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Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

my dh downloaded ALL of them a few months ago for me, now im hooked!
Welcome Fayben!

Casper I hope it works out for you this time around! Baby dust!

MG - my family is in california (San Diego). I grew up everywhere but Calfornia is home base for my family now. I came to study to the east coast, married husband (his family are immigrants but he grew up here) and stayed here. I go to CA all the time though...love it there! I consider myself bilingual but came to USA as a teenager so I do have a slight accent when I speak English.

As for me, see photo below.

Mine fade in and out so I expected to see this in the AM. Test taken at 10.30am today. I would say that now it is equal to the control line and I expect it to be darker than control line by afternoon/evening and stay positive through tomorrow then fade out Monday. I am not sure which day will be O day (if today or tomorrow) but, for experts here is my question:

I HAD DISTINCT PAIN on my left side last night around 11pm that lasted for about 1 minute and there was no confusion as to whether it was real or not...CLEARLY REAL (distict twinges but nothing like AF twinges). I am thinking that this was O pain. Do you know if O pain happens while you are literally Oing or does it happen before? Also, just for reference, I had plenty of EWCM yesterday and also this AM TONS of it. Based on my past cycles, i would consider yesterday and today my peak days of EWCM and I will be surprised if I see it tomorrow. However, a positive OPK today would most likely indicate that I will O tomorrow, correct? Can O pains happens 2 days before O?

Also, we BD yesterday night before I felt the O pains. Dont have any plans in terms of BD today, if it happens it happens...but I would like to get opinions in terms of day of O based on the above to see the length of my LP this cycle. I know that without temping it is hard to tell...but I need to work with what I have now...so, any clue? In my opinion, based on all of the above, O day is today...but this goes contrary to the OPK results...no?


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It could be that you ov today. I have ov the same day as my first pos OPK one month and other after. You can see on my charts. also my ewcm either stops day of o or the day after so if you are having lots of ewcm I would still bd if you can!

AFM-DB mood has picked up. I think he is excited for this week coming with the kids here. Had a great morning (hehe) and he is on board to figure out next week when it counts. :happydance:

I did not win the mega millions lotto. I was hoping not to go to work monday! :rofl:
Woke up to snow and here I sit waiting for my cat as I am having the snow tires taken off for the season :haha: then I'm heading to the gym since I won't be able to get a good walk in with the weather.
Bonnie I played mega millions too and did not win either.

Thanks for the advice. I actually think that O day is also today there are simply too many signs of it not to be the day so I will count 1dpo tomorrow. Happy that we got some BD yesterday (we did not the day before) and hopefully we get some fun today too as I dont think that any will be useful tomorrow. DH has no clue about all this O stuff. I will plan to get some take out, glass of red wine and movie after kids go to bed...and see if we can have a date night in today. I am actually in the mood also so clearly O day. hahaha
go get him girl!

out work pool was 34 games. we won $5 divided by 16! :rofl:
i also had 5 of my own but they were a bust
i am glad it was more than one winning ticket though

im having a really good day-spent "time" with DB this am, then snow tires off and a good work out at the gym. then snuggles on the couch with netflix. now i must do some homework. enjoying the calm before the storm of this coming week! :haha: The kids invade monday for an entire week-the longest we will have had them at one time since we have been together on top of o time-but DB is on board so we will figure it out i am sure
Bonnie i dont know how we will keep our sex life active when our kids get older. hahaha...right now they are so little they really dont get up and they are both in bed quite early so that's not an issue at the moment. Never got caught yet! I figured that we'll need to move to another place and have our bedroom in a separate wing :)
that is our problem. our bedrooms are all right on top of each other. the girls are behind us and the boy is directly across a very short hallway. in almost a year we have only bd 1x (pre-TTC) when the kids were there and then we snuck down to the basement :rofl: I have said if we ever do move we need a master BR further away!
Hey ladies & hiya to all the new ladies :)

My goodness ive not been on for a day or 2 and theres loads to catch up on!
My stats so far......cd8 and plan this month is very relaxed......have 3 opk left so may decide to use them once ive noticed ov symptoms :)
Just taking it easy this cycle, dont ask me why......we'll see how it goes :)

Hi ladies- missed all of you yesterday. I was driving in my car all day. This is my life with 2 kids that are crazy about sports. My Ds had 2 hockey practices and a lacrosse practice yesterday. Dd only had 1 dance class but I swear I am a taxi driver and am going broke from all the gas I am burning!
Bonnie- so glad that db is on board. It just takes them a while sometimes but they usually "get it". Luckily dh and I are quite separate from the kids so we have no problems when the kids are here. We are always quite regular(basically every 2nd day) almost so we will see what happens in the next few days?

