!

Seriously though im not going to know for sure if or when im dpo ill just have to go by the way im feeling! I will laugh out loud if this works out for me this month:). This is bd night for me and im knackered lol......great start eh!!:haha:

Just dropping in to say hi and goodnight from me.......will drop by tomorrow :)


Hello where is everyone today??
I'm in the same boat as you Fluffy. I didn't opk yesterday on cd11 and I think I missed my surge judging that I had O pains this am and my opk today was barely a line. Usually leading up to surge it gets gradually darker so we will see what happens??

Don't stress. It's a bit early still. Could be starting to fade in

The thing is that it is NEVER that faint at cd12. It is usually "almost"pos so no worries we will get busy tonight and tomorrow:winkwink:
Glad you had a nice walk/hike.
WE are actually having some sun today as well:flower:
Well I knew this was going to happen.
DB is starting to be difficult about bd tonight with the kids around.
I made suggestions...he said he is "less than thrilled"

So I replied "shall I bring out the turkey baster"?

He replied that he was "not in the mood for jokes" and entering "cranky phase" (which he did warn be about last week) and would talk to me later.

If he only knew I was serious! Well softcup not turkey baster :rofl:
I wonder how he would react if I gave him a softcup and said get to it?
This month may be a bust :cry:

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