Dysan- glad that you are almost in the tww!! Looking forward to being there with you soon
Yes he gets it this month. Last month he also asked me to narrow down the window if we needed next time. So in the past 3 cycles I have ov on 13-14-16. So I gave him a window of 12-15. 4 days. Should cover it nicely. That's whynim not worried about OPK and stuff. Just going on the day count this time.

Mg-if you got my pm the issue resolved itself this am thankfully!:happydance:
It's great when kids are busy and involved. Gives us alot more to manage but we love it.
Hi ladies,

wanted to log in to post my daily report.

Got a really dark positive OPK yesterday in the evening. We BD last night. Got a positive OPK this am at 9am and then a negative tonight. Decreased EWCM today. I think that today is 1dpo.

No BD today, we are just so tired from the day and I promised not to push it this cycle. I do feel that we BD enough (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday). Definitely a big difference from last cycle when we BD 5 days in a row during before and after O plus the every other day the week after AF.

Obviously at 1 dpo no symptoms to post - the only strange thing is that I have this huge pimple on my chin that appeared today. I randomly get pimples 1 day before AF or so...but never this early...so who knows. It may be something, it may be nothing.

Happy to be in my tww again. Have a good night.
Wow your TWW came up quick.
I guess I'll be saying the same next weekend!

Ok. Need to finish getting ready for work. Too tired this am and skipped the gym

The chillins will be here in a couple of hours. Let the madness begin! The poor dog doesn't know what going to hit her! An entire week of the girls :rofl:
2dpo today. Hoping the week to fly by and start testing at 8 dpo (Sunday). I have an 11day LP, i think, so that's only 3 days before AF...

Bonnie good luck with all the kids today.

Where is everyone else?
hi im 35 and jusst had my boy and trying for nos 2,,, must be mad lol !!! am actually wondering if im pregnant have bleeding gums and am eating like a horse test says negative but feel a little dizzy at times just like last time, thing is im also having a "mini " period , any th oughts?
Thank you stargazer!

poppy it is hard to say. When was your son born? Are you breasfeeding?

After having my babies, my periods where not regular right away after they resumed and I did not have a period for long time (I was breastfeeding) so the "mini period" could be anything depending on the other details :) My take is that perhaps it is your body trying to go back to its normal rythm.

Sorry I can't be more help but a little more info would help.
Hiya everyone :)

Dysan can't believe you're in the 2ww! That's went fast! I'm cd 8 and have decided to wing it this month! Feeling very lazy this month lol! Will prob opk on sat/sun as this is when ov due but that's the only testing I shall be doing! Really girls at this stage I'm not expecting to get pregnant, don't know why I'm feeling like this but probably as this is cycle 4 and have had no joy yet!
Just decided to bd every other day from cd10 as last month was so demanding and tiring bd every night, it was more like a chore and both of us were tired trying lol!
This months decision was actually my dh idea, so we will try it this way to see how things go!
A few days ago I actually forgot about ttc if it happens it happens......I sure wish it didn't take so long :)

Anyways I hope everyone is well and :dust: to everyone :)
It's funny fluffy. I'm in the same boat. Forget what cycle day I am ect. We are going to bd days 12-15. Honestly ill be suprised if we get them all in. :haha: Might OPK. I have two sticks. Might temp for a week. Ehh whatever. :shrug:
Watch-I'll turn into a crazy person :wacko: come the TWW! :rofl:
MG- faithmum asked me to tell you she says hi. It's too hard for her to come on bnb now.

Im Hoping we can get you hooked up soon! Us geeks can figure this out! Lol
It's funny fluffy. I'm in the same boat. Forget what cycle day I am ect. We are going to bd days 12-15. Honestly ill be suprised if we get them all in. :haha: Might OPK. I have two sticks. Might temp for a week. Ehh whatever. :shrug:
Watch-I'll turn into a crazy person :wacko: come the TWW! :rofl:
I like the laid back attitude:flower: I hope all goes well with the chillins this week. That sounds like a huge change for you guys! I hope you get your days in but even of you only get 2 and they are the perfect time you can still get your BFP!!! I know it's going to happen for all of us soon:hugs:

Dysan-Congrats on being in the tww!! Fx'd for you:hugs: Sounds like you managed to keep things low key like you wanted.

Fluffy- you too girl sounds like you are bd'ing enough. Every second day is plenty for sure so......

AFM- cd10 and thinking I will opk starting tomorrow. I usually only do 3 days as I have been o'ing on cd13 the last 2 cycles:hugs:. As for bd we are pretty much EOD. I feel a bit like you all do, it will happen when it happens:hugs::hugs:

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